Beyond the Breaking Point (29 page)

BOOK: Beyond the Breaking Point
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“He just reminded me you can have any woman you want. I’ve seen your taste in women, Max. I look nothing like them,” she said in a low voice.

“So you believe I’m using you?” he asked, keeping his back to her. He didn’t want her seeing the expression on his face.

“I think,” she said slowly, “we used each other. We both wanted to get back at them.”

The hell of it was, she spoke the truth. That’s how it had begun originally, but for him it had become so much more. For Cassidy too, if she’d only admit it. He turned to face her. “So that’s all that night was about, Cassidy? Revenge?”

She swallowed so hard he could see her Adam’s apple bob. “The first time, yes, and the second time, when I went down on you—”

“You mean when you gave me the best blowjob of my life?” he asked, dick growing hard at the memory.


He lowered his voice. “And when you rode me, Cassidy? Were you thinking about Phillip then? What about the other three times we made love that night? Were he and Amber on your mind?”

She gazed at him like a woman in a trance. “No,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

He stepped closer. “What were you thinking?”

Cassidy closed her eyes and confessed, “I wasn’t thinking.”

He couldn’t touch her. Not yet. “Then what were you feeling?”

She looked at him and the banked heat in her eyes seared him. “Wild, out of control. Sexy, powerful, confident. I’ve never felt like that before in my life.”

He remembered what she’d asked him that night at his house.
“Did you find me lacking in any way?”
Once again he thought,
Phillip, you damned fool.
This wasn’t about him, Max knew, but if he didn’t handle it right he’d lose any chance he’d had with Cassidy before things really got started.

Max took her hand and brought it to his crotch. “Does this feel like I don’t want you? That I’m just using you? Woman, I want you so bad it’s all I can do not to strip you naked right here and take you.”

 She squeezed his dick, testing its hardness, and molded her hand to its length. He held his breath when she reached for his zipper, slowly lowered it, and reached inside to free him. She studied his cock in silence.

“Uh, Cass? What are you doing, honey?”

“I need to know,” she said a bit absently, her mind obviously elsewhere.

“Know what?” Speaking was difficult with her tracing his veins and the knob of his head with her delicate touch. He couldn’t see her face to see what she was thinking, but he prayed whatever it was, she’d continue.

His breath escaped with a whoosh when she dropped to her knees and lined up her mouth with his dick. She glanced up at him and the erotic sight of her lips so close to his cock weakened him.

“If what I felt that night was only the effect of intense emotions and alcohol.”

Max could have told her it hadn’t been the situation but a natural, highly flammable sexual chemistry between the two of them that circumstances had allowed to surface. He’d always admired Cassidy, but never expected this visceral attraction he felt for her now. Then he lost the ability to think as her mouth closed over him.

His palms smacked the wood as he fell forward, bracing his weight on his arms. He spread his legs to give her room and rested his head on his forearm, unable to pull his gaze away from her.

“Cass.” He groaned her name.

In response, she yanked on his jeans, pulling on the material until it, along with his briefs, sagged around his knees. Then she took her slender hand and cupped his balls, rolling and gently tugging on his scrotum. Max locked his knees and resisted the urge to thrust, but couldn’t prevent the little roll of his hips.

He closed his eyes in a bid for control, but it made everything just that more intense. Then Cassidy licked the head and ran the tip of her tongue along the sensitive underside and he lost it.

He grabbed her under her arms and hoisted her to her feet. In one swift move he had her pants around her ankles. She was naked underneath and he thanked the Blessed Virgin Mary. Max caught her by the waist and lifted her. “Put your legs around me,” he ordered.

Cassidy kicked free of her leggings and did as instructed. Seconds later he had her pinned to the door, his cock lined up with her entrance, and thrust home.


Max was a man out of control. He had just enough cognizance to recognize her cry as one of pleasure, and not of protest or pain. Vaguely he heard the steady
thump, thump
of their combined weight slamming into the door, and the
slap, slap
of their thighs meeting.

Cassidy held him in a death grip and cried out, “More, more!”

Hell, yeah, he’d give her more.

Max caught her under the hips for better purchase, bent his knees for more power, and used the strength of his whole body. Her
“Unh, unh, unh”
played in his ears, growing more ragged and high-pitched as her body neared climax.

“Let go! Come for me!”

Cassidy threw back her head, smacking it smartly with a sharp thud. Her mouth opened in a silent scream and her body stiffened in a high arch. Her pussy clamped down solidly on his shaft and began to ripple. It was too much.

Max gave a hoarse shout and gave into the release racing down his spine. It gathered in his balls and exploded outward. He drove upward, buried himself as deep in Cassidy as he could manage, and locked his knees to hold the position.

Chapter Sixteen

“Did that answer your question?” Max mumbled into the side of her neck.

Question? Had she asked a question

“Cass?” he raised his head.


He tenderly grasped her under her chin by the neck and lifted her head off his shoulder so he could see her face. She raised slumberous eyelids to find him watching her, a curious amusement in his expression. “Never mind. I’ll take that as a yes.”

Max leaned forward and kissed her, long and lingeringly. She responded eagerly and their tongues wrestled. Cassidy moaned and squirmed in pleasure as she felt him lengthen and harden inside her.

“Let’s take this round to the bed—”

A loud buzz interrupted Max’s suggestion and had Cassidy jerking violently in his arms. She stared at him, eyes wide with dawning horror. Only one person would dare come to her apartment unannounced. Or, maybe whoever it was had buzzed the wrong apartment, she thought desperately.

The long buzz sounded again. To her it sounded accusatory and determined.

“I’d better get that,” she told Max and leaned sideways to press the button. “Can I help you?” she asked.

“Cassidy, it’s me. Let me up,” Phillip said.

Max kissed the side of her neck. The spot that never failed to make her shiver.

“Now is not a good time,” she announced, trying hard to keep her voice level.

“Why not? I didn’t get a chance to see you last night. Come on, baby, let me in,” Phillip cajoled.

“Tell him I’m here,” Max instructed in her ear before capturing her mouth for another kiss.

“I’m on my way to bed,” she said instead when the kiss ended and withheld a moan as Max lifted her shirt and nuzzled her breast.

“All the more reason to invite me in. It’s been months since I’ve touch you, baby. Don’t you miss me? Miss us?”

Max rolled his hips, a potent reminder that they were still intimately connected, and licked her nipple.

Cassidy’s breath caught. She pressed the button and hoarsely ordered, “Go away, Phillip.” Then she released the speaker. The buzzer immediately sounded again.

“You know he won’t leave,” Max said. “He’s too stubborn.”

“Right now I don’t care what he does, as long as he quits bothering us,” she said honestly, and tightened her arms and legs around him. “Where were we?”

“I believe I was proving that our night together was more than the result of the circumstances that sparked it,” he said and hefted her more securely into his arms. He stepped out of his pants and underwear as he straightened away from the door.

Her cellphone rang. They both ignored it.

“And do you have any more evidence to support your position, Counselor?” she dared to tease.

“Every good lawyer knows the fine art of presentation,” he said as he carried her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed. “Now, if it pleases the court, I’d like to present Exhibit A,” he said, stripping her out of her tank top before undressing himself. His proud cock jutted out in front of him, bobbing with each movement.

He stroked his hand down her body to her thighs and then spread her wide for his inspection. From her angle her nether lips appeared puffy and swollen. The surrounding curls were wet and cream slickened.

“Are you, at the moment, angry?” he asked, studying her sex intently.


“And have you imbibed alcohol anytime in the last twenty-four hours?”

“No,” she answered, fighting the urge to smile at his mock gravity.

He glided his forefinger down the center of her folds, and Cassidy arched mindlessly into the caress. “Your reaction appeared to be totally involuntary. Would you say that is the case?”

“Yes. Max, enough with the games,” she gasped.

He shook his finger at her as though she were a misbehaving child. “No, ma’am. The burden of proof has been placed on my shoulders and I take my legal responsibilities very seriously.”

“Max!” she groaningly protested.

He slid two fingers deep into her sheath and her back lifted off the bed.

“Interesting,” he mused. Then he rubbed something inside that had her crying out. He did it again, and again. The next thing Cassidy knew, she’d tackled Max onto the bed and had mounted him in one continuous motion. She tightened her hips along his sides, balanced herself with one hand on his chest, and rode him like he was a bucking bronco.

Minutes later she collapsed prone on him, breathing labored, body still shuddering with aftershocks. Or so she thought. It took her a moment to realize Max’s body was also shaking, but with laughter, and he was still hard inside of her.

He rolled them over so he was on top. He caged her head between his forearms and bent low to whisper, “And that, my dear, is what we lawyers like to call indisputable evidence, but just in case the court is not convinced…”

He thrust deep and it didn’t take long for Cassidy to go wild beneath him. This time Max was right there with her, as out of control as she. If she’d thought it had been the alcohol that had given him staying power that night, she was proven wrong. By the time the sun rose, Cassidy knew two things beyond a shadow of a doubt: Max wasn’t using her and the intensity of their first night together hadn’t been a fluke.


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