Billionaire’s Quarry: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Boxed Set) (106 page)

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‘Okay, just needed to hear it from the horse’s mouth.’

‘Fair enough. Look, let’s work together here – get what you can out of Sarah about the other letters and ask if anything else has happened that we should know about. I investigate here, go to the house, make sure it’s secure.’

Isaac offered his hand to Finn. ‘Deal. Sorry for asking…you know.’

‘I do. Look, man, take care of her. She could do with someone to look after her – although, don’t tell her I said that, she’ll kill me.’

Finn grinned and Isaac laughed. ‘Our secret, I promise.’




He opened the door to his apartment and stood aside to let her in. She’d changed into a pale blue
, brushed out her hair and was now looking brighter than earlier. She smiled at him.

‘I’m almost afraid to look – will there be gold taps and animal print bed sheets?’

Isaac pretended to look affronted. ‘But of course – and carpet on the ceiling.’


He was glad she seemed more like herself. ‘Come on in then, your palace awaits.’

He was more nervous than he would admit. He wanted her to like his place, to approve of his taste. In the short
they had known each other, she had become more, much more to him than just someone with whom he enjoyed amazing chemistry and had
mind-blowing sex. She had become his friend, his
, his buddy. It was a new sensation for him to
someone get this

Sarah walked
the living room. ‘Huh. I kind of expected a minimalist nightmare but this is…kinda like my place.’

Isaac grinned. It
like her place, a place of enjoyment, of comfort, bookshelves stuffed to full, an admittedly top range music system, huge,
couches. Sarah turned to smile at him, nodding to the huge flat screen.

‘Boys with their toys, of course.’

‘Of course. Look, why don’t we order a pizza, stay in tonight?’

She sighed. ‘That sounds heavenly. Have you got a big tub?’

Isaac grinned. ‘Oh yes, enough room for two. Plenty room for splashing too.’

Sarah grinned. ‘You know what?’ She caught the spaghetti strap of her dress between her fingers and pulled it slowly down her shoulder, followed by the other.

Isaac grinned. ‘Wait…’ He sat down in one of the couches and got comfortable. Sarah laughed as he gestured grandly. ‘Continue.’

She stood in front of him, stripping slowly, enjoying his obvious admiration. ‘You like what you see?’

‘God, yes. Unclasp your bra, beautiful, let me see those spectacular tits.’

Sarah grinned at him. ‘If I’d have known you like the dirty talk…’ She eased her dress down, letting it fall to the floor and unhook her bra, freeing her full breasts. Isaac sighed happily.

‘Christ, have you any idea how beautiful you are?’

Sarah smiled, a scarlet blush coloring her cheeks. ‘As long as you think so.’ Naked except for her panties, she straddled him, bending her head to kiss him. Isaac spanned her waist with his big hands, cupped her breasts in his hands. He grinned up at her.

‘I am going to fuck you senseless tonight, Miss Bailey.’

‘Damn straight.’

He took a nipple into his mouth as she unzipped his pants, reaching and freeing his cock from his underwear. She stroked the length of it, her hands moving gently at first then as it swelled and hardened under her touch, she began to pull gently, urging it to thicken until it stood ramrod straight. She pulled open his shirt, revealing the smooth chest and hard pecs. In one swift movement, Isaac flipped her onto the floor and she smiled up at him as he tore the rest of his clothes off, and tugged down her panties. He kissed her mouth and moved down her body; kissing the hollow of her throat, the valley between her breasts as his fingers caressed her clit then slid inside her, pressing hard, making her wet and slick. Sarah ground her hips against his hand as she pressed her lips against his skin.

‘Tell me what you want to do, Isaac,’ she whispered in his ear as his long fingers spread her labia gently and the crest of hic cock nudged tantalizingly at the entrance of her sex. Isaac groaned.

‘I want to fill your sweet little cunt with my cock, make you scream, make you never want to leave my bed.’ With one hard thrust, he sank deep inside her and she moaned so beautifully he nearly came right away. They moved together, mouths hungry, hands gripping each other’s, fingers digging into skin fiercely, bruising and clawing. They fucked hard and long, driving each other into a pitch of screaming frenzy. Isaac gave a long moan as he came, his cock spasming as he shot into her, burying his seed deep inside of her. Sarah tightened her legs around him, her arms twined around his neck, whispering his name over and over.

Breathless, he gazed into her deep brown eyes. ‘Sarah…my Sarah…’

She smiled up at him, her eyes soft. ‘I love it when you say my name like that…’

Isaac traced her bottom lip with the tip of his finger. ‘I love
, Sarah Bailey.’

She grinned delightedly. ‘And I love you, Isaac
and just so you know, I
want to leave your bed.’

‘Glad to hear it.’ He pulled her in the crook of his arm, his leg hitching over hers, curled around her. ‘Let’s not move from here for a while.’


For a few minutes, they lay in silence, listening to their breathing, skin-on-skin. Sarah tilted her head up to him. ‘Thank you. For making this day better. You make everything better.’

Isaac was touched. ‘That’s nice to hear. Sarah, I only want you to be happy and safe. Whoever is doing this to you, we have to find out who it is. For now…can I ask you to stay with me while Finn checks it out?’

but nodded. ‘I hate to be run out of my own home.’

‘I know. And you’re probably right, it’s probably a spiteful, jealous person looking for
cheap thrills
but just to be safe, okay?’

Sarah nodded but stayed silent. He studied her expression. ‘You really think it’s Finn’s wife?’

Sarah rubbed a hand over her eyes. ‘I don’t know. We have never gotten along, not since we were kids.’

‘Still…why would she do something so spiteful?’

‘Because that’s who Caroline is. Can we talk about something else now?’

He kissed her forehead. ‘You got it, beautiful.’


Later, in his bed, with Sarah asleep in his arms, Isaac lay awake, his mind whirling. It wasn’t the notes or the poisoning of Sarah’s dog that had him worried. It was what his private detective had found out. Or rather, what he hadn’t.

‘I’ve found marriage records, five years ago to Sarah Hannah Li but before that nothing. Literally nothing. No employment records, no medical records, no birth certificate – at least nothing legal. Nothing. Guy’s a ghost.’

Isaac had been unsettled by the detective’s incredulous tone. It
, he told him, possible to disappear into the vastness of the US, but usually there was some trace, some footprint. Whoever he was or had been, Daniel Bailey was not who he told his wife he was.

Sarah stirred in his arms. He smiled as she muttered something inaudible and snuggled deeper into his arms. He had no regrets, no doubts about telling her loved her. It was more than true; he’d known for weeks, hell, had known almost from the beginning. He loved her easy manner, her wicked sense of humor, her intelligence and warmth. He loved the way she would shove her glasses up her nose when she was reading, or she would laugh at the stupidest jokes – the sillier the better. He loved that she loved her food and didn’t pick at a garden salad like so many of his vapid ex-girlfriends. He loved the fact her butt jiggled when she washed her hair in the shower and that she didn’t care.

Sarah opened her eyes as if aware of his scrutiny and smiled sleepily at him. ‘

In reply, he moved his body over hers, his erection already growing and she hitched her legs around his waist.

‘I like sleepy sex,’ she said and he chuckled, sliding into her gently and moving slowly. Her mouth sought his and their tongues met and caressed as they made love, tenderly, taking their time, savoring the connection. She was still slick from his come, a thought that made him feel good. He wanted her to carry part of him always.

After they’d come, he spent a long time just touching her, stroking his hand over the curves of her, the full breasts with their dark red nipples, her belly which curved out slightly and was soft rather than hard muscles like his own. Her skin was like silk to him.

Sarah stroked her finger down his face. ‘Isaac?’

‘Promise me something.’


‘Promise me you’ll never stop touching me like that.’

Isaac smiled, his sculpted features softening. ‘I promise you unconditionally.’

He gathered her to him and they made love long into the night.




Molly rolled over onto her stomach and looked at the clock. Ten of four in the morning. She groaned softly and dropped her face into the pillow. Looking up, she saw her husband Mike was deeply asleep, occasional snores rumbling through his chest. Molly smiled and kissed him gently, contemplating waking him. Deciding to let him sleep, she pushed the blanket away and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She regretted the action as the fierce cold of the early morning hit her. She pulled her robe around her and padded into the little kitchen. Dumping a spoonful of hot chocolate into a mug, she waited for the kettle to boil. Outside the window, she could see rain running in rivers down Main Street. When the kettle whistled she poured the hot water into the cup and took her drink into the living room. Her tabby cat Pigeon opened one eye and contemplated her as she perched next to him on the window seat. She scratched the top of his head, smiling at the meow he mouthed silently. His eye closed and he was immediately asleep again.

Molly could feel a headache buzzing around her skull and pressed her hot forehead against the cool window. The first ferry to the city left at four and already she saw the odd commuter head blearily down to the harbor. A light went on across the street at Finn’s place. She watched as her brother walked to his car, got in and drove past the Varsity, heading for the west coast road. She frowned. Weird. Was he working? Molly rubbed her head, trying to ignore the idea that popped into her head. He was going to Sarah’s house. But why in the middle of the night? Molly quelled the sudden panic then remembered Sarah was in the city with Isaac. The cool window had eased her headache a little and she shivered, chilled now. As she was about to step away from the window when a movement opposite caught her eye. Outside the Varsity, a figure stood staring into the darkness of the empty coffee house. Molly watched, frowning, as the man – she was sure it was a man from his outline – stayed there for a while then as he turned away, the streetlight illuminated his face briefly and Molly gasped.

His face was a
of anger, of hatred, of purest vitriol and Molly recoiled from the window at the sight of his twisted, contorted face. But it wasn’t the waves of evil that came from the man that shocked her to the core. It was because she knew the face. Knew the man.

It was Daniel Bailey.



Sarah sighed as the hot bath water soothed her aching limbs. Despite all her feminist sensibilities, she had to admit she could get used to this. The tub was three times the size of her own tub at home – come to think of it, the entire apartment was bigger than her home. Home, she thought guiltily. She had to admit she hadn’t missed being there at all these last few days. Molly had assured her that they were
, that the coffee house was running fine but still, Sarah knew that in
a day
or two, her bubble would burst and she’d have to go back.

‘You don’t have to,’ Isaac said
when they were at dinner. ‘You can have anything you want, stay here, live with me. Start over if you want.’

Sarah smiled. ‘You are sweet but no. As much as I love you, I don’t want to be a kept woman.’

Isaac shrugged, grinning good-naturedly. ‘I knew you’d say that but the offer is there. I
like to talk about where we go from here. I know it’s fast.’

Sarah considered. ‘It
a little fast but neither of us is a teenager, w know the risk and rewards of a relationship. We can talk about it, certainly.’

‘Moving in together?’

She nodded. ‘Talking about is
the first
step. But not tonight, tonight I just want to have fun. There’s a wonderful covers band who play up at the Paramount on Thursday nights, I wondered if you would…’

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