Best Laid Plans (28 page)

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Authors: Elaine Raco Chase

BOOK: Best Laid Plans
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Theirs had been an unusual friendship
from the very beginning. Platonic. Brother and sister. But now they were man
and woman. And those inherent differences had been explored.

Time and distance had never separated
her from Lucas. Two bodies sharing the same mind, accepting each other's
imperfections and laughing at them. She trusted Lucas implicitly, even when
other women had entered his life over the years. Why? Because he was always
there for her, whenever and wherever she needed him. Quite a few times he had
shown up when she had done no more than think about him.

Had their friendship gone full
circle? Was that love? Or just two people peppered with a dash of erotic
stimulation that would burn out because they were truly only meant to be
friends? Worse – would it mean the end of their friendship?

Amanda's fingers moved to soothe
throbbing temples. Suddenly she was consumed by laughter. If she was a heroine
in an erotic romance novel, she'd be part of a ménage â trois. Sex with two
men? Lucas and Wade? At the same time? Just that thought made her feel like she
was drowning. Hell, no, she was doubtful she could even handle one of them.
I have to stop thinking!
But she couldn't. So she didn't.

The wispy mosquito net canopy over
her brass bed proved as intricate a web as her present predicament. Amanda
spent the next four days trying to extricate herself, to pinpoint her emotions
and true feelings.




"Hello? Amanda?" Masculine eyes
searched the dark, nearly empty store. The only visible occupants were a bottle
of champagne in an ice-filled silver bucket, two crystal glasses, a five-light
candelabrum, pink waxed candles twinkling under gentle flames, and an elegant
peacock fabric upholstered chaise longue wide enough for two.

"Amanda?" A deep voice
crackled slightly, a throat was cleared.

"Make sure the security gate is
locked, please." She inspected her mirror image one final time: hair
tousled, makeup soft and subdued, gleaming skin anointed with rare, fragrant
oils. Her only article of clothing was a scarlet toga dress. Its elegant,
one-shoulder drape was held by a delicate silver cord bow. Suddenly shy and
awkward, Amanda swallowed those feelings, banishing them to some nonexistent
world. Tonight was a night built for truth, honesty and - a healthy dash of
feminine wiles.

"I'm so glad you're here."
Her bare feet tiptoed across the plush carpet.

He cleared his throat, hazel eyes
blinking rapidly. "I…I thought I might have misunderstood your message,
gotten the wrong day, the wrong time." Lucas cleared his throat again,
mesmerized by the shimmering fantasy before him.

"I made sure I called the right
man with the right date and the right time." Her silky voice insinuated a
not so subtle message.

"Wade. He's not...I mean, is he
gone? I mean out of your life?"

"He was never really in my life.
He tantalized the perimeter for a while." Her hands moved invitingly up
his torso, fingers gently worked the buttons free on his gray striped sport
shirt to spread it open on his chest. "I must admit I was flattered by the
attention of two men. My vision was temporarily clouded and I couldn't see the
real issue."

His large hands gripped her slender wrists,
pressing her palms flat against his heated flesh. "What is the real issue,
Miss Wyatt?" His expression echoed the seriousness of his tone.

"The difference between love and
infatuation. I have been in love with you for years, Lucas Crosse. That's the
reason no man was ever quite good enough. He couldn't be. I had already found

"I'm not perfect."

"Who is?" She smiled at
him. "You're perfect for me, Lucas. You're kind, tender, supportive. You
let me be me. You don't try to make me conform or change. You never have. I
think I appreciate that most of all."

Amanda closed her eyes and took a
deep breath. "We've enjoyed a very intimate relationship. Lately, we've
both realized that mental and emotional intimacy is not quite enough. Physical
blending is needed to complete the triad." Diamond-bright eyes made
provocative envoys. Her body moved against his, issuing a silent, sinuous

"There's no turning back,"
Lucas warned, a hoarse edge to his voice. "I've been in love with you
since the beginning. I was too stubborn, too young and too stupid to admit it.
Maybe I just wasn't ready to believe I got lucky so fast. Maybe I wasn't sure
you'd believe it. Or feel the same." His fingers lifted her chin, he
lowered his head.

"Well, then…" Amanda looped
her arms around his neck, her lips placed delicate kisses on his jawline. She
inhaled the clean crisp scent of him. And discovered that lime aftershave and
male skin, his skin, made her more than weak in the knees. "I think it's
time for consummation."

A husky laugh escaped Lucas.
"Here? Mandy!" His voice lowered. "We're in a shopping mall, for
God's sake."

"Here, Lucas. We've shared
business, now pleasure. Champagne, candles, chaise built for two. No one can
peek, we're behind locked doors."

"I can hear feet!"

Amanda pulled his shirt off his
shoulders. "Pretty soon, you won't be hearing anything but my heart."
Her fingers fumbled with the silver buckle on his belt, and then boldly sought
the zipper of his trousers.

A small sigh of futility was issued.
Lucas removed his socks and shoes then kicked his pants aside. Amanda's fingers
sought the waistband of his navy briefs, rolling the elastic downward in
agonizing slowness. He added those to the pile of masculine clothes that
littered the carpet.

She couldn't wait to touch him. Her
hands flowed along the muscled cords of his shoulders, teasing an erotic path
through the forest of dark hair that matted his chest and moved ever lower. The
soft pads of her fingers delicately traced his erection, circling from the base
to the tip. Marveling at the quick-responding hardness.

He gave a low groan and took control.
With a gentle tug the toga slithered to the carpet, forming a silken pool. The
candles cast Amanda in an ethereal glow. His lips and tongue blazed a trail
along the sensitive cord of her neck before hungrily darting into her mouth.

Lucas' kisses proved more savage than
gentle, crushing willing lips, branding final ownership on her soft mouth. He
pressed her tightly against him. His palms mapped the curve of her spine before
resting in the little indents above her firm buttocks. His fingers pressing
hard into her ass.

His cock surged hard and full when
her fingers skittered down the side of his torso, before moving around his
back. His hand slid between her legs, one long finger slipping easily inside
her wet core.

Lucas guided her backward, letting
the wide chaise provide more comfortable support. They explored each other with
hands and fingers, mouths and tongues, creating currents of pleasure that wracked
their bodies.

"You are so perfect." Her
swelling breast filled his hand; his tongue and teeth teased and nibbled the
hardened peak. She moaned softly as his mouth moved lower, planting gentle kisses
down her stomach. The coarse hairs of his moustache tickled against her
sensitive inner thigh. His tongue probed deeper, finding and teasing her clit
until she thought she'd go insane.

Amanda pulled his head back to hers.
"I love you, Lucas."

Suddenly Lucas pulled free. He lifted
her hips, savoring each inch, as he entered her slowly. Deeply. Fully. Until
two became one. Her long legs wrapped around his waist. She savored his every
stroke as his thick cock filled her. His every thrust went deeper. Building a
symphony of pleasure. Her own body vibrated, synchronizing its movements with

Watching her face as he moved his
cock in and out of her body proved nerve shattering. She felt amazing. Tight.
Wet. Delicious. His lips latched onto a dark pink peak, the rigid nub tasted
salty from her sweat. Her low moans of pleasure made him suck harder, moving
from one nipple to the other with greedy urgency.

She wanted more of him. Lifting her
hips to meet his every thrust, she was rewarded when his cock grew bigger.
Harder. Fluttering, pulsating sensations were building out of control. In a
momentary standstill of time, every nerve ending exploded in an orgasmic spasm.
A sob escaped Amanda, and her teeth sank into Lucas' shoulder. He pulled her
tighter, the force of him growing faster until finally his body shuddered and
trembled under the eruption.

They were both breathless, hearts
pounding in mutual intensity. Lucas nuzzled her neck, placing a delicate kiss
against her ear. "I love you, Mandy. You've been there all my life. I
don't ever want that to change." His tongue outlined her lips. "You
need to get busy and design a wedding dress."

Her hands cradled his face,
"already sketched out. And once the store gets up and running, I was
thinking that the back alcove might be the perfect place for baby fashions. Our
baby can be a model."

"Only if it's a girl."

"Don't be silly, boys can be
models. You were a model."

His forehead pressed against hers.
"Is there no way to shut you up?"

Amanda's finger ruffled his mustache.
"I'm sure you can figure out a way."


The End No
The Beginning


Meet Elaine Raco Chase


I love reading.  And
that’s how I became a writer.  It started in high school with a serial for
the newspaper, then I moved on to writing radio/TV programs and advertising
copy.  I was sure short stories would be perfect for me, because I could
create the most vivid scenes in under 60 seconds! 

But – I found I needed more
time to write compelling characters and their stories – be it romances or
mystery/thriller and suspense novels.  Whatever genre I write, my stories
are funny, sarcastic, and loaded with fast-paced, bantering dialogue.  My
books feature confident, strong women – who have a wicked sense of humor and
aren’t really looking for a man – until the perfect one appears.

I have published eighteen
novels and non-fiction as well  – all of the novels hitting assorted
bestsellers lists – and have over 4 million books in print, in the US and 27
other countries and 17 languages.  It’s been fun!

Now, I’ve entered the world of
eBooks and am delighted to be acquiring new readers and renewing connections
with previous fans.  Most of my romances have been updated, but as one
reader wrote – “wow, they are just as fresh today as when they were first
written.”  That’s quite a compliment.  A few have remained as

I’ve always believed in love at
first sight.  Well…maybe not quite
but instant
attraction.  Why?  Because my dad told me he fell in love with my
mother while she was chasing her dog down the street!  I told him that was
impossible, he hadn’t even talked to her.  He just grinned and said,
“sometimes you just know.”  They were married for 57 years…and their lives
were full of love and laughter.  My husband claims he was ‘intrigued at
first sight…maybe with a bit of lust thrown in.”  Well we’ve been laughing
and loving for the last 43 years!

I also teach creative writing
at colleges as well as online classes.  I have some very talented students
that I know you’ll be reading quite soon.

Right now, I’d like to
introduce you to some sexy, funny excerpts that are even more fun when read
together – because love and laughter make perfect bedfellows!





Meet Kit Forrester and Rafe
Morgan in
Caught in a Trap
(coming soon)

When her first
vacation ever, sank like the Titanic her girlfriends didn't want to hear that.
So Kit gave them what they yearned for: a cruise to remember, twinkling stars
and romance under a full moon. Courtesy of a man she invented – Raphael Morgan.

There was just
one big – 6 foot 2 inch, 230 lb. - problem – he was real! And he was angry. She
had a lot of explaining to do. Luckily the full moon helped her in a few ways!


Caught in a
Trap by Elaine Raco Chase


A large hand settled on Kit's bare shoulder, turning her around.
"I'm afraid
party's over," Rafe's
deep voice commanded. "Do you have a car?"

She shook her head. "I came with Jeanne and
Nancy," nodding toward her
two friends, who had strayed back to the buffet table.

"I doubt they'll be surprised that you're leaving
with me. Go say your good-byes
and I'll meet you at
elevator," he ordered in a tone she instinctively knew would tolerate no

Kit was slightly chagrined by her companion's
and her employer's ready
acceptance of her early
Minutes later she was sliding into the
seat of an opulent silver Mercedes bearing the
license plate MORGAN-1. She gave Rafe the direc
tions to her apartment, trying to relax in the
conditioned comfort of the big

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