Betrayed (The New Yorker) (10 page)

BOOK: Betrayed (The New Yorker)
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Reno sat across from his father in
the office. They were waiting for Lisette, who at the last minute had opted to
take the stairs. It broke his heart that she would do anything to get away from
him. He suspected that was the reason for the meeting.

“Sorry, I’m late,” Lisette mumbled
as she took a seat.

“It’s obvious that the two of you
are uncomfortable working together and I have come up with a solution. Reno,
you are going to work up here with me. We will split our time between Ross and
Kent and Kent Financials,” Dennis informed them.

Reno didn’t know what to say. He
leaned back in his chair and watched as Lisette found the right words to
express what he knew was outrage. As he had predicted, Lisette leapt out of her
chair and began pacing the length of the room.

“I thought I was going to Kent
Financials. You and Papa—I mean you and Mr. Ross—informed me I was being
groomed to become the next CEO, DJ and
going to have this practice, while I was going to run Kent Financial,” she
rapped as a crimson color crept to her cheeks.

“I know what we said, Lisette.”
Dennis’s cool voice blanketed Lisette’s angry tone. “You are still going to run
Kent Financial, not necessarily as the CEO There
been developments we can’t tell you about right now.” Reno cringed as Dennis
shot him a glance. He was the development robbing Lisette of her dream. Great,
give her another reason to hate him. “There are also going to be some
structural changes to Ross and Kent.”

“What do you mean?” Lisette dropped
into her seat in a huff. “What does it have to do with him?”

Reno cringed; he was now just
to Lisette. He ran his fingers over
his face and into his hair. He had come to New York to make Dennis’ life
miserable, but so far Lisette was the only person hurting. He never should have
gone after her at the beach. He grunted as he leaned his head so far back that
he was staring at the ceiling.

“I can’t discuss that with you
right now.”

Reno noticed the strain in Dennis’

“What, the structural changes or

“Both. You need to trust that what
we are doing is best for everyone.”

Reno watched as Lisette stood up, a
stubborn determined expression on her face. That same determination almost made
him stay. He couldn’t get the picture of her leaning against the door trying to
stop him from leaving from his mind. That memory was quickly assaulted by her
pained expression as he was leaving.

“You know
it’s time for me to do what’s best for me. I am going to be a college student
instead of behaving like the next CEO of Kent Financial.”

Reno could smell the trouble
brewing the second a sly grin claimed her lips.

“I quit. If anyone wants to talk to
me, I will either be at home sleeping off a hangover, or enjoying my youth in
some club.”

Reno had to choke back a laugh, the
expression on Dennis’ face right after Lisette stormed out of his office was
priceless. It was like they knew her all her life and yet they didn’t
completely know her. Lisette would never play second best.

“You shouldn’t have taken the
company away from her,” Reno said, once Dennis had sat down.

“That’s not my decision anymore.
Kent Financial is yours now.”

Reno sat up straight, his back
rigid from shock. He stared at Dennis in stunned silence as he went on. “DJ
will be here in a few moments. I will tell him that you are my son, my first
born, and that Kent Financial is your birthright. He never had any interest in
the company, so that won’t be a problem.”


Chapter Six


“You can’t be serious.” The man
that Reno was bellowed, but the little boy inside was sacred. It was like going
to the playground where he expected everyone to hate him. Dennis couldn’t tell
DJ he was giving Reno everything DJ had grown to know to be his, after that
disastrous weekend.

“He’s going to hate me,” he gasped.

“No, he’ll hate me,” Dennis
interjected. “I kept his brother and sister away. I abandoned the two of you
and now I have to make it right. It’s best this way.”

“For who?”
growled. The shock kept his body paralyzed in the chair, but the anger racked
his muscled frame. “So far all I have seen is you trying to save your own ass.
What makes you think I will take over your family company?”

“It’s you or no one.” Reno felt
like he was being threatened. “You have Daniela’s, DJ’s and
inheritance in your hands.
livelihood too,
and let’s not forget Lisette.”

“Are you serious?” This time the
anger sent Reno out of his chair. “You cannot give me all that responsibility,
only a second after acknowledging me as your son.”

“I had all that responsibility from
the day I was born. The responsibility only grew after the four of you were

Reno snorted and laughed
sardonically. “Do not try and take any credit for
and me. You had no part in our upbringing.”

“I think
is obvious, but who do you think paid for your tuition to private school, to
college? Who paid for your books, your clothes, your food and the jeep you had
on the island? I never forgot you existed—I just wasn’t able to take care of
you personally.”

Reno could feel his mind reeling in
confusion. He always thought that their neighbor, Mr. Harris was the Good
Samaritan who had provided for him. His mother could never hold down a job, and
the little money Reno had been able to earn always went to support
and her boyfriend’s drug habits. All this time Dennis
Kent was the man he owed all his good fortune to, but he was also the source of
all his pain, his mother’s pain. Reno believed if Dennis hadn’t left, his
mother wouldn’t have been with that creep.

“You still weren’t there!” Reno
barked. “Money doesn’t make up for what you did.”

“What did you want me to do, leave
DJ and Daniela?” Dennis roared back. “I almost did. When I found out
had disappeared, and your mother had turned into a
drug addict, I almost did. I loved your mother—I probably always will. But my
love for her destroyed her. If I had left my responsibilities behind my father
would never have forgiven me. Appearance was everything to him. I couldn’t risk
getting disowned, especially since I had four children to support. Believe it
or not, I love you and your sister.”

“Shut up! I can’t listen anymore!”
Reno could feel the strength leave his body. “If you loved us enough, you would
have come for us. Daniela and DJ would not be strangers to me and
would be here with us.”

“I’m looking for her. I swear I’m
going to find her. I promise.”

“How many promises did you make my
mother?” Tears streamed down Reno’s cheeks as his heart thundered with rage. It
seemed like the absentee parent was the only parent who had taken care of him.
Neither of his parents had given him love, but Dennis Kent had given him
everything else. “I need to get out of here.”

“No, DJ is here. I think it’s time
you met your brother.”


“She’s too young to understand.”

Reno wiped his face dry and watched
through the glass walls as DJ walked toward the office. What exactly was he
going to say to his baby brother?

DJ looked
at Dennis, his eyebrows joined together in a frown. “Why is he here?”

The contempt in his voice was
obvious. There was no winning this.

“Take a seat, DJ.” Reno watched as
Dennis shot nervous glances between his two sons. “I need to tell you

“What’s wrong?” DJ cautiously took
the seat Lisette had leapt out of. Reno half expected him to do the same thing.

“Twenty-five years ago I met a
woman in Hawaii. It was before your mother and I got serious and got married.
The woman I met was a native, and she was beautiful—”

“Sweet Jesus,” Reno swore under his
breath. He didn’t think he was able to listen to any more revelations about
and Dennis. If he could he would step out.

“Bear with me, Reno,” Dennis said
then went on. “We were in love. I will spare you the details and get to the
point. We had two children, a boy and a girl.”

“Where are they now?” DJ’s tone was
like a whisper and Reno was surprised at how calm he was.

He waited for Dennis to say the
word. Instead Dennis focused a steady glance at Reno. DJ followed his eyes to
him. Reno could feel his heart do flips as his stomach cringed, threatening to
release his lunch. Reno watched DJ, his trembling hands gripping the arms of
the chair for dear life. He expected DJ to be angry, he was ready to bear the
brunt of the anger, but nothing came.

“Reno is my brother,” DJ said as he
nodded his head as if trying to convince himself. “Where is the girl? I mean
his…my sister?”

Reno cleared his throat, but even
then his voice was just a struggled whisper. “She disappeared when she was two.
She is the same age as you.”

“Two weeks?” Reno saw the calmness
slip off DJ. “I thought you said this was before you and mom got serious.”

“I’d rather not divulge what
happened at the time you were conceived. Your mother’s pregnancy and your
grandfather pressuring me is what led me to leave
and our children and marry your mother.”

“So what you are saying is that I
robbed Reno of a father. That’s not my fault.”

“Nobody blames you.” Reno stepped
in. “Dennis did what he did. There is no use trying to make sense of what he
did. I doubt he can reconcile it himself. His actions have given me a brother
and another sister and I can’t fault him for that. I suppose I could thank him,
especially since
has disappeared.”

Reno watched as DJ stared into
space in silence. It seemed like his mind was trying to make the ends of the
puzzle meet but kept on missing. “Are you trying to find her?”


DJ was silent again before he said.
“I suppose as per grandfather’s will Reno is going to take over the empire. I
bet the old goat is rolling in his grave.”

“That doesn’t bother you?” Reno was
expecting DJ’s calm façade to crack. He’d thought DJ losing his birthright
would do that, but he didn’t seem to care.

“I don’t want the old goat’s
company. I guess it’s a good thing our father couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
DJ let out a short sardonic laugh. “I guess I’m the one who ruined your life
and not the other way around.”

“You didn’t run my life,” Reno
assured him.

“How did you grow up?” When Reno
didn’t answer DJ went on. “I knew it. I guess Daniela got her wish. She wanted
you for a big brother.”

“I couldn’t replace you in her

“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t
relinquish that responsibility to you. You are the first born after all.” DJ
gifted Reno with a smile that he was all too happy to accept.
“But what about Lisette?”

“Her father thought it would be
best that we didn’t see each other until this was resolved.”

“She’s going to have all your
heads. I’m not the one you should be worried about.” DJ smiled, trying to cover
up the turmoil of emotions brewing deep within him.

Reno felt the tension seep out of
his body. If he had known DJ would be this agreeable to having an older brother
he would have told him the first time they met. He had a brother now.

“I don’t think you should tell
Daniela just yet. She won’t understand.”

“We agree on that,” Dennis piped

Reno couldn’t remember feeling this
nervous. “If you want to hang out sometime—”

“Sure, I’ll call you. I guess I
should leave now.”

“You don’t have to leave,” Dennis

“Actually I do. I might not be
angry with Reno, because none of this is his fault. But you are to blame, and I
am definitely angry at you.”

“He takes after his mother,” Dennis
said once DJ had left. “Silent anger—he’s not going to forgive me any time

“That makes two of us.”


* * * *


Reno turned over in bed. He covered
his head with his pillow, willing the ringing of his phone to stop invading his
dreams. He had finally managed to get the picture of Lisette’s smiling face in
his dreams. When the insistent ringing wouldn’t stop, he answered the phone.
The sound of DJ’s slurred tone had Reno sitting up. It took a while to finally
get DJ to tell him where he was. As soon as he did he was out of the house.
Reno arrived at the club downtown. He looked over the crowds and at first he
couldn’t see DJ. But Lisette was there. Her shoes were off, her hair free, and
her business suit still buttoned up. She was on top of the bar dancing, as DJ
threw dollar bills at her.

Reno pierced through the crowd
cheering Lisette on. He stood close enough to see her fleshy thighs as she
hiked her skirt up. “Whoa! That’s enough Lisette.”

Lisette stared at him, too drunk to
connect with him. She stuck her tongue out and walked down the bar away from
him. Reno grabbed DJ’s wallet and the cash in his hands. He forced him on a bar
stool. “You stay here.”

“Big bro!”
exclaimed as he hugged Reno, his head buried in his chest DJ begun to mumble.
“I always wanted a brother. Who knew that bastard was keeping one away from me.
You’ll never leave me right? I’ll be good, I promise.”

As Reno stared into DJ’s eyes he
got a flash back. He was again a little boy, his hands scissor-locked around
Dennis’ leg, begging not to be left behind. He shook his head, trying to shake
off the memory and clear his head of the resentment. “I’ll never leave you, but
you need to sit here.” Reno looked up and saw as a man tried to ease Lisette
off the bar and into his arms. “You need to sit here so that I can get

“Let…let ‘
get her own big brother. She’s got one you know. He’s big…big…and scary.” DJ
whispered the last word as if he was terrified of AJ.

Reno didn’t think it was a bad
idea. He took out his phone to call AJ, sure that his friend would first give
him an ear full about dumping his sister. As soon as AJ picked up, Reno didn’t
give him a chance to speak. “You need to get down here.”

Reno sat next to DJ after he had
successfully convinced Lisette to remain in front of him. Reno held on to her
leg as she danced, pulling her back each time she tried to stray away from him.

“You are not my keeper,” Lisette
said as she sniffed. “I will not cry because of you anymore.”

Reno was surprised how eloquent she
was when she was drunk. If Lisette wasn’t trying to strip, there wouldn’t be a
difference between drunk Lisette and office Lisette.

“I love you.” She stuck out her
bottom lip. “You hurt me.”

“I’m sorry,” Reno mumbled.

“What the hell!” The roar behind
him told him AJ was here.

“Oh! Oh!” Lisette’s eyes were wide
like saucers as her mouth made a big ‘O’. She tried to run to the other end of
the bar, but Reno tugged at her foot, pulling her off the bar and into his
arms. “Whoa! Let’s do that again.”

“Now that her brother is here,
maybe I can have
back,” DJ mumbled.

“What?” AJ steadied DJ back on the

“I don’t think there is a chance
you are going to disregard what DJ just said.” Reno could hear the blood
rushing in his ears, as his heart beat hard. Here was someone else he had to
convince that he wasn’t using Lisette to get to Dennis.

“No, there is no way,” AJ ground
out. “They aren’t going anywhere, why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”

“Not in here.” Reno looked around
as if he expected someone to be eavesdropping.

“I brought my car,” AJ said as he
reached for Lisette.

Reno thought about letting her go,
but he couldn’t. He didn’t know the next time he would have her in his arms
like this. When Lisette snuggled closer, her hot breath scorching his neck,
bringing every nerve in his body to life, he tightened his grip. “I’ve got your
sister, you get my brother.”

AJ’s eyes narrowed in challenge.
After a couple of minutes he reached for a rambling DJ and helped him out of
the club.

“We are here, tell me what’s going
on,” AJ roared out.

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