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Authors: Suzetta Perkins

Betrayed (9 page)

BOOK: Betrayed
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“I hope it was, too,” Mimi said. Raphael meant what he'd said about getting on a plane straightway. There was no way she could tell him that Victor had come to the house, put his hands on her, and threatened her all in one afternoon. It would set him off.

“I'm serious, Baby. If you feel uncomfortable and need me to come home, I wasn't lying when I said I'd be on the next flight out of Frankfurt.”

“You know how to make a sister feel safe,” she told Raphael, although the nerves that wracked her body said differently. Wasn't the reason she had called him the first place because she was ill-at-ease? She didn't want Raphael to worry, so she played it off.

“So what are you going to do for a brother you woke up in the middle of the morning that has a serious hard-on from listening to his wife tell him about another man looking at her like she was a chocolate sculpture he wanted to eat.”

“I didn't say that, Raphael.”

“It was close enough 'cuz that turned me on, Baby.”

“You're a naughty boy. I'm telling you about some guy from the past who gave me the heebee jeebees when I saw him today, and you've got the nerve to turn it into your own sexual fantasy.”

“Baby, I'm glad you're all right, but you know how you do me. Now if you would slide those fine voluptuous hips of yours through the telephone cables, you'd make a brother real happy.”

“Now, Colonel, I'm not that kind of girl. What would your troops say?”

“They'd say, ‘do it, Colonel. Go on and get your twenty-one gun salute—
boom-boom, boom-boom.'
And you know I'm gonna try.”

“Aren't you afraid that you might be reported to your superiors?”

“Sister, I say lay it on me. I'd do fifty push-ups right now, if you were going to set me free. I'm all alone in this dark room, undressing you with my mind, throwing kisses all over your body, feeling every crevice of your being…”

“Well, Colonel, umm…umm, if you don't tell nobody, I for sure won't. There might be something I can do to make your dream come true. Your wish is my command.”

“Talk to me.”


good night's sleep was all Mimi needed. Making love to her husband over the telephone had erased the tension that had built up in her body. She slept like a baby. But now, as she lay face up on the bed, the desire for her husband returned.

Mimi closed her eyes and let Raphael's sensuous and erotic teasing echo in her brain. She could still feel his breath as he hissed into the phone. Mimi hugged herself, longed for his touch, the feel of his hands and lips all over her body. A small moan left her mouth as she recalled a moment when their lovemaking had been so intense. It was as if Raphael was on an assault mission in the jungle searching for the enemy, the thrill of the hunt pumping his adrenaline. Stalking the enemy with his savage, lustful words spoken only for her ears and she, intoxicated and unable to bear another moment of his grueling attack, found Mimi's hands thrown up in total surrender. She shuddered as the memory made her have her own private earthquake.

Mimi's eyes flew open at the sound of the telephone. Maybe it was Raphael calling, still under the cloud of their early morning tryst. She searched for the phone that had somehow fallen off the bed and found its way to the floor, the caller still intent on being heard. Mimi looked at the time and gasped. It was nine in the morning, and Brenda was the caller.

Her first thought was to not answer. Mimi wasn't in the frame of mind to talk to Brenda. In fact, the call had already spoiled the
pleasure she'd derived from her instant replay of the phone sex she had with her husband, and that pissed her off. Maybe she could fall asleep again and recapture the moment, the aura with a couple of new twists and turns, like Taye Diggs did in the TV series,

The persistent ringing of the phone caused Mimi's finger to press the
button. She sat up, scratched her head before speaking. “Hey, Brenda,” Mimi said in a low voice that seemed far away.

“Umm, is this a bad time?” Brenda asked cautiously.

“No, no, I was awake. Didn't sleep well last night but finally found the right spot at about five this morning.” Mimi wasn't sure why she lied to Brenda, but it was too early to be confiding in her; especially since they hadn't reestablished their friendship and the culprit for her anxiety was Brenda's husband. The truth was that after Raphael had whipped it on her with his tongue lashing, she had slept like a baby. But Brenda didn't need to know that.

“I only wanted you to know why I was a no-show yesterday and that I was sorry.”

Mimi choked on her own spit. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say since she had also been a no-show. Did this mean that Brenda had chickened out as well? She hesitated and then found what she believed were the right words. “It's all right, Brenda.” Mimi frowned, not sure what trap she'd allowed herself to fall into.

“I was in an accident outside of the restaurant. I didn't think about calling you until after I was in the ambulance and on my way to the hospital, but I was in no condition to do so.”

“Oh my God, Brenda! Are you all right? What hospital are you in?”

“I'm at home now. I sustained only a few minor bumps and bruises; however, my car is a total wreck. I'm going to pick up a rental car today or tomorrow.”

“Well, I'm glad you're all right.”

“I still want us to get together, Mimi. How about Friday?”

“Are you sure you'll be well enough to go out on Friday?”

“What is it, Mimi? Why don't you want to see me? We're only going to have a harmless lunch. I'm not going to press you about what happened nineteen years ago. Let's live in the present. That's what counts. I've missed you.”

Mimi sighed. Victor's words kept echoing in her head. She was sure he was capable of doing something terrible to her, but it was Afrika she was worried about, and she wasn't about to let stupidity or emotions harm her child.

“Nothing is wrong, Brenda. Let's plan for Friday; same place.”

“Okay, I'm fine with that. But please don't back out. I really want to see you.”

“Are you all right, Brenda?”

“Yeah, yeah. Other than the small jolt the accident gave me, most times I'm so wrapped up in my work that I don't get to do a lot of me things.”

Mimi pondered what Brenda had said. “I'll be there.”

“Okay, then it's set. I can't wait to see you.”

“Me twice,” Mimi said, noting the anxiety in Brenda's voice. “I'm looking forward to it. See you then.”


. S
best friend. She needed to confide in Mimi—to tell her all that had transpired in her life and how miserable she was. It was almost as if it was ordained…Mimi's reentry into her life. Mimi's timing was perfect, even if she was unaware.

Brenda cleared her afternoon schedule as well as for the rest of the week to give herself some time to relax and heal from her ordeal.
Maybe she'd go to the spa and pamper herself since it certainly would aid in the healing process. Victor may have thought he had won a small victory by her setback. True, she didn't get to see Mimi, but she was going to keep her new luncheon date a secret. The more Brenda had time to think, the more she wondered if Victor had anything to do with her accident.

Victor was always trying to control her, keep her in line, tell her how to spend her money while he traipsed up and down the Eastern Seaboard and across North Carolina on state money, pretending he was recruiting students when all the while he was sniffing behind other women and bringing his leftovers to her after all was said and done, even though she didn't want any part of him. But they kept up a commanding performance, making appearances here and there like a dutiful couple with ties to the community. But things were going to change.

Brenda picked up her cell phone and called a cab.


“Wait up, Nikki!” Keith shouted as he sprinted across the campus lawn to catch up with her.

Clutching her books, Afrika stopped and almost fell when Keith descended upon her.

“Nikki, Nikki. You sure do look hot today, baby,” Keith said out of breath, taking a quick peek over his shoulder at Afrika's sculptured buttocks draped in a pair of tight-fitting Dereon jeans and a purple fitted T-shirt with the words
Live, Love, Laugh
embossed on it. He slung his long slender arm around Afrika's neck, pulled her close, and squeezed her tight.

Afrika was loving all the attention that this 5'll”, streamlined, chocolate fudge, could've-been-a-basketball-playing hunk was throwing on her. His soft brown eyes danced in his perfect round head and made her melt. But her heart went
as the warm body dressed in a gold linen, buttoned-down blazer along with a pair of black slacks and an artsy gold, black, and eggshell colored tie snuggled next to her. He was fine and set the rest of her body on fire.

Afrika threw her body around and stared him up and down as if it was the first time she'd laid eyes on him. Her mock smile transformed into an all-out grin, finally parting her lips and then smacking them together, more than happy with her appraisal of the new man in her life.

“Thank you, Keith.” She batted her eyelashes. “You don't look bad yourself.”

“Well, I've got it like that. The brothers and I have got to do this photo shoot for a billboard sign they're going to hang on Interstate 95. The Alphas are gonna have all the honeys coming to Central. But I've only got eyes for you, girl,” Keith said in a hurry. “This photo shoot is about marketing the school. Gotta do my part.”

“Hmmph. Tell me anything.”

“Nikki, you have nothing to worry about. I'm the luckiest guy on the campus, in the State of North Carolina, across the world…

“All right, all right,” Afrika said, holding her hand up for Keith to stop. “I get it.”

“So where's your twin?”

“You mean Asia?”

“You know I'm talking about Asia. I swear your mommas must have used the same fertility clinic because you and Asia look so much alike.”

“Okay, Keith. This is where I draw the line. Yes, Asia and I have some similarities, but I'm no test tube baby and I'm nobody's twin. And the reference to my momma is out of line and off limits to you. I don't play that when it comes to my mother.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, baby, I didn't mean any disrespect. I wasn't trying to talk about nobody's momma. I was only talking about science—how two people with two different sets of parents, with two different sets of genes can have some of the same, almost identical features. My momma used to say that everyone has a twin in this world.” Keith took Afrika's head and turned it toward him. “Now, don't I look like your boy, LeBron James?”

“You wish.” Afrika's frown turned into a giggle. “You wish you were as tall as LeBron. Now that man is fine.” Afrika giggled again.

“I know you aren't saying he's finer than me.”

“You are so conceited. But, Boo, you do look better than LeBron.”

“I knew it. I knew it.”

“Keith, you are so crazy. Look, I've got to get to my class. I don't want to be late.”

“What are you doing after class?”

“I've got cheerleading practice.”

“After that?”

“I'm not sure. Asia talked about going to some pizza joint.”

“Asia needs a man. She's pretty and all, but she doesn't have your personality.” Keith pecked Afrika on the lips. “Just because old man Christianson is her daddy, she thinks she's all that.”

“Come on, Keith. Be fair. Asia is nothing like her father. She's cool and I like her. And if you like me, you've got to like Asia. Anyway, she's got a man…Deon, the Eagles' quarterback.”

“Deon? He'll break her heart. I hear he's been with a lot of women on campus.”

“How would you know?” Afrika asked with a frown on her face.

“Stuff like that is no secret. Look, my good friend, Zavion, is probably Asia's type. He's a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill, about six feet, and plays on UNC's basketball team. I'll talk to him. Maybe we can all get together before the Alpha party on Friday night.”

“I don't know if that's a good idea, Keith. Asia is a little high strung, and she may not take too kindly to us interfering in her personal life, and like I said, she's seeing someone.”

“True, but it doesn't have to be a date. Look, we don't even have to tell her that Zavion is coming. If everything works out, I'll have Zavion meet us somewhere.”

“Whatever. I've got to go. Call me later.”

Keith gave Afrika a quick kiss on the lips and took another peek at her behind. Satisfied, he gave her a parting smile. “Okay, babe.”
Before Afrika was out of sight, Keith took out his cell phone and called Zavion.

doorstep unannounced. Even the erratic phone calls seemed to cease. She wasn't going to let Victor's threats get her down. Afrika had a right to attend North Carolina Central University as much as Asia. But it was her talk with Afrika that made Mimi feel much better.

Mimi went to her walk-in closet and pulled out a blue and white Adidas running suit. A run around Lake Johnson would do her some good. It had been a long time since she'd been to the lake, but she remembered they had a nice trail that wrapped around it. Getting into a fitness program was on her list of things to do.

With keys in hand, Mimi did a once around the condo, locked it, and headed for her candy-apple red Lexus that was parked in the garage, a gift from Raphael. Although a little breezy, it was a beautiful October day. The lake was about a forty-minute drive from where she lived in Durham. She couldn't wait to stretch her legs out on the trail and tone those muscles she'd neglected for the past few weeks.

BOOK: Betrayed
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