Betting on Hope (35 page)

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Authors: Debra Clopton

Tags: #ebook

BOOK: Betting on Hope
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Discussion Questions

1. This story begins with a crazy blunder by Maggie because she’s so nervous she makes a bet and it quickly gets out of hand in the most unexpected way, with unexpected results. Have you ever had something completely unexpected and unplanned interrupt your life? How did it turn out?

2. Do you believe God never wastes a hurt? I do and passed that belief to Maggie. She was hurt in so many ways growing up, but she still believed there was hope and that God could use her. Can you describe a time in your life that God used you to help someone who’d suffered a hurt similar to something you’ve experienced?

3. This story is about sacrifice. Jenna sacrificed keeping her daughter because, despite how much she loved her child she believed in her heart that she wouldn’t be able to provide for her. Because of this belief she made the choice first, to give her baby life-and then, she made the choice to give her precious baby to a loving Christian couple who she’d carefully chosen to give her most precious gift-her child. How did you feel about Jenna’s choice?

4. Tru also was prepared to make a sacrifice by keeping his love for Maggie a secret because he believed that was what was best for her. However, in doing that he was depriving Maggie of the opportunity to make the choice for herself. How does this relate to the choice that God gives us?

5. Because she longed to be loved by her parents and she saw how much Jenna loved her baby Maggie was obsessed with Jenna keeping her baby. But she had to realize that sometimes if you really love someone that requires sacrifice. This is a hard subject in so many ways. How do you feel about the choices that were made in
Betting on Hope
? Have you ever experienced sacrifice in your life?

6. Which character in
Betting on Hope
did you relate to the most? Which character did you enjoy the most? Why?

7. Bo became extremely upset when he read Maggie’s column about the cowboys and the firemen and the idea that women might come to town looking for love. Was he trying to control the situation? In my own life I’ve learned that there are aspects that I can control, but ultimately God is in control. Knowing this helps me when things don’t turn out exactly as I had planned. I’ve learned to let it go and understand that God sees the big picture and is the one who is actually in control. Have you ever tried to control aspects of your life so much that you try to take it out of God’s hands?

8. I love writing about the unexpected gifts from God. In my own life I’ve experienced these gifts over and over again in good times and bad times. Maggie had to and she understood that no matter what there was hope if we believe. Maggie understood that though her parents hadn’t loved her that her heavenly Father did and His love is what carried her through. How do you feel about that? Do you believe? Do you have hope in your life?


To my father-in-law Walter (Bubba) Clopton—the cowboy I’ll always love. Though your own memories have dimmed, ours haven’t . . . your legacy of strength, loyalty, and love of God inspired this story as you’ve always inspired our lives.

To my wonderful family—I am a blessed woman to have you all in my life, and despite the times I’m buried beneath deadlines or stumbling around from sleepless nights spent talking with imaginary people of my stories, it is all of you I love and can’t do without! You make my life complete and fill my well. I thank God each and every day for all of you. A special hug to Chuck, my sweet husband, who sees me bump into walls more than anyone and still loves me . . . as I love you too.

To my editor—the talented Becky Monds for her most excellent input. And for the numerous others who worked to make this book a reality including my fantastic, supportive Agent Natasha Kern.

There were so many people who answered questions that helped in making this story authentic . . . any mistakes are mine!

And a special thanks to Bobby and Billy Walters—I could never, ever be as funny and as witty as the two of you, but I’m forever indebted to you for inspiring the mischievous twins in this book, Doobie and Doonie Burke—I believe they’ll make my readers smile like the two of you make all of us who know you smile.

About the Author

Debra Clopton is a multi-award winning novelist first published in 2005 and has written more than 22 novels. Along with writing, Debra helps her husband teach the youth at their local Cowboy Church. Debra is the author of the acclaimed Mule Hollow Matchmaker Series, and her goal is to shine a light toward God while she entertains readers with her words. Visit her website at

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