Between Dusk and Dawn (11 page)

Read Between Dusk and Dawn Online

Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #mystery, #murder mystery, #paranormal, #female sleuth, #louisiana, #cajun, #loup garou, #louisiana creole

BOOK: Between Dusk and Dawn
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Well, I can’t help y’all
with this one so I’ll be on my way.” LaShaun started to get up, but
M.J. waved her back into her seat.

Hold on, there’s more.”
M.J. looked at Chase then back to LaShaun. “The woman had a map in
another pocket. Looks like a crude handwritten thing. It shows the
woods around that small bayou off Vermillion Road and includes your
land, with an arrow pointing to the old Rousselle family

I promise they weren’t
coming to my house for dinner. I don’t know this Brenda
whats-her-name or the guy.” LaShaun felt a flash of irritation at
the way they both stood gazing at her. “What?”

You’d tell me if you were
being threatened or anything, right?” Chase said

M.J. looked at him sharply, and then
at LaShaun. She didn’t say anything but leaned forward and
concentrated on LaShaun’s every move. Seconds ticked by as LaShaun
looked back at Chase. She felt his genuine concern, not just that
he was questioning her as a detective with the Vermillion Parish
Sheriff’s Office.

Yes, I would tell you,”
LaShaun replied softly. She faced M.J. “Chase is talking about the
occasional thrill seekers and oddballs who come out to get a look
at the place with all the voodoo tales. For years Monmon Odette has
had to deal with silly and just plain nutty characters showing up
on our property around Halloween.”

I hadn’t thought about
that.” M.J. stood. “It’s been awhile, but I remember kids sneaking
out there looking for ghosts.” She gave a grunt. “Mostly to drink,
smoke weed and get up to other no good.”

A few adults into the
occult would show up, too. Some would try to get my grandmother to
take part in silly rituals. Maybe those two were part of a group
like that,” LaShaun offered.

If so, something went
seriously wrong with their little ghost and goblins party,” Chase
added. “I’ll check out the occult angle in the background check on
the victims. The woman is from New Iberia.”

Ask the guy,” LaShaun
replied and looked at them with her head to one side. “You said he
wasn’t hurt that bad.”

Chase looked at M.J. before answering.
“He’s not making a whole lot of sense.”

M.J. let out a long breath. “He’s
hurt, and running a fever of some sort. Maybe he’s got an

Okay, then wait until he
gets better. I’m sure you two sharp officers of the law are all
over this latest case. So since I don’t know anything I’m going
home.” LaShaun did not move despite her words. She knew there was
more, but she couldn’t get a clear picture or message. “Right after
you tell me whatever it is that has you sending out these weird

He’s hallucinating; at
least that’s what the doctor calls it. Though he’s not sure how
else to describe it. This guy is talking about running through the
woods, feeling free like he’s never felt before, and... mating with
as many females as he wants.” M.J. looked at Chase, sighed and then
gazed at LaShaun again.

Sounds like he’s living
every guy’s fantasy,” LaShaun retorted and laughed. M.J. and Chase
didn’t get the joke. “And?”

Chase pulled a couple of crime scene
photos from M.J.’s desk and handed them to LaShaun. “Take a look at
these. It’s a long shot, but maybe you’ll recognize one of them.
These aren’t the worse of the pictures, but this is after we could
move them enough so their faces were visible.”

The first one was of the woman. Dirt
and deep scratches covered her face. Her matted hair had dried
blood with leaves sticking to it. Then Chase showed her a picture
of the man. He had so much filth and grim on him LaShaun wondered
if his own mother would have known him. She handed the photos

The man’s got two deep
cuts on his left leg. The wounds are getting worse, and the doctors
aren’t sure why,” Chase added.

And he keeps talking about
the woods, specifically the woods around the powerful cemetery. And
he keeps mumbling ‘the Rousselle might be a problem,’” M.J. said
and held up another shot of the man with his leg stretched

LaShaun gripped the arms of the chair.
Heat moved through her body, her scalped tingled, and she heard a
buzzing sound. The room seemed to sway a little as though the floor
moved. She gulped in air to fight off the feeling of being
smothered. When she closed her eyes images, blurred but colorful,
flashed on her eyelids like a movie screen. An upright thing with
hair growled. Spit dripped from its mouth as he hovered over her.
Then there was darkness.




Chapter 6



I could have driven home
just fine. This is silly. Now I have to go back and get my

LaShaun gazed out at the landscape
whizzing by as Chase drove her home. Sunshine and blue skies meant
that they should have been enjoying the day. Instead LaShaun could
only smell the musky odor of an animal she didn’t want to know
existed, and Chase wore a grim expression. It was two o’clock in
the afternoon and LaShaun hadn’t had lunch. Yet food was the last
thing on her mind.

I should have warned about
that picture of the guy’s leg,” Chase said.

I didn’t pass out. I just
got light-headed. I didn’t eat much for breakfast. When M.J. called
me over to the station I ended up missing lunch. I don’t know.
Maybe I’ve got some kind of vitamin deficiency.” LaShaun heard her
own voice, realized she was rambling and pressed her lips

I still think we should go
to the urgent care clinic at the hospital,” Chase reminded

I’m fine. I’ll go to the
doctor later if I still feel weak,” LaShaun replied sharply. “I’m
not going to the hospital.”

Could it be you didn’t
want to be at the hospital where that man we found in the woods is
being treated?” Chase spoke in a measured tone, like a policeman
conducting an interview.

No,” LaShaun said with too
much force. Even she heard the note of hysteria in that one word.
She breathed in and out slowly, then turned to him forcing a smile
she didn’t feel. “Going to the hospital is a bit over the top for a
little dizzy spell.”

Okay.” Chase glanced at
her briefly then back at the road ahead.

He turned onto Rougon Road, drove the
two miles to Rousselle Lane and turned again. Another half mile
down the private road led to the turn onto LaShaun’s gravel
driveway. Twin oak trees stood on either side with the large mail
box sitting on a brick base to the left. Chase stopped without
being asked, got out and retrieved a stack of envelopes for her. He
got back into his truck and drove around to her back door. Both
were silent as LaShaun got out and opened the locks. Chase paused
as he passed the alarm controls.

You should always set this
when you leave home, and at night.” He tapped the cream colored box
attached to the wall for emphasis.

Nothing bad was in the air
so I didn’t bother.”

LaShaun sucked in a breath as though
trying to recall the words. She didn’t need to remind Chase that
she was different. Once they were in the kitchen she tossed her
keys and bag on the counter and faced him. Before she could thank
him for bringing her home and tell him goodbye, Chase pulled her
into his arms. His kiss was searching, as though he needed an
answer from her. LaShaun didn’t pull away. When he cupped her face
with one strong hand LaShaun shivered with the effort to not let
go. His tongue pushed through her partially opened lips, insisting.
He tightened his embrace. Surrender seemed her only option as
desire took hold of every nerve ending in her body. As she kissed
him back, Chase let out a low groan in the back of his throat. He
guided them backwards to her bedroom. In minutes they were
undressed and making love slowly, deliberately. Chase seemed
determined to see and feel every moment, every movement. His dark
gaze drove LaShaun to the brink of ecstasy three times, but he’d
slow down and kiss her shoulders and neck. All the while he looked
at her. Love folded around LaShaun, the unmistakable message that
what he had for her transcended sex. Her world exploded into pure
joy as she allowed him to rock her entire being, physically and
emotionally. When he came, Chase whispered her name over and over
as she held onto him.

They lay quiet, wrapped around each
other for a full hour, drifting in and out of a light sleep.
LaShaun watched the trees and leaves through the bedroom window
dance in a gentle cool breeze. Chase smoothed a thick lock of hair
from her forehead and kissed it gently.

You aren’t going to scare
me away, you know. I’m tougher than any old Rousselle family curse,
crazy voodoo demons and all,” Chase said and laughed

LaShaun looked into his eyes. “You
deserve to be elected Sheriff.”

I would do a damn good job
of it, too. But...”

Don’t give up what you
want. Not for me.”

Listen, the election has
to be postponed. The parish clerk hasn’t announced it yet. The
Department of Justice didn’t get the legislature’s new
apportionment plan in time for review.” Chase continued to stroked
LaShaun’s hair.

What?” LaShaun sat up and
stared at him.

Because of population
changes after Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana’s political district
lines had to be re-drawn. The U.S. Department of Justice had to
approve any plans to assure no groups might lose representation in
elections. Somebody made a mistake, either in the state or on the
federal side. The bottom line is they approved the plan, but not in
time for us to have the election in November. It’s put off until
April.” Chase shrugged at the look she gave him. “It’ll be in the
papers tomorrow and on the news.”

So you’ll have more time
to campaign. Maybe we can get this mess cleaned up, and disarm
Reverend Fletcher.” LaShaun frowned as she mentally calculated how
this development might help Chase.

Small town politics again.
I think they’d like for anyone but me to run. Dave is busy
reminding everyone he’s a real ‘family values’ guy.” He laughed at
the frown LaShaun put on at the mention of his only

Dave Goudchaux has been
bad mouthing you and M.J. And M.J. is way too tolerant with him if
you ask me.” LaShaun hissed at the thought of the big beefy ex-LSU
football star.

Dave’s okay. A little
sanctimonious, but he’s okay.” Chase sat up and swung his legs over
the side of the bed.

Don’t tell me. He’s joined
Reverend Fletcher’s church, and only to get more votes I’ll bet.”
LaShaun gave a snort of contempt. She got out of bed and followed
Chase into the bathroom.

He didn’t join, at least
as far as I know.”

Chase turned on the water and entered
the walk in shower and gestured to LaShaun. They stopped talking.
Between kisses they soaped each other’s bodies then stood under the
warm rainfall shower head to rinse off. Stepping out into the
steamy bathroom they dried off with clean fluffy towels. After
another ten minutes both were dressed again. They went to the
kitchen, and Chase turned on the television. LaShaun, barefoot and
in a comfy old T-shirt over jeans, fixed them both a sliced turkey
sandwich on thick French bread. They sat at the long counter on the
stools as they ate.

I’m surprised your phone
hasn’t been blowing up with all the craziness going on,” she

Speaking of which, you
want to tell me what’s really going on?” Chase asked and put down
his sandwich.

What’s going on?” LaShaun
echoed and concentrated on taking a slow sip of

Chase wiped his mouth with a paper
napkin. “We’ve got some challenges in our relationship, the
politics of election for one. Then there’s my family wanting to
meet you, and you’re not too thrilled about it. Not to mention town
tongues wagging about every little thing we do as a couple.

Yeah.” LaShaun cleared her
throat and decided she needed more lemonade. When Chase crossed his
arms to wait she lowered her glass.

So if we’re going to make
it, we have to stick together. That means straight talk. No keeping
stuff from each other, even if we think it’s to protect the other
person.” Chase waited again.

LaShaun pushed away the plate with her
half eaten sandwich on it. She heaved a sigh. “Okay. Right. Just
don’t get upset.”

All right.”

Then two nights ago I
couldn’t sleep.” She sighed when Chase’s eyebrows went up. “Being
psychic must be contagious, “she muttered.

Go on.” He didn’t relax
his serious listening pose.

I woke up feeling like
something wasn’t quite right. That happens sometimes when I’m
asleep and my extra sense goes on alert. It’s just like a tingling
or a sudden jab in my chest. It’s hard to describe, and I’ve never
really explained it to anyone.”

Chase sat forward with both elbows on
the table. “Thanks for sharing part of you with me. So you came
awake, then what?”

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