Bill and the Spaceship! (Bill in Space (Erotic Fantasy)) (3 page)

BOOK: Bill and the Spaceship! (Bill in Space (Erotic Fantasy))
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Gwen woke up in a strange place.  She felt…  No
pain whatsoever from the whipping, how can that be?  She looked around and
gasped at the being sitting on the side of the bed she was in.

He said in a soft calming voice, “You’re safe.  We got
you out of there.  Can you tell me your name?”

She whispered, “Gwen.”

He said, “I am Bill, and you are aboard Ariella.  The
scout ship we found you on is…  Gone.”

She shivered a bit.  She knew he meant it had been
destroyed.  She also wondered if he was cruel.  His emotions were
laden with satisfaction at that fact.  But as he stared at her she felt
his compassion at her previous circumstances and, a righteous anger at the
Demonae on the scout vessel.

She also felt his lust.  It was different then the
Demonae males who had taken her and used her body.  It was much stronger,
and more potent.  

Frighteningly so.  She shuddered in fear, covering
herself with her arms even though she already wore clothes.

She felt the lust run out of him and compassion rush in,
“What is wrong?  You are safe here, I promise.”

She could feel the truth in his words but said, “And when
will you take me, use my body?  Will I be safe then?”

She watched his face cloud with confusion, and then

He said, “Oh crap, sorry about that.  You read emotions

He coughed, “Well umm, I can control that.  No one will
be hurting you on this ship.  In any way.  Not even sex unless you
consent to it.  I can’t control my body’s reactions to yours, but I can
sure as hell control my actions.”

As she read his emotions she could tell he was being
truthful.  This was a strange being, how could he control such lust?
 She would have blushed had she been capable of it when her body reacted
to that strength, all focused protectively toward her. 

After all she had never been in charge of anything in her
life.  This beings restraint gave over that power to her.  And
despite his weirdly pale colored skin and short ears he was attractive as well.

She asked neutrally, “So how did I end up here?”

She listened as he told her of the last two days. 
Fascinating, they should all be extinct as she thought about the ship. 
Then mentally apologized for the insensitive thought.  If the stories were
true at all, her life was bared before the ship carrying them.  As she
thought back over the horrors of her life she was ashamed, even though she knew
she shouldn’t be.

As she listens she knows she wants to help.  No, needs
to help.  She doesn’t think she could bring herself to cause pain in
another, but she must be able to do something.  This being from another
world cares about her and the plight of her people.  It shamed her that
she could not fight.  But she is what she is.  Maybe she could help
with planning or something else.  She is fair with technologies on
ships.  She could help there where Bill could not.

Then she felt a little of his lust come back and she was
surprised how it affected her this time.  Her breasts started to tingle
and her core tightened a little as her own lust was stoked.  Knowing she
was in control and safe for the first time in her life had made a big
difference from her first reaction to it.  Well, there was another way she
could be of help.  Ariella needed more crew, and every bit of power might

She admitted to herself that even without those incentives
to help Ariella free her race.  Well, she really wanted to be with this
man now.  He cares for her plight and rescued her from the nightmare of
her life.  She knew he didn’t expect anything out of it, or for it. 
Just freeing her had been enough for this being. 

She got up and walked over to the devices on one of the
tables.  She grinned when she felt his eyes on her backside and the surge
of lust.  It made her feel in control, and powerful.  An emotion she
had never felt before.  Perversely that made her want to give him what he

She held up a device and said, “This will allow me to link
to Ariella and be a part of her crew?  I can’t fight, but I can do other
things to help.  If you plan to revenge the betrayal on Ariella’s race,
and try to free mine.  Then I need to be a part of it.

She heard a sexy female voice from seemingly nowhere and
everywhere, “Yes Gwen, and welcome aboard.”

She activated the device and felt herself passing out. 
She didn’t expect that and cringed as she fell.  She breathed a relieved
sigh when she felt Bill catching her and carrying her back to the bed. 
She passed out as she felt him covering her up.


She woke up again feeling great.  She also couldn’t
feel any of the Demonae conditioning at all.  It was as if their command
power had been cancelled out.  She looked around and was alone.  She
felt a stab of disappointment Bill wasn’t there.  She got up and explored
around the ship.  It didn’t take long to find him sleeping alone in the
largest bedroom.  She studied his sleeping face for a while and felt the
stirrings of lust.

She was still a little nervous, this is what she
wanted.  But the power of his attraction was still daunting, she sighed
and relaxed.  He had said he could control it and she believed him. 
She longed to feel that lust while they lie together, gentled by his
regard.  She unzipped and removed the uniform they had put on her and
crawled into the bed.  He stirred as she snuggled against his hard body.

He said, “Are you sure you want this?”

She almost cried at the compassion and concern she felt
radiating off of him.  She nodded.

She felt the lust rush back into him and wondered if he
would just take her.  She was certainly ready for it, her center warm,
moist and ready.  She felt his arms go around her and he pulled her into a
soft kiss.  She felt her body melt and conform to his, as if by instinct
as she returned his kiss.  She moaned in need as their tongues met and danced
between slightly parted lips.

She was amazed at her body’s response, it had never been
like this before, and they hadn’t even started yet, not really.  She
ground her heat against him and explored his hard muscular body with her
hands.  She felt him leave her lips and push her onto her back.  She
wasn’t at all surprised by this, she was in awe of his control, and at his
point wanted him to take her hard, she needed it.

Of course, the strange being surprised her again.  She
felt him kiss down her body.  His lips felt amazing against her sensitive
skin.  She gasped as he stopped to brush his lips lightly across her
hardened nipples.  She felt him flick her nipple with his tongue, causing
pleasure to shoot through her body.  She started to moan, her center
tightening in need as he teased her other nipple between thumb and forefinger.

She thought it felt wonderful.  No one had ever done
that for her before.  Her old masters were never this gentle.  She
moaned out when she felt his lips close around her nipple and he softly sucked
it into his warm mouth, flicking her sensitive swollen nipple with his
tongue.  She gasped as her center coiled tighter and then exploded. 
She felt pure bliss spread through her body.  Never before had sex been
anything but a humiliating and degrading way for her masters to get off in her.

This being had brought her there and they weren’t even
joined yet.  She felt him start kissing his way down her body and felt her
center clench in anticipation of what this being would do next.  She
gasped in shock and pleasure as his tongue touched her silken core.  She
wondered as she felt both the lust and also satisfaction from Bill as she was
being pleasured.

Not only was he being gentle, but he was getting pleasure by
pleasing her?  Her body responded to this in a big way.  Her back
arched and she ground her hot wet center into his face.  She felt her
center coiling again and knew that ecstasy was coming again.

She panted out brokenly, “Oh yes Bill, please, don’t stop, I’m
almost there.”

She felt him suck in her sensitive nub and flick it with his
rough tongue once.  That sent her into bliss again, stronger this time.
 She felt him licking inside her core, making it last longer than last
time too.  Extending her pleasure as he licked and slurped in her nectar

She felt him kneel up on the bed and looked down her body,
seeing his cock for the first time.  She gasped at the size of it,
remembering the pain of the much smaller ones.  She felt him line up and
she moaned at the delicious friction of his head along her silken puffy
lips.  She felt him slip inside her and he stretched her out.  It
hurt at first, but apparently her being wet and ready made a huge difference.

She felt her core conform and squeeze his invading member and
moaned at the slow delicious friction as he slowly pumped into her.  She
felt him getting a little deeper inside her with every pump of his hips until
she felt his body up against hers.  His ten inches now engulfed in her
willing center.  She felt so good and so hot as she felt his lust and
pleasure combine with hers in her mind.

She also still felt concern coming off of him.  She
knew he was worried about hurting her.

She looked up into his strange hazel eyes and begged.
 Partially to set his mind at ease, the other reason being she wanted it
so bad, “Bill, take me, please.  I need you to, take me hard!”

She moaned as that was all it took.  She felt him pull
out to his tip then slam back into her, filling her up with his hot hard
length.  She wanted, no needed more and her body started bucking up,
meeting each of his hard delicious thrusts.  As his plundering cock filled
her with the pleasure of its friction against her sensitive labia and core she
rose to her height.

She gasped and panted as he took her into bliss time after
time.  She had never known it could be like this, so beautiful and filled
with her own pleasure.  She felt him grow inside her, stretching her inner
walls even further as he slammed into her.  She could feel his seed
shooting into her womb and she rose once more into bliss, clamping down on his
length and milking his seed out.

She felt him lean down and prop himself on his elbows to
avoid crushing her.  She mewled in his mouth as he claimed it in a soft
but passionate kiss.  She found it hard to believe even though she just
went through it.  All she knew was she was no longer a slave and despite
that she wondered how long it would take before she was Bill’s body and soul.

She felt the lust diminish, contentment was radiating off of
them both.  Instead of leaving her though he surprised her once again, she
felt him wrap his arms around her and hold her close.  As she drifted off
into sleep with him she knew she had never felt so safe or cared for before in
all her life.



Ariella was amazed by her power levels.  The amount of
power she had at any given time was directly related to her power over space,
as well as creating plasma.  She was blown away with the power she
received earlier from Bill and Gwen.  She expected a lot from Bill, what
was normal.  What she didn’t expect was how he stepped up Gwen’s
production of energy. 

She had Elvii on her crew before and in the past the
production didn’t come close to what she got earlier.  She was also
impressed how Bill had handled Gwen.  She knew that Gwen deserved every
bit of compassion he showed of course.  She guessed she shouldn’t be too
surprised.  Still, some judge victims, they can’t help it.  She felt
none of that from him, and it was exactly what Gwen needed.

She thought they may actually have a chance at this, given
the amount of power being generated she was stronger than ever before, by a few
times.  It would take a lot more to harm her now than in that ambush long

She went in and joined them in bed on the other side of
Bill, this body needs sleep too after all.  They were wrapped in each
other’s arms and were sleeping contentedly.  She was happy to see it.
 She felt a stab of jealousy from her body as well but squashed it. 
These human instincts could be treacherous.  She knew she was in love with
Bill and that he was coming to love her.  There was no reason not to share

For her species shared love was the way to survival. 
Perhaps she considered, that is why most of her species had been protectors.

Love is not a limited commodity to be doled out
miserly.  She knew he would have enough for them both and perhaps for even
more in the future days.  Plus this was normal and expected in her
crew.  She hoped this instinct would not be an impediment inside
him.  She knew he didn’t have her years of wisdom plus the competing
instincts of her race to fight it.  She understood it was a survival
instinct, but it held no place here.

She snuggled into his back and drifted off to sleep.


Ariella woke up and they stayed in bed, talking about what
to do.  They all agreed to her relief that they would go forward and try
to end slavery.  Somehow, they would figure it out.  The information
she had pulled from the scout was basic though, they needed Intel from a more
complete military database.  Just so they could plan and decide how to
start the real efforts toward their goal.

That would require attacking a light or heavy military
cruiser of Angilli origin.  Their Demonae allies would not have complete

Ideally they would still be hidden for as long as possible,
they were one ship going after an empire.  Well maybe not the empire, just
the slavery within it.  Still, she knew it was ambitious to say the
least.  To that end she started scanning Angilli space for a single light
or heavy military cruiser.  There currently weren’t any alone, they were
mostly in two’s and three’s. 

She could do it, but could she do it quietly and before a
response?  Probably not.

They discussed it and decided to wait for an opportunity at
least for now.  She felt Bill pull her in for a long breath stealing
kiss.  She sighed as he broke the kiss but felt Gwen’s soft supple lips
against hers and sighed.  She was full of happiness at once again having a
crew to love and protect.  To be her friends, lovers and perhaps mates as
she roamed the stars.

It was different this time however.  While she always
loved and cared for her crew, and needed the sex for fuel, with this body there
was a carnal need for it.  She felt a bodily imperative to express her
love and attraction through the physical act.  The pleasure was so much
more in this shape.  She eventually did grow sated, as they all pleasured
each other for several hours…


Larissa growled in annoyance.  She had signed up for
this duty at the word rebellion.  She longed for a challenge to her
abilities.  This was not it.  These Elvii were just sheep that needed
a strong crook, not an invasion force to put them down.  Her tail whipped
behind her as she stalked through the settlement, no one got in her way.
 Even other Demonae were giving her a wide berth.

She felt some small compassion for these Elvii, the thought
of being a slave disgusted her.  However their cowardice and unwillingness
to fight disgusted her far more than any feelings of compassion.

Her own fellow soldiers were starting to disgust her as
well.  They got off on the fear and pain they delivered.  They
stopped being soldiers in her eyes.  There was no honor in them at
all.  The Demonae space force had degenerated into thugs.  She longed
for a real battle.  Her tail whipped back and forth, clearly demonstrating
to all her short temper.

She ran into an Elvii male and all she did was growl, sent
the damn coward running.  When she turned the corner she lost her temper
all together.  There were two of her fellow warriors with pants down
around their ankles.  They were both trying to get an Elvii to suck their
dick.  A battle of wills to see whose control power was stronger.

She felt a slight twinge at the young Elvii woman’s
predicament, but brushed it off.  If she won’t fight she isn’t worth the
thought.  What she was mad at was the actions of the warriors
themselves.  She felt that same hole in her life where the challenge of
battle was missing.  However she refused to fill it with dishonorable
behavior and cruelty to alleviate the boredom as these cretins were.

She said scornfully, “What the hell are you doing? 
This isn’t the way for a warrior to act.  Kill her or send her home, what
sick game is this?  Where is your superior?”

She sighed as she saw another Demonae step forward, this one
with a higher rank than her.

He sneered, “I need to promote one of these.  I want
the strongest controller in the position.  I thought this might be more
entertaining, you have a problem with that?”

She couldn’t believe her ears.  This was a promotion
challenge?  It should by rights be a fight to decide the matter, the
strongest walking away with the position.  Her temper got the best of her
and she growled and jumped forward, baring her claws at the piece of shit who
was leading this dishonorable contest.  Things went south fast from there,
as the four Demonae surrounded her.

She spat, “Have you no honor?  Are we animals then?”

She was mad and had bared her claws, but she hadn’t attacked
without a challenge.  However they did.  She growled her voice full
of power and the two nitwits with their pants down immediately ran.  Now
it was just two to one.  She felt sorry for them for a moment then started
to rip into them as they attacked.

She was still a low rank because she was a female, young,
and because she had no desire to lead.  She just wanted to be in an
honorable battle in the trenches so to speak.  She saw the regret in his
eyes, that he had attacked her, while his lifeblood spilled from his
throat.  That’s when she felt three stunner rounds hit her in the back
from behind.  She fell to the ground, unconscious.


She woke up to the vibration of the deck plates.  Wherever
she was they had just jumped to light speed.  She groaned, her head hurt
like a bitch.  She growled, damn temper got her in trouble, again. 
She wondered if she would get executed this time or not.  That dumb ass
was the third
she had gotten in a fight with.  Even if he
threw the first punch she still ripped out his throat.


She looked around.  It didn’t look like a Demonae
cruiser’s brig.  To damn bright, must be on an Angilli ship.  She
wonders why she was turned over to them.  There would only be one reason,
to plumb out her mind.  She was too disciplined for most Angilli to get in
her mind, so they must have sent her off to someone who could get in.

Dumb shits probably thought she did that to defend the
worthless Elvii.  Doesn’t anyone in the shit hole of a military have honor
anymore?  Perhaps she was just a fool, her motivations were obviously only
known to herself.  What else can she expect from brigands and
cretins?  Well if she lives through this she would get a discharge, she
was now convinced there were no honorable or challenging fights out there


Bill was in the center chair on the bridge, head back and
eyes closed.  They were moving into position to disable the light
cruiser.  He knew that he should be watching as the skirmish
progressed.  His only defense was that Ariella’s hot mouth was doing
amazing things to his cock.  He looked down at her and into her bright
green eyes.  He felt like he may be falling in love with her.

Her bobbing, suction and tightly hugging lips were milking
his cock hard.  Her throat massaging the sensitive head of his
pleasure.  She had said she might need the energy, but the twinkle in her
eyes and the look she was giving him now was convincing him otherwise.  He
as pretty sure she just wanted his cock in her mouth.  Her warm wet
inviting mouth. 

He swelled inside her as her throat massaged his engorged
tip and he shot ropes of cum strait down her throat.  She had a look of
pleasure on her face that was unbelievable to him, but he wasn’t going to
argue.  He saw her wink up at him as he had that thought. 

She wasn’t telling…

Suddenly her face got serious and he looked up at the
readings.  The light cruiser was already disabled, he had missed the
shot.  Problem is a heavy cruiser just decloaked and took a defensive
position in front of the light.  They shot missiles at them and he heard
Ariella snort.

She said, “Apparently they don’t remember how to fight my
kind, energy weapons only.”

He said, “Why only energy.”

She smiled and said, “Because we have an instinctive
understanding and control of space itself.”

He wasn’t sure what she meant by that but saw the missiles
heading for them suddenly facing the other direction and heading back toward the
other ship.  The heavy cruiser was destroyed by its own missiles. 
They hadn’t even fired a shot.

He asked, “Can you do that with their ships?”

She shook her head, “The ships have energy shields which
interferes, at least until we knock them out.  In addition their engines
and reactors hold a great amount of raw energy, unlike a small missile. 
It affects my ability to manipulate space directly near them.”

He pulled her into a kiss and said, “I’ll get my weapon, we
are ready to board?”

He saw her nod in answer and he headed into the bedroom to
get the weapon.

He looked over at Gwen and smiled as he grabbed the
weapon.  He was surprised when she came to him, he had thought her
afraid.  She was so beautiful.  He knew what brutalities she had been
through so made a special effort their first time, and it paid off well. 
He had reveled in every single orgasm he had pulled out of her, and there were

He watched her walk over, so graceful he
thought.   He kissed her when she embraced him.

Gwen said, “Be careful, I wish I could go with you, but
violence is hard on my species.”

He said smiling, “I will, and you will have plenty to do
when we bring the data back.”

He left the room and went back to the bridge.  He
realized he was getting wrapped around more than one finger as he made it back
to the bridge.

He said, “Ready.”

They were surrounded by lights and appeared in a curved
corridor.  He didn’t see anyone in either direction. 

She said while pointing, “We go this way, then up three
levels then down a long corridor to the bridge.” 

She shrugged apologetically, “It was the closest I could get
us.  The bridge is protected by an energy field.”

He nodded and took the lead.  They only ran into two
Angilli on the way to the lift and he quickly took out both before they could
react or raise the alarm.  He looked at them closely, being the first he
has ever seen.  Their skin was a light golden color.  Their hair was
just a few shades darker.  Other than that they looked surprisingly human,
especially with those bright blue eyes.

They took the lift up and carefully stepped out in the
corridor, stunner raised.  They found two Angilli on the floor, throats
ripped out. 

What the hell? 

They continued following the corridor toward the bridge and
ran into three more dead Angilli.  He exchanged a mystified look with
Ariella and they heard weapons fire up ahead.

They cautiously approached and saw two Angilli that were
glowing white.  It almost looks like they had wings.  They were very
fast this way, but the Demonae female was faster.  He realized she must be
the cause of all the corpses they passed.  He raised his arm and took out
one of the Angilli. 

The Demonae hissed in frustration and practically tore off
the second Angilli’s head.

She glared back at them and he went to take the shot.

Ariella said, “Wait.  Let’s talk to her.”

Bill raised his eyebrow and shrugged.  He figured she
was a mind reader and empath.  Although he couldn’t imagine a good reason
to talk to a Demonae.  She was covered in blood and looked really pissed.

Larissa said in exasperation, “What the hell did you do that
for?  I was having fun fighting both.  I finally had a challenge and
you ruined it.”

He was alarmed when she growled.

He shrugged, “We want on the bridge, it’s why we are here
after all.”

Her eyes narrowed.  “Can you get me off this
ship?  I imagine I am now a fugitive.”

Ariella said, “We can offer you more than that, if you swear
not to harm me or anyone aboard the ship, including the ship itself.”

He asked Ariella skeptically, “Are you sure?”

Ariella nodded firmly.  “She is one of the few Demonae
who hold to the old code of honor, if she gives her word it shall be so. 
Unless of course we attack her, but I am not worried about that happening.”

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