Read Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6) Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6) (14 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6)
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Jerome continued. “She has a point, Marcus. I know it wasn’t what you had in mind when the idea hit you to go back home, but she’s right. You need a plausible excuse for your absence, and this is the best one I can think of.”

“She was kidnapped by these people,” he nearly screamed. “I can’t just bring her back to them on a silver platter.”

Jerome paused and then continued. “I bet your parents don’t know that. They probably don’t even know women were kidnapped and then rescued. If they do, they surely don’t know Heather was specifically one of them. It’s not like your grandfather would be at your parents’ home waiting on your return.

“You show up. Introduce all lovey dovey like. Smiles. Excitement. The whole works. It’s totally believable. So many wolves meet their mates and drop off the planet for a while. You steer the conversation to what’s happening in the world because you’ve been out of the loop for so long. Your parents take the bait and think they’re luring you in. I’m sure Cunningham put the fear of God in them to find you and get you to his facility.”

“So then what? I willingly go to this mystery place in Minnesota and then call you guys?”

“Basically, yes.”

“And where is Heather during that part? I’m not about to take her there, besides someone might know who she is. Hell, my grandfather might have seen pictures of her. What if she meets him at my parents’ house and he recognizes her?” Marcus shook his head. “I don’t like this.”

“I never met your grandfather personally, so hopefully we’re safe on that front. I’ll say I need to visit my family in Oregon after the visit and pretend to leave to go see them.” She hated the idea, but it was solid.

Alex spoke next. “I’ll make sure she’s in a safe place, Marcus. The minute you leave, I’ll pick her up.”

Marcus ducked his head with an audible sigh. He set his elbows on his knees and leaned his forehead on his palms.

Heather set a hand on his back. She rubbed toward his shoulders and leaned over to comfort him with her cheek on his bicep. “I’ll be safer than what you’re going to do,” she whispered. “The entire idea of you infiltrating these bastards makes my stomach revolt.”

He turned to look at her and hauled her into his embrace. “Why do you have to be so damn rational?”

She smiled. Finally, he was coming around.

They spent the next two hours outlining their plan. NAR would insert a tracking chip in Marcus before they left the ranch. Heather and Marcus would go to his parents’ house like nothing ever happened. They would enter happy as clams, declare their mating, and then help guide his parents to mention Marcus needed to go to the facility in Minnesota. Everyone doubted they understood the complete nature of the facility. Nevertheless, they would encourage their only child to turn himself over to those bastards.

Heather would leave as though she were heading to Oregon to visit her family. In reality she would meet up with Alex and other members of NAR so they could take her somewhere safe.

A full team from NAR would follow Marcus and his grandfather to Minnesota and prepare to take over the facility.

It sounded foolproof enough.

Why did Heather feel like her life was ending?


Chapter Eight

Marcus leaned against the door to their cabin the second they entered, pushing it shut with his butt and hauling Heather into his arms. He pulled her head back to meet his gaze with a grip on her curls. “You’re shaving years off my life expectancy, you know that?”

She grinned up at him and lifted onto her tiptoes to kiss his lips. Then she shrugged. “Not any worse than what you’re doing to me.”

“I need you.”

“I’ve needed you again since before we left the cabin.” She slipped from his grip, ducking to get out from under his arms, and then she dodged him when he reached for her.

Meeting his gaze, she crossed her arms, gripped the bottom of her shirt, and lifted it slowly over her head. Her breasts were so full, they were barely contained in her bra.

Marcus prowled forward in slow motion, enjoying the show.

Heather jumped back, giggling.

“You tease.”

“You overbearing mutt.”

Marcus couldn’t stop from chuckling. “I deserve that.”

“Yes. You do.” She continued to back up until her ass hit the refrigerator in the small kitchenette.

“You’re out of space.” He encroached on her, set his hands on either side of her head, and pressed his denim-covered cock into her belly.

“You’re bigger than me. The field isn’t even.” Her voice had lowered to the point of almost a whisper.

“And don’t you forget it.” As he leaned forward, intent on capturing her mouth again, she ducked and squirmed out from his hold to dart across the room and disappear into the bedroom.

Marcus shook his head and groaned, but he couldn’t deny how hot she made him in her playful state. He adjusted his cock and went after her.

By the time he got to the bedroom, she’d removed her shorts and was lowering her panties over her hips. “Why am I always less dressed than you?” She backed up and lifted herself onto the bed, still facing him.

“Because I like it that way. Helps me control my need to consume you too fast. If I were naked right now, my cock would already be buried in your sweet pussy.” He approached her like a predator to his prey. And the way she insisted on teasing him made the thought all the more accurate.

“”You’re a tease.” He strode forward slowly, precisely. When he reached the bedside, she sucked in a breath. He could imagine what his expression might look like.

Marcus lifted his gaze gradually up her body, loving every curve.

She caught her lower lip between her teeth.

He climbed onto the bed, eased her onto her back, and kneeled between her legs. He set his hands on her thighs and pressed them open. She was already so wet, and her legs shook. “I think I could make you come with my breath.”

She whimpered.

“You’re so horny right now. It’s sexy.” He pulled her folds apart with both hands and inhaled deeply of her scent, memorizing it, as if he would ever forget. He couldn’t imagine one hour without her, let alone days while he helped The Head Council gather intel.

He shook the thought from his mind. He needed to ground himself in the here and now, enjoy his mate, and satisfy her to the point she wouldn’t be able to sleep properly while they were apart. Give her something to dream about.

Marcus leaned down and stroked the flat top of his tongue from her pussy to her clit.

Heather wiggled against him.

He lifted his face to see hers. “I love it when you squirm.”

Her chest rose and fell under his gaze, and he couldn’t resist reaching out to cup both breasts in his hands, kneading them and flicking his thumbs over the nipples until they were stiff peaks.

Heather’s head lolled to one side. Her eyes fluttered shut.

And then he settled back between her legs and stared at her pussy. He didn’t touch her for a long time, knowing the anticipation would make her crazy.

His first touch was to tap her clit, making her lurch her ass upward, her only purchase being her ankles digging into the mattress. She wadded up the sheets on both sides of her body and fisted the linen.

Without touching her anywhere else, he continued to tap her clit.

When she hummed out loud, he used his other hand to pull the hood back so he could tap the swollen nub directly.

A tiny yelped escaped Heather’s lips.

“Feel good, baby?”

She didn’t respond. Her head rolled to the other side.

So sexy… Finally, Marcus couldn’t stand it another minute. He needed her as much as he needed his next breath. He dipped two fingers into her pussy, drew out the moisture, and dragged her arousal across her clit, pressing hard. “Come.”

Heather arched her neck and stiffened. Her heels dug into the mattress, and she lifted her ass off the sheets against his pressure as she came. He felt the pulse deep in her clit, indicating her orgasm was forceful.

As she came down, he gradually released the hold on her clit until he simply stroked the little nub, circling it and pinching gently.

Heather moaned. She reached for his hands. “It’s too much. So sensitive.”

“I know, baby. Let it build again. You’re so gorgeous like this.” He pried her hands off his wrist with his free hand and lowered them back to the mattress one at a time.

He recognized the moment the sensitivity switched to renewed pleasure.

“Oh, God,” she murmured. “Please, Marcus. I need you inside me.”

He couldn’t stand the intense pressure in his cock another moment. He needed to be inside her at least as much. As her mouth opened farther, no more sound coming out, he realized she’d gotten close to a second orgasm.

Marcus straightened to wiggle out of his jeans as fast as possible.

Heather bit her lower lip again. “Oh, God,” she repeated. Her voice was deeper. “I can’t…”

She didn’t need to. He wanted to be inside her when she let go for the second time, feel the way her pussy gripped his cock and let her orgasm wash through her body.

And he wasn’t disappointed.

The second he thrust inside her, she screamed his name. “Marcus.”

Music to his ears. Marcus pumped into her several times, holding himself over her with his elbows. Finally he lowered himself so his chest brushed against her nipples. She held on by a thread, her mouth open again, no sound coming out.

God he loved her. The feeling was deep and true. And his cock wouldn’t wait.

The second she sucked in a breath and held it, he spoke, “Come, Heather. Now.”

She tensed, her entire body rigid as she screamed around her orgasm, her pussy grabbing him and sucking his own orgasm from his cock. He held his breath also as he thrust one last time and let his come pulse against her cervix.

Sweat beaded on his back. He could feel it running down into the hollow above his ass. He couldn’t bring himself to pull out of her, though. He smiled as he lowered to take her lips.

Her mouth was still open, and it took her a moment to respond. He muttered against her mouth. “What’s the matter, baby? You can’t control your lips yet?” he teased.

Snapping back to reality, she closed her mouth with a soft sigh. “Mmm.”

Marcus nibbled around her lips until she responded. Soon he had her in a deep kiss she returned with so much energy that he almost lost himself in her again. When he pulled back, he stared into her eyes. “That was so beautiful.”

Heather wrapped her arms around his head. “You never cease to amaze me.”

“In a good way, I hope?” He chuckled. Being inside her was home.

“Always.” She pulled his head back with her fingers wrapped in his hair. “Feed me. You make me so hungry.”

He reluctantly let himself slip from her pussy and gathered her in his arms. “Food? You want to eat?” he teased. His stomach growled on cue, and he chuckled, the vibrations shaking both of them. “Okay, but how about naked, and the moment we finish eating I enjoy some dessert.”

She lifted on one elbow. “You’re insatiable.”

He smiled. “All right. If you’d rather play Monopoly later, I’m good with that.”

She swatted at his chest and lifted to a sitting position. “Feed me first, and then we’ll negotiate dessert.”


Chapter Nine

Heather squeezed her mate’s hand as they settled into first class seats on the plane the next morning. “I’ve never flown in first class,” she whispered for his ears only.

“Me neither.” He winked at her. “Nice of The Head Council to make us comfortable on the way to the slaughter.”

She slapped his leg playfully. “Stop it. Don’t remind me. I’m stressed enough. I don’t need you to make it worse.”

“Hey it was your idea to come with me. I was content to leave you safely on the ranch.”

“And say what to your parents about where you’ve been hiding for a month?”

“I’d have thought of something.” He threaded his fingers with hers and lifted her hand to kiss the back of it.

“Yeah, well, my story is far more plausible than anything you would have come up with.”

“Woman, you’re too feisty.” His eyes twinkled.

They spoke during the flight about what they would say when they reached his parents’ house. They’d been over it a dozen times the night before, but making sure their stories were straight gave Heather more peace of mind.

By the time they landed in Des Moines and had settled in a rental car, she’d memorized every detail about Marcus she would have acquired in a month of time. No one would believe they had known each other for a month if she didn’t pick his brain for info and vice versa.

“How far is it to your parents’?”

“About an hour north.” He pulled onto the highway and sped up. His grip on the steering wheel told her everything she needed to know. He was stressed. His brow was furrowed, and he lost interest in conversation as he got closer. Meeting with his parents after what he’d overheard the last time he’d been to the house wouldn’t have made the short list of things he ever wanted to do again in this lifetime.

And now, not only was he returning, but he was bringing her with him, and he was going to play fake nice in hopes neither parent realized he was full of shit.

Heather didn’t think the task would be as difficult as he imagined. After all, even if he acted somewhat strange in their eyes, newly mated men were known to act strange. It would be expected and easily attributed to his new standing.

The hour passed quickly.

“We’re almost there,” Marcus announced as he pulled off the highway. “Last chance to bail out.” He glanced at her. His smile only lifted on one side. She knew it was a perfect reflection of his meaning. He was only half kidding.

“If you insist on doing this, I’m not hanging behind. We go together or not at all.”

He nodded, his lips pursed. They’d argued about this so many times, it was sounding like a broken record. Neither of them was happy about the other’s involvement.

Minutes later he pulled into the driveway of a small, older home. His parents had a large property, as expected. Most shifters who lived in communities with humans lived as privately as possible to avoid detection.

BOOK: Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6)
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