Between Silk and Cyanide (9 page)

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Authors: Leo Marks

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical, #Modern, #20th Century, #Military, #World War II, #History

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The messages now shared a common grave.

Top message:
Bottom message:

A few seconds later we had the full texts of both messages:

Top message:
Bottom message:

They appeared on the blackboard like this:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Top message: COLONEL/OZEANNES/S IGN Bottom message: TH I S/COULDNT/HAP P EN/I F/ Top message (cont.): ALS/ARE/THE/NERVE/CE Bottom message (cont.): AGENT S/U S ED/WORKED/ Top message (cont.): NTRES/OF/SOE/END/ME S Bottom message (cont.): OUT/KEYS/MES SAGE/BE Top message (cont.): S A G E/ Bottom message (cont.): G I N S/

Ozanne smiled, clearly believing that the demonstration was over.

I had some bad news for him.

A code isn't broken merely because an individual message is. We had now to establish the words of the poem. Only then would we have broken the code itself. That was why every pair of letters had been given a number, though Ozanne hadn't once asked me their purpose. It was time to enlighten him.

To keep the mathematics of anagramming down to the level of my mother's housekeeping, I wrote up the first fifteen pairs of letters of each message and drew the last shards of his attention to them:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Top message: COLONELOZEANNE S Bottom message: THI SCOULDNTHAPP

I now invited him to join me in a game of cryptographic hide and seek. Each of these pairs of letters would be found lurking amongst the code-groups:

t| c • C , Colonel… , The first pair _ or _, . was number 1 in the code-groups. T Thiscou But the second pair was number 23 in the code-groups. H Pair 3 was number 39 in the code-groups. Pair 4 was number 11 in the code-groups. N Pair 5 was number 52 in the code-groups. Pair 6 ,,was number 54 in the code-groups. Pair 7 ,,was number 43 in the code-groups. Pair 8 was number 12 in the code-groups. Pair 9 was number 41 in the code-groups. E Pair 10 was number 18 in the code-groups. N A Pair 11 was number 49 in the code-groups. N Pair 12 was number 2 in the code-groups. H N Pair 13 was number 14 in the code-groups. A Pair 14 was number 30 in the code-groups. Pair 15 was number 7 in the code-groups.

The remaining pairs of letters, numbers 16 to 55, had also changed their positions. If we could discover the process which had caused these changes, the game of hide and seek would be finished and the life of the code over, because we would be in possession of the transposition-key on which both messages had been encoded.

The mathematics involved would be basic but fiddling and I asked Ozanne which he would prefer: to see the process for himself or accept my word that within a very short time we could mathematically reconstruct the entire transposition-key on which both messages had been encoded.

My word was instantly accepted.

I wrote the transposition-key on the blackboard:

I told Ozanne that it would take the coders of Grendon twenty minutes or so to convert those figures into the original words from which they came. Did he wish to see the process for himself? Or would he accept my assurance?

He accepted it.

George Washington Marks wrote the code-phrase 'all things bright and beautiful' on the blackboard:


I suggested that German cryptographers might know the words too and that they would now be able to read the rest of the agent's traffic at will.

'You have five more minutes,' he said, 'in which to come to the point.'

It was there on the blackboard, glaring at him. He hadn't bothered to ask what 'worked-out keys' were. He probably thought they were iron-based laxatives. He wouldn't need one by the time I'd finished. I pointed out the overwhelming advantages of a code which could be destroyed message by message, which could not be remembered, which could not be tortured out of an agent, which would allow him to get off the air in half the time it took him at present, which could easily be camouflaged because it would be printed on silk, which would put a stop to the blackboard follies we had just indulged in, and which would be the start of a programme to change the entire face of agents' coding. I then shoved a sample of a WOK at him like a door-to-door salesman and showed him how to use it.

His expression conveyed what he was considering using it for. Even his blackheads seemed to underline in porous italics his silent rejection of everything I'd said. I shaped my wares to suit Ozanne the expansionist and I told him that the Signals directorate would need fifty girls to produce WOKs by hand and another dozen to check their work. The keys would then have to be printed on silk and subsequently camouflaged. Perhaps the colonel would consider starting his own printing and camouflage sections? We would also need teams of girls at the briefing end of the assembly line to keep every agent practising his WOK ('use it and destroy it, use it and destroy it') right up to the moment that he left for the field. We must also make provision for some mistakes of our own and would need a small team of girls to monitor them.

Very interesting,' he said, 'for a number of reasons.' He told me that any idiot could stand in front of a blackboard and break a message he'd composed himself. As far as he was aware, the Germans were not in that happy position. Nor was there any evidence that SOE's traffic was being intercepted, let alone broken. Furthermore, had grossly exaggerated the poem-code's insecurity. Properly used, it was perfectly suitable for SOE's purposes. Moreover, after considerable discussion with experts in such matters he was firmly convinced that an agent's code
be carried in his head and any suggestion to the contrary was dangerous nonsense.

He added that my idea of a WOK-thing or whatever I called it was unpractical, preposterous and he hadn't heard the like of it. Nor was he prepared to hear the like of it again, least of all from me.

'What you need is a dose of the army.'

He didn't actually call me a shirker but asked why the chosen people were so reluctant to get into uniform. I replied that being a member of the chosen people
a uniform but we did not depend for our promotion on the Army Council.

I knew by now that I'd wrecked the WOK campaign and ruined Heffer's chances of reviving it. I'd also blown my cover with Ozanne, with nothing to lose I attacked that shuttered mind with the only key left to me.

I told him that I would write to CD stating in full my reasons for resigning. With this letter I would enclose a detailed report on agents' codes. Since much of the report would be technical, I summarized the punchier contents. Part One would demonstrate the effect of a graphic attack on a cross-section of SOE's traffic. The attack would be based on the assumption that agents' messages had not yet been important enough to the enemy to warrant a full-scale attack by its top cryptographers. Part Two would show the same cross-section of messages being attacked 'with absolute priority'. Part Three would set out the reasons why such a blanket attack was inevitable, if it hadn't already begun. Traffic such as Torch (I refrained from mentioning Grouse) could provide the enemy with a microcosm of the whole war effort and a breakthrough would have repercussions far beyond the confines of SOE. Part Four would be devoted entirely to security checks and the total inadequacy of the present system. The fifth and final part would deal with the archaic misthinking behind the poem-code and the new concepts which should immediately replace it. I undertook to send one copy of the report to CD and another to the War Office in case there was someone in their Signals directorate technically capable of understanding it.

Ozanne had a smile like a wartime hors d'oeuvre: small, confected and promising far worse to come. He produced a trayful of it. He informed me very quietly indeed that people did not resign from SOE; they were dismissed. He then telephoned his secretary and dictated a memo addressed to DYC/M (my symbol) from MS (his). The memo instructed me to prepare a detailed report on agents' codes which I was to deliver to MS personally within seven days. Under no circumstances was I to show this report to anyone at all or discuss its contents without his written consent. He ordered me to wait while the memo was typed and to sign an acknowledgement of it on my way out.

That memo was Ozanne at his tactical best. He had commanded the report, made it his own and could consider it in his own time. Above all, he had pre-empted its distribution.

It was good thinking because on the barren mountain of SOE's ethics there was one unforgivable sin. It was probably the oldest on record. The sin of being caught disobeying a superior's orders. The penalty was instant dismissal or permanent retention, whichever was the heavier.

I had tried a fool's mate on a grand master. But at least I could replace the pieces in the box with a hint of dignity. Ozanne had flicked seven days' grace at me to complete my report. I didn't need seven days. Or even seven seconds. I'd written it the night before and had it with me in my pocket.

I pulled it out and served it on him personally, as instructed. He put it beneath the pile of unread signals. He then told me to find a duster and clear all the rubbish off the blackboard.

I was looking for an excuse to return to the blackboard. I rubbed out all the letters except for twelve. I dusted these precious letters lightly so that they stayed on the blackboard as a memento of my visit. They spelled a most unusual word. Ozanne wouldn't understand its meaning unless his real name was Ozeannavitch. But 'the chosen', if there were any others in SOE, would recognize it at once.

Just as 'merde alors' was the ultimate SOE benediction, this twelve letter word was the ultimate Hebrew curse: Mother wished it to Hitler on his birthday; Disraeli may have wished it to Gladstone; my father wished it to tax inspectors, provided they weren't in the craft. Its twelve deadly letters were positioned at numbers 55.4.6. in the code-groups.

I turned round to find Ozanne watching me. He told me I was to continue my normal duties until I heard from him again. Part of those duties would be to continue spelling his name with an 'e' too many.

Hurrying to the door, I couldn't resist taking what was likely to be my last look at him. He was staring at the blackboard with mounting interest.

Perhaps his name was Ozeanneavitch after all…

The Fifth Grouse

Every agent was given the opportunity of carrying a cyanide pill as an optional extra. Some refused the facility on moral or religious grounds, but the majority regarded it as forward planning and a lethal tablet was as much a part of an agent's survival kit as the poem-code, which so often contributed to its use. I didn't envy the country section officers who had to issue the poison:

'By the way, old man, here's your L-tablet. Not that you'll need it, of course, but you might just as well keep it handy. In your tie perhaps? Oh, I've a little tip for you. Don't go confusing it with your booster tablets, there's a good lad.'

It took the good lads (and lassies) a good minute to die, though SOE's technicians were doing their best to improve the facility. I was about to meet four exceptionally good lads who'd be lucky if they had the chance to use L-tablets. Blowing up a heavy-water plant was a full-time job. They were now waiting in Chiltern Court for what was likely to be our only session.

I wanted to give these Grouse agents one-to-one briefings but Wilson had warned me that they always turned up together no matter what the arrangements. 'What difference does it make, anyway?' he asked. 'There are only four of them.'

And they were only going to carry one corner of the free world in each of their knapsacks, but Wilson didn't know that I'd found out what their mission was, and I had to be careful not to think about it at the briefing. An agent's inner ear could pick up anxieties more quickly than instructions. Agents also had a flair for infecting one another. I'd twice known sadness to be wafted round a briefing room as if someone were smoking it.

A good briefing officer knew how to insulate himself against his pupils, if only with ignorance—and he'd arrive at Chiltern Court untroubled by the cost to the Allies if Operation Grouse failed, and the cost to the inseparables if it succeeded. A good briefing officer would confront the Grouse with his own togetherness, service their needs with the detachment of a maintenance man, and be in awe of nothing but his own limitations. And at three minutes to coding countdown, even the shell of a briefing officer would make himself believe that the poem-code was the best damn code there is.

I said it aloud:
'The poem-code is the best damn—'

Chiltern Court was only a sandbag away. A maintenance man mustn't keep his customers waiting.




The Norwegian section's flat was less impersonal than most, and it was just possible to believe that it had once been lived in. ; Colonel Wilson was not only waiting in the hall, he actually said hello to me instead of his customary, 'You again.' When he escorted itte to the briefing room his comments were even less in character: 'My lads are completely at your disposal. See them as often as you consider necessary. Once a day if you like. Arrange it through me.' ^ Such generosity could only mean that Operation Grouse had again been postponed because of weather and that, as his lads had nothing better to do, they might as well practise their coding.

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