Big Bad Bear (10 page)

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Authors: Terry Bolryder

BOOK: Big Bad Bear
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e picked
her up in his arms and carried her out of the compound and into the brush where it was a little more private. He sat down on a large, overturned log with her in his lap, and she let out a long breath as she stared up wide-eyed at his face.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I wanted to tell you, I was just waiting for the right time.”

She nodded slowly, still stiff with shock. Whether it was from finding out he could shift into a bear or because she’d narrowly escaped a terrible fate at the hands of the Red Devils, he didn’t know.

“Thank you for rescuing me,” she said, taking her hands with his and pressing them to her face. “You’re always rescuing me.”

“Of course,” he said, brushing hair off her face. “I’ll always rescue you. Whenever you need it.”

She blinked and dropped his hands. “Right, I guess I don’t need it anymore.” She pushed against him, presumably trying to get out of his lap and stand.

What was this? Was this where she left him, because she couldn’t handle what he was?

He couldn’t let her.

He reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her back in against him. “Don’t go,” he said, holding her close as if he could keep her there by sheer force.

“What?” she said, looking up at him. “I mean, I heard you and Ares talking this morning. About, you know, ending it when this was over.”

His brow crinkled in confusion. “I didn’t say anything like that. What are you talking about?”

She looked stunned, then bit her lip in embarrassment. “I heard you two talking. Ares said you needed to tell me that men like you, men in the military, can’t do normal.”

“Right,” Zeus said, exhaling in relief at the misunderstanding. “But not because of the military, but because we are
. I couldn’t just slip into a life with you without telling you who I was. That’s all he meant.” He realized how it must have sounded to someone who didn’t know about shifters. “Damn it, I’m sorry. I’ve messed everything up. But I swear I was only trying to protect you.”

She sighed in relief and relaxed against him, her entire body going limp. “You’ve definitely protected me,” she said weakly. “But I think you better tell me the rest right now. Because my heart can’t take any more secrets or misunderstandings.”

“Okay,” he said. “First off, Carly, you mean everything to me.”

“How can that be?” she asked. “You barely know me.”

“My bear knew from the moment he saw you. He’s my heart, deep inside me. My instinct, my strength. And he knew you were perfect for me, even if I was so taken off guard that I didn’t know what to do about it.”

She just listened, still looking dazed.

The forest was quiet around them, the perfect place for him to tell her everything. He only wished they hadn’t had to go through the past few hours first.

“I’m sorry you got caught up in all of this, but I’m not sorry it gave me a chance to spend time with you. After the past couple days together, the man in me is positive of what the bear in me knew from the start.” He took her hand and tenderly kissed the top of it. “You’re it for me, Carly. You’re this lonely bear’s home.”

She was too touched to say anything, just watched him as he continued to kiss her hand, gently, over each knuckle. Then he sat back to talk again.

“When I got out of the military, I just wanted somewhere quiet. Ares convinced me to come back here to his hometown, and the moment I saw the beautiful woods, I knew I’d found a home.” He looked at the mountains rising up all around them. “I’ve found a lot of healing here, but I never knew I would find my mate.”

He brushed his thumb over her cheek and took her mouth in a deep kiss, trying to tell her with more than words just how he felt about her. She kissed him back, tongue entwining with his as the world seemed to freeze around them.

Then she pulled back and looked at him breathlessly. “So what does being a mate even mean?”

He stroked a hand over her back soothingly. “It means something like marriage, but stronger. It means I’m yours forever, and you’re mine, once we complete the ceremony and become mates.”

“Mates,” she said. “I like the sound of that. But Ares wasn’t kidding. None of this is normal. When I saw you turn from bear to human, I nearly had a heart attack.”

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t want you to run.”

“I wouldn’t have run,” she said. “I care about you too much. I guess I’m still having a hard time letting it all sink in. I mean, I get that your bear wants me, but why do you want me?”

He nuzzled into her hair. “I love your curves, the way your nose wrinkles when you smile. I love making love to you, the way your beautiful body responds to my hands. I love how you trust me, how you’ve always trusted me, even when everyone else treated me like a scary stranger. I love your kindness and open heart.”

She let out a long breath but stayed silent in his arms, resting her hand against his bare skin.

“From the moment you got on my bike, you’ve been giving this soldier bear peace he’s never known or ever thought to have. Please say you’ll stay with me, Carly. We don’t have to live in the mountains if you’d rather come down to the town. We don’t even have to stay in Bearstone Village. As long as you say you’ll stay with me forever, anywhere we go will be home.”

She laughed. “You silly bear. Of course we’ll stay in the mountains.”

“Then it’s a yes?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you. I can’t imagine anything else. But what is the mating ceremony you talked about? Is it complicated?”

“Not really,” he said. “And the first part, I know you’ll love. Sex, with nothing between us.”

“Sounds good to me,” she said eagerly.

He laughed. “The second part is simply approving and accepting my bear.”

“How do I do that?”

“You kiss him,” he said.

She nodded seriously. “I can do that. Now that I know he’s just part of you, another side of you, it all makes sense. Your bear is as badass as you are.”

“Thanks,” he said, standing with her in his arms. “Now we just have to wait for Ares to get back.”

“And then back to your place?”

“Back to my place,” he agreed. “I’m not waiting another second to make you mine.”

“Well, I’d sort of like a bath and a meal, if that’s okay with you.”

“All right,” he said. “But you drive a hard bargain.”

Just then, the rumble of Ares’s truck reached their ears and they saw it turn up the road to the compound. Zeus set her down beside him and walked forward to meet his friend.

Ares grinned as he got out and handed Zeus a bag filled with clothing. As Zeus dressed, Ares let out a whistle in Carly’s direction. “So I guess things are okay now? Phew, you guys scared me for a bit there.”

Zeus nodded in relief and then looked around them. “Where’s Hades?”

Ares shrugged. “You know Hades. He’s always happy to support when you need him, but prefers to stay out of sight and disappear as needed.”

Zeus pulled the shirt over his head and slid the cargo pants over his legs. “Thanks for calling him in. And coming to support.”

“Always, boss.”

“If you ever need me to return the favor…”

Ares grinned. “Alpha squadron forever.”

“Forever,” Zeus agreed.

Ares scratched his head as Zeus got in the back of the cab with Carly, lifting her onto his lap possessively. “Damn, now I just gotta find me one of these.”

“What?” Carly asked.

“A cute little mate to cuddle,” Ares said, getting into the driver’s seat and starting the engine.

“Like anyone would want to cuddle your gun-crazy ass,” Zeus said, drawing a laugh from Ares.

“Hey, if it could happen to your reclusive butt, it could happen for anyone,” he said.

“Even Hades?” Zeus joked.

“Um, yeah. I don’t know about that one.” Ares laughed. “Anyway, he’s gotta wait his turn. I’m taking the next one.”

“Right now, all you’re doing is taking us home,” Zeus grumbled as Ares pulled onto the driveway.

“Fine, fine,” Ares said, guiding the truck over the bumpy, uneven dirt in the direction of Zeus’s cabin. “I get it. The big, bad bear wants to go home and claim his mate.”

Damn straight. Zeus wouldn’t be happy until Carly was officially his.


hen they got home
, Zeus helped Carly draw a bath in the master bathroom and then took a quick shower and started on dinner. He made something simple, something that would sit well after a tough day of stress.

When she came out of his bedroom, hair still damp and eyes glowing and refreshed, her curvy body clad in soft, comfortable sweats, she took his breath away.

He could imagine seeing her like this every morning. Waking up to her next to him in bed. He couldn’t picture it any other way.

And the walks in the woods. The children or cubs that could eventually come.

He was grateful for his military training and his bear, two different ways to protect the things that meant the most in his life.

He pulled out a chair for her and guided her into it. He served her, and as they ate, there was a comfortable friendliness between them that just kept affirming they’d made the right decision.

But there was also a tension slowly building, anticipation of more of the delicious pleasure they’d had between them the day before.

It seemed he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Luckily, by the shy, sultry looks she was giving him from under her eyelashes, she seemed to feel the same way.

When they’d eaten most of the food, and it was growing dark and silent outside in the woods, he could feel the tension like electricity moving around them, dancing over his skin.

“How are you feeling?” Zeus asked Carly.

“Great,” she said with a shy smile, the pressure in the room increasing every second Zeus saw her watching him. His soft, beautiful mate was perfect in every way.

And now he was going to claim her forever as his own.

Zeus stood and came over to where Carly was seated, then swooped her up into his arms, loving the feel of her soft curves against his skin, the light brush of her hair along his neck as she nestled into his arms.

“Shall we take this to the bedroom, then?” he asked.

Carly didn’t say a word, just wrapped her hand around his neck and leaned forward, placing a kiss on his jaw. It made him smile, and as he walked toward their room, he could scent the slowly building arousal in the air.

Zeus intended to show her just how aroused she made him too.

He closed the door behind him and turned the lights to a gentle dimness that gave the room a subtle warmth. He wanted to see his mate when he took her.

To be one with his mate, finally. That was the only thought on his mind. That and pleasuring her every day for the rest of her life, as much as she could possibly receive, in every way imaginable. That was his mission.

He set Carly gently down on the bed and came over her, loving the sight of her beneath him, protected and surrounded by his arms. He could see fire in her eyes as he took off his shirt and removed her shirt and sweatpants immediately, leaving her only her in her underwear. Her skin was so soft, so wonderful, like velvet under his hands as he ran them over her body, drawing silent, sensuous sighs from her lips.

His bear was so close to the surface, roaring in approval. He would take her, soon. But first he wanted to pleasure her fully.

He undid the small clasp of Carly’s bra and pulled it off. Her breasts were perfect to him, and holding them, touching them, squeezing them was ecstasy. Each lick over her nipples made him harder than iron; each kiss over their tortured tips made her moan and say his name into the silence of the night, his own personal fantasy.

Her scent surrounded them in the room. The scent of
mate. Flowery and sweet but also special and unique. Like her.

He squeezed both breasts together, pressing his thumb over the nipples, and came over her on the bed to kiss her long and hard. She let out a gasp that was stifled by the kiss, and as he pressed into her lips, she moaned and arched against the bed in pleasure. Just the feel of her lips against his, the gentle pressure she exerted against him as he held her and ran his thumbs along her nipples and moved his tongue inside her mouth, was perfection.

Zeus left her mouth and kissed the small spot at the base of her ear that made her body jerk with arousal. He still held her breasts in his hands, not wanting to let them go, the feel of them so tantalizing and irresistible.

Everything about his mate was irresistible.

By now, Carly’s breath had quickened substantially, and every touch, every kiss made her gasp. He sat up and looked down at her, enjoying the feel of her curvy hips between his thighs.

His mate was so small, so special. He’d always protect her, always keep her safe. Always love everything about her and do everything in his power to make her happy.

“Zeus, this is so amazing. But you still owe me from the other night,” Carly said playfully, eyeing the bulge in his pants with lust.

He knew the second he entered her, his bear would be in full control, ravenous and insatiable until they’d both come together and were sealed as one. He wanted to hold off a little longer, make sure she was ready. But at the same time, every second he saw her like this beneath his hands brought him closer to losing control.

Zeus brought his hand between her legs and ran it under her panties, holding her center and flicking one finger over her clit, making her hips buck futilely against him. Her hands flailed as he did, and he took both her wrists in his free hand and pinned them above her, holding them in place. She smiled up at him in approval.

He ran his finger once more against her, and she moaned ever more loudly, the intensity increased from being held in place by his long, powerful arms.

“Tell me you’re mine forever,” Zeus commanded as he held his finger right over her clit and held it there. He knew Carly would never run out on him, never abandon him. But he wanted to hear it from her lips. Wanted to hear her say she was just as much his as he was hers and would be for all time.

“I’m yours forever, Zeus,” she said hoarsely. The sight of her almost-naked body, writhing in ecstasy and completely overcome by the pleasure he gave her, was euphoric.

He ran his index finger against her clit once more, a long, smooth stroke, and she came apart in his arms, orgasming with incredible strength. He let her arms go, and she wrapped herself around him, holding him tightly.

“Zeus, oh, Zeus,” she cried out, enraptured.

As she came, he held her close, admiring and enjoying the feel of her body. She screamed and clawed at his back, but this pain, unlike any other Zeus had experienced before in his life, was pleasurable. The feel of her nails as they dug in was evidence of the all-encompassing pleasure that he alone gave her.

Her body finally relaxed, and he dipped his hand below her waist again. He could feel her wetness, knew just how ready she was for him, turning him on even more, past the point of being able to wait any longer. His bear roared inside.

It was time to claim his mate.

eus was everywhere
. And the faster he went, the more he did, the more Carly wanted—no, needed—him inside. Needed him to quench the fire that had been building in her all night, even since the last time they were together. To feel his hard, thick length inside her, stroking her and filling her.

The previous orgasm had been so strong and overwhelming that she had lost control and probably scratched him pretty deeply. But Zeus didn’t seem to have any complaints, and as he looked down at her, it was like she could see eternity in his eyes, those blue depths going on and on, watching her with love that was never ending.

Zeus came off the bed and undid his pants. Already, she’d been admiring the breadth of his shoulders, the definition of his muscles in his upper body, and it left her wanting to see the lower half again. She was almost giddy with excitement.

As he lowered the zipper, his member sprang free, reminding her just how well-endowed he was. How had she been able to fit that inside last time?

He took off his pants and crawled onto the bed, kneeling before her, his perfect body on full display, making her even more wet than she already was.

“After this, it’s you and me, Carly. Always,” Zeus said, his voice husky and deep as he watched her, devouring her with his eyes.

“Always.” Carly loved the sound of it. The knowledge that this incredible, overwhelming man would always be hers and hers alone was mind-blowing.

Almost as mind-blowing as the sex.

Zeus slid her panties off and came over her, giving her a perfect view of his pecs and arms as he propped himself above her. He teased at her entrance, and she could feel just how hard he was, could almost taste the perfect pleasure having him inside gave her.

With one smooth motion, he slid inside, all the way until their hips were joined together. Zeus was just the perfect size, and every ridge, every inch of him heated her up and filled her with an intense, burning sensation across her entire body.

This was even better than she remembered.

For a moment, Zeus paused, letting Carly adjust to his size. Then he began a slow, intense rhythm that blew her mind completely. Each time he came out, she felt her body beg for more, which he immediately answered by stroking back in, powerful and smooth, and letting her enjoy every sweet sensation his cock gave her. All of her nerves were alight with pleasure and delicious tension, so much more than she could fathom.

But she wanted more. She wanted faster. She wanted so badly to see Zeus come it was all she could think about.

As Zeus pushed down into her, she moved her hips up against him, doubling the speed of their friction. Zeus tensed and smiled at her. Then, with a low growl, he moved faster, his normal calm and control replaced with raw, animal lust. It was a side of him she’d only seen a few times. Only when protecting her or when they were together like this. His bear.

Carly looked forward to a lifetime of drawing out this part of him as much as she could in the bedroom. She relished the sight of him as he lost control, as his instincts took over and plundered her completely.

Faster and faster Zeus moved inside her, and she felt her body careening past its limits and so close, so close to coming. But she bit down on her lip and held on to to Zeus’s ripped shoulders and focused on the sound of his breathing growing more and more rapid by the second. The slight sheen of sweat across his chiseled body. The possessive, carnal look in his eyes as he watched her, dominating her and owning her with every stroke.

Her entire body felt like a rubber band, stretched to its very limit with pleasure. She looked into Zeus’s beautiful blue eyes, then saw him reach a finger down between them and flick up her center. She lost control, and her entire body was consumed with exquisite pleasure. A split second later, she felt Zeus jerk inside her as all his muscles tensed at the same time, filling her with warmth as his seed spilled into her.

Carly held on to Zeus’s arms as wave after wave of release washed through her, by far the most powerful orgasm of her entire life. The two of them going together like this was beyond words, beyond definition. Even as the pleasure slowly subsided and left her feeling satisfied and euphoric and happy all over, the magic of it overwhelmed her.

Zeus stayed inside for a moment longer and came down, kissing her long and softly over her lips, as if sealing everything they’d just done together with an act of wonderful finality. The promise of forever.

Zeus slowly came out and moved to turn off the lights.

“Damn, if that’s your bear, you need to let him out more often,” Carly said as she relaxed into the plush, comfortable bed while Zeus came next to her and pulled the sheets over them.

Zeus chuckled in response. “Well, that’s certainly possible. Tomorrow we’ll complete the final ceremony in private in the woods, and it will be just you and me after that,” he said contentedly.

“Just the two of us.” Carly couldn’t stop saying it. Like she had to keep reminding herself and validating the truth of the matter. Zeus was hers. What an inconceivable concept.

From the moment he’d first walked into the bar, she’d never guessed this could happen. Which just made it all the more wonderful.

Zeus wrapped an arm around her and curled her next to him. She felt so warm and safe there. Perhaps every day was going to feel this unreal, being with such a wonderful, protective, caring man. But if it was, she was glad Zeus was always going to be there by her side, reminding her it really wasn’t all a dream. Glad that he would be there to pinch her to make sure she wasn’t going to wake up.

“I love you, Carly,” he whispered to her as she nestled closer to him. “With all my heart.”

“I love you too, Zeus,” she whispered in the cool darkness as night settled over the room and the forest around them. Outside, the moon peeked through the drapes, hovering over the forest surrounding them.

So long as the sun rose and the moon shone, she would be Zeus’s. And he would be hers. Her big, bad bear. Her good-hearted soldier.

Her love.

, thanks so much for reading Zeus and Carly’s story. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did I hope you’ll leave a review for it to help others find it! It really helps me as an author.

Ares’s story will be out soon, so make sure you’re signed up with my newsletter here:

Thanks again for your support!


Terry Bolryder

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