Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) (5 page)

Read Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance) Online

Authors: Cordelia Baxter

Tags: #bbw romance, #bbw erotic romance, #plus size romance, #alpha male romance, #bbw sex, #billionaire romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Billionaire Matchmaker: Complete Series (Contemporary Romance)
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Jake’s tongue was unrelenting as I bucked under him. My
hands pulled at his hair and I cried out his name urging him on. I had never
felt such pleasure before. All the past men I’d done this with never made me
feel as good. Jake definitely knew what he was doing. He flicked the tip of his
tongue against my sensitive clit before trailing the flat of his tongue down my
slick wet folds in a long and slow sweeping motion. He took his time, and his
strokes were confident and so sensual.

“Mmm,” he moaned against me, “you taste so good.”

I pushed his head against me harder as I felt my orgasm
coming. My skin felt flush and I closed my eyes thrusting against his tongue as
I reached for that perfect ecstasy.

“Oh Oh Oh I’m going to come!” I shouted, my body tense and
tightly wound. Jake beat his tongue against my clit lapping at it while he
slipped one long finger into me. I came hard, screaming his name as my body
exploded in ecstasy. I clenched my muscles around his finger rocking my hips,
riding out the wave of pleasure he had brought me. My breathing came in short
ragged breaths as I began to relax again. I opened my eyes and looked down at
Jake with heavy lidded eyes.

“That was amazing,” I gasped.

He looked up at me and licked his lips. “It’s not over yet.”

Suddenly he was up and on top of me. He placed his hands
under my knees as he spread my legs apart. Jake reached over to the side table
and pulled out the draw to take out a condom. Rolling the latex sheath over his
member, he slowly slid into me. I gasped as I felt his girth filling me
completely. It felt so good; I clenched my muscles around him squeezing tight.

“Oh God,” he moaned. “You’re full of surprises.”

He started a slow sensual rhythm, rocking his hips and
taking his time drawing back and sliding in. He was building up the tension in
me again. Soon he picked up the pace, a small band of perspiration forming on
his brow. He wore a look of concentration on his face. I loved looking at him
making love to me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me
as I arched my hips up to meet his thrusts. My body tensed as I felt that
familiar sensation and I closed my eyes in concentration again, reaching for
the peak.

He must have sensed my climax coming because he quickened
his pace even more, burying himself into me in long hard thrusts. My hands were
on Jake's shoulders and I squeezed so hard as my body shook with the force of
my orgasm, I must have left marks on his skin. I cried out his name as I was
carried away on a wave or pleasure, my body feeling weightless as the stars
exploded behind my eyes.

Jake came a moment later, his thrusts reaching a fever pitch
until he jerked his hips and slammed into me arching his back. He released a
loud guttural grunt and closed his eyes as I felt him pulse in me. When his
breathing was normal, he opened his eyes and looked down at me as a slow smile
spread across his face.

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“I’m wondering when we can do that again,” he answered.

“Now please,” I replied.

He laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he rolled
me over on the bed. “You’re insatiable and I love it.”

Chapter Eight

ate again?” Allison asked, quirking a thinly penciled
eyebrow at me as I walked into the office.

I tried to ignore her, but couldn't help the smug smile that
crossed my lips. Jake and I had been seeing each other for the past few weeks,
and by “seeing,” I meant having sex. I had just come from Jake’s apartment that
morning, which was the reason for my lateness, but I wasn’t about to let
Allison know that. I knew I’d catch hell from her for it if she found out.
Though she looked like a tattooed Betty Page, she was actually quite a prude.
Besides, it felt nice to have a naughty little secret all my own to keep. It
made my time with Jake seem that much more exciting and forbidden.

The sex itself was amazing. It was so wild and passionate,
just thinking about it could make me break out into a sweat. Now that I’d been
with Jake, I truly knew what a good lover was. All my past experiences now felt
woefully lacking. He worshipped my body like no other man had done, and knew
all the right moves to bring me to ecstasy.

I knew Jake felt the same way I did about the sex. You can
just tell when a man is really into you and Jake was definitely into me. There
was no way for him to fake that kind of enthusiasm. He was insatiable and it
became harder and harder for me to leave him in the morning.

Even though he made it clear to me in the beginning this was
just going to be no-strings-attached sex, I couldn’t help growing to care for
him. Deeper feelings I was even afraid to admit to myself were beginning to

There was no way I would ever let him know; it would
probably drive him away. Jake Powers was not a man who wanted to settle
down...yet anyways. I knew that better than anyone. I had to remind myself that
it didn’t do me any good wishing for something more or pining away for him. I
just had to enjoy what we had here and now, which was amazing, mind blowing
sex. That was all he was offering.

“Care to spill the beans?” Allison asked.

“Huh? Excuse me?” I mumbled, distracted.

“I know you’ve got a secret you’re dying to let out. You
might as well tell me now,” she said, looking at me keenly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you don’t. Is that why you’ve been late almost every
morning these past few weeks? And why you’re wearing the same outfit you wore
yesterday?” she asked.

I looked down and noticed that I was wearing the same grey business
suit from yesterday. Damn. I’ve got to be more careful. It was so hard getting
up and out of Jake’s bed this morning, I didn’t have time to go home and change
before coming to work.

“I have lots of grey suits,” I said sheepishly.

“And they all have the same mustard stain on the right
sleeve, like the one you wore yesterday?” she asked.

“I don’t see a mustard stain,” I lied, covering up my right

“Uh huh. Sure,” she said dragging out the word.

“Did I get any messages this morning?” I ask trying to
change the subject.

“Yeah, I left them on your desk right there.” She pointed to
the stack of notes next to my phone. “Also, there’s a package that came for

“So early? Doesn’t the UPS guy usually come in the

“This one was specially delivered,” she answered. She handed
me a small brown box. It felt light to the touch, and didn’t make a sound when
I shook it. The outside was plain, with no return address.

“Did it come with a card or anything?” I asked.

“Nope, the delivery guy just left that box.”

“Hmm,” I murmured, placing the box on my desk. I reached for
the stack of messages Allison had put near my phone and began thumbing through

“Well aren’t you going to open it?” Allison asked. I knew
she was dying to find out what was in the box, just like I was, but I didn’t
want to open it in front of her. I had a feeling it was from Jake, and didn’t
want Allison bombarding me with questions.

“I’ll open it later. Can you get me the list of girls you
put together for Jameson?” I said to get her out of my office.

“Ugh! I’ll let you have your secrets for now,” she huffed,
“But you know you’re going to tell me eventually. “

I waited until Allison had closed the door before I reached
for the brown box. What could it possibly be? I wondered. I never expected any
gifts from him, and up until now he’d never given me any. I frowned, thinking
about it. I didn’t like the idea of Jake buying me extravagant gifts just
because I was sleeping with him. It felt dirty, and cheapened what we had.
Breathing in a sigh, I reached for my letter opener and slit the tape off and
unwrapped the box. Inside was a folded letter and a credit card.

Get yourself something nice for this evening. I’ll have a
car waiting for you outside your apartment at 7pm.


I frowned down at the note. I wasn’t comfortable with Jake
leaving me his credit card like I was one of his bought women. I made a good
living and could pay for my own things. On the other hand, the second part of
the note got me excited, and several scenarios ran through my head. Was he
taking me out on a date? Where were we going? Why did I need to dress up?

In all the time we’d been together, we’d never gone outside
of his apartment. It’d always been strictly sex. This was something entirely
new. I was tempted to call him and get some answers, but knew it would just
annoy him to be bothered at work. He was probably in some meeting anyway, I

I took the credit card out of the box and held it between my
fingertips. A black American Express card. I’d never held one of these cards in
my hands before; you had to have a net worth of $20 million just to be eligible
for one. I flipped the card over, debating with myself what to do with it.
After a brief hesitation, I opened the top drawer of my desk and dropped the
card in there. It was tempting to just go on a shopping spree, but I knew I
couldn’t use his money. I was my own woman, and I didn’t want to owe him or
anyone anything. Besides, I already had the perfect dress sitting at home that
I knew would be perfect for the evening.

Chapter Nine

couldn’t concentrate on work or anything the rest of the
day. Allison was giving me funny looks every time she passed my office. She
probably thought I was losing my mind. Hell, I might have thought that too. I’d
never gotten so anxious over a date before, which was ironic considering what I
did for a living. Hell, I didn’t even know if this was a date to begin with.
The note Jake left me was so short and cryptic. When I finally broke down and
called him to clarify, his secretary told me he was in a meeting, as I
suspected. I was left to sit and stew for the whole day.

When the clock struck 5pm, I let out a grateful sigh. In two
hours, I’d finally have the answers to the mystery. In the meantime, I had to
get myself dolled up for tonight.

When I got home, I headed straight to my closet and pulled
out the royal blue dress that had been sitting there for years. I found the
dress at a vintage shop years ago and fell in love with it at first sight. It
had a sweetheart neckline with ruching down the front. The cap sleeves featured
sparkly crystal accents. The back of the dress was cut in a deep vee that
reached just past the shoulders.

Once I tried on the dress in the store, I knew I had to have
it. The dress fit me like a glove. It hugged my curves in all the right places
and made me feel like a million bucks. Even though the price was a little
steep, it wasn’t often that clothes could make me feel like that. I bought it
without hesitation. In the three years I’ve had the dress, there hadn’t been
any occasion special enough to wear it, until tonight.

I laid the dress carefully on my bed and headed to the
bathroom to shower and get ready for the night. It had been so long since I’d
gotten dolled up for an evening out; my stomach was full of butterflies. I was
about to pour myself a drink to calm my nerves when I was startled by my buzzer
going off. “Thank goodness I got ready early,” I mumbled to myself as I grabbed
my wrap and purse.

“I’ll be right down,” I said into the intercom.

“No need, you can just buzz me up.”

“Huh? Who is this?”

“It’s me, Jude.”

Oh shit.

“What are you doing here, Jude?”

“You said I could stay with you, remember?” he answered.

“Oh, right, I forgot that was tonight.”

“Can you let me in?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, sure.” I pressed the button to unlock the front
door and buzzed him in. How could I have forgotten I agreed to let him stay
with me? An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. I knew that Jake and I
weren’t officially dating. We weren’t even unofficially dating. Still, I didn’t
think he’d like the idea of an ex-boyfriend staying with me for any extended
period of time. I wasn’t very comfortable with the idea myself. I knew Jake
valued his privacy and I didn’t need Jude asking any questions.

There was a tapping on my front door that brought me out of
my thoughts. I opened the door to find Jude standing there with a large duffle
bag and two rolling suitcases.

“Chloe!” he said looking me up and down, an appreciative
gleam in his eye. “You look ravishing. You didn’t have to get dressed up to see

“I didn’t,” I answered a bit harsher than I intended. I
stepped aside and let him into my apartment. “I didn’t know you had so much
stuff with you,” I added.

“Well, Jules kicked me out of our place and told me to take
all my stuff. I had nowhere else to put it and you did say I could stay with
you,” he replied.

“Yeah yeah,” I cut in. “Listen Jude, my plans have changed.
I can only let you stay here for a week.”

“What? Why?” he asked petulantly.

“I can’t explain. You just need to be out at the end of the
week,” I answered.

“Aw come on Chloe,” he begged. “I really need your help. I
promise I’ll stay out of your hair. You won’t even know I’m here.” He dropped
his duffle bag on the floor, and walked toward me. “I’m sure there’s something
we can work out,” he said as he traced his fingertips against my face and
tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ears. I swatted his hand away and
stepped back.

“I’m sorry Jude. The best I can do is a week, and you’re
lucky I even let you stay that long.”

“But you promised,” he whined.

“Things have changed. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you stay
indefinitely. It’s time you grew up and started taking responsibility for your
own life.”

Jude’s expression changed in an instant at my words. His
face was distorted by an angry sneer. “Who are you to be judging me? What?
You’ve got a hot date now and think you can get up on your high horse and look
down on me? Don’t think you’re anything special. You know they’re just using
you. You’ll be tossed to the curb in no time, and you’ll come begging me to
wipe away your tears,” he spat out bitterly.

“How dare you talk to me like that!” I replied, my voice
dangerously low. “You should pick up your bags and go.”

“Whoa wait a minute Chloe,” he said, holding his hands up in
surrender. “You know I didn’t mean it. It’s just seeing you dressed like this
looking so good...I don’t know what came over me. I guess I got a little

I looked at him skeptically.

“You know me,” he pleaded. “You know I’d never hurt you. I
just got desperate, but I’ll do whatever you say. I’ll have my things out in
one week, if you’ll still let me stay.” He looked at me with his big brown
eyes, and my heart softened. Jude was hard to hate and always had a way of
weaseling himself back in.

“Fine,” I mumbled. “You can only stay for a week. Here’s an
extra copy of my key.” I placed the key on the coffee table as the buzzer rang.

“I’ve got to go now. Make yourself at home,” I added as I
gathered my things and made my way out the door.

“What time will you be back tonight?” he asked.

“Don’t wait up for me.”

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