Billion Dollar Wood (2 page)

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Authors: Sophia Banks

BOOK: Billion Dollar Wood
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Just then the door opened and Tyler came in. “Good morning, Kara. How did you sleep last night?”

I twirled a strand of hair and smiled. “Great,” I lied. “Never better.” I began to tremble and placed my hands in my lap to settle myself. “How about you, sir? How was your night?”

Tyler stopped in front of my desk and smiled. “Honestly, I had a hard time falling asleep. I don’t think I slept more than a few hours actually. I’m pretty tired today.”

My heart sank. Was he going to cancel our date because he was tired? Of course he was, how could I be so stupid and naive to think he actually wanted to be with me? “Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that. Do you feel okay?”

“I feel fine. Do you know why I couldn’t sleep?”

I bit my lip and shrugged. “Too much coffee yesterday?”

Tyler chuckled. “Do you even realize how adorable you are?”

I shook my head.

“Well you are. And the reason I couldn’t sleep is because I was thinking of you. I’ve really been looking forward to our evening together.” He glanced underneath my desk and raised his eyebrows. “Did you bring an overnight bag?”

I blushed and glanced down at my feet before answering. “Yes, sir. Just like you asked.”

Tyler reached out and squeezed my shoulder. “You can relax, Kara. I don’t bite.”

Well you did in my dreams last night, you handsome bastard. “Okay sir, I’ll try.”

He checked his watch and sighed. “Unfortunately I’m going to be out of the office most of the day so I won’t see you again until later.” He reached inside his jacket and produced a magnetic key. “This will get you up to the penthouse. Feel free to head up there once you’re done with work today. I should be home around seven, okay? Make yourself at home and if you need anything ask Juanita. She will be preparing our dinner tonight and knows where everything is located. And make sure you bring an appetite, okay?”

That wasn’t going to be an issue. “I will, sir. See you then.”

Tyler glanced down and took a good look at me, not bothering to hide his desire. “I can’t wait to have you to myself,” he said.

I blushed and glanced away. “Really, sir? Do you mean that?”

Tyler adjusted his pants and I noticed a swell inside his trousers. “You have no idea, Kara. No idea at all.”

He left on that note, leaving me all alone at my desk. I fanned myself off and began counting the minutes away.





I stepped off the elevator on the top floor and made my way into Tyler’s apartment. The first thing I noticed was the panoramic view of the city. The setting sun created a picturesque landscape and I’d walked right to the windows and dropped my overnight back. “Oh my god,” I gasped. “This is amazing!”

“It is, isn’t it?”

I turned around and a short Latina in an apron was standing behind me. “You must be Juanita. I’m Kara, it’s nice to meet you.”

Juanita gave me a pleasant smile and met me in the middle of the living room. “The pleasure is all mine, dear. Mr. Kingston told me to make sure you make yourself at home. I am finishing up some prep work in the kitchen and then I will be on my way. The guest quarters are right down the hall, would you like me to show you?”

I picked up my bag and nodded. “Yes, please.”

“Right this way.”

I followed Juanita out of the main living room and down a long hallway. At the end she opened a door and motioned for me to enter. “Make yourself at home,” she instructed. “Mr. Kingston will be home in ninety minutes. I hope you enjoy your evening.”

I thanked her and then tossed my bag onto the floor. I noticed the guest bedroom and began to wonder if perhaps Tyler wouldn’t make a move after all. Then I remembered the bulge in his pants this morning and realized that was doubtful. Most likely in a few hours I was going to be a woman full of cock. Rich, white cock.

A girl could get used to this.

I admired the view for a little while and then jumped in the shower. If I had any hopes of getting used to this sort of life I knew I had certain responsibilities. Looking good for the man of the house was one. Pleasuring him was another. While I lacked the experience on the latter front, I’d been dolling myself up for years now. Just because I’d never been with a man didn’t mean I didn’t know how to attract one. Wasn’t no damn accident I was standing where I was, after all, now was it?”






I stood at the panoramic window in the living room with a glass of wine in my hand, waiting for Tyler to arrive. He’d told Juanita he would be home in ninety minutes and sure enough, just under an hour and a half later the front door open and in stepped my boss. The man who was going to take my virginity. I walked to meet him at the door and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You have an amazing place, sir.”

Tyler placed a hand under my chin and bent down to brush his lips against mine. “You look amazing, Kara. How come you don’t dress like that at work?”

I stepped back and gently spun around. “I can dress like this if you like. Whatever makes you happy. You’re the boss, after all.

Tyler smirked. “On second thought maybe you shouldn’t. I doubt I would get anything done.”

I giggled and blushed. “How was your day?”

Tyler placed a hand on the small of my back and led me towards the living room. “It seemed to drag on forever. Meeting after meeting when all I wanted to do was be here with you.”

I placed my wineglass on a coaster and smiled. “Do you mean that or are you just trying to seduce me, Mr. Kingston?”

Tyler pulled me close. “Both. How am I doing on the second front?” He planted another kiss on my lips, this one a little more intimate than the first. My body began to warm and the apprehension began to fade away. Somehow this all felt right. “You’re doing just fine,” I replied. “Although some of that may be due to the wine I’ve been drinking.”

Tyler smiled and gripped me by my elbows, pulling me in for another kiss. This was a grown up version and our tongues met for the first time. After initially prying my lips open and entering my mouth he let me lead the way. If there was one benefit of being a virgin at such an older age it was that you certainly knew how to kiss. Tyler’s hands crept up my bare arms and found my shoulders. He brushed the back of his thumbs against my skin and then dragged his hands down my back. When he reached my hips he gripped them and pulled me snug. His hard on pressed against my belly and I let out a soft moan. “

Tyler,” I gasped. “I have something to tell you.”

He stayed pressed against me but leaned his head back. “What is it, baby?”

Baby? I glanced up into his aqua eyes and nearly fainted. “It’s nothing bad but…well, don’t quite know how to say it.”

He leaned foreword and kissed me on the forehead. “Say it however you want. I’m not going anywhere.”

I took a deep breath and extended my belly against Tyler’s rock hard cock. “Are you sure? I might scare you off.”

“Go ahead and try."

I looked up into my boss’s eyes and sighed. “It’s just that, well, this is going to sound ridiculous but I’ve never been with a man before.” There was an awkward silence and I took a step back, alternating glances between the floor and Tyler’s magical eyes. “See, you think I’m a little girl now, don’t you?”

Tyler smiled. “As a matter of fact I do think you’re a little girl but that’s mostly because I’m so much older than you. I sort of like the feeling, to be honest. I like feeling like something of a mentor, so to speak. A teacher of some sort.”

I took a deep breath and smiled. “So you’re not turned off or anything?”

Tyler stepped forward and took my hands in his own. He kissed the back of both my hands and then placed one on the shaft of his cock. We both looked down to watch what he was doing and I began to massage him with gentle strokes. Our eyes met and we shared a smile.

“How does that feel?” Tyler asked.

I glanced back down and watched my little brown hand move up and down Tyler’s pants. “I like it. Do you?”

Tyler kissed my forehead again. “I do. I guess I’m going to have to teach you a few things, aren’t I?”

I nodded and then began to unbuckle Tyler’s pants. “Yes, but I’m a quick learner.”

Tyler watched me undo his pants and pull his prick up and over his silk boxers. “I can see that.”

I looked up at him and smiled. “Will you be patient with me?”

Tyler nodded.

I ran my hand up to his crown and squeezed. A thin stream of cum dribbled from the slit on his head. “Can I taste it?”

“Have you ever tasted it before?”

"Nope, never.”

Tyler grinned. “Hel yourself.”

I kicked off my heels and knelt in front of my boss. “Am I doing okay?” I asked.

Tyler eased his pants down to his ankles and smiled. “You’re doing great, baby.”

I licked my lips and then extended my tongue until it touched the tip of Tyler’s cock. I looked up at my boss and flecked a puddle of cum off his crown. He groaned I knew I was doing a good job. Without further instruction I ran my tongue down the length of his cock, following a thick vein to the bottom of his shaft. Tyler shuddered and I squeezed even tighter, working my way back up his length and then taking him in my mouth with one big gulp.

“Jesus,” he gasped.

I took my time and worked as much of my boss inside my mouth as I could. Then I took my time pulling him back out, making sure to keep my eyes on Tyler the whole time. With a loud smack I pulled his cock out and wiped my lips. “Was that okay? For my first time I mean?”

Tyler placed a hand on the top of my head and smiled. “You’re a natural.”

I giggled and then popped his prick back in my mouth and repeated the same process again, this time faster, just like Ashley had told me.
The key to sucking dick,
she’d told me,
is that you gotta want to do it. You gotta want to suck that cock more than anything else on this planet. You gotta want that nut like you ain’t never wanted nuttin else. And don’t forget to look in his eyes while you do it. Make sure when he looks down on you he sees a woman who wants nothing else but to please her king. You get those things right and you own a man.

“Oh Kara,” Tyler moaned. “Don’t stop, please!”

My neck was killing me but when I looked up at Tyler and saw his head ached back, a look of intense pleasure plastered on his face I dug deep inside and willed my way on.
Cum for me, sir. Fill my mouth up with your seed.
I cupped his balls and massaged him while I tugged away. Tyler’s cock was now covered with my spit and I could feel the excess moisture dripping off my chin. I looked up and locked eyes with my boss.
Cum for your little innocent girl, go ahead you big, strong man. Cum for me!

Tyler bore his fingers into the back of my head and began to fuck my face. I gagged and began to feel sick but a second later his prick swelled and his whole body tensed up. “Fuck!” he bellowed. “I’m cumming!”

Warm ropes filled my mouth and I struggled to free my head from Tyler’s grasp but he wouldn’t let go. Ashley had warned me about this but I still felt unprepared. I gagged and finally Tyler let go. His cock was still spurting when he pulled away. I swallowed as much as I could and let the rest dribble from my mouth. I suddenly felt guilty, like a dirty little whore. I barely knew this man and here I was with his cum dripping off my face. Still, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. I knew I had done a good job.

Tyler composed himself and began to take his shoes off. A second later he kicked his pants to the side and then began to unbutton his shirt. Apparently we weren’t done with my education.

“That was amazing,” he said. “Are you sure that was your first time?”

I stood up and shrugged. “I asked my friend for some pointers. She told me as long as I tried my best to please you it would work out fine.” I wiped a dribble of nut on the back of my hand and put on a shy face. “How did I do?”

Tyler kissed me on the head and laughed. “You did great, baby. Now go clean yourself up and meet me in the bedroom, okay? You deserve a little reward, don’t you think?”

I giggled and then ran to the bathroom, eager to rinse my dirty mouth out. I turned on the bathroom light and looked at myself in the mirror.
You’re a hot mess, Kara. Look at you. Hair is all a mess, face covered with your boss’s cum. All grown up now, huh?
I nodded my head and smiled.
Yep, I’m almost there!





I rinsed my mouth out and did as good a job as I could fixing my hair. Satisfied that I still looked good I made my way back to the living room but it was empty when I arrived. Tyler’s pants and shoes were in one pile, my heels next to them. No boss, however.


“I’m in the bedroom,” he answered back. “Down here.”

I walked back down the same hallway as earlier and came to an open door. The scent of freshly lit candles filled the air and I made my way into the room. Tyler was naked and holding two glasses of wine. He handed one to me and smiled.

“I missed you,” he said.

A tingle worked its way through my bod. “I was just down the hall.”

“I know, but I still missed you.”

I took a sip of wine and then placed the glass down on the dresser and hugged my boss. “Are you going to be gentle with me tonight?”

Tyler placed his glass down next to mine and placed a hand under my chin. “Of course I am, Kara. I would never hurt you.” He ran his hand alongside my face and moved a stray hair behind my ear. “You’re my little princess.”

“I am?”

He nodded. “Do you want to be?”

I pretended like I was thinking things over. So far tonight had felt like a dream. Me waiting at home in a luxury penthouse for my man to come home so I could please him. Show him how much I appreciated him. I had to admit, it felt great. I now understood why I was still a virgin. I was waiting for a
to come along in my life. Someone who deserved what I had to offer him. Someone who gave me a life I couldn’t give myself. A man worthy of my affections and unwavering loyalty. Someone like Tyler Kingston.  But would this last? Was Tyler everything I hoped he was? Or was I just the latest in a long line of naive secretaries?

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