Beneath a Spring Moon (3 page)

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Authors: Elle Rush Nulli Para Ora Lynn Tyler Becca Jameson

BOOK: Beneath a Spring Moon
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What can I say to that? The man is dead on.

“Come on.” He took her hand again and pulled her toward the stairs. “Let’s walk. I promise not to abduct you. I just want to get to know you a bit, okay?” He turned back and lifted his eyebrows in question.

Tessa nodded. She bit her lower lip and tried to make her feet work in sync with each other. Forget talking. She just needed to relearn to walk. The rest would have to wait.

Tessa was not a tiny woman. She’d never been petite, but she felt dwarfed by Aaron. His warm hand embraced hers, swallowing her fingers.

When they reached the fence line, Aaron slowed to a stroll. They walked several yards, and then he stopped and leaned against the fence, turning to face Tessa head on.

“So, here’s what I know about you. You’re twenty-three next week, the oldest of a half dozen kids, you didn’t get to ride your horse this afternoon as planned, and the last thing you envisioned for today was meeting your mate.” Aaron grinned. “Tell me more.”

Tessa swallowed.
Tell him more?
She didn’t think she could speak. Especially in this close proximity. She was overwhelmed by his charm, his smile, the sparkle in his eyes, and his scent. A renewed flush burned her cheeks while she stared at him.

Aaron clasped her other hand and pulled her into the space between his legs. So intimate for someone she’d not even met before. And yet, she craved more. She wanted him to set those soft lips of his on hers and kiss her. Never had she been in a position like this before. She’d never been kissed, and that embarrassed her.
What twenty-three-year-old woman hasn’t been kissed?
Would he think her childish? “Okay. I’ll go first.”

Tessa stared at Aaron’s mouth as he spoke. “I’m the new local vet. Moved here from Idaho two weeks ago to take over Doctor Simon’s practice. I love animals of all kinds and advocate in their favor. I went to Idaho State University for undergrad and vet school. I read a lot, but mostly nonfiction related to animals. And you are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on, making me the luckiest man in the universe right now.”

Tessa broke her stance with those last words. She lifted her eyes to Aaron’s.

“Do you suppose anyone is watching?” Aaron glanced playfully from side to side. “Think your dad sent a brother or two to chaperone us and make sure I don’t take advantage?”

Aaron released Tessa’s hands to run his palms up her arms. When he reached her shoulders, he tugged her forward and set his forehead against hers. Their breath mingled. “Your turn.” Aaron tipped his head back and took a deep breath. She knew what he was doing because she needed the same relief—air not tainted by the other person.

He’s going to think you’re mute if you don’t say something soon
. Tessa straightened so she wasn’t leaning into Aaron. “How old are you?” She tucked her upper lip in and bit down. The question had leaked out unexpectedly. It was hardly what he’d asked of her.

“Thirty.” Aaron squeezed her shoulders. “Does that bother you?”

Tessa shook her head. It was only seven years. Not as bad as she’d expected. “My life has not been nearly as interesting as yours. I was born and raised here. Haven’t left the farm. I did graduate from Oregon State University, but that’s right in town. I lived at home while I went there. My degree is in animal science. I actually work fulltime here on the farm and draw a salary from my parents.

“And, you’re right—I had no interest in mating this young. I’ve only been out of school one year. I’ve always been on the shy side and hoped to … have more time. I like my … freedom. Some of my friends have mated and they seemed to just … disappear. I never see them anymore. I don’t want to be like that. I haven’t even dated.”

Aaron pulled her in against him and hugged her tight. His hand cradled the back of her head, and he urged her to lean on his shoulder. Her heart beat rapidly against his chest, as did his against hers. Tessa became overly aware of her breasts as they tightened and pebbled through the thin material of her blouse.

“Tessa, I think your idea of mating is skewed. I would never hold you back from anything you wanted to do. You will be my equal in this relationship—not someone I keep on a leash at home, barefoot and pregnant. I’m only a few years out of school myself. We can experience life together.” Aaron’s breath wafted across her neck on each exhale as he whispered the words.

Tessa leaned back and looked at Aaron askance. “I know several friends who have mated recently. It didn’t appear to happen quite that way for any of them.” She lowered her voice, and Aaron had to strain to hear her next words. “One minute they were here, the next they were swept away into a different world. I’m quite fond of the world I live in. This farm,” she glanced all around, “it’s who I am. I love it here. I’m very close to my family. I don’t want to … disappear.”

She spoke those thoughts, but they didn’t sound quite as reasonable now. Nothing about Aaron made her feel stifled or pressured. Had she misinterpreted things when her friends had met mates? Perhaps the women had gone into their claimings with more willingness than she’d believed.

She relaxed against him and let him caress her back and neck with both hands. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. If she could just convince him to take things slow… Let her mind catch up with reality.

As if he’d read her mind, he continued. “I don’t think we can deny the inevitable, but we’ll move at whatever pace you need. I will not push you or rush you in any way. Okay? I’m not going to rob you of the relationship you have with your family. I promise.”

That was unexpected. And he sounded so sincere. The last thing she wanted was to be swept away from everything she’d ever known, right here, right now. Perhaps he wouldn’t turn out to be some jackass who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Every time one of her friends or cousins met a mate, they practically ran to bed together and didn’t resurface for days on end. The idea suffocated her when she pondered the same happening to herself.

Tessa leveled her gaze on Aaron’s. His deep blue eyes melted her resolve. If he hadn’t been holding her up, she’d have collapsed on the ground, her jelly legs unable to support her weight.

Instead, with no warning at all, either to herself or Aaron, Tessa leaned the short distance between them and kissed
. She couldn’t stop herself. She wanted to taste him more than she wanted her next breath.

Aaron let her take the lead. Bless him. Tessa kept the kiss safe and short, and then drew back a few inches to catch her breath. She gasped at her boldness and breathed as deeply as if she’d just been on a run.

“I should go … inside,” she muttered. Tessa kept her gaze low, staring at the wide expanse of rock-hard chest between them.

“I’ll walk you to the door.” Taking her hand once more, Aaron led her back to the house without argument.

Damn. The man was growing on her. What had she been thinking kissing him like that? Maybe her girlfriends and cousins hadn’t actually been swept away by their mates, but perhaps it had been the other way around? God. The idea was reinforced by the fact she couldn’t get that brief kiss out of her mind. She wanted more. She wanted him to press against her again, harder this time, and claim her mouth more thoroughly with his own. Hell, moisture pooled between her legs, making her want to rub against his thigh.

If she could just get away from him as fast as possible, she could go to her room, lock the door, and rub the aching spot herself.

Tessa had demanded Aaron take things slow. Now she wanted to slap herself. Could he see she was sweating from need? Again, her face heated, and she hoped he didn’t notice. Thank goodness the evening air was cool against her skin.

When they reached the front steps, Aaron deliberately turned her around and settled her against one of the posts. He surrounded her by placing his hands on the railing on either side of her arms. “Can I see you tomorrow?”

Tessa nodded.

“I need to visit some clients in the morning, but I’ll pick you up afterward, say about two? And we can go into town. Dinner? Spend some time together.”

Tessa nodded again, tucking her top lip into her mouth to nestle between her teeth. She had to stop breathing his air unless she wanted to make a complete spectacle of herself. She prayed none of her brothers were paying any attention. They’d razz her mercilessly if they caught wind of this situation.

“Maybe tomorrow you can use a few more complete sentences?” he teased. And then he added another question without pausing. “May I kiss you again?”


This time Aaron controlled the kiss, angling his head and deepening the intensity until he licked the seam of her lips. Tessa shivered and opened her mouth to him. She gripped his biceps with both hands as he entered her mouth and explored. Her tongue danced with his, tasting the mixture of chocolate cake and coffee he’d eaten for dessert.

They remained locked together. She clutched him tight, and eventually she became aware of his hips pressing into her, his erection resting against her belly.

Part of her brain leaped to attention. A low moan escaped her lips.
God—that was me
. Her eyes flew wide, and she found Aaron looking at her with an intensity she’d never known. He broke the kiss, licked his lips, and smiled at her. “Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, the man sauntered toward his truck without looking back.

Chapter 4

Aaron awoke early the next morning, long before the sun.
was actually a strong word—he had never been asleep to begin with.

The sooner he got through the day, the sooner he could head back out to the Masters’ farm and get Tessa back in his arms.

It had taken a Herculean effort to walk away from her last night. He hadn’t been able to keep from kissing her senseless before he left. He’d felt her hesitancy and knew she’d never been kissed before.

He sincerely hoped adding that second kiss, more forceful and intense than the first, had left her squirming. That had been his goal.

If he played his cards right and took his time, Tessa was bound to come around sooner than if he pressed the issue. The woman needed to feel like she was making decisions where Aaron was concerned. She was skittish about mating, her impression of the claiming process mistakenly clouded by visions of men dominating unwilling women into submission. The notion was absurd, but somehow Tessa didn’t seem to realize she was going to want this as badly as Aaron did. She would not be led into sex unwillingly. Her body would crave the claiming as strongly as his.

Tessa Masters may have been naïve, but she was a strong, educated woman. She would be his equal, not someone he stripped of her identity and left at home tending to a slew of children. Now all he had to do was convince her.

Sure, his dick ached with the need to claim her in every way imaginable. He longed to press her into the mattress and make her writhe beneath him, moaning with need. The thought alone made him adjust himself on the way to the shower. He could be a bit dominant, but only in the bedroom. And only for her enjoyment. To push her limits until she succumbed to multiple orgasms. He had no intention whatsoever of imposing coercion outside their bedroom.

In fact, he looked forward to having someone to share with. Talk to. Laugh with.

Aaron stripped and climbed into the shower—warmer than he probably needed. Cold would be more appropriate.

Aaron took his length in his hand and permitted himself to relax into his own grasp. Maybe he could concentrate for the morning if he took the edge off—again—to the image of his sexy mate’s mouth wrapped around his cock.

Leaning against the cool tile of his shower, Aaron moaned as he let his hand slide up and down his length and over the tip. It took only a few passes before he came against the shower wall on a long groan.

God help him. It was going to be a long day.


Tessa parted the curtains and glanced out the front window for the tenth time that afternoon. She wrung her hands, and then smoothed her hair back from her face. Lucky for her, her brothers were all scarce this afternoon. Michael was at school. The others were all off on the farm under the supervision of her father.

Bless her dad for keeping this mating situation under wraps for a while. She wasn’t looking forward to the ribbing she would get from her brothers.

Her mother walked by on some imaginary household mission. The woman had been hovering. “He’ll be here.”

Tessa flushed. Was she that obvious? Had her mother felt the same way when she and her father met?

The crunch of gravel under tires. She held her breath as the black truck parked in front of the house. She wiped her palms on her skirt.

Aaron stepped down from the truck and rounded the hood. His tall, lean frame took her breath away. Worn jeans molded to his thighs and hung low on his hips. A black T-shirt hugged his chest and showed off firm pecs that would make any woman drool. Today he wasn’t wearing a cowboy hat, and his blond, wavy hair hung loose across his forehead making him look younger than his thirty years.

“Are you going to get the door, or shall I?”

Tessa turned around and let go of the curtain. She released a long breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “I will, I guess.” Tessa took the few steps to the front door and opened it just before Aaron reached the top step of the porch.

“Hi.” The man’s smile was even more mesmerizing than she remembered. He melted another piece of her just by looking at her with those deep blue eyes.

“Hi, yourself.” Tessa stepped outside, pulled the door closed, and leaned against the wood. She didn’t really want to deal with entertaining the man in front of anyone. She wanted to get away from the house as soon as possible, before one of her brothers wandered by. There’d be no way to keep this crazy situation under wraps if one of the boys saw the good doctor returning again today. News would spread like the spring pollen blowing in the wind, and the razzing would commence.

“Ready? Do you need anything?” Aaron motioned to the house.

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