Betrayed Hearts (4 page)

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Authors: Susan Anne Mason

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Betrayed Hearts
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And probably the last woman a would-be minister should be thinking about. Still, despite his best efforts to put Lily out of his mind, he couldn't help speculating what it would be like to go on a date with his new tenant.








Lily strolled down McIntyre Street the next morning and gave herself a mental pat on the back for her accomplishments. Things were going better than she'd expected. Not only had she found a decent apartment, she had a lead on a job. For the first time in weeks, the knots of tension in her shoulders became bearable. If she were on speaking terms with God, she might even thank Him for this sudden turnaround in her life. But she hadn't relied on God for anything since she was ten years old, when her desperate prayers to heal her mother had gone unanswered. His silence had been deafening then, just as hers was now.

Lily shook off depressing thoughts of the past and focused on the present. The beautiful, spring day had dawned sunny and cool. She breathed in the clean, crisp air while she walked, taking in the charming atmosphere. Large maple trees, their leaves bright with just-bloomed color, lined the main street. Hanging baskets of newly planted flowers dripped from the quaint black streetlights. She passed a bank, a convenience store, an insurance office, and the library across the street. Rainbow Falls turned out to be a pretty town, although a bit rustic for her taste.

Finally, she spotted the sign for Peg's Cut 'N Curl. Her steps slowed as sudden nerves danced in her stomach. In the window's reflection, she paused to smooth down her wind-blown hair. She eyed her flared jeans and brown corduroy blazer, hoping they were professional enough for a salon. And not just a hair salon either. Several manicure stations lined the far side of the shop.

A movement inside caught her attention. Maxi waved, motioning her to come in. Lily took a deep breath and pushed through the door, making the bell jangle.

Maxi bounded over to greet her like an eager puppy. Large triangular earrings bobbed with each step. Her bright red hair, stiffened with hair gel, spiked out in all directions. “Hi, Lily. Come and meet Peg.”

Maxi led the way to a row of styling chairs where a short, round lady stood snipping an elderly client's hair. She wore her faded tresses piled on top of her head in a loose bun, with a comb sticking out from the middle. Thin, wire-rimmed glasses perched precariously on the tip of her nose. A black striped top showed off ample cleavage, but fit a little too tight on the rest of her torso.

“Hey, Peg,” Maxi said. “This is Lily, the girl I was telling you about.”

For a moment, Peg said nothing but continued the quick snip of the scissors. Then she turned to look over her shoulder. “Howdy, Lily. I'll be with you in two shakes, soon as I finish with Mildred here.”

“No rush. I'll wait at the front.”

Maxi showed Lily to the chairs by the reception desk before scurrying off to help a customer at the hair dryer. Lily drank in the atmosphere of the shop while she waited. The cheerful tangerine décor matched the upbeat music on the radio. She inhaled an appealing scent, a mixture of citrus and lavender she guessed. Maybe lime or mango. On the right, a pedicure and two manicure stations sat empty. How much call could there be for that type of pampering in such a small town? She'd never even had a manicure.

“A sinful waste of money,” her father would growl. “A woman should not be painting herself up to look like a tart. No good can come of that type of vanity.”

The words burned in her memory like a brand searing flesh. Would she ever be rid of the constant criticisms echoing in her head?

Approaching footsteps snapped her back to the present.

“Well now, let me introduce myself proper like. I'm Peg Hanley, owner of this great establishment.”

Lily smiled and stood to shake her hand. “Lily Draper. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. Let's head on to the back room where we can talk in private.” Peg nodded in Maxi's direction and winked over her shoulder at Lily. “Not much gets by that one.”

Lily smothered a grin and followed Peg's swaying hips to the back of the store into what appeared to be a staff lunch room.

“Have a seat,” Peg told her before heading to the coffeemaker on the counter. “Coffee?”

“No, thank you.” Lily needed steady nerves to get through this interview.

Peg poured herself a cup and came to sit on one of the mismatched metal chairs at the table. “So Maxi tells me you're new in town and looking for work.”

“That's right.” Lily tried not to squirm under the woman's direct gaze. Intelligent, hazel eyes, framed by a network of fine lines, warned Lily that Peg was not a woman to be trifled with.

“What kind of experience do you have?”

Lily squared her shoulders. “A bit of everything. But for the past two years I've been working as a waitress.”

Peg took a thoughtful sip. “Whereabouts?”

Despite the perspiration that trickled down her spine, Lily kept her gaze even. “At the local tavern in Bismarck.”

She waited for some sign of disapproval, but Peg's facial expression remained unchanged. “I'll be needing references from your last employer. Will that be a problem?”

Lily shifted in her chair. “Shouldn't be. The owner's name is Hank Deveraux. I can give you his number.” Lily clasped her hands together on the tabletop. “If you could manage not to let Hank know where I'm living now, I'd be grateful.”

Peg's eyes narrowed. “Why's that?”

Lily licked her lips, her heart beginning an uneven tempo as she tried to form an answer. Before her brain could make her mouth open, Peg leaned forward.

“Maxi mentioned you may've had problems with a boyfriend. That have anything to do with it?”

The tone of Peg's voice had softened enough to let Lily know she might be sympathetic to her situation. She nodded. “Curtis and I didn't part on good terms. I'd rather not have anyone know where I am right now.”

That much at least was true.

Peg leaned over to pat her hand. “Not to worry. I'll do my best to keep your whereabouts private.” She paused. “Just wanted to make sure you weren't an escaped jailbird or something.” She chuckled at her own joke.

Lily's blood ran cold, but she forced herself to remain calm. “No, not a jailbird. Just someone who's made a few bad choices.”

The older woman raised her mug in a mock salute. “Haven't we all.” She turned to a drawer behind her where she pulled out a sheet of paper. “Here's an application to fill out. I should tell you the job's part-time to start. There's a one month probation period, and if things work out, I'll consider making you full-time with an increase in pay.”

“I understand.” Lily hesitated. “Does this mean I have the job?”

She held her breath, waiting for the answer. Maybe it was the friendly camaraderie she sensed between the women here. Or maybe it was because the salon would be a good starting point to find Chloe. Whatever the reason, Lily wanted this job. Needed this job.

Peg smiled as she stood, revealing slightly uneven teeth. “If your reference checks out, you can start on Monday.”

Some of the tension eased out of Lily's shoulders. “Thank you so much. You won't regret it.”

Peg paused in the doorway. “Save your thanks 'til your first week is done. See how you feel then.” She winked and disappeared back into the shop.

Lily allowed a small dose of optimism to trickle through her as she filled out the application. When finished, she picked up her bag and walked to the front where Maxi sat at the reception desk.

Maxi looked up as Lily approached. “So how'd it go?”

“If my reference checks out, I'll be starting on Monday.” She smiled, hardly daring to believe it. Her plan was falling into place. She had an apartment and now a job.

Maxi grinned at her. “Super. I'm working Monday, so I can show you the ropes.”

“Good to know.” Lily paused on her way to the door and turned back. “Thanks for your help, Maxi. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. I told you, I've got great instincts about people.”

Lily managed a weak smile, hoping Maxi didn't live to regret those words.




Bright and early Saturday morning, Nick knocked on Lily's apartment door. Although he hated that something had gone wrong with the apartment so soon, a secret part of him was happy to have an excuse to spend time with his new tenant. He offered up a quick prayer for guidance, and maybe if God didn't mind, a little help to make a good impression. Two seconds later, the door cracked open.

“Thanks for coming so fast.” Lily motioned for him to enter.

He hesitated, surprised to see her clad in a short bathrobe, her hair wrapped in a towel. Long, bare legs still glistened with moisture. He cleared his throat. “No problem. It sounded serious.” He tried to avoid looking at her, but the smell of her strawberry shampoo drifted past him in waves, engaging his senses.

Lily closed the door behind him. “It started off as a drip, but now it's like a small waterfall. The drain is running slow as well.”

He followed her down the hall to the bathroom, relieved to have somewhere else to focus his attention. Sure enough, a light stream of water dripped from the spout in the bath into a rapidly filling tub. Setting his toolbox on the tiled floor, he turned to give her a reassuring smile. “I'll have this fixed in a jiffy.”

Today, with her skin pink from her recent shower, she looked younger, more vulnerable. In the morning light, her eyes appeared almost translucent, like the color of finely polished oak. Lily reached up to clutch the lapels of her robe together but not before he caught a glimpse of some puckered skin near her collarbone. A scar of some sort. He turned away so as not to embarrass her. “Holler if you need to get in here.”

He heard her footsteps retreat down the hall, followed by the distinct click of the lock on the bedroom door.

Nice going, Logan
. Probably thought he was a pervert, staring at her neckline like that. He sighed, vowing to make it up to her by finishing the job in record time.

Half an hour later, with the leak stopped and the drain unplugged, Nick rolled down his shirt sleeves and packed up his toolbox. He strode into the hallway, past the empty bedroom, wondering where Lily had gone. The door to the spare room stood ajar, allowing him a view of what looked like the legs of an easel inside.

Curiosity won, and he nudged open the door. His jaw dropped at the sight before him. A large, painted landscape dominated the easel, depicting a wooded area, flanked by mountains, with a river flowing through it. Though unfinished, the magnificence of the piece was undeniable.

He pushed farther into the room. Brushes, paint tubes, and mixing palettes lay neatly organized on top of the small desk in the corner. Several more canvases leaned against the far wall. Intrigued, he crossed the space and peeked at the finished works. Vibrant colors, shadows and highlights jumped off the canvas. He gave a low whistle of appreciation.

“What are you doing in here?” Lily's ice-cold voice ricocheted in the sparse room.

Nick whirled around to find her scowling in the doorway, arms crossed. She'd changed into jeans and a brown turtleneck sweater. Her dark eyes blazed, making him feel like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

“I—I'm sorry. I caught a glimpse of the painting and had to take a closer look.”

“My art is private.”

Nick let her anger roll off him. “That's too bad.” He waved a casual hand toward the stack of paintings. “I'm no art critic, but I know talent when I see it.”

Her features softened slightly. “You think I have talent?”

The glimpse of vulnerability surprised him. “Hasn't anyone ever told you that?”

An untold emotion passed over her face before her expression hardened. “No.”

“Well, that's a shame because these are incredible.”

Color bloomed in her cheeks. She looked away and toyed with a long, gold necklace hanging over her sweater. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” He bent to retrieve his toolbox. “The leak is fixed, and I unplugged the drain, so you shouldn't have any more problems.”


What was it about those huge brown eyes that riveted his attention like a magnet? Secrets lay within their depths. Secrets he wanted to learn more about. “My pleasure.” He smiled, hoping to make her feel more comfortable. “You settling in OK?”

“I am. I've even landed a job at Peg Hanley's shop.”

“So I heard. That's good news.” He gave a slight cough. “Could I trouble you for a glass of water?” He hoped his ploy to stall for time wasn't as obvious as it felt.

Lily hesitated for a fraction of a second and then nodded. “Sure. Follow me.” She headed down the hall to the kitchen where she pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and handed it to him.

“Maxi probably told you I used to live here.” He walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch. “When my mother got too ill to live on her own, I moved back home to look after her…until she passed away.” The familiar jolt hit his stomach and twisted. When would he get used to the fact that his mother was gone?

“I'm sorry.” Lily hovered in front of the fireplace, hands hooked on her jeans pockets. “Do you have other family in town?”

He took a long swig from the bottle. “Only an aunt and a cousin I'm very close to.”

Her expression turned pensive. “I don't have much family either. My mother died when I was young.”

“What about your father?”

A flicker of something like fear passed over her features. “We don't get along. I haven't seen him in years.”

Her jaw tightened as though clenching her teeth together. Could her father be the reason for her pain?

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