Beyond Eden (27 page)

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Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Beyond Eden
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“You’re lovers?” Eve gasped in surprise, looking back and forth between them and wanting to smack her forehead. She was an artist. She had lived in New York for ten years. She had worked and hung out with more gay men than straight for most of her adulthood. The only reason she had missed the obvious was because of her friendship with both of them. The two of them lived, bickered and needed each other like an old married couple. “I’m so stupid. The clean house. The fact that you can spend all day shopping. You two are
lovers. This is not happening. How long have you been together?”

“I wouldn’t call us lovers,” Paul said with a wince. “That’s—not sexy.” “But you fuck?”

Paul nodded as he huffed in defeat, “Yeah, we like fucking. We don’t get sick of each other.”

“And we are going to miss each other very much when he gets married,” Danny said with a sigh. “Honestly, Evie, if I didn’t have you, I think I’d die.”

“You won’t die,” Paul said softly.

“I will,” Danny whispered in anguish, his dark eyes shining. “I’m not as strong as you. No human on earth is as strong as you. You’re a freak of nature. If you weren’t so fucked up, you wouldn’t agree to marry a woman you don’t love. The pain fetish doesn’t make you fucked, the inability to separate your fetish from your real life does. You’re letting your father’s expectations punish you forever. I’m really, really pissed off at you. I am going to have to hurt you so badly, Paul Guy. Do you know how badly I’m going hurt you?”

“I know,” Paul sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even considered leaving you for corsets and lipstick.”

“I had everything beautifully laid out,” Danny said, shaking his head in recrimination. “You could have had Evie tied down with me commanding you to pleasure her—but you fucked it all up. You always fuck it up. You’re worthless. Get down on your knees right now and tell me you’re worthless. I want you to do it in front of Evie.”

Eve sucked in a sharp breath when Paul did as he was told, falling to his knees instantly and looking up at Danny. “I’m worthless.”

“Yes, you are,” Danny agreed as he flattened himself against the door and looked down at Paul with a gaze of sheer malice. “Take your shirt off. Slaves who don’t appreciate their Masters don’t get shirts.”

Paul tilted his head, staring at Eve as he unbuttoned the top button to his pressed, white collared shirt. She suddenly understood what Danny had been talking about when he said slaves take off their clothes slowly, sensually to impress their Masters. Only Paul wasn’t looking at Danny, he was looking at Eve with stormy blue eyes of arousal that caused a jolt of lust to shoot through her. She found herself watching his fingers work on each button with bated breath as a slow, beautiful line of masculine flesh was revealed. The longer it took him to take off his shirt, the more she ached for him. Even the buttons at his wrists, the way he undid them was completely captivating to her. She could sit there and watch him do this all day.

If slaves could do this to their Masters, who was the one really enslaved?

She knew she was starry eyed by the time he shrugged those impossibly large shoulders and slipped his shirt off in a smooth, masculine gesture Eve was certain Danny could have never achieved. He was beautiful, but people existed to seduce him, not the other way around.

Eve suddenly saw Paul for what he was—the most sensual, beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on. His entire being was focused on serving and pleasing others, it was all he knew and that was something that could quite easily captivate her for the rest of her life.

Eve didn’t feel the tears until they were rolling down her cheeks. It didn’t matter that Danny glared at her, she couldn’t help herself as she stared with her lips parted in awe. She wanted to paint Paul, to take his picture in black and white kneeling there, capturing the perfect moment when he shifted his shoulders to push his shirt off.

“Stand up and turn around,” Danny said and then leaned into Paul when he did so, blocking Eve’s view of his back.

He rested his cheek against Paul’s shoulder as his arm wrapped around his waist. Danny was bare-chested too, wearing jeans instead of black suit pants and together the two of them made Eve gape at their beauty.

With enough paint, canvas and film, Eve could use Paul and Danny to feed her muse for all time. That’s how beautiful they were together to her. Her mind stopped

seeing beauty in the world outside the two of them standing there together and neither of them realized they had just ruined Eve’s art for the rest of her life. Nothing she ever created would be beautiful unless it had one or both of them in it somehow and it occurred to her that she was going to be selling her body to Danny an awful lot. She couldn’t bear the thought of not creating art and any art that didn’t capture the dark magnificence of two beautiful men who were slave and Master to each other seemed pointless and dull. She’d sooner die than paint anything less than what her artist eyes were seeing in front of her.

“You don’t want Evie to see these marks on your back, do you, Paul Guy?” Danny asked softly, whispering the words into the curve of Paul’s neck. “I want you to tell her why you don’t want her to see these.”

“Because I got them for refusing to give Eve to you,” Paul whispered in misery. “And now they’re useless.”

“Why are they useless?”

“Because I can’t feel them. I wanted to feel them forever.” “Why?”

“Because I love her.”

“What?” Eve gasped, sucking in such a sharp breath of air she thought her lungs would burst.

“You knew that,” Paul said, turning around to glance at her over his other shoulder with a look on his face that told her he had assumed she had known it all along.

“I did?” Eve squeaked and her face scrunched up in a fight against completely breaking down in front of both of them.

“Yeah, I told you I’d love you forever.”

Eve jumped up on unsteady feet. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

She ran away from both of them and tripped when she jumped into the bathroom, landing painfully on her knees, but she didn’t care. She kicked her leg back to shut the door and crumpled onto the floor with the most bone-shaking sobs she had ever cried in her entire life. They shook her entire body and she felt as if she might just die on the floor from the force of the pain in her heart.

Why did she leave him? Why didn’t she force him to come with her?

“You can’t fall apart like this,” Danny said as he opened the bathroom door. “If you do then I will and I can’t be an emotional wreck when I’m punishing him.”

“Then don’t punish him!” Eve shouted at him. “I don’t want you to punish him!” “But that’s what he likes and if I don’t keep my word his trust in me will be

ruined,” Danny said slowly. “Do you understand that he wants to be hurt? He wants to

be treated like shit. If I didn’t do it and do it well then he’d go get it from someone else. He was being serious when he said he was going to go collect himself a whole harem of Dommes to abuse him because he was pissed off I was lying down with you instead of fucking with him. Paul has an extreme pain fetish. He cannot be with any Master who

isn’t highly trained. The ones he wants aren’t safe. They’re feeding their own fetishes and that is a really bad combination because then no one is in control. Paul is too beautiful and obedient and he literally drives them insane. I’ve never seen anyone withstand what he can and I’ve been heavily into the BDSM world since I was nineteen. They can beat on him like he’s a monster and he will love them for it.”

“He’s not a monster, he’s a teddy bear,” Eve said defiantly. “He’s my teddy bear. I don’t want you to hurt him. I want you to fix him.”

“There’s nothing to fix. He’s not broken. He’s just different. It’s not that bad, you know? When Paul gets hot and bothered, he’s really something. He’s beautiful to me when he’s like that and I don’t care how mean I have to be to him because when he gets hot, it makes me hot. It doesn’t matter how, as long as it happens.”

“You like taking care of him?” Eve choked, because just saying the words made her body ache with desire. “You like making him hot and bothered?”

“I love it more than air.”

“I want to watch,” Eve rasped as white-hot desire raced through her body at the thought of seeing them together, of being able to witness dark, deviant art as it happened. They were both so surreally beautiful to her, to be able to see them together, that was mind-blowing. She actually wavered where she kneeled on the bathroom floor under the force of the lust suddenly washing over her as images assailed her mind, causing a clash of art, sex and desire that was more intoxicating than any drug could be. It was all her favorite things in the world combined into one and she would have never guessed it would come to her this way but now that she’d found it, she felt like she would literally die if she didn’t have it. “I’ll sell myself to you if I can watch.”

“What do you want to watch, Evie?” Danny asked with a catch in his voice. “Tell me what you want to watch and I might consider it.”

“Do you kiss?” she asked as her breath rushed out of her in a gush of desire at the thought of them kissing, of seeing the slow movement of tongues sliding into each other’s mouths. She needed that on film too, in black and white, with nothing but white in the background, only the image of the two of them with nothing else to detract from it. “I want to see you kiss. If I can take a picture, I’ll do anything you want. I’ll bark for you, Danny Boy. I’ll bark for you right now.”

“Call me Master,” Danny said in a dark, seductive tone that sent tingles over her skin. But she didn’t want to hear it directed at her, she wanted to hear him use it on Paul. She wanted to watch Paul fall under Danny’s sexual spell that enslaved anyone who amused him.

“Can I watch you kiss him, Master?” Eve whispered, looking up at Danny imploring, hoping he could see the wild, rampant desire in her eyes, her absolute desperation to be able to witness perfect art as it happened. “Would you let me do that?”

“I might,” Danny said slowly, his eyes running over Eve as she kneeled there on the floor at his feet. “Do you want to watch us fuck? Does that sound exciting to you?”

Eve sucked in a sharp breath as a lightning bolt of unadulterated desire struck her a thousand times stronger than it had when she was being tied down. Pleasure shimmered over her skin, making her waver where she stood and she thought she might actually climax right there at the thought of seeing them together. The contradictions turned her on as much as the similarities, slave and Master, dark and blond hair, olive and golden skin, dark, devil eyes staring into blue, angelic ones. A devil enslaving an angel with both love and pain and all of it mixed together with hard, smooth muscles coming together in perfect, beautiful lines of art and magnificence. Danny and Paul had bodies made for nudes and Eve loved to photograph nudes, she loved to paint them more. She felt like she had just fallen into her own personal artistic paradise.

“Yes,” Eve said in a soft voice that was hypnotized with lust as she stared ahead unseeing, lost in her own world of art and fantasy. “I want to see that. I’ll do anything to see that.” Eve forced herself to come back to earth long enough to convey her need as she lifted her eyes to Danny. “Anything, Danny Boy. I’ll sell you my body for eternity to see you fuck him. I’ll sell you my soul if you let me paint and photograph it.”

Danny stared down at her, a dark smile curving at his lips. “I believe we have just discovered a very interesting fetish. You’ve surprised me.”

“Do you think it’s terrible?” Eve asked in concern, feeling tears sting her eyes once more because she felt like she would die if Danny denied her, or worse, thought it was disgusting. He didn’t have artist eyes; he didn’t see what she saw. “Do you think I’m terrible?”

“No, I think you’re adorable,” Danny said, his voice soft and affectionate. “I want to play with you forever.”

“I’ll let you,” Eve whispered, her voice seductive on purpose because she would do anything to see what she needed to see. “If you let me watch I’ll let you play with me forever.”

“I want to play with you tonight,” Danny said in a husky voice. “I want to own you tonight and I want your complete obedience. Will you be a real slave to me tonight?”

“Will you let me watch you fuck him?” Eve countered. “Will you kiss and touch him and let me watch you do it? Will you do it slowly, so I can memorize every detail?”

“You give me your complete obedience,” Danny started with his eyebrows raised. “And be a perfect slave for me tonight and I won’t only let you watch, I’ll let you take a picture.”

Eve sucked in a sharp breath as her pussy pulsed with desire. “Yes,” she breathed instantly. “I need to take a picture. I have my camera in my bag, I have black-and-white film.”

“Destiny,” Danny said with a smile. “Say, ‘Yes, Master.’”

“Yes, Master,” Eve rasped breathlessly as she thought longingly of her camera. “Can I get my camera now? I need it. I want to hold it. I need it in my hands.”

“No,” Danny said, a dark smile still tugging on his lips. “Right now you are going to go get dressed for me. I want you to make yourself beautiful, with your prettiest slave clothes on.”

“Okay,” Eve said, her mind still off in the faraway land of art and perfect, nude male bodies that belonged to the two men she adored the most in the world.

“Good girl,” Danny said in the silky, smooth voice of the devil. “Do you have your red lipstick?”

“I do,” Eve said, blinking as she kneeled there to bring herself back to reality. Danny could have asked her for the air she breathed and she would have given it to him without thought. “I’ll wear it for you, Master. I’ll get dressed now. I need my camera.”

“Not yet. Go get yourself ready. We are going to blow Paul’s mind tonight.” “That’s good, I need to capture that,” Eve said more to herself than him. “I want to

capture the beauty of desire on film. I can do it. I know it. Then I can paint it. If I can get

the right picture, I’ll be able to paint the emotions. I love paintings that show emotions, that make you feel love and pain.”

“Oh, you’re going to see both of those,” Danny assured her. “And I want you to remember this feeling. The feeling of finding something that drives you insane. Of having one fetish button that when it’s pushed will make you completely euphoric. It’s better than any drug. It’s the sweetest thing on earth.”

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