Betrayal Foretold: Descended of Dragons, Book 3 (8 page)

BOOK: Betrayal Foretold: Descended of Dragons, Book 3
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“But, why?”

“When I left you at the cabin, I went in search of your mother. I found her where I knew she’d be, the cavern your father found her in.”

I looked to my mother, but she didn’t meet my gaze.

“Together, we formed a plan to trap Brandubh. We knew he’d come sooner or later, and we were ready for him. We knew when he showed up.”

“Wait.” I held up a hand and leaned toward Bay to hear better. “You used me as bait?”

“’Tis not as bad as you make it sound.”

“Says the one who didn’t have a hook in her mouth!”

“It worked out fine, didn’t it?” Bay’s strong but aged hands moved to her hips. “We’re all alive. Brandubh is dead. We’re together.”

“Yeah, we’re together. We defeated Brandubh. But people still hate us, even more now if that’s possible. We can’t go home, and I’m stuck here while my friends are in Thayer thinking I’m dead. Not my idea of a flawless rescue effort.” I cut my eyes at Gaspare to make sure he knew the last part referred to him.

“I am sorry,” he said. “I’ll look in on your friends to make sure they’re all right, but I cannot tell them where you are.”

I blinked back angry tears and gritted my teeth. The argument with Gaspare was going nowhere. I looked away as he traced back to Thayer. I would figure out a way to see them. I had to.

Steeling myself, I returned to the others with renewed purpose. “Where to first?”

Forster flinched at my tone but answered smoothly, “Bay tells me you cannot fly freely in Thayer, that you’ve never experienced that part of our life. I thought you might like to take a tour of Pearl, dragon-style.”

Furious as I was, flying sounded the perfect way to work out a little frustration, and I pumped my fist in a cheer, unable to contain my excitement. Bay and Forster both beamed. Even Mother produced a hesitant smile.

“Let’s do this,” I said, and shuddered into my dragon. The others followed, and together we ascended the tropical sky.

I’d seen Mom and Bay’s dragons, of course, but not Forster’s, which was something to behold. A flying contradiction, Forster was powerful and fierce, yet his clear blue eyes shone beneath scaled eyebrows the color of polished oyster shells. His dragon was a translucent white that would have seemed delicate if not for razor sharp talons and gnarled, leathery wings.

Check out this badass version of Falkor the Luckdragon
,” I thought to myself before remembering to shield my thoughts in animal form.
I followed up my snark with a weak “
Sorry, Mr. McCreight.

Unable to leave his island hideaway for so many years, I doubt he understood the reference, but he laughed and flew higher.

* * *

earl Isle is
part of an archipelago of the same name
,” Forster said, spearing toward the edge of the green expanse filling Pearl’s bowl-shaped caldera. “
There are six smaller islands besides Pearl. Look,”
he said as we flew over the crater’s edge and were met with clear, turquoise water as far as our eyes could see. “
There, to your right

The island closest to us was the tallest. Its edges formed steep cliffs that fell into the sea below. Each island was shorter than the one before it, the final one little more than a flat, white beach surrounding a large stand of trees.

I can’t wait to tell Ewan about this
, I thought, and then fear-shaped panic sat on my chest, squeezing the air from my lungs.
What if Gaspare was right? What if I couldn’t see Ewan again? What if the only way to make this work was to lose him and my friends forever? Is it worth it? Would I rather live in hiding in Thayer to be with them?

The only other choice, really, was returning to the States, but that option held even less appeal. I couldn’t be myself; couldn’t use magic or my animal form. Could Ewan and my friends trace back and forth to visit? Maybe, but it seemed risky even to me.

I had to think of something. Knowing my friends as I did, they would never be satisfied leaving things they way they’d ended. Thinking me dead just wasn’t a scenario they would accept without certainty. Gaspare hadn’t thought this all the way through.

right, Stella
?” called Mother.

I’m sorry. What

I said you always wanted a beach vacation. Now you live on an island

I didn’t reply. I was happy to be alive, sure. And free. But at what cost? I closed my eyes and tried to lose myself in the sensation of warm wind rushing along my sleek, scaled body.

Without warning, my thoughts turned again to Ewan. The image of him flying through the trees, of the blood left behind by his injuries flooded my mind. I closed my eyes again, but this time against the onslaught of fear for his safety, against the ache left in my chest at the thought of never seeing him again.

As the others discussed the landscape, I concentrated on a plan for the future, a way forward.

What’s that one called
?” Bay asked as we flew over a mid-sized island dominated by a wide plateau.

“That’s Topaz. Pearl Isle was given its name for several reasons. It’s unique and rises from the sea, true. But also, pearls are perfect symbols for metamorphosis. They’re formed when a foreign object invades an oyster. What was once an intruder becomes a treasure. The name symbolizes us, the inhabitants of Pearl, who came to the island weary and abused, but who have formed a lustrous community, iridescent in its diversity, in its cultures. A people, a treasure, a gem. A pearl.”

That’s lovely
,” Bay mused.

Each island is named after a gemstone. In order, there’s Pearl, Jade, Ruby, Topaz, Emerald, Sapphire, and Opal

Does anyone live on them
?” I asked.

ye, some prefer privacy to communal life, and make their homes on the smaller islands. Of course, Opal is too close to sea level to support any housing, and is used as a beach.

Oh, look
,” Forster said. “
The Tremaines. You’ll want to meet them. Beacon and Solace are your age, or thereabout

?” I began, but soon understood.

Four dragons flew swiftly into view. It was an astounding feeling. Flying was a new enough concept to me, but meeting someone else—someone friendly—in the sky was so foreign I could hardly comprehend my circumstances. It felt bizarre to be in my own skin, like an out of body experience, and that’s saying something considering I was already out of my natural body.

Is this them, Forster
?” A female voice called good-naturedly. “
Are these the Dreaded Drakontos

!” a young woman admonished.

Oh, she’s just ribbing them, Solace. Don’t be so uptight
.” This from whom I assumed was the patriarch of the Tremaine family, his imposing black form much larger than his wife’s or daughter’s. A similar-looking but smaller male flanked him.

True to her nature, Bay took charge of the situation. “
I’m Bay Drakontos. Hello. This is my daughter, Edina, and my granddaughter, Stella

Juno Tremaine
,” the larger female said. “
My husband, Charles
,” she nodded to him, “
my daughter, Solace, and her brother, Beacon

Chapter 12

e flew
for a while with the Tremaines, and then made our way back to their home on Pearl. Forster was right. We could never be so free in Thayer. After rolling through the air, laughing and learning from my new friends, I felt refreshed, renewed,

The couple invited us to join them for coffee. Bay accepted, but it was a beautiful warm day. Beacon and Solace offered to show me around the property, which appealed to me more. As we walked, they quizzed me about Radix, about a life in Thayer they’d never known.

“I’d love to attend a grand university like that,” Solace said, releasing her thick black hair from its ponytail. “Ours is small. It’s a fine school—I don’t mean it’s bad—I just dream of something…
, you know?”

I did know. I’d dreamed like that my whole life. I always knew there was something more out there, that something was calling to me. When Rowan Gresham crashed into my car and showed me a new world, everything changed. I’d found my more.

Poor Solace had fewer choices than even I had. The Root wasn’t an option for her. Hell, it was no longer an option for me. Having limited discretion over one’s life and education is bad enough, but knowing there’s more out there and not being able to pursue it: torture.

“I hate that I can’t go back,” I said. “I still had a lot to learn. About my dragon. About magic. About the world.”

Beacon’s dark hair was clipped short and he had an easy, sexy grin. “You’ve got more than enough help now with your dragon,” he said. “Your mother and granny, Forster, Solace and me—all of us. We’ll teach you the way we were taught.”

“Oh?” I laughed at his mischievous smile. “And how’s that?”

“Baptism by fire,” he said wickedly, and winked. He was cute, but my mind—my heart—was somewhere else. Whenever I dropped my guard, my thoughts ran to the chocolate curls and the soul-deep eyes of my wolf, my Ewan.
Please let him be all right. Please let him be all right.

“If you want to learn more about magic, you could see if one of our old teachers could help you,” Solace said. “Though I wouldn’t ask Father. He wants to retire as chancellor, but there’s no one to take his place. He’s tired. Wants only to turn his wood and smoke his pipe, he says.”

“Yes, she must find an acceptable tutor,” Beacon agreed.

“Tutor for what?” Bay called as the group joined us outside

“Oh, I said I hated to leave The Root because I still had so much to learn. Particularly about my dragon and magic.”

“Now that we’re here, your mother and I can teach you everything you need to know about your dragon.”

“I like the thought of that.” Bay and I had a lot of catching up to do, and apparently so did my mother and me. She’d been distant all day, her thoughts somewhere else. I smiled encouragingly at her, and she stretched her mouth. She was trying, at least.

“What I really need is a crash course in magic. I was so frustrated when we fought Brandubh. I know there’s power inside me, but I don’t know half of what’s possible. I was training a bit with Gaspare in Thayer, but I can’t go back there. He’s too busy, anyway.”

“I’d be glad to take Stella on,” Charles Tremaine said importantly. Solace and Beacon exchanged a look that their mother soon joined.

“We can send her to Mr. Darringer in town,” Juno offered, ignoring her husband. “He’ll teach her what she needs to know.”

“Thom Darringer is a well-educated dunce, and you know it,” he scoffed. “Why not let me guide her?”

“Stella is…special,” said my mother, twisting her hands. “I hid her true nature as long as I could. Despite my efforts, she found this world—and herself—anyway. If she’s going to learn, it should be from the best. Her father was an omni, and so she’s inherited that trait. She needs someone with experience, with the same access to the magical talent she was born with.”

“Well, there is someone who fits that bill,” Forster said. “She’s the most knowledgeable person I know, and the only omni here besides Gaspare. And extremely talented.”

“Sounds great,” I said. “Who is she?”

“Her name is Abia Pike. She—”

“Forster, good gods!” Juno nearly choked trying to get the words out fast enough. “You can’t send Stella to her, to that place. And you know the old witch will never come here. Terrible idea. Terrible. No.”

“Send me where? What’s so terrible about Abia Pike?”

Forster rolled his eyes. “Oh, Juno. Those are just rumors. She’s odd, sure, but not dangerous. And frankly, I don’t know who else there is. Stella’s needs are specific.”

“Wait, what rumors?”

“Topaz is haunted,” Juno shook her head slowly. “You couldn’t get me there to save my life.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have to go,” Forster said tersely.

Bay had been watching the exchange—watching Forster really—and finally spoke up. “If you’re sure it’s a good idea, Forster, I’ll go, too.” She nodded at me encouragingly, but it did little to reassure me.
What the hell had I gotten myself into?

* * *

ack at Gaspare’s cottage
, I went into the kitchen to make sandwiches. Through the wide kitchen window, I could see my mother and Bay near the dock. Bay leaned forward as if she struggled to hear. My mother stared at the ground when she spoke, and when she finally looked up her face held a desperate plea.

Bay backed away, shaking her head. She looked angry. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but was dying to know what was so serious.

“Gaspare say when he’d be back?” Forster asked as he entered the kitchen and washed his hands.

“This afternoon. Anytime now, probably.”

Forster found a free spot on the counter and began slicing a tomato.

“Tell me more about this Abia Pike,” I said. “Why would she live on an island everyone says is haunted? What makes her so odd?”

“Oh, she’s just a little different,” he said, swatting away my concern. “She’s lived on Topaz as long as anyone can remember. Doesn’t socialize much. Well at all, really. And you know how people love to make up a story when the truth’s unavailable.”

“Mmm. So, why do they say Topaz is haunted?”

“Well, it’s Abia’s home and she really is very powerful. She doesn’t like a lot of visitors and so she’s got the place warded. A few parlor tricks to scare curious kids away. My guess is she likes people thinking Topaz is haunted.”

“You really think she can teach me? You really think it’s a good idea?”

“I do. Gaspare will, too. Wait and see.”

I caught my mother’s gaze when I looked out the window again. She waved me out. I wiped my hands on a dishtowel and joined them. Bay met me halfway down the walk, stalking toward the house. As she approached me, her face held anger…and pity.

“What’s going on, Bay?”

“Ask your mother,” she said tersely.

“Mom?” I called. She stood facing the water, her shoulders back and her wavy auburn hair blowing in the light breeze.

“Mom?” I asked again when I got closer. “What were you and Bay arguing about?” She didn’t answer right away. I stepped closer. “Mom?”

“I want to do things right this time,” she whispered. “I’ve done so many things the wrong way. I want you to know I thought they were right. I thought I was doing what was best for you, for us. Things didn’t work out as I’d planned. I wanted a normal life for you, a simple life. We had that, didn’t we?”

“Yes, Mom. Our life was fine. What are you talking about?”

“I love you so much, Stella. You know that, right?”

“I know, Mom. You’re not making any sense. What was Bay angry about?”

“I never want to hurt you again.” She finally turned to face me, and her eyes were anguished and red from crying. “I’d rather die than break your heart, but I can’t stay here. This place is not for me.”

“Wait, what? You mean Pearl? It’s okay here, Mom. It’s safe.” I hugged her in attempt to comfort her. “We can make a life here—there are people like us. And who knows what the future holds. Maybe we can go back to Thayer soon. It’s just hard right now, Mom, but we can make it.”

“No.” She shook her head. “No. I don’t want this life. Don’t you see? I want my normal life back. I want my church and my house and the ferns on my front porch.”

“But that’s not who you really are. It’s not who I am. That’s an identity you created for us.”

“It’s who I want to be, Stella.” Tears fell from her weary eyes down her freckled cheeks. “This is so hard. I know you can’t understand. I know you think I’m weak.”

I didn’t argue with her; I couldn’t. “Are you saying you want to go back home?

She was looking at the ground again, and nodded.

“God, Mom. I don’t want to go there. I’ve just begun to understand who I am. I want to be here. I want to know Bay and Gaspare. I want to explore these parts of myself I’m only beginning to understand.”

“No, you misunderstand.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I want you to stay. You
learn these things. You should embrace this life.
just can’t. I don’t have it in me to survive here. I support you. Please.” She hung her gaze on mine, the weight of her plea almost palpable. “Please support

“I—” I began but had to swallow thickly. “Of course, Mother. I understand. Whatever you need.”

“Thank you.” She melted into me and laid her head on my shoulder in a hug that scared me, more than comforted me.

I squeezed her back, uncertain about our future, but absolutely sure I would never understand her.

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