Bewitching Her Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Bewitching Her Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)
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“Nicole, wait.” He pulled back on my arm stopping me and made me turn to face him again. “We have to talk”. I pulled my shirt off revealing my bare chest. “Please, it’s important.” I slipped my yoga pants off and stood in front of him completely naked. He blew out a long breath and said, “Yeah, we can talk later.”


“Good.” I said as I pulled him by the hand to the bed but left him standing in front of it. He pulled his shirt off while I undid his jeans and slipped his shoes and socks off. I knelt before him and slid his jeans and boxers down at the same time, and he quickly stepped out of them.


I stood again and motioned for him to move up to the middle of the bed. I climbed onto it and toward him like a cat before straddling him just below his already hard cock. I took it in my hand and marveled at the stiffness of the shaft and the incredibly soft skin that surrounded it. There was a single pearl of moisture balanced on the tip and I swiped my thumb over it making him suck in his breath. I slid my thumb in my mouth and savored the unmatchable taste of it.


I was wet already, just from thinking about him, but now, having him here so ready for me, made me bold. I surprised us both by standing up on my knees and guiding two of his fingers into me. “This is what I’ve been like all day knowing I would see you tonight.” I said in a voice so husky, even I didn’t recognize it. He stroked his fingers in and out of me, and I matched each stroke with one of my own by wrapping my hand tightly around his shaft. His eyes couldn’t decide what to watch, his fingers disappearing inside me or my hand moving up and down on him. I solved the problem for him by moving off his fingers and positioning myself over his engorged shaft. He reached down and held it steady as I rubbed my pussy against him, teasing him, before descending down that long and lovely pole until I was firmly seated with him buried inside me.


I stayed still relishing the feeling of him stretching me, filling me once again. This is what I had been thinking about all day today and the days that had passed since I last saw him. I tightened my muscles around him and earned a long groan. Rocking my hips against his, I enjoyed a delightful friction against my clitoris. I leaned forward to kiss him increasing that friction as I started to slide up and down on him. He caressed my ass then grasped it tightly making me move faster on him.


“Oh Brandon, that feels so good!” I moaned.


His answer was a sliding kiss to my neck to softly nibble and the pulse in my throat. He was bringing me to the edge of ecstasy, and I sat up again as I neared that wonderful release needing to feel the full length of him buried in me. He slid his hands up my thighs and pressed his thumbs gently on either side of my clit massaging it as I rocked against his hips. I arched my back and rested my hands behind me on his legs. I couldn’t hold it back, I came in rolling explosions of liquid heat. I was coming harder than I ever dreamed I could and cried out my pleasure to him as I did.


He sat up, and holding me against him, rolled me under and slipped an arm under each of my legs, spreading them further and allowing him to sink deeper into me. I clutched at him as he pistoned in and out of me, pinning me to the bed with his weight. I was begging him to come, and with a shudder that began at his feet and rippled upward through his body, I felt that familiar heat deep within me. I helplessly came again, my muscles involuntarily clamping down on him capturing him deep within me and milking him dry.


He kissed me passionately as he released my legs and pulled me into his arms. We lay there snuggled together and soon, I heard his breath come in steady, even puffs and I knew he was asleep. I laughed at how wide awake I felt as he passed out from exerting so much energy.


I slipped from the bed and lit the fire before fetching the necklaces from my bag. Pulling his t-shirt on, I made hot tea and waited patiently for him to wake up.


Eventually, he opened his eyes and dragged himself sleepily from the bed. Pulling on his jeans he came to join me at the small table. I poured him a cup of tea and pushed the box toward him.


“What’s this?” He asked raising an eyebrow at me.


“Just open it.”


He did and as he pulled the necklace out it swung slightly toward me. He looked at me as I pulled my necklace out from under his t-shirt, and we watched it swing slightly toward him. Again, he raised his eyebrow at me.


“The stones will always seek each other out. ‘The greater the desire of the wearer of one stone to find the wearer of the other stone, the greater the pull. The attraction grows in direct proportion to the need.’” I said, quoting what I had been told by my mother. “They belonged to my parents.”


He kissed me and fastened it around his neck thanking me. Then he took a deep breath and said, “I have something I have to tell you. No, I have something I have to show you.” He slipped out of his jeans again and once again stood naked.


“I’ve seen that.” I laughed.


“No, not that,” he smiled nervously at me, “this.”


And with that he began to shimmer, and as I watched he began to change in front of me. His nose grew longer, and his forehead flattened. His legs bent as did his back until he was on all fours. Fur sprouted out of every part of him along with sharp teeth and claws. I watched him turn into a…well, a dog. No, a wolf. A werewolf. Oh crap, I was in love with a werewolf. It was the sacred duty of my coven to protect innocent people from werewolves. Oh crap.


I sat there with my mouth gaping open. He put his head and tail down and took a measured step toward me. I didn’t flinch so I guess he thought it was safe to come closer until he was sitting before me with his head tilted to the side looking harmless.


I looked at him for a long time before the strangest thing happened. 


I laughed.


I laughed so hard and loud that he finally had to change back and slip his jeans on again. I couldn’t stop. It wasn’t funny really, it was ridiculous. The incongruity of it all was one thing, but the irony. Oh my, the irony. That was the most ridiculous thing of all.


He sat again at the table looking at me with a mixture of concern and confusion. I think he expected anger or disbelief, but not laughter.


“Brandon,” I gasped between breaths trying to regain control of myself, “you have no idea what we are in for.”


“Why aren’t you surprised? Did your dad tell you about this?”


That sobered me as nothing else could. “My dad?” Now I was the one who was confused. “What does my dad have to do with this?”


“Your dad was one of us,” he answered, “he was a werewolf too.”


“I’m half werewolf? How can I be half werewolf? I’ve never even felt remotely...wolfish.”


He half-smiled at that and told me, “Sometimes it doesn’t manifest. I have a sister that has no werewolf traits.” He looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “I imagine you wouldn’t be living with your grandmother if you had any of the signs.”


“Huh. Probably not.” That thought made me a little sad, because I know Amma loved me. “Here I thought I was going to be the one with the big revelation.”


He looked up at me again and said, “Nicole, I’ve known you were a witch almost from the beginning, I knew where you live.”


“That makes sense, but do you know what I’m to become?


“What, I mean you’re already a witch. What’s left?” He seemed sincere so I continued.


“I’m training to be the next High Priestess. In less than two weeks, I’m the next in line to lead the coven.” I searched his eyes for understanding, but only saw shock and denial there.


“You can’t do that.” He said evenly.


“I have a duty to the coven.” A thought struck me then, and I knew I had to ask him a question and even though I thought I knew the answer, I had to hear it from him. “Wait, how did you know about my dad? I mean, I didn’t even know. That does not seem like public information.”


He hesitated, as if he was trying to choose the answer that would upset me the least. Finally he said, “I asked my mom. She’s the pack’s Record Keeper. She would know about anyone who’s been expelled from the pack.”


“Expelled from the pack?” I repeated. “My dad?”


Brandon nodded, and waited patiently for me to catch up.


“The Record Keeper is mated to the Alpha.” I said in a flat, disbelieving monotone. “You’re the Alpha’s son.” I looked up at him, my eyes pleading with him to deny it.


He squeezed my hands. “Yes.”


“You’re the Alpha’s son,” I repeated slowly, “and you want me to deny
birthright? Are you planning on leaving the pack? You’re the firstborn? You’re the next Alpha?” With each question, my voice kept got louder.


“Yes.” He stood up his eyes not leaving mine. Not willing to be cowed by anyone, I stood too and we faced each other nearly eye to eye. “I can’t leave the pack.” he said with finality.


“I can’t leave the Coven.” I retorted.


I kept my face calm, and I’m sure my eyes glinted with the anger I felt, but inside, my heart was shattering into a million pieces. I knew at that moment, that if we couldn’t have each other I would spend the rest of my days alone. He was my soulmate, and since I couldn’t have him, I would have no one.


Through some unspoken agreement we began to retrieve our clothes and dress. I tore his shirt off and threw it at him putting all my anger and frustration behind it. It smacked him in the face and bounced off harmlessly but he stopped putting his socks on and looked up at me in surprise. I found my shirt and slipped it on along with my yoga pants, opened the door and stepped out into at the moonlight.


When he was dressed he strode past me to where his boat was beached only to turn back at the last moment and sweep me into his arms and kiss me with a passion and anger that could only be matched by my own. When he pulled away, I opened my eyes and found him looking back at me with eyes filled with sadness.


“Goodbye, Nicole.” He said as he released me and stomped down the rocky shore and shoved his boat into the water with a mighty heave and jumped in. I watched as he rowed away from me, each of us not taking our eyes off the other until he was too far away for me to see.


I stood there anyway for a long time staring into the darkness into which he had disappeared, knowing I would always long for him. And, as my desire for him became nearly overwhelming, I could feel the pull of my necklace seeking his out in the same way our hearts would always seek the other.


Enjoyed The Witch and Her Alpha? Be sure to check out Joanna Wilson's other works!

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