Between The Sheets (4 page)

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Authors: Jeanie London

BOOK: Between The Sheets
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That high-beam smile returned, despite the blush that didn't look as if it would be fading anytime soon. “I'm looking forward to working together. Wilhemina told me about you.”

Their hands met and sparks flew
Static electricity snapped. April turned to pull away.

Rex didn't let her go.

She was one jumpy lady but the shock of the moment quickly passed as he guided her slim fingers into his and squeezed reassuringly. “Good things, I hope. I wouldn't want you to regret becoming my assistant.” He certainly wasn't.

“Oh, no. I'm counting on learning a lot.”

“We both will, I'm sure.”

He'd already learned a lot today, starting with just how much he'd been ignoring his sex life lately. One look at April Stevens and his mood improved big-time.

Strands of fine hair had escaped from the clip at her nape and she blew them from her eyes before tucking them behind her ear. Rex dragged his gaze from that manicured pink fingertip as it threaded through her hair.

Now if his luck just held, April would be single.

Forcing himself into motion, he set his cup on the table and took his seat just as Jacqui Scott appeared in the doorway. “Good morning, everyone.”

She moved into the office with confident strides that encouraged the notice of every man in the room. An attractive woman with an abundance of curly hair she wore loose around her shoulders, she wasn't too far behind him in age, probably around thirty.

“What are you doing here, Jacqui?” Charles asked.

“Kaye asked me to sit in for her. She's on a conference call with the L.A. office. Some crisis with an order.”

Rex had dealt chiefly with executive management during his time in-house at the Luxurious Bedding Company, but Jacqui Scott had been the exception. As the network administrator, she'd crossed his path every time he'd been the unlucky recipient of a suggestive post. And the one he'd received this morning would guarantee him yet another visit.

Her gaze rested briefly on April, but she dismissed his new assistant with the barest smile of greeting before sliding into the seat beside Charles. Her gaze skimmed across the product display boards at the front of the room that depicted the lovemaking couples of the Kama Sutra Sports Set.

“Wilhemina told me you received another post, Rex,” she said. “I'll need to check out your system after the meeting.”

“Drop by my office.” Drinking his coffee, he affected a slightly bored mien. As usual, the Sensuous Collection and the suggestive posts placed sex front and center.

“So you're the poor Joe of the day,” Dalton said. “What was it this time? I hope not another suggestion to supply male employees with panty hose so we can develop our sensitivity.”

“You can ditch that idea completely,” Charles said. “Not going to happen in this lifetime.”

“I think you'd look good in a pair of thigh-highs with garters, Charles,” Jacqui said silkily, glancing at the men from beneath her lashes and saving Rex the trouble of managing a diplomatic reply. “But you'll like today's suggestion much better. Group sex to improve interoffice relations. Isn't that right, Rex?”

He nodded.

“As in you and a friend paying me a visit in my office?” Dalton asked Jacqui hopefully.

Jacqui's gaze shot to Charles before she said, “Or you and a friend visiting me.”

Charles laughed and Dalton cast a sidelong glance at the water glass in front of April, a warning about the oncoming conversation. She only smiled.

“I hadn't noticed interoffice relations suffering, which makes this recommendation moot.” Rex tried to move them past this topic and give his wide-eyed new assistant a break.

Unfortunately, Jacqui dismissed his attempt with one wave of a manicured hand. “It's my experience that interoffice relations can always use improvement.”

“Given your managerial experience, we'll have to take you at your word.” Dalton hoisted his mug in salute. “Rex is a corporation of one.”

“The lone ranger.” Charles laughed.

“We happened to have designed the Rodeo Line for lone rangers,” Jacqui said. “‘Rope 'Em and Ride 'Em with Supple Leather Sheets Made from Doeskin, Calfskin and Suede,'” she recited the slogan, an obvious attempt to inspire images of what roping and riding in bed might entail.

Both Charles and Dalton watched her with glazed expressions. April didn't say a word, but he sensed she paid close attention to every word of the exchange.

Rex took another shot at interjecting sanity into the conversation. “You seem very well-informed about the line's marketing and you're the network administrator. I don't see much room for interoffice improvement.”

Jacqui frowned. “Spoilsport. I thought you were the man who came up with the slogan ‘Experience the Bed, 1001 Things to Do Between the Sheets.'”

“For the Sensuous Collection,” he pointed out.

“Between our sheet sets and the suggestive posts, everyone is in the mood around here,” Charles said. “Except you, Rex. What's up with that?”

“I'm here to work.”

“Admirable.” Jacqui shrugged in a way that conveyed she didn't believe him. “Most men would be enthusiastic about the idea of a few women pleasuring him.”

“The opposite scenario undermines my enthusiasm.”

Now she laughed, obviously letting go of her irritation. He noticed April couldn't contain a smile, either.

“You should enjoy yourself while you're here,” Dalton said.

“He's right.” Jacqui smiled. “Everyone else is.”

Rex was spared from further comment when Wilhemina and Leah entered the room and forced the conversation back to business.

“Good morning, everyone.” Wilhemina greeted her staff and took her place at the head of the long table. “Have you all had enough coffee to tackle the Kama Sutra Sports Set?” Then she glanced his way and said, “Rex, I trust you've met April.”

“We've been introduced.”

“Then let's get to business. Are you ready to brief us on your objectives for our gaming and adventure lines?”

“My focus for these lines will be to assess how far we can push the public with our advertising.” Reaching for his
folder, he went to stand beside the computer where his presentation was set up and ready to roll.

“You're planning the usual run of studies?” April asked in that pleasant, breathy voice that fit right in with the overall excitable impression he'd gotten of her. “Accompanied shopping observations, focus groups, blind testing against our competitors' products.”

Rex nodded, before casting his gaze around the table as a distraction from her big violet eyes. Flipping on the display, he pressed a series of commands to bring up his first slide.

“Everyone here will monitor several online discussions and consumer panels. Given my preliminary studies and hindsight from the response to the Cuddly, Cozy Winter Collection campaign, it's clear the key to success will be in proper market placement and how well we reach the target audiences. We can't know where to hit hardest until we have an idea of how consumers will react to the overt sexuality of these lines.”

“Which is exactly why Rex is here to advise us.” Wilhemina said. “Let's face it, folks, we're dealing with tricky products to place in a mainstream market.”

“No joke.” Dalton shook his head. “I don't have a clue how I'm going to instruct my sales force to sell sheets that come with a dual-temperature vibrator and a cock ring.”

“You will after I turn in my executive summary.” Rex motioned to a product display board beside the viewing screen that depicted the “Kama Couple,” as the couple demonstrating the Kama Sutra Sports Set's sexual positions had been unofficially named. While not a cartoon, the Kama Couple was animated with very lifelike flexing muscles and twined limbs. “Don't discount the impact of the new terminology, either.”

Missionary Mania, as this particular position was called,
depicted the Kama Man on top of the Kama Woman, whose legs were hooked around his waist.

Rex glanced around the table to find April looking at the display. Her wide eyes grew even wider, just about the same time Rex's pulse kicked up a notch.

“That's right, Dalton,” Wilhemina said. “Rex's suggestion to have product development rename the positions on the Kama Sutra Sports Set will make the line much easier to present.”

Leah nodded. “Missionary Mania isn't nearly so clinical as the missionary position. The term invites fun.”

“You're right about that.” Charles laughed. “Posterior Passion sounds more inviting than doggie style.”

Rex resisted the urge to massage the growing ache in his head. He assumed Wilhemina's executive staff had been a normal group of people before corporate headquarters had been inundated by sex. But that was a big assumption. He hadn't seen much proof and he'd been in-house for several weeks already.

He launched into a translation of his slide show before any more conversation could start up. Part of his job as a marketing consultant was to effectively present complex statistics to businesspeople who weren't statistically oriented. Only two of the six people seated around the conference table had a clue what he was talking about.

At least he assumed his new assistant did.

She never took her eyes off him while he presented the numbers. To Rex's amazement, he found her gaze made his blood pump hard. He was aware of this woman and the way her every breath made her chest rise and fall invitingly.

And the way she shifted around in her chair, giving him prime glimpses of her curves, as though sitting still was testing her patience. And the way she nibbled on her lower
lip as he directed everyone's attention to the Kama Couple and discussed potential target markets for the gaming sheets.

He obviously hadn't been making enough time for women lately because he was reacting to April Stevens with an intensity he hadn't experienced before. Keeping to the point of his presentation proved damned near impossible when his thoughts kept snagging on her every reaction to the sexy Kama positions.

Did the way her eyes widened when he presented Her Tip-Top Thrill mean she liked to make love on top? Or did the way she gnawed on that full lower lip when he presented Bound Boy Bliss mean she liked to take charge and bind her lovers?

Had she ever had any lovers?

Something about her fresh-faced looks and that tentative demeanor made him wonder. And her sexual status wasn't the only thing he was wondering about. Why was he tripping over his words as he addressed the Jackhammer, a sexy position that had the Kama Man pleasuring his Kama Lady standing up? Did her blush extend below her collar, down to the swell of her breasts?

April definitely wasn't the only one demonstrating a propensity for hot blushes at the moment. Rex was feeling his fair share of heat, only it wasn't rushing north into his face but south, proving beyond a doubt that he hadn't been making nearly enough time to date lately.

Something about the way his new assistant was checking him out undermined his usually solid control in a way she shouldn't have. April hadn't spoken a dozen sentences yet he found her reactions to his presentation a lot more stimulating than the presentation itself.

Luckily he'd be wrapping up things in corporate headquarters today and leaving for Atlanta first thing in the morning, which meant he would have April Stevens all to
himself in less than twenty-four hours. Sharing a hotel suite with this lovely lady suddenly seemed to be the perfect way to kick off his week. He could investigate consumers' reactions to the sexy sheet sets and perhaps explore this unexpected, yet undeniable chemistry he felt for her.


To: J.P. Mooney (mailto:[email protected])

Date: 7 Mar 2003 05:02:12-0800

Subject: First Contact


Hello my favorite brother-in-law,

I promised to keep you posted about the investigation and I'm happy to report that it's underway. My security chief has his people working hard running background checks on my employees and he was agreeable to your suggestion that we start looking very closely at the network administrator. In the three months I've been here, I've found Jacqui competent at her job as long as I keep a tight rein on her. But the same could be said of all my staff. Unfortunately with the launch, everyone is behaving very out of character and as my experience with them is limited, I'm at a disadvantage.

Sex on the brain. You laughed at me, John, but I wasn't kidding. If you could have been a fly on the wall at our marketing session this morning—half the time I marvel that I'm able to keep a straight face, which leads me to…April.

Paula mentioned how worried you were about forcing her out from behind that computer so I thought I'd let you know how she made out. Fine, so stop worrying. I know she's a daughter to you and you're understandably concerned for her welfare. I also know you'd rather keep her hidden away at work with you, where she'll be comfortable and you can keep away all the bad guys. But, John,
April will never be comfortable unless she gets out to meet new people without
hovering over her shoulder.

Paula is right about giving her a little nudge. There, I've said it. In thirty-five years, I've done my level best never to take sides but April is a smart, beautiful girl who should have a life. If I wasn't convinced before, I was the minute I saw her with Rex today. I got them together during that meeting I mentioned above and stood outside the door to watch. You should have seen her! She almost swallowed her tongue when he walked in the room. I know she found him attractive because she almost torched him with a cup of hot coffee. Rex took it in stride and behaved very gallantly. I told you he's
for her. I've never met a man so gifted with handling people. He'll have her eating out of his hand in no time.

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