Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7) (15 page)

BOOK: Beyond The Music (The Rock Gods Book 7)
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“What are you saying?” Lincoln asked. “You’re going to try and deliberately get me hard?”

“Sexual dysfunction is a typical symptom of MS,” Aaron said. “I can continue to work on the nerves in that area and see if I can get you to a point where you can maintain . . .”

“I’m not sure where you’re going with this, Aaron, but you’re making me even more uncomfortable than I was when we started this conversation.”

“Do you trust me?” Aaron asked bluntly.

“What’d you mean?”

“Do you trust me enough to give this a try?” Aaron asked.

Lincoln fell silent. He didn’t have a clue what Aaron was getting at and that in itself unnerved him. What exactly did Aaron plan on doing to him? And what happened if he did manage to achieve a full-fledged hard-on, what then? Did Aaron plan on giving him a happy ending after the massage or would he pass a bottle of lube over to Lincoln to finish the job himself?

“What’s going through your head right now, Lincoln?”

Lincoln ran his fingers through his long hair. “I’m not sure how I feel about this,” he replied.

“Don’t you want to try and get back that part of your life?” Aaron asked.

“That’s a fucking stupid question,” Lincoln said. “It’s been so long since I’ve gotten laid, I’ve forgotten what it feels like.”

“Here’s another personal question,” Aaron said. “When you started to get hard earlier, how did that feel?”

“It wasn’t exactly pleasant,” Lincoln offered.

“Explain that for me,” Aaron urged.

“It wasn’t sensual,” Lincoln offered. “It was more of a stinging or burning sensation.”

Aaron nodded like he understood that description completely. “I really think I can help you, Linc, so I guess the question is whether or not you feel comfortable enough with me to give it a try.”


Chapter Twelve

Aaron worked with Lincoln throughout the weekend. The exercises changed a bit from day to day, but the schedule didn’t vary much. Their days started with a breakfast of yogurt and berries, and granola then they did an hour workout in the basement gym, followed by another hour of cardio in the pool doing laps. After that, Aaron gave Lincoln a massage before they moved on to Lincoln practicing his guitar playing.

Lincoln had several massages over the weekend and not one of them had the same level of reaction the other one had. Aaron’s fingers worked gently over the area at the edge of Lincoln’s groin and down his inner thighs and Lincoln did his best to hold his shit together without pushing Aaron away.

“Relax your brain,” Aaron directed. “You’re trying too hard.”

“Great choice of words, Aaron.”

“Take a deep breath and exhale the tension,” Aaron suggested.

“I need to get stoned,” Lincoln grumbled.

“Do you think it would help?” Aaron asked.

“In this particular situation, yeah, I think it would help a lot,” Lincoln answered.

“Okay, then go smoke a joint and we’ll try this again later,” Aaron said and extended his hand to help Lincoln off the table.

Lincoln pulled on his cargo shorts, walked into the kitchen and grabbed for the bag of weed he had stashed in the fruit bowl on the kitchen table. It took less than five minutes for him to roll a fresh joint and spark it to life. Lincoln closed his eyes and drew a long hit of smoke into his lungs and held it. When he opened his eyes, Aaron was standing in the doorway watching him. Lincoln exhaled above his head and smiled at Aaron.

“Would you like a hit?” Lincoln asked.

“No, thanks,” Aaron replied.

Lincoln grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and removed the plastic cap with the joint still hanging out from between his lips. He took another deep drag and glanced over his shoulder at Aaron.

“Sure you don’t want some?” Lincoln asked and held the joint out to Aaron.

Aaron shook his head again. “That shit’ll kill you.”

“I’ll die of something else long before the weed does me in,” Lincoln remarked.

That comment made Aaron laugh and Lincoln froze in place as the sound washed over him. Damn, he loved the sound of Aaron letting go like that! He watched as Aaron tipped his head back in laughter. The movement exposed the thick column of Aaron’s throat and all Lincoln could think about was licking the skin over his Adam’s apple. That thought led Lincoln to imagine dragging his tongue over Aaron’s whiskered jawline on his way to Aaron’s mouth and suck on his lips and tongue.

A tingle of arousal buzzed in Lincoln’s groin. The sensation startled him at first, then he took one last hit off the joint and turned to leave the kitchen. “Let’s do this,” Lincoln instructed Aaron as he walked back to the massage table. He pushed the cargo shorts off his narrow hips when he got to the table and ceremoniously kicked them away. For once, he managed this without wobbling on his feet.

“Your balance is getting better,” Aaron commented as he helped Lincoln back onto the massage table and draped the sheet over his groin.

Lincoln’s fingers skidded over Aaron’s firm forearm as he settled. Aaron’s soft arm hairs sent sparks running up the length of Lincoln’s arm from his fingertips to his shoulder. Lincoln couldn’t respond to Aaron’s statement about his improving balance. He was too busy trying to relax himself. He simply stretched out on the table and closed his eyes to let Aaron go to work. Aaron began on Lincoln’s feet then slowly moved up Lincoln’s long legs. Less than ten minutes into it, the sensations began to simmer and roll through Lincoln. He felt the vaguely familiar tightness began to stir his cock and he attempted to shift himself on the table until Aaron stilled him.

“Let it happen,” Aaron’s voice was like a soothing faraway whisper.

Aaron’s fingers moved higher on Lincoln’s leg and began manipulating the crease between Lincoln’s thigh and groin. Lincoln’s cock thickened more. He draped an arm over his face as if that somehow concealed his reaction.

“Does it feel good or bad?” Aaron asked.

“Better than the other day, but still not great,” Lincoln mumbled. Lincoln’s hand moved over his cock and pressed his palm down on his shaft.

“Still a stinging sensation?” Aaron continued.

Lincoln nodded. “Yeah, it feels weird,” he said. “Sort of like when your foot falls asleep and then it wakes up. It kind of hurts and feels good, all at the same time.”

Aaron’s fingers moved over Lincoln’s hipbones and slid across his lower stomach. Lincoln lifted his hand from his groin and concentrated on Aaron’s fingers. The soft pads of Aaron’s fingers sliding through the course hair surrounding Lincoln’s cock and easing down along the valley where his pelvis met his leg. Aaron changed direction and the knuckles of one hand brushed up against Lincoln’s tight ballsack.

“Oh, god,” Lincoln sighed and his dick stretched and thickened some more.

Aaron stilled his hands. “You okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Lincoln said. “I’m fine.”

Aaron added more lotion to his hands then moved back to that sensitive spot. Lincoln didn’t have to look this time to know the sheet covering his cock was starting to tent. At this point, he supposed it didn’t matter. He was almost fully hard now. He could feel the pulse of his prick as it twitched against his lower stomach.

“Is it okay if I touch you?” Aaron asked.

Lincoln cracked open one eyelid and looked at Aaron. He knew without asking what Aaron wanted to touch. He just wasn’t sure if he should roll with this or not. In the grand scheme of things, Lincoln wanted Aaron to touch and lick him from head to toe, but not as an experiment. He wanted Aaron to be doing this for pleasure, but what was the point if Lincoln wasn’t able to be stimulated that way?

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Lincoln asked.

“Would you rather give it a try yourself?” Aaron suggested.

“You seriously want me to jerk-off right here in front of you?” Lincoln asked with sarcasm.

“It won’t bother me,” Aaron shrugged. “And it might help if you do that while I keep massaging the nerves here.”

“You are one twisted motherfucker,” Lincoln argued.

“I don’t want to push you into doing something you’re not comfortable with,” Aaron apologized, “but, it might help the situation if you tried. If you’re that uneasy with doing it in front of me, you could go into the bathroom, but I think the results might be better if I was working on your nerves while you did it.”

“All right, fine!” Lincoln scoffed. “Shoot some lube into my hand and I’ll do it.”

Aaron squirted the lotion into the center of Lincoln’s palm then Lincoln pushed his hand beneath the sheet to circle his shaft. He concentrated on the tight, wet friction as he pulled off several strokes. The sensations definitely felt better than the last time he tried this in the shower, but it wasn’t stimulating enough to get off. The moment he allowed that negative thought into his head he began to go soft in his grip.

“Forget it,” Lincoln growled. “It’s not working.”

Aaron stood up straight and removed his hands from beneath the sheet. “You stayed hard longer this time,” he said. “That’s progress.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” Lincoln complained and started to sit up on the table.

“And you give up too easily,” Aaron responded. “This isn’t going to happen instantly. It’s going to take time for the nerves to work properly and get the blood flowing again, but if you continue to keep working at it, I really think it will happen.”

“Well, then goodie for me,” Lincoln snipped. “Maybe in another year I’ll finally be able to blow a load.” Lincoln hopped off the table and used the sheet to wipe the lotion from his hand and dick, then pulled his shorts on again. “This is all easy for you to say, but you’re not the one with the limp dick,” Lincoln said as he zipped up his shorts. “I bet you’re out there fucking anyone willing to stand still long enough for you to make it happen.”

“If it makes you feel any better, it’s been a while for me, too,” Aaron admitted.

Lincoln stopped walking and turned around to face Aaron. “Why’s that?” he asked and his gaze dropped to Aaron’s cock concealed behind a pair of black, athletic stretch pants which looked a little plumper than normal. For a fleeting moment, Lincoln wondered if Aaron was getting aroused by touching him, then shook the thought from his head. Aaron was too guarded to let that lapse in judgment happen. “I sincerely doubt you’ve got erection issues, so why aren’t you out there getting laid?”

Aaron shrugged. “I work a lot and the type of work I do isn’t conducive to me meeting anyone.”

Lincoln scratched his head. “So, this is my fault?” he asked. “You’re the one that insisted you stay at my house. You could have driven over here every morning instead, and gone back home at night. That would have allowed you time to go out at night trolling.”

Aaron stifled a laugh. “I’m hardly the

“Call it whatever you like,” Lincoln said, “but the choice to move in here was yours.”

“I’m not disputing that, Lincoln, but the rehabilitation process works best if I can be with the patient day and night. Are you forgetting the shape you were in other night with the leg cramps? How would that have played out if I weren’t here to help you through that?”

Lincoln knew Aaron had a valid point and his frustration was for purely selfish reasons. Putting all that aside, he really did enjoy hanging around with Aaron and having someone in the house with him wasn’t nearly as bad as Lincoln had thought it would be. Aaron made all this MS bullshit acceptable on some levels and what they were doing didn’t always feel like work to Lincoln. Plus, on an emotional level, Lincoln liked who Aaron was as a man and getting to know him had definitely been a bonus.

In the afternoon, Lincoln worked with Aaron in the pool for a while before he finally crashed and burned in exhaustion around dinnertime. They grilled chicken outside and ate by the pool as the sun began to set. They made small talk during dinner and Lincoln realized he was the most relaxed he’d been in months with Aaron around for company. Aaron seemed to make everything easier. Even their lapses in conversation were comfortable and that’s when it hit Lincoln. He was having fun.

Tomorrow afternoon was Lincoln’s first practice with his band in quite some time. If he were to be honest, he’d have to admit he was nervous as hell. He’d already decided to ask Aaron if he’d come along with him. If for no other reason, Aaron would be there for moral support. And if the shit hit the fan for Lincoln physically, he knew Aaron would be able to help him.

As if Aaron was reading Lincoln’s mind he asked, “Are you ready for practice tomorrow?” Aaron sipped the glass of wine he had sitting on the teak table in front of him while he waited for Lincoln’s response.

“I was just thinking about that,” Lincoln grinned. “Would you consider going with me?”

“I thought you didn’t want me there,” Aaron replied.

Lincoln shrugged. “I know that’s what I originally said, but now I’m thinking I might need you in case I get another leg cramp. But if you want a day off or something, that’s okay, too. I know you haven’t had much down time since you moved in here.”

“I’d be happy to go with you.” Aaron smiled back at Lincoln.

“Okay, cool,” Lincoln answered. He knew he was grinning like an idiot but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Happiness like this had been a rare commodity for him in recent years and damn, it felt good. Maybe too good, because the crash from a feeling like this would truly suck.

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