Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle) (58 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
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silence lasted the rest of the meal. I couldn’t take it anymore, so once I was
done eating I got up to excuse myself.

think I’ll head up to bed,” I said. “I need to get up early to pack
my apartment for storage and get ready for Paris.”

Stewart asked.

yes, I won the design competition at Hargrove’s. Not only that, but I’m showing
my collection at Fashion Week in Paris!”

I’m surprised Will didn’t tell me.”

my fault, with everything going on I completely forgot to tell him. And Will, I
would’ve never been able to win without your helping me with the fabrics.”

did it all on your own, Deborah,” Will said. “It was your designs and
skill that won, I did nothing.”

couldn’t have created my samples without you. You have no idea how broke I am
right now.” I felt embarrassed admitting it, no matter how true it was.
“Anyway I have a lot to do in the next couple of days. Thank you for
everything. Good night!”

left them and tried to figure out my way back upstairs to my bedroom, but got
lost. Turning back I entered what I thought was the dining room so I could
retrace my steps, but entered a library instead.

room was dark with mahogany floor-to-ceiling built in bookcases and a desk the
size of my car at the end of the room. On the desk was an old push button
telephone and a calendar from twenty-five years ago. The desk hadn’t been used
in all that time.

the desk was a large oil portrait of a small family—father, mother and
son—all with dark brown hair and impeccably dressed standing in front of a
Christmas tree with piles of gifts all around.

were an attractive family and I knew they had to be related to Will somehow so
I got closer to the painting. With genuine looking smiles on their faces, it
was obvious this was a happy family. And the boy, with his hazel eyes with
green flecks was undeniably Will.

knew you’d get lost,” Will said frightening me.

should’ve asked for directions, but honestly they probably wouldn’t have
helped,” I said laughing. “Are these your parents?”

nodded. “Yes, that was taken shortly before…” His voice trailed

wanted to ask him how it happened, but by the quick flash of green in his eyes
and how his face suddenly hardened, I knew I wouldn’t get an answer. Instead I
wrapped my arms around him. He held me tight, as if everything depended on that
hug, and then kissed the top of my head as he exhaled.

I’ll take you to your room. I want to talk to you privately anyway,” he

is it?” I asked once we entered my room.

walked over to one of the chairs and patted the top of it. “Please,
sit,” he said then opened the french doors, letting in a warm breeze and
the sweet scents of roses and honeysuckle.

I do something? Is something wrong?”

Its just… You said you were going to put your things into storage. I’d really
like you to consider keeping them here. Even if after you return from Paris you
decide to get another apartment, I’ll feel better knowing your things are here.
Where its safe.”

is it with all this safety? Is someone after you?”

don’t know. Its been like this most of my life. There have been threats,
incidents. Its why I’ve always closed myself off to everyone. Until now.”
He walked back over to me and sat on the edge of the seat in front of me and
took my hands. “The world is a bad place, Deborah. But you can always be
safe here.”

wanted to say I didn’t understand. I needed to know why between him and Stewart
they always seemed to be concerned about safety. But I could see in his eyes
that he was telling me the truth and trusted me. Learning to trust someone was
hard for me too, and here Will let me into his life in a way he never had with
anyone else. I had no place to question him.

know I’m safe with you, Will. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

forward, he kissed my lips and any reservations I had slipped away. I wrapped
my arms around his shoulders and he picked me up and carried me to the bed.

I hadn’t been with a man in a long time, I never forgot that feeling of
nervousness. Worrying if my body looked ok, or if he would think what I covered
up with clothes was too big for him undressed. It didn’t matter what size I
was, I was always insecure about myself naked.

he set me down on the bed, my heart fluttered in anticipation. His fingers slid
into my hair as he kissed me again. This time lingering before dipping his
tongue into my mouth. The warmth of his mouth on mine spread through my body.
When his lips left mine I couldn’t wait to find out where they’d go next.

well, Deborah,” he said before kissing my forehead.

closed my eyes expecting his lips to move further down, but heard the sound of
his footsteps leaving my room instead. Sitting up I stared at his back as he
left my room.

got to be kidding me,” I said. “This has to be a joke.”

wasn’t. I must have sat there for fifteen minutes waiting for him to come back.
At first I tried a sexy pose for him to find me in, but I felt ridiculous. Then
I thought I’d try the Sleeping Beauty approach. I laid down with my eyes closed
pretending to be asleep for when he returned. He never did. And I think I
really did fall asleep for a few minutes.

up in the bed I couldn’t believe my luck. I knew he was just being a gentleman,
but couldn’t he do that tomorrow? As I got out of bed I figured maybe it was
for the best. I did have to get up early and I had a lot to do.

that! This was Mr. Sexy we’re talking about. The man who almost whipped it out
in the middle of a department store. I didn’t know when I’d get to see him again.
And I wanted him. Now. I didn’t go through the trouble of buying lingerie and
shaving for nothing.

my bag, I dumped everything onto the bed figuring that was the quickest way to
find the babydoll I bought. I quickly undressed, slipped it on and tied bows at
my hips for the panty, then looked at myself in the mirror.
Hmm, not bad.
The sheer panel on the top made it look like my breasts were exposed except for
the well placed embroidery over my nipples. It was a nice touch. Plus, with my
habit of showing off the girls, it seemed fitting.

to get my man.
the door to my bedroom, I peeked down the hall and realized I had no idea where
Will could be. Roaming the mansion half naked wasn’t high on my list especially
after getting lost once already. I needed to think.

I leaned against the door, my eyes were drawn to the balcony. Could I be that
lucky? I stepped out onto the balcony and looked at the surrounding balconies.
Nothing. Just then I heard the click of a glass onto a table. Underneath me was
a flagstone patio. Stretching over the balcony enough I was able to see Will’s
legs crossed with an ankle on his knee.

my fingers through my hair one last time, I entered the hall and padded
barefoot back along the carpeted hallway to the staircase. Crossing my arms
over my chest, in case I ran into Stewart, I went down to the first level and
found a similar hall to the one with the bedrooms, only with marble flooring
instead of carpeting. Guessing which of the doors to open based on where my
bedroom was, I stepped inside a room.

room was a total man cave. All the furniture was dark and large but didn’t
close off the room completely since the back wall was made entirely of glass.
Will sat on a wide upholstered outdoor chair, his back towards me. A small
table was beside him with the empty glass I heard before. Summoning all of my
courage, I leaned against the doorway with my best come hither look.

know, you never let me finish measuring your inseam. I was just about to
demonstrate that special technique.”

turned around with a confused expression that quickly disappeared. Slowly his
eyes traveled down my body, then back up again.

it’s my turn to be surprised,” he said. “And what a nice surprise it

left me hanging.”

was being a gentleman. It’s bad enough I told you you were spending the night.
I didn’t want you feel like—”

I might get lucky?”

laughed and I carefully walked on the flagstone over to him. The sun had almost
completed its descent into the valley, casting the last of its orange glow
against the glass wall of the house. Seeing my reflection in the glass, I
thought of our date at The Breezes.

been doing a lot of thinking,” I said as I stood in front of him.
“And I’ve realized you’re just a tease. There’s that time at the store,
then at the restaurant you threatened to rip my dress off but didn’t, and now

know you’re teasing but you have no idea how many times I’ve thought about how
sexy you’d look naked,” he said, his voice husky as he moved to the edge
of his seat. “I can see I was right.”

pulled me towards him, his hands hot through the thin fabric of my lingerie.
After kissing my chin softly, his lips moved to my neck where he sucked and
kissed as my core throbbed.

to the side of his long outstretched legs, I couldn’t help but think about how
badly I wanted to see what was hidden in his pants. I reached for the front of
his pants, my fingers sliding over the material feeling his hardened member

made quick work opening his pants, exposing his blue striped boxers. Feeling
like a kid at Christmas, I bit my lip as I unwrapped his large member. Will’s
fingers wrapped around the black straps of my babydoll.

not yet,” I said as my fingers moved over his stiff manhood.

leaned back into the chair as I wrapped my hand around him and slowly stroked
up and over his meaty head, a little wet with pre-cum. Needing to taste him I
lowered my mouth and ran my tongue along his shaft, repeating the journey my
hand had been on.

I reached his head, I flicked my tongue over the opening, tasting a salty sweet
drop before sliding him into my mouth. Will groaned and dug his fingers into my
fleshy hips. Finding the bows that tied my panties on, he pulled at them both and
let my panties drop to the ground.

over, with my legs spread and no panties on I felt naked, but in control. I
slowly lowered my mouth further down him, his cock filling my mouth as I felt
his hand follow the curve of my ass down as his thick fingers neared my slick

slid him out of my mouth again and looked up at Will as I teased his head with
my tongue. His fingertips slid over my wetness then between my lower lips. I
had a hard time focusing on what I was doing when two of his fingers grazed my
clit, causing me to jump slightly.

couldn’t help it. Between how long it had been for me and being there with my
Mr. Sexy, my body tingled and throbbed with heightened sensitivity. Unable to
hold myself back any longer I straddled him, placing my knees on either side of
his hips.

me his crooked, mischievous smile, he slipped his hands under the babydoll and
caressed my hips as I positioned myself over his rod. As I pressed his tip to
my entrance, I had to control myself. I wanted to feel him inside me so badly.

as I slowly lowered myself onto his thick cock, my core began throbbing
intensely, pulsing up my spine. Will wrapped his hands around my hips.

moved slowly at first. Enjoying the first tastes of each other’s bodies. I
leaned down to kiss him and our tongues hungrily explored each other’s mouths
as his hands took over the pace of my hips.

faster, his fingers digging pleasurably into my skin, I ripped open his shirt.
As I pushed his shirt down past his strong shoulders, I kissed the muscle that
flexed as his hands pulled my body onto him.

my body a little, his member began stroking my g-spot, sending shivers up my
spine. As I let out a soft moan, Will slowed down letting the throbbing
sensation in my core build.

kissed along my shoulders then used his teeth to pull down the delicate straps
of my babydoll, revealing my breasts. His warm tongue passed over my nipples,
drawing circles, before he blew cold air onto them. The combination of him and
the cooling night air made them even harder. I sighed with pleasure as he
relieved them by sucking slowly.

body trembled as the pressure in me reached its climax. Gasping for
breath, I clutched tightly onto Will as my hips thrusted onto him a couple more
times before I let go and felt goosebumps run up my back and into my hair.

my body tremble and tighten around him, Will let out a growl before erupting
inside me. With my body spent, he slid my hips back and forth as he came. I
felt so sensitive there, but it felt so good I didn’t want him to stop. Biting
his shoulder, I waited for the tingling sensation to slow before I collapsed
against him, both of us out of breath.

BOOK: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set (9 Book Bundle)
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