Read Big Book of Smut Online

Authors: Gia Blue

Tags: #older man younger woman, #rachel boleyn, #daddy stories, #pseudoincest, #losing virginity, #deflower, #smut, #explicit, #carl east, #erotic fiction, #bdsm, #power exchange, #Erotica, #hardcore, #hard core, #kelly haven, #gia blue

Big Book of Smut (46 page)

BOOK: Big Book of Smut
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I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and slipped on my glasses. Yes, I was going for the sexy schoolgirl look. It was a resounding success. Now all I needed was my stepfather to teach me a lesson I'd never forget.

12:48. Come on, Keith.

I heard a car's engine outside the front door and raced to the window, running as fast as I could in those heels. It was Keith's car. I knew it. I knew he would come.

I sat on a bar stool in the kitchen and waited. He seemed to take an eternity to reach the front door but, suddenly, I heard a key enter the lock and went numb. Nerves suddenly overtook me and I felt like I was going to throw up. Here I was, dressed like a schoolgirl in clothes purposefully too small, about to give myself completely to my stepfather.
My stepfather!
I suddenly felt like running upstairs before he made it in the door but my legs wouldn't budge. Maybe I could hide under the table?

Too late. He was in the living room, looking straight at me. I froze.

"Amy...what...what are you doing this for? Why are you dressed like that?"

I stepped down from the bar stool and slowly walked towards him. "Because I want you."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Amy, I can't do this. I could never forgive myself."

"You don't have to do this. It's your choice. But I want you to know there's
I want more than to feel you inside me."

I twirled around and gave him a flash of my panties before sitting on the sofa, crossing one leg over the other. I leaned forward, my breasts almost spilling out of my bra. I was pushing my shirt buttons to the limits of their construction and I ran a finger down the tempting cleavage on display.

"If you don't want to fuck me then I'll be so upset, Daddy. So upset."

Keith sat down in the leather chair opposite me and his hand moved tentatively towards his crotch. The bulge was huge. Time to release my own Exocet missile before receiving his.

"But if you won't fuck me..."

I parted my legs and pulled back my tiny skirt to reveal my white lace panties. As I moved my hand down to stroke my pussy I realized how wet the fabric was.

"I'm soaking, Daddy. The thought of your big cock has drenched me. I have to wank myself to make all the naughty thoughts go away. Is that okay, Daddy? Is it okay if I touch myself in front of you?"

He swallowed and let out a deep breath. He was stroking his erection through his clothes now and I knew I had got him where I needed him. Hard and wanting me.


"What, Daddy? Did you say it was okay?"

He paused, then nodded. "Yes, Amy. It's okay."

I smiled and bit my lip. His voice quivered.

"Go ahead...Daddy's watching."

I relaxed back on the sofa and closed my eyes as I rubbed my slick labia through the lace. I located my clit and moaned at its sensitivity until the barrier between my hand and my pussy became too much to bear. I pushed my fingers down into my panties, hitting warmth and wetness, and slid my index finger in to my drenched cunt. As I writhed on the sofa my top shirt button finally gave way, popping and flying off. My breasts were literally breaking out of my clothes.

I opened my eyes to see Keith's huge erection. He had unzipped and was wanking himself vigorously and the site of his cock sent me dizzy.
Fuck, it was big
. My pussy felt wet but small and tight and I wondered if I'd even be able to take it all.

"'ve been so naughty seducing me like this," he said through heavy breaths. "You need to be punished."

I gasped and withdrew my finger, sliding it in and out of my mouth, imagining it was his dick. My juices tasted sweet and delicious, like summer fruits.

"Naughty...I've been so naughty," I moaned. "I'll take my punishment like a champ, Daddy."

I stood up and walked towards Keith. For the moment, at least, I had the higher ground. I looked down at the swollen head of his erect cock and parted my moist, red lips. "That looks delicious," I teased. "But I'm dressed far too inappropriately for my punishment."

I ripped open my shirt, sending the remaining buttons flying across the room. My constrained breasts fell forward, hard nipples desperately wanting to be free of the lace bra. I obliged by reaching back and unhooking it. I placed my arm over my tits, pretending to be shy, and pulled the garment away.

"Please, Amy...let me see."

I fluttered my eyelashes and took my hand away, revealing my firm, tight breasts. The cool air against my nipples hardened them further and I felt my body break out in goose bumps. I reached back and unzipped my little skirt. It fell instantly to the floor, revealing the sodden panties beneath. As I kicked the skirt away I placed my thumbs either side of the knicker elastic and pulled at it.

"I'm going to remove my panties now, Daddy. Is that naughty of me?"

"Yes," Keith smiled. "Very, very naughty."

I pulled them down slowly, peeling the soaking lace from my dripping wet pussy. I let them go all the way down to my ankles then stood with my legs apart, stretching them out. I let my hands fall to my sides and stood before my stepfather, exposed and ready to fuck.

"Further," he said, his voice breaking. "Stretch your panties further."

I adjusted my legs, moving them wider apart.


I obeyed and felt my pussy lips open from the sheer width of my stance. My legs shook a little as I maintained my balance, the fabric of my thong desperately trying to pull my legs back together.

"Good," Keith moaned. "That's a good little girl. Now you're starting to listen."

My pert titties rose and fell with each heavy breath I took; my cunt felt wet, warm and tingly. Drenched panties strained between my ankle socks and high heels.

My seduction was complete.

"Don't move, Amy."

Keith stood and removed his clothes. His body looked even better than I imagined. Was the balance of power about to shift? He walked over to me and kissed me, his warm, wet tongue slowly and softly caressing mine. His rough stubble felt sexy and manly against my soft, puckered lips. He pulled away and looked straight at me.

"Hold this position, Amy. It's time for your punishment."

He walked around the back of me and placed his hands on my left buttock, stroking it gently and slowly.

"Mmm...that feels good, Daddy."

"I didn't tell you to speak, Amy. I've had enough of your insolence, young lady."

I didn't have time to respond before a stinging slap met my ass. I yelped out, more from shock than pain.



Another slap, then another, then another. I gritted my teeth and tried not to make a noise.


My legs weakened and I bent at the knees, losing my composure. Keith kicked my legs further apart, stretching my panties to breaking point. My ass was on fire and I loved it.

"This is your final warning. No more slutty behavior, do you understand?"

"Yes," I whimpered. "Yes, Daddy."

Suddenly, unexpectedly, Keith delivered a backhanded slap across my ass. I screamed out.


I lost my footing and the knicker elastic snapped, sending my torn panties across the floor. Keith's firm hands grabbed my arms and he pulled me back against his strong, muscular chest. I felt his upright cock against my throbbing ass and I moved my hips back and forth against it. He licked and nibbled at my earlobe before spinning me around to face him. We kissed passionately, out tongues dancing, and our hands explored each other's bodies; mine on his rippling muscles, his on my smooth, tight skin. I threw my head back and he slid his tongue down my neck until reaching my erect nipples, taking turns to lick, suck and nibble each delicate peak.

I felt the head of his cock rubbing against the parted entrance of my pussy and I instinctively moved my legs apart, lowering myself down slightly onto his erection. Thank God for high heels. Suddenly, he lowered his body down as well. With a single, swift movement he raised himself up and impaled me with his cock. I gasped at the rapid penetration and the feeling of seven, maybe eight inches of his hard dick rising up into me.

"Oh my God," I panted. "You sure know how to hit a target."

"You've had your punishment," he replied. "Now it's time for your present."

He thrusted up and down, the sheer length of his cock ensuring he stayed inside me despite my extreme wetness. I had never fucked standing up before, and it felt completely different to any other position, the angle of his cock hitting my g-spot repeatedly. I struggled to keep my feet on the ground, even in heels, and found myself on tiptoes until Keith told me what to do next.

"Put your arms and legs around me," he ordered. I obeyed and he took my weight with his strong arms and upper body. I locked my feet around his ass and he continued to thrust into me, effortlessly and smoothly. The weight of my body hadn't even registered. I knew he was a real man all along.

I felt my first orgasm build and I looked into his eyes. "Fuck me, Daddy! Oh God, I'm going to come!"

I exploded inside and tightened my body around him. Juices flowed down his cock as my pleasure hit a peak. We kissed some more and as my body relaxed he lowered me down. I crouched before him and hovered before his erect, twitching manhood. I placed my open mouth near it, so close I could smell the sweet aroma of my orgasm. The hard, rippled shaft glistened with my juices. I looked at him with big, wide eyes.

"Do you want me to suck your cock, Daddy?"

"Yes, Amy. Please suck my cock."

I took it into my mouth with the same suddenness he had used to spank me and penetrate me earlier. He cried out and I swallowed as much as my mouth would allow, tightening my lips around it and fucking him orally. He let out moan after moan. I eventually opened my mouth and released him, catching my breath. I ran my tongue along the length, devouring my sweet juices on him and swallowing them. They tasted

"No more,'re going to make me come. I want to be inside you for that."

I stood, licking my lips, and he gently turned me around and lowered me over the back of the chair he had been sitting in. The cold leather shocked my naked skin at first before I let my body relax against it. I felt his head teasing my labia and he ran it up and down my opening, rubbing my clit and wanking me with his cock.

"Fuck me," I begged. "Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me now."

His cock slid into my slick, eager pussy. He grabbed my ponytail and pulled my hair back, causing me to yelp. I grabbed the glasses off my face and threw them across the room. He wrapped my hair around his fist, pulling me back further. I arched my back and slammed my body back and forth on his cock, fucking him as he fucked me.

"Have I been a bad girl, Daddy? Have I been naughty?"

He yanked my hair back. "Yes. You've been a naughty little slut. How dare you seduce me in your tight little whore outfit and high heels."

I smiled as his cock moved in and out with increasing force and momentum. "I'm so sorry, Daddy. I won't do it again, I promise. I won't dress like a whore."

"Yes, you will," he replied, releasing my ponytail. "I fucking insist you do!"

We both laughed as we built to orgasm. "I'm glad you like it, Daddy."

"I fucking love it, Amy. I love you."

The sound of those words was amazing. I closed my eyes and felt his hardness bring me to the peak of arousal. "I love you too, Daddy."

I slid a hand down and stroked my clit. His cock began to pulsate and he cried out. "I'm going to come, Amy."

"Me too," I replied. "Come inside me!"

His hot spunk exploded into me and I simultaneously reached orgasm, the fruits of our sex mixing together and filling me inside. I felt trickles run down the tops of my legs. Keith collapsed onto my back and reached around, cupping my breasts and kissing my neck.

"That was incredible," I said, short of breath. "Do I
to go to college?"

We both laughed and I turned around to see his beautiful eyes, filled with longing. We could have kissed each other for days.

* * *

"Now don't forget why you're at college. You're there to work, understand?"

"Yes, mother." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you."

We hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Keith looked at me with a sadness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm going to miss you too."

I smiled. "I'll be back in no time."

I got into the car and gingerly sat on the driver's seat. I winced at the ache from the spanking I had received a few days earlier.

BOOK: Big Book of Smut
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