Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3 (14 page)

BOOK: Betrayed: Keeping her in the Dark Vol. 3
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“But if you make it for the next seventy years of working it off in the bedroom, I promise I won’t mention it again.” She hit me in the chest and I pulled her to me.

“I am sorry however that is doesn’t have room for a car seat, since you seem to want a family,” she said.

“Well don’t worry about that either. I’m not ready to share you with anyone yet,” I gave her a passionate kiss.  

The crowd sang Happy Birthday to me and I blew out thirty candles on an enormous cake. 

The cake was four tiers with white frosting and lavender piping. It was vanilla cake with a raspberry layer in the middle. On the top was a silver crown with little man smoking a cigar leaning up against it. Norah fed me a big bite and as I pulled away and wiped some of the icing off my mouth I saw her in the crowd.  Samantha was at party. 





Chapter Eleven 




My smiled dropped and I left the little stage in a hurry. I heard Norah ask me where I was going but I didn’t answer her. I grabbed Samantha by the arm and yanked her until we made it to the lobby. 

“What the fuck are you doing here? Who invited you? You have to leave! Get out and don’t ever come back!” I yelled. 

“Liam, who is this?” Norah’s voice was shaking. I looked over at her and saw that a little crowd had formed behind her. Will, Jane and Josie moved out from the crowd and Will told everyone to go back inside and closed the doors. 

“Who is she, Liam? I’ve seen you with her twice in the last few weeks. Who is she?” Norah asked again. I didn’t know what to say. She had seen me with her twice? I didn’t know that. I ran my hands through my hair realizing her bad days were the days Samantha came to see me.  

“Norah, I can explain. It’s nothing, it’s really nothing. Please go back inside and I will explain this all later.” She didn’t move. I turned back to Samantha. 

“This is the lovely Norah,” Samantha said as she held out her hand. “It is so nice to finally meet you.” I pushed her hand back. 

“She doesn’t know you? She would never know someone like you. Don’t talk to her.” 

“Someone like me? You are like me, Liam or have you forgotten,” Samantha stated. 

“Who is she Liam, please tell me?” Norah had started to cry. 

“Who invited you? Have you become a stalker as well as owning a whore house?” 

“A whore house?” Norah said behind me. “Liam, what’s going on?”

“Norah, go back inside!” I shouted at her. But I knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Josie stepped forward.

 “I invited her. I’m sorry was that wrong? I invited her. She was with us at the club and she said you were old friends, so I invited her.” I wanted to smack her mouth shut. I turned to face her and she could tell I wasn’t happy. She put her hand at her neck and stepped back a little. 

“Was that wrong? You and Samantha looked friendly at the club?” her voice was quiet as a mouse, but I knew Norah heard her. 

“Samantha?” Norah gasped. “This is Samantha? The same Samantha that trained you?” I was looking at her but I didn’t answer. She covered her mouth with her hand. “I don’t believe this. You lied to me. Again.” I stepped closer to her and she stepped back. “I don’t believe this.” I tried to grab her arm but she snatched it away. “I asked you! I asked you if there was anything else and you said no! You said that was it!” 

She stepped back again and almost tripped over a plant in a large ceramic vase. I caught her arm and pulled her close to me. 

“Get off me! Let me go! I’m…we have…there are people in there!” She pointed to the ballroom. 

“Norah, please let me explain.” 

“I don’t want to. I don’t want to hear your explanation. I am going to attend to my guests and you and girlfriend over there stay away from me!” She walked back inside the ballroom. 

I turned to face the group. “Are you mad? Are you all out of your mind? Why in the world would you come here?” I stood in front of Samantha. 

“I told you I am married. This is over. It has been over for seven years, Samantha. I am not that man anymore.” 

“I can see that. And don’t get mad at me because you didn’t tell your wife,” her voice was curt. I turned to Josie and Will. 

“And you? What were you thinking? I know you aren’t very smart because you have agreed to a ridiculous threesome relationship with this guy and his current girlfriend but come on, I am married! What part of that made you think inviting a woman I talked to at a sex club was a good idea!?” She cringed and put her face into Will’s body. “Do you have a brain or are you on your way to Oz after this?” Will stepped forward trying to defend her. 

“Look, Liam, this is bad, granted. But please, she didn’t know,” Will was trying to calm me down and it wasn’t working. 

“How could she not know? I’m married!” I yelled again. 

Jane stepped forward and started poking me in the chest. “Look asshole, don’t blame her!” 

“No I blame you! If you weren’t so eager to please him all the time she wouldn’t be here now!” 

“I think we should go,” Will said. He took his girls and they started out the door.

“Happy Birthday, man. Thanks for the party, it was fun.” He kept walking. 

I turned my attention to Samantha.

 “I don’t know what you were thinking. I have been completely honest with you. I am married, I am not in the life anymore, and I have no interest in you or your whore house. I don’t need an escort service either. That is not my life anymore. I told you if wanted to be my friend to call me before showing up. You aren’t the kind of friend I should have showing up in front of my wife! I have to prepare for this kind of thing, don’t you get that? An ex-lover can’t show up out of the blue and expect it to be ok! Please leave.” She hadn’t said much since I started throwing my tantrum. 

“I think you should been completely honest with your wife…and you wouldn’t be in this mess.” She turned and walked out. 





I did my best to go back to the party and entertain my guests. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t eat and all I wanted to do was drink and go try to kill my husband. 

I danced with Mr. Stackhouse and listened to him tell me that he hoped Liam and I pre-nup. 

People started leaving and I contained myself to say good night to everyone and thank them for coming.

I saw Liam pacing in the hallway. He thanked people for coming too, but he kept looking over at me. 

I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to Gerald and told him I wasn’t feeling well and for him to see everyone out. There weren’t many guests left at this point, but I knew I should have stayed until the end. 

I grabbed my purse and the keys to Liam’s birthday present and I walked out. 

“Norah, wait! Please talk to me.” I kept walking. “Norah please! Come back!” I turned back to face him but I couldn’t form any words. I turned back and walked faster. 

I knocked over a small cement statue in the driveway and possibly broke the suspension or something on the new car. I threw it in park and pulled the emergency break up. I got out of the car just as a black SUV pulled in behind me. 

“Norah!” John yelled and grabbed my arm. “Why didn’t you wait for me?” he asked. 

“When you are trying to make a dramatic exit you can’t wait for someone to pull the car around,” I pulled my arm away from him. 

I ran to our room and changed my clothes. I was zipping up my jeans and pulling a white tank top over my head when Liam walked in the bedroom. 

He didn’t say anything. He just stood there. He slowly pulled his tie apart but still didn’t say anything. I slipped on my shoes and tied the laces really fast. 

“Are you going somewhere?” he asked. I leaned up and looked at him. “I was going to tell you, Norah. I swear I was. I just couldn’t find a good time.” 

“Tell me now.” I stood up and crossed my arms against my chest. 

“Norah, you’re upset and I’m upset,” 

“You’re upset? Really?” He started toward me. “Tell me now, Liam! I mean it.” I walked to the bathroom door to get away from him. “Tell me everything now! And if you leave anything out…if you leave one little detail out…if you stopped for gas and don’t tell me about it now, I am walking out this door and I won’t be coming back!” He lowered his head and took off his jacket. He laid it on the bed and then pulled his tie from around his neck. 

“I kissed the waitress,” he voice was steady and his face had no emotion what so ever. He reminded me of when I saw his face for the first time. No emotion, cold, and animalistic. 

“She is the one that gave me a lap dance. She grabbed my cock out of pants and I kissed the top of her breasts.” He sat on the bed and put his hands on his knees.

 “I was in a daze and for a moment I thought it was you. But that isn’t an excuse and I know it.” He let out a deep breath and sucked another back in. 

“When I came to my senses I pushed her off of me and told her I am married…or I was married. When I went to the bar Samantha was there.” I dropped to my knees. 

“Nothing happened, Norah.” I looked up at him. “Nothing happened. We talked, she had some drinks with us and when we went back to the room, she left.” I was crying so I wiped my face.

  “Is that it?” I asked. 

“Will drugged me with ecstasy and I woke up on the floor in my room next to the waitress.” I sucked in air because I felt like I was going to suffocate. 

“Nothing happened.” I looked at him again. “I watched a threesome with Will and his group and apparently the waitress joined in too. I don’t remember any of it. I blacked out. But I was assured that all I did was watch. I did not participate.” I shook my head and leaned down so I could put my face in the carpet. 

“She would have told me if I did something. She was upset that I didn’t…I mean, that I wouldn’t fuck her. She was very clear about that.” He was now on his knees in front of me. 

“Please don’t touch me,” I said with my face in the carpet. 

“I won’t. I won’t touch you. But please Norah, nothing happened.” I snapped up.

 “You don’t get to decide that! You don’t get to say nothing happened! Because something happened! You went to a sex club and completely betrayed me! What if I kissed that guy to get my phone back? You would hunt him down and skin him alive! Then you would punish me or never touch me again! So don’t tell me nothing happened when something happened!” I stood up and went to the closet. I threw out a small suitcase, some shoes, some skirts and some shirts. I went to my dresser and grabbed a handful of underwear and dropped them in the pile too. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my travel bag out from under the cabinet and started putting my toiletries in it. 

“Norah, where are you going?” Liam was following me around the room. “Norah you can’t leave me…you can’t leave me over this?” I snapped my head back at him as I shoved my stuff in the suitcase. 

“Don’t tell me what I can’t do! I can do whatever the hell I want!” I went back to my dresser and grabbed some workout clothes and pajamas. “Is this why you started wearing your ring? You felt guilty about being with a whore in wherever the hell you were, so you decided to make me happy and wear the ring?” I shoved the new stuff in my bag and went to get my purse and the little hand bag I took with me to the party. 

When I started out the door, Liam was blocking me from leaving.

“You aren’t leaving. You aren’t leaving me like this. You need to calm down.” 

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” I yelled. “I’m leaving! I need to be away from your smug face right now! I will be at one of your hotels and I swear you better not show up or I will call Scotland Yard!” He moved his arm and I walked around him. 

“Norah, Scotland Yard doesn’t have any jurisdiction here.” I couldn’t believe he was trying to be funny. 

“Liam! Don’t start with me! I will call Queen Elizabeth and have her cut off your fucking head! Now let me go!” As I started down the stairs I felt his hand on my shoulder taking my bag from me. “Don’t try to stop me!” I turned to look at him and almost lost my balance. He pulled me to him. 

“I am not stopping you, Norah. I am trying to help you so you don’t kill yourself because you are angry with me. I will help you to the car and you will call me when you get settled.” 

We walked down the stairs and it felt very awkward. It was so much better and more meaningful when I was angry and moving fast. He handed my bags to John and opened the door for me. As I got inside he grabbed my arm tightly again. “Calling me tonight is not a request, little one.” I snatched my arm away. 

“You have lost the right to make requests,” I said and climbed in the car, but he grabbed my arm again.

“Ok, now I have let you have your say this evening, frankly because I deserved your tongue lashing, but I won’t tolerate defiance.” His face was bold and intimidating. It reminded me of his face at Rebecca’s wedding. 

“I am telling you to call me before you go to bed tonight and if I don’t get that phone call I will show up at your door.” I tried to pull away from him and he tightened his grip. 

“You are my wife, Norah, don’t forget that. I am letting you leave here tonight because I think if you stayed we would end up saying things we didn’t mean to each other. I don’t want that, so I am letting you leave. But I am letting you. Don’t push it, little one. I know you are angry, but don’t make me angry too. You have 24 hours.”

He let my arm go and I lowered my eyes. I didn’t feel up to going toe to toe with him right now. He was right, if I stayed I would probably ask for a divorce and I didn’t want that. I just wanted to beat him to death and watch him bleed.  

Sunday I met Jane for lunch at our usual spot. He gave me 24 hours and I had until a little after midnight. I was going to use my time wisely. 

“Norah, I’m so sorry. Josie is an idiot. She wasn’t thinking.” She stirred the sugar in her tea and put the spoon next to the glass.

“Where are you staying?” she asked before she took a sip. I didn’t answer her. “I won’t tell Will. I promise.” I took a sip of my tea. “Norah, I am too involved with this already. I want nothing more.” 

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