Read Beloved Monster Online

Authors: Karyn Gerrard

Beloved Monster (15 page)

BOOK: Beloved Monster
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While seeing to her chores, she relived what happened in the bathing room, from his molten touch, her heightened arousal from it, to the smashing of the mirror. Also the fact she witnessed his susceptibility concerning his appearance, which under the circumstances of his reanimation--touched her deeply. In his haunted gaze she observed the beginning of acceptance for how he looked now and also seen the weary resignation. Regardless, she wanted to prove to him she
attracted to him. But how to go about it?

Later that night, Glenna sat at her vanity table and stared at her reflection. Her hair hung loose about her shoulders instead of in a tight braid. She’d taken great pains with her appearance, even adding a little rouge to her cheeks and picking out a nightdress containing sheer material.

Sighing, her gaze slid to the vase of wildflowers sitting nearby. Glenna smiled. How thoughtful. No man had ever given her flowers before, and the romantic gesture made her heart soar with emotion. Apparently his feelings for her were heading in the same direction as hers. Attraction. Desire. Damn the complications, all she wanted was to revel in these thrilling sensations. A chilling thought tore through her. Was she trying to recreate her fantasy of Ravenswood? Frowning, she picked up the hairbrush and ran it through her locks. No. Not at all. She believed from the beginning they were not the same man. She believed it now. Despite her past actions, she was not some flighty woman who did not know her own mind.

The cold hard truth was she had been attracted to Ravenswood for his looks and the sensual aura that seemed to follow him wherever he went. His calculated seduction lay false at its core. He had wanted her physically, nothing else. Luke was none of those things. Setting the brush on the vanity, she stared at her reflection again. His vulnerability touched her as did his sensitive, artistic nature. The innate kindness and tenderness only added to his appeal. Though he possessed the virile, masculine body of Ravenswood, it was all they had in common. Though that alone was not the reason she wanted to explore this further.

During their nightly visits, she had snuggled beneath the covers as they conversed. Tonight, she would greet him at the door. Giving her hair a toss--the hair he washed--Glenna decided she would encourage Luke into more than a kiss, an embrace, or a heated touch. But what, exactly? She had no vast carnal experience on which to draw. Making a quick visit to Susan’s home to pump her for information would be somewhat suspect. Instead, she sent word to her dear friend that she was not feeling well and would have to forgo their visit this week. Again, more lies. Instead, she would have to go on instinct and hope Luke could recollect something about seduction.

The door handle rattled, and Glenna jumped to her feet. Luke entered, carrying a mug of tea. He softly closed the door behind him. Wearing those black trousers she liked, along with a white shirt and the black waistcoat, Luke looked entirely handsome. Giving her a slight smile, he caught her gaze. In anticipating his arrival, she built up the fire tonight and left the oil lamp burning by her bed. The room was awash in a soft, golden glow.

Luke made a study of her; the reflection from the flame in the fireplace on the opposite wall danced in his multi-colored eyes. Her figure must be visible from the subdued lighting. Yes, she had planned it thus. Taking a few steps toward him, she stopped, allowing him to undress her with his eyes. And he did. Most thoroughly. The thrill of his desirous look curled its way up her spine.

Glenna reached for the mug and took it from his slightly trembling right hand, then placed it on the fireplace mantel. Standing before him, she laid her palms flat against his shirt. Luke inhaled sharply. He didn’t move or speak, and allowed her to unbutton the garment with slow deliberation. Keeping her gaze fixed on his, she trailed her hands across his bare chest. Cool to the touch, but not entirely unpleasant. One step closer and she nuzzled his neck. The masculine scent of sandalwood soap filled her nostrils, proving he also took pains to look his best tonight, just for her.

Another step and she threw her arms about him, pulling in tight against the rock-solid length of his body.
His erection throbbed against her stomach in time with his heartbeat. If ever there was more proof Luke was alive. He stood stock-still, then groaned as he gripped her rear and pulled her in tighter, her breasts crushing against his chest. Yes.

Melting into his embrace, she savored the feeling of being wrapped protectively in his arms. Then Glenna pulled away, swung him around, and backed him against the wall by her bed. Luke allowed it, or she would not have been able to shift him. The muscles in his arms bunched and flexed with his every movement. The latent strength was obvious, but kept under tight control. Instinctively she knew he would not harm her. Ever.

Giving him a brief--and she hoped--sultry smile, she explored his body, slipping his waistcoat and shirt off his shoulders until they hung from his elbows
. Ah. Sculpted in marble.
But she knew that from seeing him in the laboratory. Amazing, all the cuts and burns had completely healed, except for one or two abrasions from the carriage accident. How odd. Bands of muscle pulled taut as she trailed her fingers across his flat stomach. Moving upward, she brushed by his nipples, and he moaned softly in response. Leaning in, she darted out her tongue and licked them both, back and forth until they stood erect and Luke panted with desire.

“Glenna. We should not….” he rasped.

“Yes, Luke. We should. I want to touch you, taste you--” Her words were cut off by a devastating kiss. Again, she was amazed at the disparity between his cool skin and blazing hot mouth. The kiss grew more frantic, and his lips trailed across her jawline and down her neck.

He tunneled his hands through her hair, gripping fistfuls of it as he angled her head for a more probing, exploratory kiss. “Oh, God. How I want you. I do not deserve it, any of it. Especially after my piteous reaction the other night--but I want it all. I want everything. I want your hot, delicate hand to grasp my cock; I want you to stroke me. I want to lay you naked on the bed, kiss and touch every inch of your skin, then thrust into you until we both scream. I…I…Devil’s hell.” He pushed her away. His chest heaved as if he could not catch his breath. She took a step toward him, but he thrust out his hand, stopping her in her tracks. “Stay there. Do not come near me.”

* * * *

Glenna gave him a puzzled look. It took all his inner strength not to rip the sheer gown from her body, bend her over the bed, and take her like an animal. The depth and strength of his ardor alarmed him. But he was not ordinary, and this yet another bit of salient proof to hammer the point home. He shouldn’t have put voice to his lust, yet Glenna did not seemed alarmed by his earthy, erotic confession. In his new incarnation, it appeared he possessed an overactive libido. Well, he knew that, considering his dream and other lascivious thoughts. A libido he must learn to control--and quickly. Luke inhaled, held it, then gradually exhaled, hoping it would slow the beat of his heart and the throbbing of his shaft.

Glenna took a step toward him until her chest met his outstretched hand. “Luke. I am not terrified by your passion. Far from it.”

“You should be. You should run far away and not come near me again,” he said. “If you knew… How can I make you understand?”

“Tell me what you are feeling,” she whispered, the tone of her voice soft and sensual.

“What I feel,” he snorted derisively. “I am not in command of any of it. I’m worried I will hurt you. If I lose control and let my lust fly free, I could inflict serious injury to you. And that I could not live with.”

Glenna took another step closer. “Do you care for me?”

“Yes. How could I not? Your lovely face was the first I saw when I awoke. I thought I had died and gone to heaven and an exquisite and beautiful angel greeted me. You have shown me patience and compassion. Even though I believe you are not telling me everything….” She bit her lower lip, confirming his statement. “I trust you only wish me well. I believe you care what happens to me. And beyond all reason, you are attracted to me. That I find the hardest to accept.”

“It is true, everything you said. I especially wish for your well being. Listen to me, Luke. You are completely separate and different from the person you were before. Do not ask me how I know, but I do. I’ve never felt such a connection to another. You are kind, honorable, and you are a loving, creative man with a sensitive soul. Yet, you possess great strength, and I think if anyone crossed you, they would be sorry for it.”

A soul? Him? He wanted desperately to believe it. Could it be true? If he felt things this deeply, perhaps a decided accuracy lay in what Glenna said.

Giving him a sultry smile, she laid her hand flat against his heart. Her touch seared his skin, causing hot blood to rush to his cock, hardening it further. “I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I care for you. I am attracted to you.” She met his gaze, and he could see the truth in her eyes. His heart leapt with joy. Glenna continued, “I know next to nothing about what happens between a man and a woman, but whenever you are near, my heart thunders and I grow wet.” He could not keep the husky rumble from leaving his throat at her revealing and honest statement. “Why don’t we take things slow? Explore. Touch. Relish the sensations.”

Considering he was lost in a lust-filled haze, Luke realized she did not deny the fact she kept important information from him.
Interesting. And still I want her.
For the past couple days he avoided any mention of her complicity in the lies he’d been told. Why? Too consumed with her. He still was. Suddenly, images passed through his mind, as if someone were flipping erotic postcards. The flickers showed a man and a woman engaged in various sex acts and in varied positions, but he could not tell if the man in the images was him. Just like his dream. Yes, he knew what do. But should he follow through on this knowledge?

“Yes. Unhurried. What do you suggest?” He tried to sound calm and reasoned, but his voice shook with emotion nonetheless. Already he understood his feelings moved far beyond mere lust.

“Stay right there leaning against the wall, and let me touch you.” With a swift swipe of her hand, she brushed her fingers across his stomach to the fall of his trousers. Luke drew a sharp breath and held it as she tunneled her hand beneath the fabric. He was hard and aching, it would not take much for him to spend.

“Perhaps we should extinguish some of the lighting,” he suggested as her hand explored him.

“Whatever for?”

Luke cleared his throat. “In the dark you would not have to look at me. At my face.” Damn his vulnerability, he heard it in his voice.

Glenna met his worried gaze. “But I want to see. Everything. All of you. It is the reason I lit the lamps. You want to see me, do you not?”

“Oh, God. Yes.” Now was not the time to explain he could see her even in the darkness.

“Then the lights stay lit.” She gave him a sensual smile. “So soft, yet such strength. Hard. What did you tell me? Grasp your cock? Like this?” She gripped him tight and pulled his erection from the confines of his trousers
. Minx. Sweet wanton woman.
“And stroke? Show me, Luke.”

With a shaky exhale, he laid his right hand on top of hers. She was not horrified to be touching him, in fact her eyes burned with desire. He lowered their hands, until the purple head of his prick poked through the top of his foreskin. In a rapid motion, he moved back up, then down again. “Like that, make me come.”

Pulling his hand away, he leaned back, his mouth going dry. With each hurried stroke, the pressure built. His breathing grew more ragged as he fought to keep the loud moans from escaping his throat. This was better than any dream. Better than any fantasy. Better than giving himself pleasure. How he wanted to cry out, urge her on, but they could be found out. The last thing they needed was Reed discovering their late-night rendezvous. Instead, he closed his eyes and let wave after wave of desire wash over him.

Luke’s heart was ready to explode. Instead, he came with such intensity his knees buckled and it took all he had to remain upright. He bit his lower lip, drawing blood. Clasping his hand over hers, he kept it there while he shuddered and shook. His seed was hot, almost burning against his cool skin. At last, his breathing and heartbeat slowed to a more normal rhythm.

“Oh, my,” Glenna said, awe in her voice.

“I need something to clean up,” he whispered, his voice still husky.

“Of course.” She hurried to the water basin in the corner and brought back a damp cloth. He tried to attend to the task, but his hands shook.

“Let me.” She smiled. He watched as Glenna methodically wiped away his semen from their hands and finally, his still semi-erect cock.

“You see? I am a beast. Still aroused,” he stated.

Glenna glanced up at him, and her sensual smile grew broader. “I do not mind. Not at all.” After she finished, he tucked himself away, buttoned his trousers, and headed toward the chair. “No. Sit here next to me, Luke.” She reached for the mug of tea from the mantel, then sat upright on the bed, patting the mattress next to her.

After pulling the shirt and waistcoat back across his shoulders--though he left them unbuttoned--he settled on the bed next to her. Leaning toward him, she offered the mug, and he took a drink and handed it back. Sharing the tea spoke of the deeper intimacy that had grown between them tonight. “And what of you? Do you wish me to bring you to a peak as you did me?” Luke asked, giving her a hopeful and teasing smile.

“Tomorrow night. Slow, as we agreed. Taking our time.”

“You know where this is leading. You know what will happen if we continue down this path,” he murmured.

Glenna sipped her tea, her lovely mouth curling in a satisfied smile. “I am counting on it.”

When all was said and done, he had every intention of leaving this place as soon as he was given the answers needed. Could he leave Glenna behind? Would she even consider coming with him? Where could they go? More questions with no immediate responses. The scheme too daft to consider.

BOOK: Beloved Monster
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