Billie Jo (7 page)

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Authors: Kimberley Chambers

BOOK: Billie Jo
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Obeying his cousin's orders to drive the van, Freddie
put his foot down and headed towards his Uncle Sammy's
place. Sammy had a disused trailer on a site near Harold
Hill. The boys had their own key and regularly took birds
back there.

'You're driving like a prick, Freddie Boy, drive faster.'

The girls in the back squealed excitedly, egging him
on. Freddie was as thick as pigshit and just did as he was
told. Sonny took a wad of money out of his pocket.

'Let's have a little bet, Freddie Boy. I'll give you fifty
quid if you aim straight at the next motor that comes
towards you.'

Freddie saw a red Mondeo heading his way and did
as he was asked. He was frightened of his cousin Sonny,
who was an out-and-out lunatic. He also had a very bad
temper and Freddie didn't dare disobey him. Holding his
breath, Freddie was relieved when the Mondeo swerved
to the right and out of harm's way. The girls were
screaming. This was such fun, it was like being on the
rides at the fairground.

'Aim at another one, Fred, and I'll double it, hundred
quid I'll give you.'

Freddie didn't want to play this game any more, but
he headed at the oncoming grey Peugeot and winced as
it just got out of the way in time.

'No more, Sonny, this ain't funny any more.'

Sonny sat in the front laughing like a hyena. He loved
danger. He got off on it; he knew his cousin was shit
scared and he was milking his fear. 'One more, Freddie
Boy, and I'll double it again. Two hundred I'll give you
if you aim at one more.'

Driving towards home, Terry was deep in thought. He
was doing buttons for the new baby to arrive. Jade was
definitely having a boy, he could feel it in his bones and
he knew Billie Jo would be over the moon. When she
had been younger, Billie had often spoken of her desire
to have a baby brother; hopefully her wish would soon
be granted. Desperately missing his lover, Terry pictured
their reunion.

Happiness in life was hard to find and he knew that he
and Jade were destined to go the whole hog of the way.

Seeing the headlights in the distance, Freddie Boy felt
sick with fear. If he bottled it, he'd be called a coward.
If he went for it, he'd be deemed a hero. Weighing up his
options, he put his foot on the accelerator and hurtled
towards the oncoming Range Rover.

Bored with the current CD, Terry decided a change
was needed. Sifting through the glove box, he searched
for his Johnny Cash. Taking his eyes off the road for a
split second, he was completely unaware of the oncoming

'Wheyhey!' Sonny was almost creaming himself, such
was his excitement. Rocking in the passenger seat, he
urged his cousin on.

'Ready. Foot down, Freddie. Go for it, go on now.'

Looking up, Terry saw the van and knew he was in
trouble. In a split second, he thought of Billie, Jade and
the baby. Swerving violently to the left, he did everything
in his power to save himself. 'FUUCCKK,' he screamed
as the Range Rover flew into the air.

'You stupid cunt, Sonny. You dinlo. The motor's off the
road. We're for it. I'm telling ya, we're fucking for it.'

'What's the matter?' Leanne asked innocently. She and
Lucy were enjoying themselves in the back of the van.
Giggling every time it swerved, they were totally unaware
of the incident that had just occurred.

Realising the girls were in the dark, Sonny grabbed
his cousin's arm. 'Just shut up and drive to the site. Drop
the girls there and we'll go, get rid of this thing.'

Leaning towards Freddie, Sonny whispered the rest of
his bright ideas into his ear. 'Tommy Boy'll burn this for
us. Trust me, we'll be fine. The two fillies in the back know
nothing. We're sweet, Freddie Boy. We've got an alibi.'

Shaking like a leaf, Freddie glanced fearfully at the
lunatic sitting beside him. Obediently, he did exactly as
he was told.

Alfie Smith was out walking Butch, his beloved Border
collie two days later. Noticing the Range Rover, he
trembled as he dialled 999.

PC Collins and PC Galvin had just left a domestic
dispute when the call came over their radio. The first to
arrive, they immediately feared the worst. After a struggle,
they managed to open the back door, driver's side.

The stench of death confirmed their suspicions. The
blood and gore were prominent and the partially decapitated
head was squashed against the dashboard.

Terry Keane was brown bread.

A fast, painless death. Poor old Terry had died instantly.


'Mum, I'm going for a walk. I need to get out of the
house, it's doing my head in. Ring me immediately if you
hear any news.'

Billie slammed the door without waiting for a reply
and walked aimlessly along the road. Stopping to check
her appearance in the wing mirror of a car, she
was shocked to see how ill she looked. Her eyes were
puffy and red raw from crying. Her dark hair looked
greasy and unkempt and she seemed to have aged ten
years overnight.

Sitting herself down on a nearby wall, Billie took deep
gulps of fresh air to help subdue her panic. She took her
phone out of her pocket and dialled her dad's number
again. A hundred times she must have tried him in the
last couple of days. Hearing his answerphone message,
Billie put her head in her hands and sobbed like a baby.

Her dad had been missing for two days now and not
a soul had heard a word from him. Yesterday, when she'd
been trying to get hold of him, his phone had been ringing
and ringing. Today there was just his answerphone

Billie knew deep down that something bad had
happened to him. It must have as he would never go away
without telling her. He would never just leave her, no way
in a million years. He loved her far too much to just up
and go, she was sure of that. His disappearance was a
total mystery and Billie racked her brains as to what had
happened to him.

Unsurprisingly, her mother was no help. All she'd done
the past two days was knock back wine, cry and swear
blind that he'd run off with some old tart. Her nan and
aunt had been slightly more helpful. They'd contacted the
local hospitals, but her dad wasn't there.

Billie had casually asked her mum if she had Jade's
mobile number to see if she knew where he was, but
Chelle didn't know it. It didn't help that her dad had no
address book. He knew all his numbers off by heart and
the ones he didn't were stored in his phone, so that was
that, there was no way of contacting anybody.

Her mum knew Davey Mullins' number and had tried
to contact him. He hadn't answered, so she'd left
messages for him to call her back urgently. Dave was
on the missing list as well. Her mum had called his bird,
Lisa, but she hadn't seen hide nor hair. The thought that
Dave was with her dad comforted Billie slightly. At least
wherever he was, he wasn't alone. Billie had suggested
to her mum earlier that they should call the police and
report him as a missing person, but her mother was
adamant that she didn't want coppers round the house.
Her exact words were, 'I don't want them tossers coming
round my house. Nosy cunts they are, wanting to know
the ins and outs of a maggot's arse.' If he didn't show
up by tomorrow though, her mum had promised to call

Taking a slow walk towards home, Billie let herself
into the house. 'Any news, Mum?'

'Not a dickie bird,' Chelle slurred.

It was only half eleven in the morning and Chelle
had been drinking since eight to calm her nerves. Pearl
was rocking to and fro on the sofa sobbing uncontrollably,
whilst praying for Saint Anthony to find her boy.
She was being comforted by a two-sheets-to-the-wind
Bridie, who had been knocking the wine back with

Billie looked at her dysfunctional family and decided
she couldn't sit in the room with them one minute longer.

'I'm going up to my bedroom, Mum, to have a lie
down. I've got a terrible headache.'

'OK, Bill.'

As Billie walked up the stairs she heard the loud shrill
of the phone and rushed back down as fast as her legs
could carry her. Her mother had the blower in her hand
and was rambling away, talking shit.

'Where is he, Dave? If he's with some bird you can
tell me you know. I know he's got a bit on the side, you
must know where he is?'

Realising the caller was Davey Mullins, Billie snatched
the phone off her mother.

'Let me talk to him, Mum, you've had too much to
drink and he won't be able to understand you. Dave, it's
Billie. Have you been with my dad? We haven't seen him
since Boxing Day and we don't know what to do.'

Dave sounded shocked. 'I was in a pub with him Boxing
Night, Bill, but he left early and I stayed there. Ain't he
been home at all?'

'No, Dave, and we're so worried about him. Can you
ring around anyone who might know where he is for us
and let us know if anyone has seen him?'

'He definitely said he was going home when he left
me. Bill, listen, don't worry, I'll have a ring around and
then I'll come round to you. Give me about half an hour.'

'Thanks, Dave.' Billie was relieved. At least Dave would
know what to do for the best, which was more than could
be said for the rest of her useless family.

Hearing the doorbell go twenty-five minutes later,
Billie rushed into the hallway and let Dave in.
Gesticulating for him to follow her to the kitchen, so she
was out of earshot of her mother, Billie shut the door.

'Look, Dave, I know about Jade, Dad told me recently.
Do you think he could be with her?'

Dave shook his head. 'I'm sorry, girl, but I've just been
on the phone to her. Jade hasn't heard from him either
and she's worried sick. He left her a message on Boxing
Night, but she's heard nothing from him since.'

'Bill, what you doing? Bring Dave in here,' came her
mother's coarse voice.

'Coming, Mum. I'm just getting Dave a drink.'

Sitting in the living room, Dave relayed the events of
his night in the pub with Terry to his family. 'So I can't
remember exactly what time he left, but it must have been
about midnight and he definitely said he was coming

'Where have you been for the last two days then,
Dave?' Chelle slurred. 'Only Lisa said that you hadn't
been home either. You sure you're not just covering up
for him?'

Dave looked at Chelle as though she was a piece of
shit he'd just stepped in. 'Don't be so fucking stupid,
Chelle. As if I'd lie at a time like this. For your information,
I went on a bender and stayed at Maxie's boozer.'

This was partly true. Dave had spent twenty-four
hours shagging the old slapper he'd pulled and the
following day back in Maxie's pub doing his best to catch
Colombian flu.

Billie could feel the tears spilling from her eyes again.
'I just know something bad must have happened to Dad.
What are we going to do, Dave?'

Dave put his arm round her and hugged her tightly.
'Don't worry, Bill. He'll be fine, you'll see,' he said, not
really believing it himself. He also now felt that something
bad must have happened to Terry.

'Oh, stop blubbing, Bill, for Christ's sake,' Chelle
piped up.

Dave looked at Chelle in horror. 'Don't have a go at
her. She's a kid, and her dad's gone missing. She's got
every right to be fucking upset.'

'Whatever,' Chelle replied in a stroppy tone.

Pearl started to howl like a wounded animal. 'Jesus,
Mary and holy Saint Joseph, you've taken my wonderful
husband from me, please don't take my firstborn son.'

Chelle gave her mother-in-law daggers. 'For fuck's
sake, Pearl, don't start Bible-punching. Give it a rest. Your
wonderful husband used to knock the living daylights out
of you, or have you forgotten that?'

'You are one nasty piece of work, Michelle. My Terry
could have had any woman he wanted, and what he saw
in you I'll never know.'

'Why don't you and Bridie fuck off upstairs or go for
a walk or something? This is my house and I've suffered
you long enough, so get out of my sight.'

Pearl stood up and looked at her daughter-in-law with
pure hatred. Grabbing Bridie's arm, the pair of them
marched upstairs out of harm's way.

Dave sat opposite Chelle and Billie pondering what to
do next. 'I know Terry wouldn't want us to, but I think
our only option is to phone the Old Bill.'

'I don't want them coming round here,' Chelle slurred.

'Well, I'll go down the station and report him missing
then,' Dave replied.

Chelle was just about to answer, but was silenced by
the doorbell.

Billie jumped up as quick as a flash. 'I'll get it, Mum.'
As she opened the door, she was greeted by the sight of
two sombre-looking policemen.

'Hello, love. I'm DC Adams and this is PC Fortune.
Is your mum there please?'

Billie noticed her whole body shaking from head to
foot. 'Mum,' she said, her voice quivering as she spoke.
'There's some policemen here to see you.'

Davey Mullins dashed into the hallway and led them
into the living room. Chelle felt an all-round chill of fear
as she stood opposite the two coppers.

'You might be better sitting down, love,' DC Adams
said, removing his hat. 'I'm afraid I have some bad news
for you and your family, Mrs Keane.'

Michelle could feel her body give way as she collapsed
onto the sofa. 'Go and get me a bottle of wine out of the
fridge, Bill. I need a drink.'

Billie ran out of the room and sprinted into the garden.
She sat on the bench sobbing hysterically with her hands
over her ears. She couldn't be in the same room if bad
news was about to be told. She looked up to the sky.
'Please, God, just make him be OK. Even if he's seriously
injured, please make him be alive,' she whispered.

Michelle looked at the two Old Bill. 'Look, before you
tell me anything bad, I need to get a drink.' After retrieving
her wine from the fridge and downing half the bottle in
one go, Chelle sat back down. 'He's dead, isn't he?' she

PC Fortune put a comforting arm around her. 'I'm so
sorry, Mrs Keane. He was involved in an accident. We
don't think there are any suspicious circumstances, it's
just one of those unexplainable things. His car was found
this morning at the bottom of a ditch by a man walking
his dog. He was already dead when we arrived at the scene.
Due to the extent of his injuries we would advise you not
to see the body, although we will need someone to formally
identify him.'

Dave nodded. 'I'm his best friend, I'll do it.'

Michelle sat in a daze. She felt like she was in the
middle of a bad dream and would wake up any minute.
Dave was distraught, Terry was his best pal, his mucker,
the whole thing was a fucking nightmare. After sitting there
for a further half-hour offering words of comfort, the two
Old Bill got up to leave. Michelle sat in silence, unable
to take in what had happened.

DC Adams spoke directly to Davey Mullins. 'We can
see Mrs Keane is in a state of shock and we've still got
a few things on the case to sort before we can wrap it
up. What we'll do is send somebody around tomorrow to
have a chat and maybe sort out some counselling for the
family. There will also be some of her husband's belongings
to be returned, but we can't do that until the case is
actually closed.'

Dave thanked the officers, saw them out and shut the
door. Pouring himself a large brandy, he sat down opposite
Chelle. 'You better go upstairs and tell his mother,
Chelle. I'll go and find Billie and break the news to her.'

Chelle topped up her glass. The shock had sobered her
up. 'I'm not in the mood for that old cow. You go and
tell his mother and I'll tell Billie.'

Dave would much rather have been the one to tell
Billie, but he could hardly argue with Chelle. Keeping
his thoughts to himself, he went upstairs to break the
news to Terry's mum and aunt. Their blood-curdling
screams could be heard half a mile away!

Chelle found Billie sitting on a log down at the bottom
of the garden. Looking fearfully at her mother she asked
the dreaded question. 'Is he OK, Mum? He will be all
right, won't he?'

Billie knew the moment her mother put her arms around
her that her father was dead. Her mother had never
cuddled her in the fifteen and a half years she'd been on
this earth, so she immediately knew bad news was to follow.

'It was a car accident, Bill. He was already dead when
the police got there. Let's go inside, love. It's freezing out
here and you've got no coat on. You'll catch pneumonia
sitting out here.'

Sobbing, Billie shook with shock. 'It's not him, Mum,
it can't be. They've made a mistake, they must have. It's
not Daddy, it's not him. I know it's not him.'

Michelle wandered back into the house and poured
herself and Dave another drink. Pearl was still upstairs
with Bridie, screaming blue murder. Handing Dave his
brandy, Chelle sat opposite him at the kitchen table.

'You're going to have to sort out return tickets or a
hotel or something for them two upstairs. I can't have
them round me no more, Dave, and they probably won't
want to go back home till after his funeral.'

Dave looked at Chelle and realised just what a callous
bitch she really was. Her husband had just died and she
hadn't even shed a tear. All she was bothered about was
getting rid of the two old biddies upstairs. Keeping his
thoughts to himself, Dave decided to take Pearl and Bridie
to a local hotel first thing in the morning. They'd be better
off away from Chelle; at least that way, they could grieve
in peace.

Dave's main concern was Billie Jo. He felt so sorry
for the poor little fucker, her old man had been her life.
'Where's Billie, Chelle?'

'She's in the garden. She wanted to be on her own.'

Dave found Billie staring lifelessly into the swimming

'Billie, I'm so sorry, love. I really don't know what to
say to you. He idolised you, your father, and I want you
to know, whatever happens, I'll always be about for you.'

Sobbing, Billie threw herself against the hardness of
Dave's chest.

'My dad was the best dad in the world. Why did this
have to happen, Dave? I don't believe in God any more.
He doesn't exist, I know he doesn't.'

Trying to find the right words to comfort her wasn't
easy for Dave. All he could do was try his best.

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