Bigger Girls Do It Collection: 4 Complete Erotic Romance Stories (3 page)

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Once More With Feeling

Ariel called and they made arrangements to have dinner at home. They would have it at Ariel’s home but the plan was that Bryan would do the cooking.

When Ariel told Zeta about the plan, Zeta asked, “What if he cannot cook?”

“It’s up to him to provide the meal. He can bring takeout if he likes. I told him it was a test of his creativity to come up with a meal that I loved.”

arrived while Matthew was sitting in the living room on Saturday night waiting for Zeta to come down stairs. Bryan was carrying bags of groceries and his special knives for preparing meals.

“Did you tell her you were a bit of a gourmet?” Matthew asked. Ariel had gone into the kitchen to get a bottle of red wine.

Bryan said, “no. I figured I would do my best to impress her without setting her expectations too high.

Both meals were wonderful.

Ariel had to restrain herself from enthusing over the meal that Bryan made. She also had to refrain from becoming too girlishly giddy over having a date with one of the best looking men she had ever met.

After they had a cup of cappuccino, Ariel said, “That was very well done. I think for your reward, I will let you pleasure me.”

She rose and started upstairs. He didn’t move and it took her a few seconds to realize that he was waiting for her to tell him to follow her.

“Well, come along then,” she said.

She had a small whip with knotted cords. “I was planning on using this on you if the meal had not been perfect but it was. So I am going to use this instead.” She picked up an old fashioned hair brush from her dresser.

She made him remove his clothes and bend over the bed. She remained fully clothed and stood over him and paddled his ass until it was red.

She pulled open the drawer in her nightside table and pulled out her new acquisition.

It was a strap on dildo. Out of sheer thoughtfulness, she got one that had a small cock. The strap-on part was constructed so that it placed just the right amount of pressure on her tender parts.

She also brought out the lubricant that she had purchased and smeared it over the end of the artificial cock that was now part of her own body.

She stepped between his legs and inserted the lubricated dildo between his buttocks. She used her hands to guide it to his eager hole and gently pushed it into his anus.

He moaned. This was an entirely new experience for him. He was surprised at the sensations. At first she moved in and out slowly and then faster and faster.

When she came, she was almost dizzy with the arousal and the tingling all through her body. She kept ass-fucking him beyond the length of her orgasm.

When she was done, she unhooked her portable penis and told him to get into bed. She took his cock in her hands. It was like steel.

“You are allowed to masturbate.”

“But...,” he had been about to say that he wanted to fuck her however he thought that might not be the right thing to say.

“But you would rather fuck me?”

He nodded.

She arranged herself in the bed beside him and said, “All right then. You may.”

He began to play with her breasts and her big soft belly that he adored touching. He loved the way her flesh flowed from her framework.

When he moved over her, he knew that he might not last too long. His ass cheeks burned from the paddling and his hole was on fire from the probing and prodding.

When he sank his cock into her he felt like he was following it, his whole body sliding inside her. He held on as long as he could and then he let himself finish in her, draining his pent up semen until he felt like he was hollow.

Eventually they heard Zeta and Matthew return from their date and they heard the laughter and the barked orders coming from Zeta’s room.

Ariel felt her own power growing and she knew that there were endless games she could play with this man for a very long time to come.


Bigger Girls Do It in the Champagne Room - Book

The Champagne Room

The Champagne Room was the party place in Grenoble, the small town suburb of a larger more cosmopolitan city. It was rarely frequented by the typical suburbanite type of party such as an anniversary celebration or a fortieth birthday party.

In spite of its name, it was more than a room. It was a single story hall with a large central room that could be divided into smaller rooms or left open. It could easily hold 300 people. It did not start out as a party place for serious party animals from the big city but it soon became known as the place for a really raunchy yet tasteful bachelor party.

It might sound kind of strange to think of a raunchy party that was tasteful but that was the magic of the Champagne Room. It could do this easily. For one thing, the place was sedately decorated with solid fixtures that were genuine antiques or about to become antiques.

For another thing, the people who had partied here liked the secluded nature of the town and then had a nice way of keeping the place civilized regardless of how wild the party was. Some of the partiers were willing to send in their own clean up crew but this was not because the place was really messed up with broken bottles and furniture.

For many of the party-goers, the clean up had to do with removing traces of a wild sexually-charged evening. The fur-lined handcuffs would be discreetly removed and all traces of whipped cream would be removed from the leather furniture.

When the partiers wanted a catered meal, the owners made sure that the prettiest of the town’s young women were the servers for the evening.

The owners were Henry and Gerard MacLeod. They were brothers who owned an accounting business in the suburban town. They dabbled in real estate and the Champagne Room was just one of their holdings.

The brothers were in their thirties and recently their sister had been hinting that she would like to join the family business. She had the right education but she was only twenty-four.

The brothers liked it the way it was. Their business ran smoothly. There was enough for them to do but not too much. There was not enough to spread out to a third partner. Besides, they both believed that their little sister was spoiled rotten and self indulgent. She would leave them with a lot of extra work to do for no financial gain because she would not finish projects if she saw something come up that was more fun to do.

At least, that is what they believed.

Sara’s Version

Their sister, Sara, resented her brothers and their notion of who she was and how she behaved. They were basing their attitude on how she was when she was five years old and they were teenagers.

She had her accounting degree and she was excellent at organizing projects and events and yet they treated her like a spoiled baby brat. Sara was driving to meet her best friend Serena at the Cowslips restaurant in downtown Grenoble when she passed the Champagne Room.

She thought it was a damned waste the way the boys ran that business. No one locally ever used it and it could hold an entire wedding from ceremony to the last dance. Assholes, she exclaimed as she parked in front of the restaurant. Serena was not yet there.

Sara hated walking into a restaurant alone. She was a big girl and she always felt that all eyes were on her when she went into a restaurant alone. “Look at the big fat one coming in to stuff her face.” That is what she imagined they were saying, or at least thinking.

She felt the wave of disgust wash over her as she always did when she thought about these kinds of things. She even wondered at such times if her brothers did not want her in the business because she was not good for their image.

She wished she could talk these things over with someone but Selena, even though she was her best friend, was not the person to talk about body image with. Selena was even fatter than Sara was but she insisted that she was a big beautiful woman and she did not see any reason to change.

Sara just could not accept this fervent statement of Selena’s. She thought it was a big cover up for Selena’s own low self-esteem. When she saw Selena pull in and park behind her on the street, Sara got out of her car. Selena waved to her and hoisted herself out of her car.

Selena had thick honey colored hair that she kept just past shoulder length. She wore carefully applied makeup and an over-sized tunic over slimline slacks. She looked lovely, Sara thought. It all depended on how the fat was distributed on a person’s body. It had to be.

Sara knew for a fact that Selena wore larger clothes than she did because she peeked at the sizes one time she was at Selena’s. Yet, Selena looked large and lovely. Elegant even.

The two women went into the restaurant and ordered their food. While they were waiting, Sara began to chatter about her brothers. This was a frequent topic of conversation these days.

Sara turned her bitching to the poor use of the Champagne Room.

Selena stared at her.

“What? What?” Sara asked. She was familiar with the silent big-eyed stare that Selena used to show her annoyance or frustration or just plain lack of understanding.

“The Champagne Room is a goldmine.”

“How could it be?”

This friend of mine has a sister who works there sometimes and she told her about the parties they have there. Very special. And your brothers charge for the location and the discretion.”

Sara looked startled.

“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” Selena smiled. She liked having more information than Sara, and it was one of the things about her that annoyed Sara.

Sara just gave her head a small shake, no.

Selena went on to describe this party that her friend’s sister worked at and how it involved some pretty special exotic dancers.

“You mean it is a sex club?”

Selena asked. “Oh Sara, you just don’t get it. It is whatever the clients want. It’s a high class boys’ club for old geezers who want to relive their glory days. It’s a poker den. It’s a stag party.”

Sara felt a hot spurt of anger at being left so out of the family business that Selena knew more about it than she did.

She would have to find a way to explore this for herself.

Sara’s Exploration

Sara decided to investigate the Champagne Room for herself. The downside of living in a small town was that everyone knew everyone. This made it impossible for Sara to get hired as a server at any of the events.

The flip side of this was that it made it very easy for her to intrude on Friday night when she saw the Mercedes-driving crowd show up at the Champagne Room. She was dressed in a power suit that she had bought on one of her shopping trips in
New York.

She had been preparing herself for the day when she joined the family firm. She had the education and the outfit. She felt pretty good as she went into the Champagne Room. She nodded and smiled at the men who were in the small front room that had been transformed into a cocktail room. It was part of the larger main room that had been divided into a welcome area.

Sara went through the room into the larger room that was behind it. She could see that it was set up as an elegant dining area with linen-covered round table and beautiful centerpieces of fresh flowers.

She saw Jerry Rybold checking the room. Jerry had been in high school with her and he was a local chef with a great deal of skill. Sara often wondered why Jerry didn’t leave for a bigger city to practice his skills rather than stay in town and do catering.

“Hi Sara,” Jerry said.

“Hi Jerry.” She waved a hand to encompass the room. “This looks amazing.”

“Thank you.”

He walked across the room and gave her a hug. “Can I help you?” he asked.

“Oh no. I was just checking up on the evening’s events. I had no idea you did catering here.”

“It’s one of the reasons I stay in
Grenoble. This place is always my favorite gig.”

Sara smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Are you working with your brothers on this place?”

“I’m hoping too.” She made a wry face, “But they still think of me as a kid so I am trying to get a grip on the operations before taking over management here.”

Jerry raised his eyebrows. “Really.”

“A girl’s got to start somewhere.”

One of the evening’s guest came into the dining room area and Jerry smiled over Sara’s shoulder at him. He gave Sara a quick hug and whispered, “I have to go and be charming.”

Sara knew she was being dismissed. She said, “Call me. Let’s do lunch.”

Jerry nodded, “I will.”

Lunch with Jerry

The next day Jerry did call Sara. They agreed to meet for dinner at Jerry’s place that evening. He wanted to cook her a special meal.

Sara also expected that he wanted the privacy of dinner in his own home where they could talk freely. She was right.

Jerry’s table was set with exquisite taste. The meal began with a squash soup that was delicately spiced and so delicious Sara could have eaten a second bowl and a third. As he brought out the main course, freshly caught trout that he had transformed into a delicacy, Jerry asked, “Are you really thinking about taking over the management of the Champagne Room.”

Sara did not need any more encouragement to spill her story about how her brothers stonewalled her efforts to be part of their business and how she thought that she could run the Room. She just needed to get to know it better and that was why she had to drop in for her little surprise visit.

Jerry was quiet and Sara knew him well enough to know that he was hesitating to say something.

She said, “What is it, Jer?”

“You know that guy who came in when we were talking?”

“I don’t know him.”

“I mean, you remember him coming in?”

Sara smiled, “Yes. Of course I do.”

“Well, he asked me about you and asked if I could book him a meeting with you. At the Champagne Room.”

Sara stared at Jerry. She did not mind walking into the Champagne Room alone. It was just walking into a restaurant alone that bothered her. She now felt the same way about walking into the Champagne Room to meet a stranger. She would much rather have a meeting with him in an office.

Her mind turned to food and she started to think how she would have to eat before she met him for a meal...then she realized that Jerry said a meeting in the Champagne Room, not a meal in the Champagne Room. She felt relieved.


“I don’t know. He’s a big time lawyer. Maybe he wants to hire you.”

“He doesn’t know anything about me.” Sara hesitated then added, “Does he?”

“He just knows you’re the little sister of the owners.”

“When does he want to do this?”

“That is up to you and the availability of the Room.”

“He wants to rent the Room just to meet with me.”

“And he wants to rent me to cook your favorite meal.”

It sounded so wacky that Sara had to say yes. She could have a meal before she went so that her enormous appetite would not be so evident. She could not help it, when she was stressed as she surely would be having dinner with a stranger, she seemed to eat unconsciously.

She could tell herself that she would watch herself and not eat everything she could reach but it never worked. She would gobble up everything and not even know what she was doing.

“He said if you were uncomfortable meeting him alone, even at your brothers’ place, you could bring a friend. He said whatever made you feel comfortable.”

She would bring Selena.

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