Beyond Eden (36 page)

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Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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He smiled at the jolt of nostalgia that shot through him as he licked her, savoring her taste, having the off thought that vanilla tasted sweet with her. If Eve had never left, he could have eaten it forever. It wasn’t until she was suddenly gone from his life that the deviant side of him that had loved being hurt and abused had surged to the forefront of his consciousness. Letting Eve go had him seeking out someone to punish him for the sin and he uncovered a side of himself that would have been better undiscovered, but he would never tell her that. He’d take the secret to the grave with him. She could never know that giving her up had made him desperate to be humiliated and abused.

And now, ten years later, combining two worlds had him euphoric. He felt as if he had found his own deviant Eden with Eve forcing him to pleasure her, her weight heavy on his shoulder, her foot brushing against his abused back. He licked and sucked her clit, her moans causing darts of pleasure to shoot directly to his cock that was hard and aching for her. He could lick her forever just for the hope of sliding into her again.

Eve’s hips suddenly pushed forward, her fingers tightening in his hair as she screamed in pleasure, completely heedless of Danny sleeping in the other room. Her

whole body shuddered from her climax, her pussy pulsing against his lips from the force of it as her moans echoed in the shower.

“Holy shit,” Eve panted, her fingers still holding his hair in a vise grip. “Don’t tell Danny, but I think slaves do it better.”

Paul smiled up at Eve when her eyes blinked open to reveal sated green orbs of desire. This was what he had craved from a Domme, the endless playing field of pleasure that never had time-outs. Danny was probably the most virile man Paul could ever hope to serve, but he was still a man. Even Danny needed recovery time and despite being capable and willing, Paul didn’t get off on tormenting by making him endure worship that caused painful blue balls instead of pleasure. Trisha tolerated sex at best, and had never been able to offer Paul the counterbalance he needed. But Eve was wholly carnal and capable of receiving pleasure for as long as she could fight off passing out in exhaustion. She was probably one of the fittest women he knew and was always filled with energy that let her dance until dawn and work out for hours. To a true submissive like Paul, Eve was a gold mine, the fact that he had loved her since grade school just made it that much sweeter.

“We just got started, Evie Girl.” He let go of her hip and ran his fingers over her still-quivering pussy, wanting to make sure he sealed the deal with Eve because he needed this if he had to endure a lifetime of boring sex with Trisha. “I want to make sure you know what I can do for you. I want to worship at your feet every day. Maybe you won’t let me if I don’t prove to you that the only pleasure that matters to me is yours.”

“Yeah, okay, that works,” Eve moaned, her body arching into him when he blew gently against her. “But give me a moment. Too sensitive.”

“I know your clit is off-limits,” he said, pushing two fingers into her, causing her to jerk and scream again. “But that feels good, doesn’t it?”

“God, yes,” she moaned, forcing her hips against his hand as he curved his fingers up, rubbing against that sensitive place inside her. “That’s good. Fuck me with your fingers.”

“I notice you can get off like this. You never did that when we were younger.” Paul used his grip on her lower back to force her against his fingers. He rubbed them against the pulsing spot inside her in a way that made her gasp and moan. “Do you like it now?”

“Yeah,” she panted, letting him move her hips as she became heavy and languid over him. “Danny taught me.”

“If I knew then what I know now I could have taught you,” he whispered, fighting down the pang of jealousy. “And I wouldn’t have had to tie you up like your mean Master did. I could have done it serving you. You could have forced me to fuck you with my fingers until your body learned how or you could have used my cock. I’m well trained, Evie, I won’t come until you let me.”

“Fuck.” Eve’s hips surged forward as she let out a low, throaty moan and her pussy started quivering around his fingers. Her moans weren’t as loud as before but her body shook more forcefully, making it obvious the second orgasm was more violent. When she opened her eyes once more, her breathing was labored as she tried to recover from her second orgasm. “Is this part of being a slave, pleasuring your Mistress with your words as well as your tongue and fingers?”

“Of course,” he said as if it were obvious. “Women aren’t like men, they need their minds stimulated as well as their bodies. I used to spend lots of time with Dommes before Danny got mean and stopped sharing. I love pussy, worshiping it is one of my favorite things. I was a very good slave to them. They miss me.”

“I bet they do,” Eve panted breathlessly as she stared down at him with heavy-lidded eyes. “I think I’m starting to love this game.”

“By the time you go to sleep,” Paul murmured as he leaned forward, breathing against her hot, wet pussy that was still throbbing around his fingers. “You won’t think, you’ll
you love this game. I got four months left, I want to make sure you’ll use me for every moment of it even if I have to sit here for the next five hours to prove I’m good enough to serve you.”

Eve moaned when he licked her again, her hips thrusting forward in a way that told him she was still really sensitive. He licked her softly, being mindful of what would be too intense as he gripped her hips with both hands once more. Eve was so tightly strung and her body so in tune to him that making her come again was easy. He had somehow forgotten just how responsive Eve was to pleasure. It was little wonder Danny had enslaved her if he was using sexual bliss to do it. Eve had always been just as sexually needy as a man, her being a tomboy when she was little had just been the start of a lifetime of male tendencies that applied to everything from her hating dresses to needing sex like most women needed air.

Paul kneeled there for a long time pleasuring her, alternating between licking her and touching her, making her come enough times that he lost count. Eve grew heavier over him, her arms weak and her legs shaking to the point that if it weren’t for his hold on her, she would have fallen and hurt herself. But she trusted him, she let him support her and it was such a nice feeling. He would have kneeled there forever if Eve hadn’t finally untangled herself from him, sliding down his body until she was straddled over him, his hard cock trapped between their wet bodies. She tangled her fingers in his hair and brought his mouth to hers to kiss him. Their lips met in lazy, open-mouthed desperation, with tongues brushing and soft moans mingling. Paul let his hands trail down her back, savoring the soft feel of her wet skin and the intoxicating taste of drowning himself in Eve after missing her for so long.

“The water’s cold,” she whispered in a sated voice when they finally broke apart because it was obvious even breathing was hard for her. “It’s been cold for a long time. We’ve been in here forever.”

“I don’t care,” he said softly as he reached up and brushed long strands of wet hair off her neck, pushing it behind her. “But if it bothers you we can get out.”

“No.” She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close enough to feel the hard thumping of her heart against his chest. “I need you in me.”

“Are you on the Pill?” he asked in concern, realizing he hadn’t used any protection with Eve earlier.

“You know Danny wouldn’t let you fuck me if I wasn’t. We don’t use condoms when we’re alone. I didn’t even know he owned them,” she said, pulling a face of confusion. “Why does he insist on them if you’re bleeding all over him when he whips you? That makes no sense to me.”

Paul laughed. “I hate lube and condoms fix that for him. He’s never that pissed at me. He loves his dick too much to risk injury. Vain asshole, a little rug burn wouldn’t kill him.”

“You hate lube,” Eve repeated in amazement. “Dry anal gets you off?”

“Yeah,” he said, staring at her in bafflement, thinking it was obvious. “That makes it hurt more. Why do you think I love it so much? It’s pleasure and pain mixed together. That’s hot.”

“Okay, you’re fucked up,” Eve said with a broken laugh, resting her cheek against his hard chest as she hugged him tightly. “Dry anal. Jesus Christ, Paul Guy, what am I going to do with you?”

“What do you know about anal?” he asked curiously, his cock twitching between them. “Do you and Danny—”

“Why do you want to know?” she asked teasingly. “Do you think an Evie sandwich sounds yummy?”

“Yeah, I’m a twisted bastard,” he admitted without remorse. “I wouldn’t mind being a slice of bread for an Evie sandwich.”

She considered that with a devious smile as she pulled back to look at him. “Top or bottom?”

“Bottom,” he put in instantly, wincing at just the idea of being the top in that situation. “I’m bigger than Danny and hurting you would not work for me. That’s not sexy. He can top. He’s got lots of practice. With you he can use lube to his heart’s content.”

“You want to bottom for me right now?” she asked with an arch of one dark red eyebrow. “You want a chance to prove you’re worthy of being bread for a very delicious Evie sandwich?”

“Yes, please,” he said, the longing heavy in his voice. “Use me, Evie Girl. I won’t come until you tell me.”

“I don’t believe you.” She reached between them and stroked his hard cock, rubbing her thumb over the head of it teasingly. Paul let his head fall back against the shower wall and bit his tongue as a distraction from the pleasure. “I don’t like when

you do that,” Eve said in a low, concerned voice as she leaned in closer to him. “Stick your tongue out. Let me see it.”

He winced, the coppery taste of blood in his mouth telling him she would see he was bleeding. He wanted to deny her, but he stuck his tongue out obediently.

She studied his tongue with dark emerald eyes swirled with concern. “I like your tongue, Paul Guy. I want you to stop biting it.”

“That’s lame,” he moaned in complaint as he stared at her in disappointment. “Danny Boy doesn’t complain.”

“Yeah, well, Danny Boy doesn’t have a pussy,” Eve countered, her voice still sharp and reprimanding. “If he did, he’d want to make sure that your tongue was always capable of licking it.”

“I can still lick you,” he said with a laugh. “Stand up and I’ll prove it.”

“Don’t argue with me,” Eve growled at him. “I see you bite it again and I’m going to be angry. You better find another way to keep quiet and obedient. Do you understand?”

He sucked in a sharp breath of pleasure as his eyes became heavy in mounting desire. “I’m sorry.”

“I want you to promise. You’re supposed to be well trained. You don’t need to bite your tongue to behave.”

“I don’t need to bite my tongue to behave,” he repeated obediently as his breathing became low and shallow. “I promise.”

“Okay,” Eve said softly as she started stroking him again, watching his face closely. “I believe you.”

“Thank you,” he whispered gratefully. “Really, I don’t even deserve to pleasure you. I love you, Evie.”

“I love you too,” she said softly, her eyes glazed with adoration and hunger as she moved over him and guided his cock into her. “More than anything.”

Eve’s head lolled to the side as she slowly took all of him in her, making it obvious that climaxing so many times had made her relaxed and lazy. Paul moaned, his head falling back against the tiles, his eyes closing in ecstasy, robbing him of the image of Eve riding him. The pleasure washed over his body with unexpected velocity, flooding into his limbs treacherously. A pulse of fear went through him, making him realize he could have been lying to Eve because he didn’t know if he was going to be able to stop himself from coming in her before she was ready.

He used his foot to push them both backward so that his back was flush against the wall. The impact caused jolts of pain to shimmer over his body nicely and he used that to remind himself to behave as Eve started moving over him in the slow, sensual movements of a goddess. He discovered that if he slid with her, thrusting upward in a firm, sharp action that had him holding her hips harder than he normally would, not only did Eve gasp louder when his cock was forced into her as far as it would go, but

the friction on his back got more intense. He felt himself slipping as he began moaning with her while they moved together as if they had never been apart. A fresh high started pulsing through him, mixing with desire nicely. He forgot to remind himself to behave, losing himself in the hazy dream of pain, pleasure and Eve mixed together.

“I’m losing it,” he whispered after several long minutes of torture that he wanted to last forever if only his body would agree.

“Not yet.” She leaned forward, burying her face in the curve of his neck as she arched into him once more, forcing him deeper in her and making the friction almost unbearably pleasurable. “Wait for me, Paul Guy. I like when we do it together. I’ll tell you when.”

He nodded silently, fighting the urge to bite his tongue as Eve started fucking him faster, forcing his back harder against the wall as she licked and nipped at the sensitive skin in the curve of his neck. Her moans were hot against his skin, making him completely mindless for her. Paul needed her more with every raspy breath, aching for her with every rapid thump of his heart against his ribs.

Eve wrapped her arms around him, her nails digging into stitched-up cuts on his shoulders. “Fuck,” he groaned, arching into her completely. “Harder, Evie Girl. Please.”

Her nails dug in deeper as she latched on to him brutally, her breathing sharp and ragged, making it obvious she was as mindless as him. “Now,” she screamed when her body suddenly seized over him, her pussy pulsing and milking his cock in a way that was impossible to deny.

Eve’s teeth sunk into the curve of his neck and Paul’s body jerked and obeyed her instantly as pleasure slammed into him so forcefully everything went white from the potency of the bliss pulsing through him. He fought it, knowing what happened at the end of an orgasm like that, but he was more exhausted then he realized and he lost the battle when Eve stopped riding out her own climax. The rush of going from tense to satisfied made the pleasure fade to black from one raspy breath to the next.

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