Billionaire A BWWM Pregnancy Romance 8: My Billionaire Baby Wish (2 page)

Read Billionaire A BWWM Pregnancy Romance 8: My Billionaire Baby Wish Online

Authors: J A Fielding,Bwwm Romance Dot Com

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

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really had not thought this through,” Julie said as she blew on
her fingers.

Meg said as she grabbed some towels before pouring some juice into
Julie’s glass. Meg then looked around the room and sighed. “I
guess we are just going to sit here, right?” she asked. Julie
took a long deep breath and let her eyes wander. The whole
house…well, most of it was covered in moving boxes. Everywhere
she looked was a moving box. There were boxes stacked up lining the
walls and most of the floor was occupied. There was almost no room to

sounds like a brilliant idea,” Julie pointed out as she pulled
a stool at the bar.

looked around again and reached for a sandwich.

we ever going to start unpacking these boxes?” Meg asked. Julie
looked at her and tried to hide the fact that she had a smile
threatening to get out.

love the fact that you just said ‘we’,” she said.

it,” Meg cursed under her breath before she took a big generous
bite. “I’m guessing it’s too late to change my
mind, right?” she asked in between bites.

smiled and nodded.

honey, that ship sailed long before you even thought to speak,”
she said just as the doorbell rang. “Great. More stuff,”
she countered. So far, Julie was having the longest day and apart
from the high point that was Meg’s visit, she wanted to die.
She was moving her stuff into Steven’s house after a lengthy
discussion. Initially, she had wanted Steven to move in to her condo.
It was all about giving up her space. Granted, she spent a whole lot
of her time at Steven’s place but this time it was different.
It was for life. She knew this was part of the package of the
marriage deal. And there was also the little fact that they both
wanted a family later on in life and given this fact, Steven’s
much bigger and roomier house looked like the more sensible choice.

is all ma’am…uh…Mrs. Davenport,” Aurelio,
one of the movers said, quickly correcting himself. Julie had, time
and again, told him not to call her ma’am but it always seemed
to roll off his tongue.

looked at him and smiled.

Aurelio,” she said as she signed the phone on his clipboard.
“Wait, I need to give you a tip,” she said as she went
back into the house. She looked around the messy living room for any
sign of her purse but she couldn’t even hear herself think
thanks to the messy living room. She then grabbed Meg’s bag and
pulled a fifty from her wallet.

What do you think you are doing?” Meg called when she saw Julie
tossing her purse back on the seat.

I’ll give it back,” she called out as she walked to the
front door. She handed the note to Aurelio with a smile.

Davenport…this is not necessary. You have already given me
more than I had quoted,” he said.


you can always get Delia and Delores something nice on your way
home,” she said in reference to his wife and daughter. “Maybe
some Chinese,” she added with a smile.

I appreciate this Mrs. Davenport. Have a good day,” he smiled.

too,” she said before closing the door. She looked at all the
boxes she had in her house and sighed. Until now, she had never
really realized that she had so much stuff.

are you supposed to go back to work?” Meg asked when Julie
slowly walked back to the kitchen.

took a long deep breath and sat down.

this rate, maybe never,” she said as she looked around.

smiled and took another bite.

it’s open?” she asked.

shook her head no.

have another week before I go back to the office. I wanted to take
two months off but the schedule just wouldn’t allow it,”
she said before she took a bite of her sandwich.

where is Steven? Did he already go back to work?” Meg asked.


know what? I am not really sure. I got a voicemail from him this
morning and he must have been in a windy place because all I got was
a bunch of whoosh and something about a client from the Maldives…or
someone murdered using a shiv…honestly I have no idea,”
she said before she took one last bite and washed it down with her

you called him?” Meg asked.

tried. I can’t reach him…I do remember him talking about
some property on the outskirts of town…I think that’s
where he is,” Julie said before taking more juice. She put the
glass down and looked at her best friend. “Hope you brought
some shorts or something because I think we better start with the
unpacking,” she said with a gleeful look in her eyes. Meg
rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath but even then Julie was
not letting her off that easy.

what are you going to do with your place? Are you going to sell it or
something?” she asked as she carried a box marked ‘kitchen’
to the kitchen. Julie shook her head and grabbed a box marked the
same before she followed her.

no! That house is….special to me. It was a gift. I just can’t
give it up no questions asked.”

what? Rent it? Lease it?” Meg asked.

that’s the only thing I can do. Plus, it’s an asset,”
she said as she pulled out one of the drawers and put in some
cutlery. “In this market, who knows how high the rates could
shoot in a few years,” she added.

take a nose dive,” Meg frowned.

the hell are you talking about?” she asked.

it’s just that with real estate, it’s never really
written in stone. I mean, you should know. That’s your area of
expertise,” Meg said.

grabbed a handful of forks and carefully arranged them in the drawer
before she looked up.

but condos are like fool proof. They hardly ever get adversely
affected when the market takes a nose dive. They however, always
appreciate,” she said as she winked at her best friend.

pulled out knives from her box and began sticking them into the knife
stand. She then looked up at Julie and smiled.

do know your stuff,” she said.

pretended to flip her hair before assuming a Kardashian pose.

do, honey. I really do,” she said in a pretentiously low voice.
“I would very much like to have it as a source of alternative
income. Maybe I could dedicate all the proceeds to my children’s
trust funds,” she added.

looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Whoa. We are already
talking kids now?”

been talking kids ever since the wedding.”

does that mean that you’ve been off birth control?”

looked at her. Meg could tell that there was confusion in her eyes.

has that got to do with anything?”

if you are really serious about kids then you would have tossed your
pills out a long time ago,” Meg said matter of factly as she
pulled a bowl out of her box. Julie looked at her and shook her head.

things. One, meddle much? And two, I am not a pill person. I had an
IUD but…” she stopped when she saw Meg frowning. “What?”

Julie. TMI,” Meg said avoiding her line of sight.

laughed. “Well, you wanted to know. So you will know. Ever
heard of a copper seven device?”

put the bowl down on the counter and then out her hands over her

she said shaking her head.

happens is, the doctor takes this…” Julie started but
Meg was shaking her head.

it stop!” she cried out. Even though she was a mother, she did
not want to hear anything about her best friend’s privates. But
Julie did not seem to get this. She was just going on and on and on…

Chapter Two

the time Steven got back home, most of the boxes had been unpacked
and Julie and Meg were sprawled on the couch fast asleep. He walked
into the kitchen and placed the food bags on the counter before he
grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He had just taken a long
sip when Julie walked into the kitchen.

smell Chinese,” she said in a sleepy voice. One look at her and
Steven could tell exactly what kind of day she’d had. He smiled
at her as she walked into his arms.

got all your favorite moo shoo specials,” he said.

looked up at him and smiled. “Even the gai pan?” she

not sure. I just told him to throw in all the food that starts with
moo shoo,” he said.

smiled and then laughed.

are only two, babe. Pork and gai pan,” she said. “Aww,
and you went to Wok Dynasty,” she said with a smile when she
noticed the name of the restaurant on the bag. There were four
Chinese restaurants near his place but her favorite had always been
Wok Dynasty which was a good hour away.

the best for you babe,” Steven said as he looked around and
smiled. “Looks like you’ve been busy.”

took some of the boxes out of the bag and shrugged.

only thing left to do is hang up some memories and art,” she
said before she looked up at Steven. “I left that for you,”
she added as she walked to the living room. She tried waking up Meg
but it was futile. Her luck wouldn’t have been any better if
she had dumped a bucket of water on her. She pulled a blanket over
her and walked back to the kitchen where Steven handed her a pair of

is not of this world, is she?” Steven asked as Julie sat down
next to him. Julie looked at him and smiled. She shook her head and
took the first bite. He joined her and with every bite, he was
wondering how much better this would have been if they were eating in
their bedroom. He reached out and held her hand. “You know
what, how about we just ditch this place and go to the bedroom?”
he asked.

shrugged and rubbed her neck.

have knots all over my body.”

I can take care of that,” he said as he leaned in for a kiss.

looked into his eyes and then smiled.

Go lock up. I’ll cover Meg up,” she said as she turned
around. Steven held her hand making her look at him over her

sounded like something a politician would say. Like you are trying to
cover up some kind of…” he started before she shook her
head smiling.

I heard it too,” she said before she walked into the living
room. She looked at a sleeping Meg for a minute before she draped a
blanket on her. She looked up just in time to see Steven walking
towards her. “Alarm?” she asked.

he said as they walked into the kitchen. They took a few more bites
before Steven grabbed some strawberries and whipped cream from the

looked at him and shook her head.

you be getting some massage oil or something?”

will need some healthy snack after I am done with you.”

was really hoping for something a little more on the relaxation
side,” she said. Steven slipped an arm around her waist and
pulled her to himself before he kissed the side of her head.

you will,” he said as they walked down the hallway to their
bedroom. “How about you take a shower and relax yourself?”
he said putting finger quotes on the word relax. She smiled and
pulled her t-shirt over her head.

sounds amazing,” she said as she let the shirt drop to the

I’ll join you,” he said in a suggestive tone.

smiled as she walked towards the bathroom. When she got to the door,
she looked over her shoulder seductively. Steven smiled as he felt
his cock twitch in his pants. She was teasing him and it was working.
The way she was standing there with her bare ass to him was almost
too much for him to bear. She then wriggled out of her panties,
letting them gather around her ankles before taking off her bra. She
held it out and then stuck her ass out a little before she let the
bra drop to the floor. Steven smiled when she slowly made her way
into the bathroom. He took one strawberry and bit into it before he
stripped down to his boxer shorts and then walked to the bathroom.

This is a clothes free zone,” Julie said when she saw him. He
looked at her and nodded before he pushed his boxers off revealing
his already hard member. She smiled and shook her head. “You
better put that away,” she said as she stood under the warm
running water shampooing her hair. Steven took a step forward and
held her as she rinsed out her hair,

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