Big Sky (3 page)

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Authors: Kitty Thomas

Tags: #Erotica, #dark erotic fiction, #masterslave, #literary erotica, #kitty thomas, #dominance and submission, #literary fiction, #dark literary fiction, #dark erotica, #BDSM

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She flipped through the pages of the site, getting hungrier with each page. They sold grass-fed beef, as well as milk, cheese, and butter. There were pictures of food that made her want to beg him to take her with him despite the danger he posed. She’d been rationing money for food, afraid for when it ran out. Wasn’t staying in New York the tiger? What if both doors had tigers of different breeds—grisly death either way?

“There are lots of things you could do out there. We’d keep you busy and well fed.”

“Why are you doing this? I was a jerk to you, and I have no ranch-related skills.”

He looked away, but she’d seen his eyes before he’d managed it. He wanted her. She didn’t know why, and she didn’t really care. It was pure animal lust, and going with him meant one way or another she’d end up in his bed.

“I just want to help you.”

She handed the phone back to him, a chill going down her spine as the sun sank beneath the trees. She felt torn. A part of her wanted to ask him to walk her back to her room, but she didn’t feel safe with him, either: then he’d know where she slept at night.

“I’m sorry, I really can’t. I’ll be fine.”

He sighed deeply and stood. “All right. You still have my card?”

Veronica nodded. She’d held that card in her hands, staring at it for days now, wanting it to be a real safety net but too afraid it was a trap. She’d never been the woman who trusted pretty strangers. Women around her would get drunk at bars and trustingly go home with strange men because they were attractive, and therefore somehow safe. Veronica had never looked at things that way. Strangers were strangers. Men you didn’t know were men you couldn’t trust. And what did she know about men you
trust? Nothing. For all she knew, such men were a fairy tale.

“If you change your mind, call me. I’ll come get you.”

He started to walk away, and for a hysterical moment she wanted to beg him to take her with him. Judging by the way her house of cards had fallen around her, it was fuck him for room and board or fuck strangers. Stripping would be an option right before it got that dire, but she wasn’t sure she could stand on a stage and shed her clothing while men ogled her. It seemed almost as bad as sex with strangers for money.

He’d gotten several yards away when he cursed, turned around, and came right for her. There was purpose and determination on his face that froze her to the bench, immobilizing her even down to her vocal cords. By the time she worked up a scream, his hand was over her mouth.

“Sorry, Ronnie, you’re coming with me.”

Instinctively she bit his hand, and just as instinctively he smacked her, but he didn’t look sorry. That scared her more than anything else. He hadn’t hit her hard, and didn’t look like he would do it again, but the look in his eyes—the look that dared her to challenge him right now—was enough.

“Fine. Scream. My truck’s not far.”

She kicked desperately out at him, but he swept an arm under her legs and scooped her up. Even with her wriggling and struggling, he made it back to the truck.

He’d left the doors unlocked, probably something he’d grown used to in Vermont. Unluckily for her, some thug hadn’t stolen it. She screamed one last time before he shoved her into the passenger side. Moments later, rope from the trunk was being tied around her wrists and ankles. He pulled out a knife, and she shrank back.

“I’m cutting the rope, not you. Relax.”


“Ask again why I’m afraid of you.” She couldn’t stop the tears streaming down her cheeks.

“This is just so you don’t hurt me or wreck us. That’s it. Judging from the state you were in just a week after you were fired, if I left you, you’d die in a ditch or be raped in an alley.”

“How do I know that fate doesn’t await me with you?”

“Guess you’ll have to start being nicer to me.”

He took the second length of rope and pulled her wrists down and tied them to her ankles. The rope was long enough that she could sit up properly in the car, but not long enough for her to hold her arms up to get the attention of other motorists.

Five minutes later he started the engine. It was fully dark now.

“Just let me go.” She tried her best to stay calm, but the act was failing miserably.


“Are you going to kill me?”

“Don’t be silly. Why would I kill you?”

She snorted. “Why would you

“Because you clearly can’t take care of yourself. Now I’ve got a place for you where you’ll be fed and safe instead of out on the streets like a crack addict.”

“Are you going to keep me tied up?”

“No. I told you, I have work for you. You’ll be doing work.”

“Like hell, you cretin. I’m not your slave.”

He glanced in the rear view and pulled onto the interstate. “Let me ask you something. Do you have any friends you can stay with?” He had to know the answer to that, given how he’d found her—assuming he hadn’t followed her the whole week. He was just tormenting her.

“No. I have, or
, coworkers.”

“Why don’t you have friends? Could it be your charming personality?”

Veronica stared out the window into the night as it blurred by. So much for her lady or the tiger choice. She tried not to cry when she answered. “I worked long hours, so I didn’t have time for much of a social life. What time I did have was spent with coworkers, and I never let them get too close.”

“Why not?”

“I got into financial trouble and lost my penthouse. Status is a big deal in my circle. I couldn’t let them know I was living in such a bad apartment. They aren’t the kind of friends that would let you crash at their place, anyway.” The walls around her personal bubble had dissolved in light of being kidnapped. Now, talking—making him see her as human—felt like her only shot at survival. He hadn’t taken her to help her. He’d taken her because he wanted her. He’d come in like some barbarian and scooped her up as if she were the spoils of war.

“Are you still living in the apartment?”

She shot him a look. “No, I’ve been abducted.”

A small grin inched up his face. At least it didn’t look like a serial killer grin. She hoped.

“You know what I mean.”

“No, I was evicted about a month ago. The day I got fired I had three days left there.”

“So where were you living when I saw you tonight?”

“A hotel. Not a really nice one, but not seedy enough that I felt unsafe sleeping.”

“I see.”

They were quiet for several miles. Veronica decided not to waste her energy fighting him right now. Taking her across state lines was bad, but he’d have to stop for gas or a bathroom break at some point. If she just waited, she’d have her opportunity, assuming she could move like this or find something to cut through the ropes.

“Do you have family?” he asked.



“That’s rude.”

“I learned it from you.”

She sighed. “My mom is overseas. I don’t even have her phone number. My dad left.”


“A long time ago.”

Veronica sat perfectly still, reviewing the past few minutes of conversation. In her attempt to seem human, she’d made it clear what easy prey she was. No family. No friends. No one to miss her. She’d just given him everything he needed. Now he could do whatever he wanted with her and no one would make a call. No one would file a missing person report. No one would be looking for her.

“You should have had savings,” he said. “With what you were probably making, there’s no excuse for—”

“Hey! I don’t have to listen to this shit. You’re breaking the law, and you’re probably going to kill me, so on top of that I don’t have to listen to your stupid bullshit. My business is my business. You got it?” The shot of bravery was stupid.

He pulled the car over on the shoulder, and leaned in so close that when he spoke, his warm breath feathered out against her face. “Princess, you have to listen to whatever I say you have to listen to. I took you because I wanted you. All right? Sheer want. I rode up and rescued your ass, and when I’m finished with you, you’ll politely thank me for it.”

Veronica reeled back like she’d been slapped again. “Fine. I fucking hate men. Sandy called it. You bully. You shove your weight around. I never feel safe anywhere I go alone because I might come across a man like you. And even if I’m not around a man like you, I have to worry that maybe that’s what I’ve stumbled upon. I can never feel safe walking through a park at night, or on an elevator with a man alone, or in a parking garage...”

“Who hurt you?”

“Besides you?”

“Oh, I haven’t hurt you, yet.”

hung on the air, the darkest threat of the night so far.

Tears slid down her cheeks.

“Answer my question.”

“No one.”

He eased back and she could finally breathe again, then he turned the key in the ignition and pulled back onto the road.




Veronica woke with a jolt when the car door slammed. The clock on the dashboard indicated it was close to midnight.

“You fell asleep, princess.”

“Stop calling me that.”

The gas station he’d stopped at was deserted, with only one flickering light over the gas pump. The night clerk looked like he’d done his fair share of felony, so no help there.

“Are you hungry?”

She’d been hungry since Luke had found her in the park hours ago. She watched him, afraid to look any weaker than she already looked.

“I got you chips and a drink. You’ll eat better when we get home.” He opened both the chips and soda and passed them to her.

“Could you untie me?”

“Not until we get home.”

“I have to pee.”

“Not here.”

have to go.”

“Just eat your snack. I’ll find a place.”

She bent awkwardly forward to eat, her tied hands making it difficult. She wished she was lying about having to use the bathroom. If he stopped on the side of the road somewhere and watched her, she’d die from the humiliation.

“I hope you like BBQ,” he said. “I didn’t know what kind to get. You were asleep.”

like BBQ, but if he was starting to feel guilty for the situation, she wasn’t about to assuage his guilt with a show of gratitude. Somehow in her mind, everything that had happened was her fault. If she’d managed her money better, she wouldn’t have been so stressed and lost her job. She would have been living in the penthouse still, and she would have made a nice breakfast in her big kitchen with the island oven before work that day. Her path and psycho-cowboy’s path never would have crossed. He would have gone back to Vermont without her ever meeting him, and she’d have a raise, and the coveted corner office with the giant windows and spectacular view.

As they drove and she ate, her mind went down other weird paths to Sandy. She wondered how Sandy would have taken this situation if she’d been in Veronica’s place. Sandy would have stupidly taken the job, eager for the cowboy to take her off to his cattle ranch and
her. Veronica shuddered.

“Are you cold? I can turn on some heat.”

“No, I’m fine.” Though she could admit in a sort of detached way that he was attractive, it was hard to see him that way when he’d taken her like he had. All she wanted was to escape and then punish him for demeaning her like this. Tying her up, treating her like part of his herd of cattle. It made her seethe with rage.

To her surprise, fifteen minutes later he pulled into a rest stop—not the side of the road. She was almost willing to be more agreeable given that he wasn’t going to make her squat in a ditch to pee while he watched.

“This stretch of road is usually pretty dead this time of night. We are going in, and you will not waste time. As you’ve mentioned, I’m in the process of committing a felony. I have no illusions you’d protect me if someone stopped us. I’m taking a risk so you don’t have to suffer. Remember that.”

He untied her and rubbed the soreness out of her ankles and wrists. It felt like a prelude to how he planned to touch her later. He helped her out of the truck and followed her into the restroom, then leaned against the wall outside one of the stalls.

“Don’t think about running. You have even less chance of surviving out here than you do in the city.”

She wanted to kill him.

“Are you just going to stand out here and... listen?”

“That’s the plan. Hop to it, princess.”

“Just go ahead and kill me here. It’ll save us both time and embarrassment.”

“Did you just make a joke?” he asked.


“So you trust I’m not going to hurt you?”

“What? No, I don’t trust that. Do you think I’m that stupid?” She shut herself into one of the stalls and locked the door, hoping he wouldn’t crawl under after her.

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