Betrayal (56 page)

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Authors: Mayandree Michel

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Betrayal
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Finally, as we descended the hill, I could easily make out the hall which lit up the main street like a Christmas tree. Harper's Hall, the grandest and only ball room in Nickel City, stood magnificently, adjacent to Whitney's Opera House. When our carriages pulled up in front of the hall, our footman, an Ischeros guardsman, speedily ushered us in. Evan and I were escorted in first, and the hall’s euphoric glow nearly knocked me off my feet. I had never seen Harper’s Hall look as glorious and as majestic as it did this evening. It was alive and full of life. Tonight, the hall was in its prime. The foyer was brilliantly lit with gilded chandeliers that were suspended from the ceiling and dripping with huge crystal prisms that looked like falling rain drops.

“The ceiling rises to fortyfive feet.” Evan said, as I finally lowered my gaze from the carved and gilded patterned paneling on the ceiling.

“It’s amazing.”

“Simply glorious,” Bethany said, breathlessly behind me.

The walls were of carved and gilded, cream colored oak panels and adorned with gilt oil lamps and gilt framed mirrors large enough to step through.

The elegant interior reminded me of the colorful and glamorous stories I had heard surrounding the festive holiday parties, sophisticated balls, and cotillions that had once been held here. This was far from the cracked, peeling paint and weak foundation that could be seen easily from the exterior and boarded up windows that I recalled from the future.

In the foyer, which turned out to be the receiving room, we were met by three burly young men that looked indisputably like the other. They weren’t identical triplets, but they had to be brothers, or related in some way. They were eloquently dressed in tuxedos, and wore sashes just as Evan, Nikolas, and Thaddeus did. Their sashes were in the combination of emerald green edged with canary yellow.

“Good evening, everyone.” The three said in unison, as they bowed gracefully. As they did this, they each eyed me with what I took as admiration and curiosity.

“Cordelia, this is Heracio, Dimitri, and Patrick. They are the descendants of Hercules.” I realized then that Heracio was the one which Nikolas had spoken of when he mentioned me strength training as a kid. I couldn’t imagine throwing a child around, at any age, and certainly couldn’t fathom possessing the strength it would take to flip either of these beefy guys today, yet I held this power. If only I could remember.

“Pleased to meet you,” I said, offering my hand the way Bethany had taught me to. One after the other, they each took my gloved hand, and kissed it as they bowed saying, “The honor is ours, Empress Cordelia.” I nodded, not knowing what else to do or say. It felt a little strange with them calling me

‘empress’ when I hadn’t been crowned yet. The three sons of Hercules took our shawls, cloaks, top hats, and Thaddeus’ gold tipped cane. They carried the accessories and outerwear off to a nearby cloak room that was just a few feet away. When the three brothers returned, one of them, led us passed the cloak room to a huge and beautiful, shimmering gold table carved in a leaf motif. On the table were numerous small stacks of white gloves. Above each stack was a small cream colored card with a name engraved on it. There were also empty spaces where name cards stood alone. Thaddeus, Evan, and Nikolas, handed their gloves to Heracio, the brother who had led us to the table. He placed each set below their respective name card.

“Why did you bring so many pairs?” I whispered to Evan.

“We must change our gloves with each lady we dance with. It’s a customary tradition with the mortals.”

Evan’s devotion of blending in with the world of the mortals, my former world, was a means of survival; a strategic play. We were then greeted by two exceptionally beautiful young women. Their flawless brown skin, heartshaped faces, and sparkling goldish green kaleidoscope eyes drew each of us in with the power of magnetism, or something. They each wore coral satin gowns, either embellished in sparkling beads, jewel tone stones, ribbons, or a combination of all three. The two stunners bowed to us with their greetings.

“Good evening, everyone.” They said, in unison.

“Cordelia, this is Ophelia and Felicity, the descendants of Aphrodite.” Thaddeus said, as he beamed at the two girls.

“It is a pleasure to meet you both.” I said, equally awestruck by their extraordinarily good looks. The two girls bowed, and smiled at me.

“We are honored.” They spoke again in unison. “Please, follow us. We will escort you to the salon,” Felicity said, smiling broadly.

Evan held out his muscular arm for me and smiled that mesmerizing smile that always made my knees tremble. I wove my arm through his and smiled back. We all followed the daughters of Aphrodite down the long corridor that led to a large mezzanine with two twisted marble staircases on either side.

Each staircase led up to the second floor balcony where the salon, ballroom, and dining room were located.

“Gentle man, if you please,” Felicity said, leading the men to the left stairway.

“Ladies, please follow me,” Ophelia said. Bethany, Alexandria, and I followed Ophelia up the stairway on the right.

Once we were all on the second floor, the men were led to a room down the hall on the left where cigar smoke escaped every time the door opened.

Ophelia escorted us to a room at the end of the hallway on the right. The room turned out to be a powder room large enough for a couple plush sofas, a round shaped sectional sofa, and several gilt framed chairs. A couple chandeliers dripped from the ceiling and gilt framed mirrors adorned the cream toned gilt paneled walls. In the rear of the room was a smaller room which housed the toilet and sink. After looking ourselves over in the huge mirrors, Alexandria said in an authoritative tone that I didn’t really care for. “Ophelia, we are ready to be escorted to the salon now.”

Ophelia led us back down the hall where we met up with Felicity and the boys. At that moment, the two daughters of Aphrodite excused themselves then gracefully walked back down the stairs in such a way that they appeared to be floating. They literally caught and held every man’s attention for at least one enamored moment.

As I basked in Evan’s smile, I didn’t notice the tall and handsome, olive skinned boy, who I guessed to be around my age, in a black tuxedo and a shiny rust colored sash standing in front of two huge ornately carved and gilded paneled double doors, until now. The tall boy bowed in front of me.

“Good evening, Empress Cordelia. I’m honored to serve you.” The boy took my gloved hand and kissed it, as if I were royalty.

“Good Evening, and thank you,” I said graciously.

“Good evening, Sire.” The tall boy said, bowing to Evan.

“Good evening to you, Balthazar” Evan said, graciously.

”Lord and Lady Capius, Bethany, Nikolas,” Balthazar said, nodding and bowing. He waited as everyone nodded and greeted him.

“Good evening, Balthazar, I will presume that everyone has arrived,” Thaddeus said authoritatively, almost as if he didn’t appreciate his son being addressed like a king and he being ignored.

“Yes, mostly everyone has arrived,” he answered, confidently as he opened the doors to the salon.

I was immediately blown away by the brilliant luminosity of the luxurious and spacious room. Several enormous crystal chandeliers were scattered throughout the room. A dozen or so gold hued, velvet sofas were arranged against the walls of the massive room. Three four piece velvet round sofas sat in the center of the marble floor. Several dozen beautifully carved chairs and a half a dozen mini gold painted tables were strategically placed in between the sofas. I had never seen such an elegant room. Upon entering the salon of high pitched laughter, giggles, and clinking glasses.

Everyone was dressed as glamorously as we were, the women in beautiful gowns of sumptuous fabrics and the men in tailored tuxedos and sashes in an array of colors. They all seemed to be having an enjoyable time. There wasn't a hand that didn't have a filled champagne glass attached to it.

As we entered the shimmering room, the members of the empire turned and stared in my direction. Everyone found a place to set their champagne glasses, and commenced in clapping adoringly. Of course they knew who we were. We were the highest ranking members, and the greeting was fit for royalty. I had almost forgotten that all of the members were expected to be here before the who’s who of the town arrived. I stood stiff – not moving, and held Evan's arm firmly. He seemed to be conscious of my nervousness and tenderly, reassuringly, rubbed my hand as I continued to furiously grip his arm. I heard a crowd of people entering the foyer below us. I turned to see a large group chatting enthusiastically and laughing boisterously. The elegantly dressed mob appeared to be impatient, excited, and anticipating a long night of entertainment.

“Don’t be nervous, Delia. Everyone here is in awe of you and is here for you. Try to relax.” Evan whispered into my ear.

“I wish it were that easy.”

“I apologize, my love. I understand that this is very overwhelming and… I want to comfort you, and make you feel at ease.” Evan whispered and patted my hand again.

The room was filled with people of all ages of adulthood. Some as young as I, and some who appeared to be as old as the earth. There was something startlingly common about all the faces that were poised and staring at me. Every single face was extremely attractive, with the daughters of Aphrodite leading the pack. I couldn’t find an unattractive face amongst any of them. I took in all of the admiring gazes. Some of the striking faces seemed familiar, while others were as foreign as an extra terrestrial. The familiar faces were of the warriors who had abducted the Hayden twins. The gorgeous Hedea, her brother, the towering and handsome Julius, the lovely Olympia, and the huskily handsome Bertrand, were sprinkled throughout the crowd. I searched the sea of a little over a hundred or so faces, scanning for one with a look of contempt and came up short.

More bubbling champagne was poured as glasses were quickly passed around, and soon we were all holding one. Of course, Nikolas had already downed a glass, while quickly grabbing another while the waiter passed by. Thaddeus walked to the center of the room just as someone passed him a sparkling crystal glass.

“My beloved brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the mighty Olympians,” Thaddeus said. There was no need for a microphone. His voice thundered, and quieted the room of demigods. “We Ischeros gather here tonight on this sacred and glorious day, our seventeen hundredth and fifth New Year.” Everyone erupted in ecstatic cheers as Thaddeus nodded approvingly. He waited as everyone piped down before he continued.

“We are looking forward to our eternal future. As we do, we shall never forget those who have perished before us,” he said, and then paused while everyone nodded in agreement. They all looked at him with respect and the highest regard. Thaddeus continued.

“On this very significant night we welcome our most precious and beloved daughter, sister, and true leader, our empress, Cordelia Tieron.” He held up his glass in my direction, and walked towards me as everyone else held up their glasses in waiting. Thaddeus stood in front of me, handed Evan his glass, and took my face in his hands and kissed me on either side of my face. He then whispered, “You belong to us.”

For some strange reason that I couldn't pin point at that moment, I got a strange jolt – something eerie. I tried to brush it off but it took some doing to shake the unnerving feeling. Thaddeus’ glass was back in his hand, and everyone lifted their glasses higher as he toasted.

“The Divine One, our Empress of Ischera.” He proclaimed in a booming voice as he raised his glass high. Everyone repeated his words and sipped their champagne. I stood still, and finally took a sip from my full glass. Then to my dismay, all of the family members started lining up to greet me. They did so by revealing their name and bowing courteously to me. I desperately wanted them to stop, but had the feeling that it would insult them.

So there I stood, trying to be gracious and cordial, not yet accepting my new role as the leader of this sacred coven, and nodded after each member lowered their head. I was overwhelmed by it all. I dug into my soul with every fiber of my being for the strength to continue to stand in the middle of that huge glittering room while member after member acknowledged me as their savior. Alexandria and Thaddeus stood beside me as guardians. My eyes search earnestly for Evan. He was half way across the room by the entrance, probably guarding it in case I tried to escape, talking to members.

Nikolas and Bethany mingled around the luxurious room embracing the other members – family.

Every member was a stranger to me, and not one person seemed familiar in any capacity. They were all strangers claiming to be family. They gave me their name, and then told me what an honor it will be to serve me. Each member’s unwavering attention to me was tortuous. I guess one in my position would treasure the moment when her disciples showed their devotion to her, but I, one who is not used to a spectacle being made in her honor, was seriously considering the quickest getaway. My mind raced with exit strategies, and I was earnestly contemplating hurling Alexandria to the floor, as a distraction while I fled out the double doors.

Instead, I nodded numbly as each member stepped forward and hoped that they couldn’t see the anxiety in my eyes. I felt out of place, like an imposter as if in a moment, the real Cordelia Tieron would burst into the room, and call me out and I would be sent back to the future. It was pretty pathetic and unfortunate for the members to have such a sad excuse for an empress. Although they didn’t seem to, surely as they bowed to me, they must realize.

They must be aware of how incredulous it is too have an amnesiac lead their family.

I allowed my eyes to wander, but only briefly to the array of mirrors which covered most of the walls. The reflection of the line of members was moving so fast that it looked like someone was pressing the fastforward button. I absorbed the swiftness of every demigod bowing and speaking hurriedly, but at a normal speed. The introduction of over a hundred or so people would have taken over an hour for mortals, but took only a few minutes for us mighty Ischeros.

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