Billionaire's Lies: A Novel (14 page)

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"He has this fashion thing coming up, and he wants us to get him a suit."


"He's a designer, why doesn't he just make his own suit?" I asked, frowning as I rummaged through my paperwork.


"Si!" She screamed and then babbled a bunch of other things in Spanish. "I just can't deal. He said it was last minute and that he wanted to wear a suit that nobody has ever seen or some crap like that. Just bullshit after bullshit. Does he think that we are his maids or people to do his bidding?"


"I blame myself. I told him that if he was going to an event that we would help him because how he looked was part of his brand." Vanessa shot me a look before we both started giggling. "I was talking out of my ass, okay? Look, I'll go get him some choices. My friend Marco works at a designer suit place and I'll have him pull some options."


"Make sure to take some pictures and send them to him."


"I'll ask my friend to take some pictures and send them to me and on the ride there I'll send them to our client. And that way by the time I get there, I'll either have found the suit or, at least, I'll be halfway done."




"Teamwork." We exchanged high fives.



The whole cab ride over consisted of me saying the following:

"Yes, sir, that is Gucci. Uh huh, Armani. Yes, sir. No, sir." And so on.


Vanessa wasn't lying about this client being finicky and picky. Even though I sent him countless pictures of designer suits, none of them were what he had in mind. But what makes things even worse was he didn't have a clue what he even wanted. He just planned on knowing it when he saw it.
God, I could use a cocktail.

I ran right into the store and took a picture of all the options they pulled. Finally, after over thirty pictures, he found the one.


I waited until they got it all in his size with the accessories to match so he'd need minimal tailoring.


As I waited by the register, I saw movement in the corner of my eye. Something about the way they were walking looked very familiar. I squinted to get a better look and immediately gasped as they approached the store. The door swung shut as Blake entered, and I did my best to duck and hide to avoid his line of vision.

"Hello. I'm here for my three o'clock tailoring." His rich voice rumbled through the small boutique as he spoke to the attendant.


Just the sound of his voice had my pulse racing, it felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I had such conflicting feelings of wanting to run up to him and hug him (as inappropriate as it would be) and to run far, far away. Client be damned.


"Right this way, Mr. Slate," the attendant responded.


I looked around and saw that there were three changing rooms. I hid in one and pulled the curtain behind me quickly. Through the little slit, I could see him waiting for the person to bring him his tux. They crowded around him telling him things. I sent Marco a text message stating that I stepped out and would be back in 30 minutes to pick up the suit. I just needed Blake to do what he had to do and leave. Then I could go. There was no need for both of us to bump into each other.

I sat down on the bench and studied my nails. Every now and then I would peek out and see that Blake was almost finished with the measurements of the suit. I tapped my foot impatiently while trying to be as quiet as I can when a change in movement caught the corner of my eye. I glanced up and my jaw dropped as I watched Blake unbutton his dress shirt in favor for the newly tailored shirt. Heat waves immediately rushed to my sex, and I couldn't stop the pulsating no matter how much I clenched my thighs together. Flashbacks ran through my mind of how amazing he was able to make me feel, and briefly, I forgot about how much he had hurt me.
I can indulge a little
, I thought, not wanting to take my eyes off him.


I couldn't help my salivation as his rippling abs came into view.
Just need a closer look
, my mind purred, and I couldn't say I disagreed. This would probably be the last time I'd see his delicious body, after all. I leaned in to get a closer up look, going as close to the slit of the curtain as I could without getting caught. Or so I thought. Within moments, I had lost my balance and practically flew out of my seat to Blake's Italian leather shoes.


"Are you alright, Miss?" His voice was all concern, and I panicked.


Do I hang my head down and run out of here before he recognizes me? Or do I admit I'd been watching him?
Before I could decide, his strong hand gripped me by the bicep and was helping me up.


"Christina?" Blake's concern had turned into confusion as I looked up at him guiltily. "What are you doing here?" he whispered.


"I'm, uh," I stumbled over my words as I glanced around, looking for my friend.


"Never mind that. Have lunch with me," he crooned.


I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from him. I spotted Marco talking to another customer, the suit I needed in his hand.


"I should go," I breathed.


"Christine," he started. "Look at me."


I turned to face him after blinking back tears. I was feeling a flurry of emotions, and he was still standing there topless looking completely edible and I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't want to think at all.


"I really need to talk to you. You haven't been returning my calls or messages, and Vanessa keeps turning me away at your work."


"You came to my work?" I blurted.


"Yes. There's a lot I need to tell you, and I don't want to lose you over it."


It took all of my concentration, but I still wasn't able to fully focus on what he was saying. Just being this near him was intoxicating.


"Come with me," I purred, a deviousness coating my entire being.


"Come with you?" he asked calmly with a hint of amusement.


I was already trying to gracefully back into the dressing room. I took his index finger in my hand and tugged gently, trying to lead him to me.


He followed me with all the confidence of a panther, and a ripple of excitement rushed through me.
Yes, yes,
I thought, wanting to feel him one last time before he was lost to me forever.


As soon as Blake entered the dressing room with me, I pulled the heavy velvety curtain shut. A desperation had taken over me that I couldn't explain. I knew it was wrong, and a small part of me hated myself for even wanting to do this, but I couldn't help myself. My arms looped around his neck and pulled him to me. I stood on my tip-toes to be able to reach his lips and kissed him softly.


Blake's muscular arms looped around my curvy waist and hugged me to him. My heart was pounding so hard, I was certain he could feel it through my blouse. He intensified the kiss, spreading my lips with his tongue and devouring me. I felt warm and giddy all over, with a small hint of sadness, as much as I tried to push that part of me aside.
Just enjoy this moment, Christina. Enjoy it, and then be done with him.


And that's exactly what I did. I was lost in him, in his kisses. Completely consumed by Blake Slate, the sexiest, wittiest and most caring billionaire I would ever have the pleasure of meeting.
Caring? Really?
a small voice in my head said, but I ignored it. I'd have the rest of my life to curse Blake for shattering my heart.


After a few moments, Blake gently pushed me away, his eyes full of concern. "Christina, are you okay?" he asked softly, his hand coming up to cup my face. He gently brushed at my cheeks with his thumb, and they turned up wet.


"Yeah," I sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I brushed the rest of my tears away and straightened myself up. "I should go. Good luck with everything, Blake. I mean it."


I darted out of the dressing room, barely slipping out of his grasp. He tried to follow me, but he was still without a shirt and couldn't follow me out of the store.


"Christina, have lunch with me. We need to talk. Please." It hurt because Blake wasn't the type to say 'please.' Ever. But I had to stay strong.


"Christina, what about the suit?" Marco called to me as he, too, tried to follow me out the store.


"To hell with the suit," I managed to say before the store swung shut behind me.


I couldn't fall apart. Not yet. And there was only one person that I could think of right now who would help keep me together.

Chapter 18






Later that week, I invited Adam over. It wouldn't be the first time he was at my home
but I was nervous. Adam and I weren't really an item yet
but I felt guilty for kissing Blake. Vanessa said that I needed to get Blake out of my system, except for the little fact that I didn't know how. I wasn't up late reading as many articles on the wedding anymore, so that was progress at least. But it still didn't stop me from thinking about Blake, and I knew that Adam coming over wasn't going to stop my thoughts either.


"So, what are we doing?" he asked as he plopped down on my couch. "Action movie or..." he paused and sighed dramatically. "Chick flick?"


"Well, I can see that in your heart, you really want to watch that new action movie. So, since you
a guest in my home, I've decided that the romantic comedy is the right choice." He grabbed his chest faking pain, and I laughed.


"Ouch. Ouch." He smiled. "It doesn't matter." He patted the seat next to him. "I'm only here for the company."


I chuckled and sat right next to him.

The movie was pretty good, but I was mostly battling my thoughts and feelings. I could see Adam staring at me every so often, and I felt guilty because all I was doing was thinking about Blake and wondering what our kiss meant.

"Come here, you, " Adam said. I hadn't even realized that his hand was on the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. I shifted awkwardly and I almost grimaced.
Just do it fast,
I thought,
like a band-aid!
When our lips touched, I awaited that spark. I closed my eyes thinking that it would bring it sooner, but sadly nothing came.


The kiss was hardly even a peck before I stood up abruptly. "I forgot to bring the snacks snacks." I was about to leave for the kitchen, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down as he stood up himself.


"Don't worry, I've got it. All the snacks are up in the pantry, right?" he asked, but he was already in the kitchen.

I watched him move around and was in awe at how quickly he'd become in tune with my needs.
What is wrong with me? Why am I so hellbent on wanting someone I know I can't have?
Here is this great guy that never hesitates to tell me how he feels and I'm waiting for somebody's fiance to come and get me. It wasn't fair to me, and it wasn't fair to Adam.


Adam returned and sat back down next to me on the couch, equipped with a bowl of popcorn and a much smaller bowl of M&Ms. He smiled at me hopefully, and I returned it with a weak smile of my own.


"Look, Adam..." I started.


"Don't worry. I already know," he responded.


"You do?" I asked, surprised.


Adam nodded. "Something isn't right."


"Like something is missing?"


"Yes." He nodded again.


"So, you've felt it too?" I sighed. "It was stupid of me to think that it could only be felt on one side."


"Just slightly. I like you, but..."


"It's not enough," I finished. "You're one of a kind. You know that?" I nudged his shoulder. "Most men would have just tried to have sex with me and then disappeared off the face of the Earth."


"I'm not like most men. I told you the night I met you that I was looking for a wife. I meant that."


"In the spirit of honesty, I have a confession to make." I looked him in the eye. "I'm not completely over my ex."


"The billionaire?" he asked. "But he's getting married at the end of the month. It's weeks away from today," he finished, as if that would eliminate my feelings for Blake once and for all.


"I know. I just need to find a way to get over him."


"Was I supposed to help with that?"


"At first, you were. Then I discovered how great you are, but-"


"You can't help who you love." He patted my knee and made his way over to the coat rack.

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