Big Easy Temptation

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Authors: Shayla Black Lexi Blake

BOOK: Big Easy Temptation
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“Sizzling, romantic, and edgy!”

—Sylvia Day, #1
New York Times
bestselling author

“Scorching, wrenching, suspenseful . . . A must-read.”

—Lora Leigh, #1
New York Times
bestselling author

“Wickedly seductive from start to finish.”

—Jaci Burton,
New York Times
bestselling author

“The perfect combination of excitement, adventure, romance, and really hot sex.”

—Smexy Books


“A book to enjoy again and again . . . Captivating.”

—Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

“A satisfying snack of love, romance, and hot, steamy sex.”

—Sizzling Hot Books

“Hot and emotional.”

—Two Lips Reviews


“Smoking hot! Blake and Black know just when to turn up the burner to scorching.”

—Under the Covers Book Blog

“Well done . . . full of spicy sex, and a quick read.”

—Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

“Steamy, poignant, and captivating . . . A funny, touching, lively story that will
capture the reader from page one and have them wishing for more when it ends.”

—Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

“Very well written. With just the right amount of love, sex, danger, and adventure . . .
A fun, sexy, exciting, hot read.”

—Girly Girl Book Reviews

Titles by Shayla Black and Lexi Blake

The Perfect Gentlemen




Titles by Shayla Black

The Wicked Lovers Novels













(with Maya Banks)


(with Sylvia Day and Shiloh Walker)


(with Rhyannon Byrd)




Titles by Shayla Black writing as Shelley Bradley



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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Black, Shayla, author. | Blake, Lexi, author. Title: Big Easy temptation :
the perfect gentlemen / Shayla Black and Lexi Blake. Description: Berkley trade paperback
edition. | New York : Berkley Books, 2016. | Series: The perfect gentlemen ; 3 Identifiers:
LCCN 2016001370 (print) | LCCN 2016005064 (ebook) | ISBN 9780425275344 (softcover)
| ISBN 9780698163034 () Subjects: LCSH: Man-woman relationships—Fiction. | BISAC:
FICTION / Romance /Contemporary. | FICTION / Romance / General. | GSAFD: Romantic
suspense fiction. | Erotic fiction. Classification: LCC PS3602.L325245 B54 2016 (print)
| LCC PS3602.L325245 (ebook) | DDC 813/.6—dc23 LC record available at


Berkley trade paperback edition / May 2016

Cover photograph © Westend61 / Corbis.

Cover design by Alana Colucci.

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San Diego, California

Nine years ago

ax Spencer peered down over the elegant reception and wondered where the time had
gone. Wasn’t it just yesterday that he and his friends were attending Creighton Academy,
where their biggest worry was passing calculus and sneaking out to the girls’ school
down the road?

Now Zack, one of his pack, was married. In fact, Zack was the first to fall on the
matrimonial sword. He was also a senator about to make a run for the White House,
but somehow the idea of Scooter being a husband seemed weirder.

And the political world had come to watch the nuptials.
magazine had even sent a photographer. The wedding was the bash of the year for America’s
elite and had all the pomp of a royal affair, complete with a few foreign dignitaries
who had come hedging their bets that Zack and Joy Hayes would one day occupy the White

Dax nodded as Connor Sparks and Gabe Bond approached, drinks
in hand. In the distance he could see his own parents among the crowd lining the dance
floor. A simple glance proved this was the wedding of a Naval daughter, since the
place was a sea of dress whites.

“I can’t believe he really tied the knot.” Connor, his best friend, put a hand on
his shoulder as they watched the bride and groom begin their first dance.

Dax was sure they all felt that way. “After the year they spent planning this shindig,
I think Joy’s parents would have had Zack’s head if he hadn’t gone through with it.”

“True.” Connor smirked. “I hope he’ll be happy. I like Joy but I worry she’s too . . .
I don’t know, nice for Zack.”

Gabe sighed. “Yeah. I would have thought he’d want someone with a little more attitude.”

“To survive Zack’s future, she’ll definitely need backbone.” Campaigning and politics
seemed like a nasty business to Dax. Zack’s senatorial campaign had been peppered
with negativity about everything from his youth to his family ties. How would Joy
weather the media scrutiny on a larger scale?

“Bitchiness would even be better, though that word will probably get me slapped,”
Connor said with a chuckle. “But yeah, I worry she’s a bit fragile.”

“Joy is the perfect first lady—pretty, gracious, kind. She’ll be a true benefit to
him politically,” Gabe said. “I guess I wanted something more for him.”

“He’s been with her for two years. He seems happy.” At least Dax hoped he was. Since
the day he’d met Zack Hayes, when they’d been gangly, pimply-faced kids, Zack had
been on a path, one his father had set for him long ago.

Dax couldn’t exactly complain. His own father had set a path for him as well. Spencer
sons went into the Navy. There had been a Spencer in every war fought since the Revolution.
Only days before, he’d been promoted. He would become captain of his own ship in the
few years and eventually follow in his father’s footsteps to become an admiral. Dax
saw his path clearly—and he couldn’t wait.

Then why did he feel so restless? There were at least a hundred gorgeous women roaming
the reception. The likelihood of him getting lucky tonight was supremely high.

Yet Dax only sought one woman.

“You seem anxious tonight. What’s up with you?” Connor tipped back his beer.

“You seem to know everything, Mr. Spy,” he shot back. His best friend worked for the
Central Intelligence Agency as an analyst. It fit Connor actually. He’d always been
good at chess and strategy.

Connor rolled his eyes. “You know it’s really more boring than you would think. And
I don’t have to be a spy to know that you’re looking for one pretty blond law enforcement
officer. Tell me something, has she shown you her handcuffs?”

No, she hadn’t shown him anything at all. Holland Kirk was proving damned elusive.
Her father was a Naval officer stationed here in San Diego under Dax’s own dad. He’d
met her shortly after Joy and Zack started dating. Zack had invited him over to meet
some of Joy’s college friends and Dax hadn’t been able to take his eyes off the beauty.

The admiration was not mutual. Holland Kirk had been perfectly pleasant with him on
every occasion they’d met. They had intelligent conversation, spent fun times together
in groups, and enjoyed each other’s company. But she’d turned him down flat every
time he asked her out. She would smile politely and murmur some excuse before she
turned the conversation to something she obviously found more pleasant.

“She’s not interested.” And that hurt. Besides being gorgeous, Holland was smart and
funny. He’d never been so into a woman. They had chemistry. Heat. Well, he’d thought
they had.

“Oh, she’s interested. But I think your reputation has preceded you. Or maybe all
of our reputations. I overheard her talking to Joy about
how brave she was to be marrying into scandal central.” Connor shrugged. “But we haven’t
had any scandals lately.”

“We also haven’t been choir boys.” Gabe winced. “I got caught boning one of the Swedish
princesses at that UN reception. In my own defense, she swore that broom closet was

Dax remembered the episode fondly. “You looked good in those tabloid pics, bro. You’ve
really kept up the ab routine. But seriously, we’ve all matured. I don’t think that
Vanity Fair
article chronicling our love lives was really fair.”

“Sexcapades,” Gabe corrected. “It was a massive article detailing our sexcapades,
complete with a detailed relationship map that proves we’re all six sexual degrees
away from Kevin Bacon. I blame Mad. He slept with the entire cast of that
Little Women

“C’mon, wasn’t that fluff piece more tongue-in-cheek?” Dax argued hopefully.

“They managed to keep me out of it but, you guys . . . that was a double foldout.”
Connor sighed. “Which is probably enough to make any woman think twice. Well, any
sane one. Especially someone like Holland. She’s being recruited for NCIS. Another
thing I heard her talking to Joy about.”

Connor apparently listened in a lot. Dax looked over the dance floor again. He’d caught
glimpses of Holland during the ceremony, but he hadn’t seen her since. Instead, he’d
been playing the good groomsman, ensuring all the parents were happy and comfortable.
They’d all come except Connor’s mother. In that respect, not much had changed since
their Creighton days.

He needed to show Holland that he’d matured. Yes, he’d had a somewhat salacious youth,
but he was older now. Even his friends were starting to settle down. Except Gabe,
who was still screwing every princess, model, or Hollywood starlet he could. And Mad,
who would apparently do any woman with a skirt and a pulse.

But he, Connor, and Roman were discerning and mature. Mostly.

Damn, he wanted to dance with Holland, see if he could talk to her.
“Even if she takes an NCIS job, she wouldn’t be under my command. She’s not enlisted
so there’s no problem. You really think she’s turned off by the fact that I’ve dated
a lot?”

“I think she’s turned off by your status as a major manwhore,” Gabe offered helpfully.

“Oooo, are we talking about who I think we are?” Maddox Crawford sauntered over with
a smile. He’d already ditched his bow tie and looked as if he’d found the Scotch.
He was carrying a crystal decanter of booze and several glasses. Mad was the very
picture of decadence. “Because that girl is hot. That fine ass of hers nearly made
the front seat of the Bentley smoke when I picked her up earlier.”

Dax froze. “You picked her up?”

Mad flashed him a grin full of teeth. “She’s my date.”

Connor shook his head. “Yeah, we weren’t going to tell him that.”

Dax had never actually seen red before, but a dark swath of crimson coated his vision

“Uh, Dax, I was joking.” Mad stepped back, his eyes wide. “She needed a ride. That’s
all. Joy wanted her here early, so Zack called me. Dude, you look like you’re about
to kill someone and I’m a little afraid it’s me.”

Dax took a deep breath. For a moment, he’d actually seen himself murdering one of
his best friends over a woman, so maybe he had to accept that, to him, she was more.
“If you touch her . . .”

Mad nodded. “I’ll die a really horrible death. Got it. You called dibs. I respect
the dibs, man. I also did you a solid. She’s waiting downstairs in the lounge. I told
her I had to talk to her about something important.”

The red haze was threatening to come back. “Why were you trying to get her alone?”

“For you, buddy. All for you. Why do you think I’m up here while she’s slipping into
the library down there?” He pointed vaguely over the landing, to the first level below.

But Holland had agreed to meet Mad alone. That sat bitter in his gut. “She wants you.”

Gabe snorted. “Dax, I heard her call Mad a festering disease pit on two legs.”

“Walking syphilis is how I heard it,” Connor added.

Mad nodded. “Actually, she called me stuff even worse. So go down there and talk to
her. I made you look good earlier today. Mostly by making myself look like a complete
shit. It’s easy. I’ve got a lot of ammo in that gun, if you know what I mean. Gabe,
my man, I’ve lined up twins for us. I’m going to warn you. They’re very open minded
and free spirited, and their father might have access to nuclear weapons so if we
have to run, we’re going to have to be fast.”

“I’m totally in.” Gabe grinned as he took a glass and looked down at the wedding.
“God, I’m never getting married.”

“For the right woman, I might consider it.” Dax smiled in anticipation, then headed
down the stairs before the elusive Holland could slip away again.

One shot. That’s all he really had. If he couldn’t convince her that he wasn’t the
same sort of skirt chaser as Mad or Gabe, she might cut him cold for good.

He headed for the library and eased the door open, stepping inside. Clearly, the room
belonged to Joy’s father. It was a masculine space and filled from floor to ceiling
with books. The room was stunning, but nothing made his breath catch like the woman
standing in the center.

The late afternoon light streamed through the windows, catching her honey-blond hair
until it glowed. Her very tasteful bridesmaid dress showed off the curve of her breasts
and her slender waist. Holland was fit and graceful and steely on the outside. But
something about her seemed delicate under the surface. That vulnerability called to
the protector in him.

At the sound of his footsteps, she turned. Her lips curled up in a wry grin. “So Mad
betrayed me. Big shock. I should have known he didn’t have a huge surprise planned
for Zack and Joy that he needed my help with.”

Dax closed the door behind him. Even though nerves attacked him like a swarm of buzzing
bees, simply being alone with her calmed something inside him. He’d never realized
how restless he felt until he’d met this woman.

He sent her a smile. “I wouldn’t say that. I’m almost certain he changed out the cans
we tied to the limo for good luck with neon butt plugs. Luckily, Roman usually manages
to clean up everything Mad defiles. Seriously, Roman even hired a man to seek and
destroy all of the ‘adult’ presents Mad snuck into the gifts.”

An actual smile crossed her face and she lit up the room. “He’s an interesting friend.
I think the press is going to love him on the campaign trail.”

“Oh, Roman has protocols in place for that, too,” Dax admitted. “Mad is not allowed
in the same state where Zack is campaigning. If he comes too close, Gabe will kidnap
Mad and they’ll hunt up a pair of supermodels. Win-win. Do you think Zack and Joy
will really do it?”

This was a safe topic. Politics normally wasn’t, but he wasn’t discussing political
opinions, just their friends.

Holland glanced toward the window. “You mean run for the White House? Oh, I think
that’s a given. I wish they wouldn’t. I don’t know how that particular scrutiny makes
anyone happy. I love Joy. Hell, I love Zack. He’s an amazing man, which is why I worry
about both of them in that den of snakes slithering around D.C.”

“Zack is more ruthless than you know. He was bred for this and he’ll protect Joy.
Roman will, too. He seems to really like her, which is a feat since Roman doesn’t
like many people. I swear, we’ll all do our best to watch out for her.”

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate it.” Holland sighed. “Well, I should get back to the reception.”

God, his one chance was slipping through his fingers. “Why are you afraid to be alone
with me?”

She arched an elegant brow over her blue eyes. “Commander, I could take you in a fight.
I’m not afraid of you.”

There it was, that crackling energy he felt every time she challenged him. It made
his heart speed up, his head buzz, his dick get hard. He always felt this heady desire
around her. “I don’t want to fight with you, Holland. I just want to talk. I want
to understand why you won’t go out with me. I’m going to lay it on the line here and
now. I’m crazy about you.”

She hesitated. “I like you, too, Dax. I won’t lie and say I’m not attracted to you,
but we can’t work.”

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