Betrayal in the Tudor Court (7 page)

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Authors: Darcey Bonnette

BOOK: Betrayal in the Tudor Court
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Even Mirabella was having a good time. She danced, favouring the guests with her rare smile that was a transformation as stunning as that of the caterpillars, which Cecily and Brey anticipated with such eagerness. Her solemn, earnest face was made radiant with that smile, her eyes shone like emeralds, infecting Cecily with the need to laugh. She was thrilled to see her so happy.

Then something went terribly wrong.

The ladies unmasked, revealing Lady Grace to be the lead dancer. This in itself was a thrilling display and Cecily clapped at the sight. The countess was beautiful, as intoxicating as a faery with her white-blond hair falling around her shoulders in ringlets made limp from the dew of evening.

When she took to Lord Hal’s side, the night that had begun as a fantasy faded into a horrific charade. Words were exchanged; Lady Grace pulled away. She strode toward the high table, seized a decanter of wine, and drank straight from it.

This was not unusual to Cecily. She had seen Lady Grace do it many times. But she knew it was not something Lady Grace would ever do in public. It was forbidden. It was unseemly.

Cecily and Brey had been searching out more caterpillars and heard the murmurs of the guests—unkind, snide remarks muttered with cackles of laughter.

People liked to see such things, Cecily realised with a heavy heart. She could not imagine such a display bringing pleasure to anyone. Yet they laughed.

“Why feign surprise?” one gentleman could be heard saying as Cecily and Brey returned to their spot beneath the table. “We know the woman cherishes her wine above all else.”

Brey’s lip began to quiver.

Cecily’s cheeks flushed in anger.
How dare they criticise the hostess while they stand at her table and make pigs of themselves! They probably drink out of wine decanters all the time!

“Don’t worry, Brey,” she told her companion, handing him the caterpillars that had been squirming in the lap of her dress. “We’ll show them.”

Cecily poked her foot out from under the table as the man who had uttered the rude comment walked by, tripping him clean on his nose, withdrawing her foot before he could be the wiser.

Blue eyes twinkling, Brey covered his mouth with his hand, and the two shared a conspiratorial giggle.

But it provided little relief. Lady Grace’s breach of etiquette was only the beginning.

From beneath the table Cecily witnessed Lady Grace as she began to twirl about the floor, decanter in hand. While other guests were acceptably tipsy as well, Cecily knew with heart-pounding certainty the countess’s antics were to be remembered. She had bypassed acceptable long ago. She was in a realm no one could reach. No one tried. They either derived amusement from it or were too shocked to move.

Lady Grace twirled about. “Prepare to be stunned, Hal!” She was laughing as her wine spilled down the front of her white chiffon gown, staining it crimson, as though she were bleeding from the heart.

She was wounded, Cecily knew. She longed to reach out but remained frozen, transfixed. From somewhere she heard Brey crying. She could not comfort him. She could only watch, helpless, hopeless.

Lady Grace threw the decanter across the floor, then began to tear at her gown. “Stunning, Hal?” she cried as she shed the gown, revealing her white body shining with sweat. She stood there, naked, trembling, beautiful, and terrible.

No one said a word. No one moved. Everything was happening as though underwater, slow, held back by forces too great to resist.

Lady Grace stared at the guests, shocked sober. She collapsed to the ground, drawing her knees to her chest, covering her breasts, and burying her head in them. Her white shoulders heaved with sobs.

The silence hurt Cecily’s ears.

“For the love of God!” a man cried. The husky voice was instantly recognised as Father Alec’s as he rushed forward, seizing a cloak from another stunned gentleman’s shoulders and wrapping it about Lady Grace. He knelt beside her, murmuring softly. “Come now, my child. Let us remove to the house. Come now. You are all right. You are all right.” He all but lifted her to her feet, then turned to the guests. “You’ve taken in your fill,” he said, his voice laced with disgust. “Those of you staying with the Pierces this evening may retire. As for the rest, you best return to your homes. The lady of the house is unwell.”

As Father Alec guided Lady Grace indoors, the world began to move again. Cecily was prompted into action. She reached out, taking Brey in her arms. “There, there, Brey,” she murmured against the golden hair. “She is just unwell. The heat …”

“Her gown did not have sleeves!” he cried. “She could not have been hot!”

“But she was dancing so much,” Cecily told him. “You know how hot one gets dancing. There, there, don’t cry. She is just tired. She will rest and feel much better tomorrow.”

“They will laugh at her forever,” Brey returned, his eyes narrowing.

Cecily bowed her head. They would. She could not say otherwise. Brey was not stupid.

“Well, then they’re just dense if that’s all they have to laugh about,” she said. “I can think of things much funnier than that. Can’t you?”

Brey furrowed his brow in thought. “I suppose so.” He leaned into her arms again. “Oh, Cecily, why is everyone so sad?”

Cecily swallowed the burning lump in her throat.

She did not know.

Hal did not know who to seek out first. More than Grace, Father Alec had made fools of everyone with his show of chivalry, not that Hal wasn’t grateful for it. God knew he was too rooted in terror to be useful.

As Grace was ushered indoors the crowd began to disperse, shaking their heads and murmuring. Grace had wanted to give them an unforgettable celebration, he thought bitterly. He and Grace would be lucky to be received anywhere after this. He could not imagine how to undo the damage done this night.

He stood a long while, apologising to the guests as they departed. How he hated that! The pity that lit their eyes as they regarded him, the amusement that was barely hidden in others.
May they all fall on the ends of their swords!

His eyes searched the crowd for his children. Cecily and Brey were nowhere to be seen. He could only pray that they had missed the spectacle. As his eyes scanned the mass, he saw a shock of red organza.


Oh, God. Mirabella.

She was running. He did not know if he could follow her. He could not imagine how to comfort her, how to assuage the terrible anger and shame the girl would no doubt be feeling.

He let her go.

He turned away.

All that was left of the evening was a table full of half-eaten delicacies, a shattered wine decanter, and a stained white gown.

Mirabella ran to the stables, fetching her palfrey. She was too beside herself to ride sidesaddle so rode astride. She could not imagine presenting herself as more offensive than her mother, so it mattered not.

She rode into the night, down the well-beaten trail to the only place that ever gave her any hope and comfort at all. Her convent. She would join them this night. She would leave her worldly life behind. They would hear her story. They could not refuse her. And her father would dare not deny her; he owed her this. He would send a large dowry. The sisters would be so happy!

Mirabella entered the cloister sobbing and breathless. The coos and hushes of the sisters filled her ears as Sister Julia was sent for.

“Mirabella!” the nun cried upon seeing her. “Darling, what is it?”

How could she tell her? It was too scathing, too shocking, for ears so pure. Yet she did. Somewhere God gave her the strength to tell Sister Julia. The story poured forth in all its ugliness. Sister Julia listened in rapt attention, green eyes tearing as she clutched Mirabella’s hand.

When Mirabella finished, she hung her head, covering her eyes with a slender hand. She could not abide looking Sister Julia in the face after such a horrific confession.

Sister Julia wrapped her arms about her, drawing her near. She never found such comfort in anyone. Sister Julia’s embrace was soothing, warm, filled with such tangible love that Mirabella absorbed it, as thirsty for it as the soil was for healing, nurturing rain.

“Oh, Mirabella …” Sister Julia began. “I do not know what to say, how to comfort you. Lady Sumerton …” She pulled away, cupping Mirabella’s face between her slim hands. The face peeking forth from its hood was the most beautiful Mirabella had ever seen and the smile, even in sadness, was the most radiant. Sister Julia sighed. “Mirabella, you must not be angry with Lady Sumer-ton. She”—she lowered her eyes—“she has suffered much. She is a great lady, far greater than anyone could possibly know. I understand how difficult it has been between you. You must forgive her, however, as God requires. But more than that, you must love her. She is in such need of it.”

“I never want to see her again,” Mirabella said, her tone icy with involuntary hatred. “Oh, God, forgive me, I never want to go back to that house. I can almost taste the fires of Hell when I’m there—they are all steeped in the superficial, all taught to relish things frivolous and meaningless. No one pursues matters of the soul … well, save for Father Alec, of course.” She averted her head, her heart pounding as she mentioned his name. “Please do not make me go back. Let me enter this holy place tonight as a postulant. My father will send a dowry. I will make him; he won’t refuse me after tonight, I know it. Please.”

Sister Julia sighed. “Do you not think that you can pursue matters of the soul there as much as here? Instead of passing judgement against your family, you can lead them by example with cheer instead of scorn.” She gathered her in her arms once more and began to sway. “Mirabella, you must go back. They need you now more than ever. Lady Sumerton needs you and Ha—your lord father … he needs you, too. So very much. And what of the little ones? Surely they could benefit from your example.”

“I do not want to leave you, Sister,” Mirabella murmured against her coarse habit, which was more comforting than the smoothest satin. “You are my only happiness.”

Sister Julia’s shoulders heaved a moment as she pulled away. She bit her lip, her eyes luminous with tears. “Oh, Mirabella … you must go.” At Mirabella’s stricken expression she continued hurriedly. “But you can come back. When you are ready, when you are here for the right reasons and not running away from unpleasantness. Meantime you must grow in your faith and endure the tests we all are bound by God to endure. Do you not think I was tested?” She shook her head, her eyes registering a bewilderment Mirabella could not decipher. “I was tested, Mirabella, oh, how much! But I prevailed. And you will, too.”

Mirabella bowed her head, sobbing brokenly.

“Do not think I don’t want you beside me,” Sister Julia told her in gentle tones. “It would please me more than you could know. But it is not time. Not yet. Please understand that. You must go back, darling.” She smoothed Mirabella’s hair, then offered her a linen handkerchief to dry her eyes. “You must go back.”

Mirabella collected herself, drawing in a breath.

It was a test, Sister Julia had said. Just a test.

She must prevail as Sister Julia had prevailed. She would show God she was worthy of His calling.

She rose and ordered her cloak. And went back.

This time she rode sidesaddle.

Grace opened her eyes. They had put coins on them, she was sure of it. Why else would they be so heavy? She opened them, though, and found them unencumbered. Her head was pounding. She looked down, drawing herself into focus. She was in her bed, wearing a nightdress. Father Alec sat beside her.

“My lady?” he asked, his endearingly husky voice just above a whisper. “Are you … well?”

Grace’s lip quivered. Tears began to pave hot trails down her cheeks. “What’s happening to me?” she whispered.

Father Alec shook his head. His smile was kind. “Why don’t you tell me?” he asked her. There was no sarcasm in his tone, no judgement. It was the epitome of gentleness.

Grace regarded him for a long moment. Could she trust him?

“Lady Sumerton,” Father Alec persisted. “I want to help you. There is no one here but you, me, and God. And He won’t say a word, I promise.” He winked.

Grace offered a half smile that reverted to a quivering frown as fresh tears welled in her throat. She regarded the young priest. He was so handsome; what a shame he was wasted on the Church!

But these thoughts were irrelevant to his purpose in her chambers. He was perhaps at this moment the only friend she had in the world after tonight.

“My lady?” Father Alec prompted again.

Grace began to sob.

And told him.

Lord Hal’s explanation to the little children was about the same as Cecily’s had been to Brey, therefore Cecily knew he was lying. But it didn’t matter. Brey was not crying any more and that was the important thing. What’s more, they were assured that they could build their caterpillar house, so instead of focusing on the horror of the evening, Cecily distracted Brey with its design.

They constructed a pavilion in the nursery, pulling together tables and chairs and throwing the bedclothes over them so that a great tent with several different little “chambers” had been erected. In it they drew out the caterpillar’s house while two dozen of the little creatures squirmed and wiggled about in someone’s goblet they had taken from the table. To ensure the caterpillars would not escape, Cecily covered the goblet with a plate from the same unfortunate guest, who likely had to scope out new dining ware.

In their pavilion they drew and giggled and eventually fell asleep cuddled on one of the bearskin rugs. Brey held Cecily in his arms that night.

“I’m so glad I’m marrying you,” he told her as they drifted off.

“Me too,” said Cecily, and she meant it.

Despite anything else that would transpire, she didn’t doubt that they would have a good life.

Hal entered Grace’s chambers after Father Alec had departed. Hopefully the priest has shamed her into sense, Hal thought, anger flushing his cheeks as he pushed the door open with trembling hand.

Grace lay in her bed, blond hair about her shoulders in a wavy cloud. Angelic, Hal thought. How contrary to her display! He shook his head in wonderment as he beheld her.

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