Billion Dollar Baby Bundle 2 (2 page)

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Authors: Simone Holloway

BOOK: Billion Dollar Baby Bundle 2
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Ethan nodded earnestly.

“In the mean time…”

Selene grabbed Ethan’s collar and pulled him to her. She kissed him hard. His whole body was stiff; he hadn’t been anticipating a kiss, another punch in the face seemed more likely.

Selene pulled away. She searched Ethan’s eyes for an answer she didn’t know the question to. Deciding she would find no answers, she kissed him again. This time Ethan was ready.

He lifted her onto the edge of the window. A small stone border extended out from the glass. There was barely enough room for Selene to sit. It creaked and wobbled under her weight.

Selene braced herself against the frame while Ethan undressed her. Free of her clothes she wrapped her legs around Ethan’s waist.

He unzipped his pants and pulled her close. Selene watched as he took out his thick cock, positioned himself between her legs, then stopped.

Ethan lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. When he had her locked in his gaze he penetrated her.

Selene gasped. Ethan fucked her again. The force was so strong it pushed Selene against the window nearly breaking it. The cold glass made goose bumps break out on her flesh.

It barely registered with Selene. Her attention was focused on Ethan. He moved in and out of her quickly, never breaking eye contact.

Selene balanced herself by gripping the window frame. Ethan was relentless, he fucked her fast and hard.

The clouds parted sending sunlight through the window into the house. Selene watched the light dance around the room, their shadows writhing and twisting like marionette dolls.

Ethan buried his face in her neck. She could feel his hot breath. She began to close her eyes when a flicker of light caught her attention. Something in the room had changed.

Selene looked around for the source but she couldn’t place it. What was different she wondered.

Ethan continued to fuck her making it difficult for Selene to concentrate. She was so lost in the sensation of him inside her, his cock gliding in and out, that the change in the room barely registered with her.

Selene watched their shadows come together, then part. How could their shadows part when Ethan was still fucking her, she thought. Suddenly it dawned on her: their was a third person casting a shadow through the window.

“Ethan!” she cried.

Mistaking her cries for ecstasy, Ethan ignored her.

Selene grabbed him by his hair and pulled him away. “Look!”

Confused at first, Ethan stared at Selene liked she’d gone mad. Then, looking over her shoulder he saw the source of the shadow.

He lifted Selene off the window seal and threw her to the floor. He landed on top of her, shielding her with his body.

Bullets shattered the glass, flying within inches of them. When the gunfire stopped Ethan jumped up, grabbed a chair and threw it through the window. The already fractured glass broke into hundreds of pieces, cutting Selene’s legs and stomach.

Ethan didn’t hesitate. He leapt from the window and chased after the man.

Shaking, Selene rose to her feet. Careful not to cut herself further on broken glass, she cautiously peered over the edge. Ethan disappeared into the woods, in pursuit of a man.

Turning her back to the window she gathered her clothes and dressed slowly. The situation felt surreal. Someone was trying to kill them, the words repeated in her mind over and over.

When she was dressed she walked to a mirror and stared at her reflection. She touched her face: it was flushed red; her hair was wild. She began methodically straightening it with her fingers. In that moment nothing seemed more important than making sure her hair was perfect. A small part of her realized she was in shock and this was her minds way of trying to find control. Her physical appearance was the one thing she could fix.

She continued combing her hair with her fingers until drops of blood on her hands caught her attention. She held them out in front of her: blood dripped from a dozen tiny cuts. Her hands began to shake. She moved away from the mirror and sat down.

The sound of birds chirping and the scent of pine drifted through the broken window.

Selene sat staring at the square of light reflected on the floor. Just moments before she had been entranced by their shadows. With a shudder she realized it could have been the last thing she ever saw.

A crash and the sound of a man swearing temporarily brought her out of her state of shock.

Ethan entered. He had a small, round bald man in a choke hold. The man was bleeding from his nose and a large gash on his brow. Ethan looked no worse for wear. He didn’t appear to be hurt except for a few small lacerations on his hands similar to Selene’s cuts.

Ethan’s face was a mask of anger and concentration. The cold expression on his face scared Selene. She was again struck by the feeling that this was not his first time in a situation like this.

Ethan released his choke hold on the man. “On your knees,” he ordered.

“I thought you were smarter than this,” he said to the man. “Did you really think it would be that simple? You could just kill us and walk away? Are you that stupid?”

The man looked as if he might cry.

“Do you know him?” Selene asked timidly from her seat on the couch.

Ethan turned. He looked surprised, as if he had forgotten she was there.

“Yes,” he said, “this is- was my private detective.”

“They threatened me… my family… I couldn’t- I had to take their money,” he said pathetically.

“If they threatened you, then you should’ve come to me. I would’ve protected you. We could have stopped them. Instead you chose to try and kill my girlfriend, not to mention me.”

Selene was momentarily taken aback by Ethan referring to her as his girlfriend. Was that what she was now? Her words from earlier echoed in her mind: we’re in this together now.

The man reached in front of him picking up a large, pointed piece of broken glass. He swung it at Ethan, but kept his distance.

“You can’t stop them!” he said. “You think I want to do this? That I want to hurt people?

I don’t want to hurt anyone.” His voice broke up and tears filled his eyes.

“Easy,” Ethan said, “just tell me who they are.”

“You can’t stop them,” he said again weakly, tear streaming down his face.

The arm holding the glass dropped and Ethan stepped towards him. Selene sat frozen on the couch, she could tell Ethan was going to attempt to disarm the man. The thought terrified her; she was certain he would be stabbed to death.

Ethan took another step closer. The man’s arm shot up. “You’re already dead and you don’t even know it,” he said. The man then brought the glass to his own neck and slit his throat.


Later, all Selene could remember was blood. It poured from the man’s neck and onto the floor in a flood of red. Then things went dark.

The next thing she knew she was in bed, back in Ethan’s mansion. Months passed. She stuck to her corner of the house. Ethan would attempt to comfort her, Selene would resist, on and on it went.

She would lay in bed all day haunted by the sounds of footsteps above her. Ethan’s wife never slept. She paced through the attic and down the halls at night, yet Selene never saw her and Ethan never spoke of her. Her belly grew and suddenly things changed. It happened the first time she felt the baby kick. It was like a light in the dark.

It happened in the middle of the night. She was startled out of a dreamless sleep. She sat straight up in bed, convinced someone was in the room.

After the events in Ethan’s Victorian mansion, Selene had wanted to go on the run. She begged Ethan to come away with her, to fly to Europe or Mexico, but he refused. He insisted on staying and fighting head on. It had become an issue of pride with him.

Someone had attacked his girl and his unborn child. He couldn’t let them get away with it.

They retreated to his mansion in the hills. Ethan fortified the house and brought in

‘trusted’ men. Selene wasn’t sure why Ethan trusted them, she suspected Ethan paid them well or had dirt on them. Blackmail and bribery were his preferred business methods, she’d come to learn.

So, they hunkered down and waited to be attacked, but the attack never came. After a while, Selene grew comfortable; Ethan grew restless. The security team lurked the perimeter of the house, reported to Ethan, and Selene supposed, kept them safe.

Months had passed and instead of growing closer, she and Ethan had grown apart. Then came the night she was woken from her sleep by the baby’s kicking. Her eyes darted across the room looking for an intruder, but the room was empty. She thought at first it had been her imagination, then it happened again.

She put her hands to her belly and jumped out of bed. Without thinking, she ran down the hall and burst into Ethan’s room. He sprung out of bed as if he hadn’t been sleeping. All he was wearing were his boxers. Even in the dark Selene could see his muscles tense and bulge. They’d grown bigger since the last time she’d seen him naked: he’d been working out.

He looked as if he was ready to attack. Given the degree of stress they were under, she belatedly realized that she should’ve knocked first before entering.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked.

When he moved closer, Selene could see a gun in his hand. Was he sleeping with it under his pillow, she wondered. In truth, she was too happy to care. She took Ethan’s free hand and placed it over her belly. He raised an eyebrow out at her quizzically.

“Just wait,” she said.

On cue, the baby kicked. Ethan laughed. It was the first time she’d seen him happy since before the bloody business at the Victorian house.

“He’s strong,” Ethan said.

“How do you know it’s a boy?”

A doctor had been to the house to examine her, but she had decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise.

“Boys run in the family.”

“Do they?”

An awkward silence fell between them: this was the most they’d spoken in a month.

Ethan pulled his hand away. The smile on his face began to fade. Selene grabbed his hand and held it to her belly. She took a step towards him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Ethan stared at her, unsure how to react.

“Can I sleep with you?” Selene whispered.

Ethan nodded and led her to the bed. He set the gun on the nightstand, then pulled back the covers. Selene crawled in and laid on her side. She was getting big and it was uncomfortable for her to sleep on her back. Ethan laid down beside her and pulled the covers over them. He wrapped his arm around her and snuggled in close.

“I’ve missed this,” he said, kissing her neck.

Selene wondered if he was thinking about nights in bed with his wife. Territorially, she took Ethan’s hand and moved it over her breast. They were full and swollen, much bigger than the last time he had felt them.

His hand cupped her breast and squeezed greedily. Since becoming pregnant her nipples had become extremely sensitive. When Ethan’s fingers stroked them Selene felt a tickling sensation spread through her breasts and down her body.

Selene giggled. Embarrassed, she covered her mouth with her hand, but once she started she couldn’t stop; she felt like a school girl.

“I’ve never heard you giggle before,” Ethan said.

Selene reached around and slapped his ass. “Don’t make fun.”

“Yes ma’am,” Ethan replied playfully.

He buried his face in her neck, kissing her flesh and biting her earlobe. Selene’s giggles turned to moans. Her nipples weren’t the only part of her to become super sensitive since falling pregnant. Her whole body felt like a live wire; the slightest provocation would set her off. Ethan’s lips on her neck was enough to make her wet.

Selene arched her back, grinding her ass into his crotch. She felt his cock grow hard. She pulled her nightgown up. Ethan removed her underwear.

Laying on their sides, Selene’s back to Ethan’s front, they moved hungrily. It had been a long time since either of them had felt the touch of the other; neither was interested in playing games.

Ethan held Selene’s hips. Finding entrance, he moved quickly to fill the warm, wet space between her legs. He groaned as he entered her. Selene thought she could feel the vibration of his voice echo down to her bones.

He kept a relentless pace, moving in and out of her. She already felt as if she was climaxing. One of the only benefits of out of control hormones was that she tended orgasm quickly, even when she was pleasuring herself. Her libido was on a hair trigger.

Selene reached around Ethan and grabbed his ass. It was rounder and harder than it had been at their last sexual encounter. She loved his body before, but now it was sculpted like a work of art.

Selene regretted having not turned the lights on so she could properly see it. Patience, she thought: later.

Squeezing Ethan’s ass, she pulled him towards her, encouraging him on. Just as Ethan released her hips and began massaging her breasts Selene climaxed. Ethan wasn’t finished yet though.

Driving his cock faster and harder inside her, he clung to her desperately. It reminded Selene of their first fateful sexual encounter. This time however, Selene felt as if he was trying to reconnect, to merge their bodies and souls as one.

This act of making love felt more meaningful to Selene than any of the words spoken between them in the last few months. She felt tears come to her eyes.

Ethan lay behind her, spent. His arm still held her tightly as if she were his anchor, or was he hers, she wondered.

She ran her fingers over his soft hand and closed her eyes. She wanted to enjoy the silence and the feel of his strong masculine arms protectively wrapped around her. It was the fist moment of peace she had experienced since meeting Ethan.

When she opened her eyes it was morning. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. She felt beside her: Ethan was gone. The sound of a sharp intake of air like someone in pain startled her.

Selene’s head snapped around towards the noise. She expected the worst: Ethan under attack, a hidden assailant, new, unknown dangers. What she saw was Ethan suspended in mid air in front of a large window.

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