Belonging Part III (3 page)

Read Belonging Part III Online

Authors: J. S. Wilder

Tags: #mystery, #billionaire, #new adult, #suspense, #thriller, #alpha male, #interracial

BOOK: Belonging Part III
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I move closer to him on the sofa like I did so many years ago. Betty huffs and then leaves us in the library. It’s clear that Roy and I only have one thing on our mind. Now, I feel partially intoxicated, not having eaten and having a few shots of scotch in the limo and in the library has gone to my head.

In turn, we leave the library and Roy shouts out to Betty, who has proceeded into the corridor, “See you tomorrow.”

She turns around and says, “But, it’s only twelve.”

I glance at my watch as he leads me like a caveman into his grotto. “She’s right it’s only twelve. What are we going to do all day?”

He stops and whispers, “Something we should have done a long time ago.”

I shiver at what that could be, there are a number of things. All the thoughts and worries about being thrown out earlier are launched out the window. I have the biggest grin on my face and scream with excitement like a little kid as he takes my hand. He turns and returns my smile as we lead down to the basement.

What’s he thinking? I’ve been down there before. What’s new?

He had mentioned it before and I never thought he was serious until we reached his bathroom. There it is, his circle bath, completely full of bubbles and steaming water. When did he plan all this?

He starts to strip me as if for the first time. I act completely innocent watching his face as he lifts my top. He does it so delicately and sensually. I enjoy his little smiles as he curls his lips and takes of my bra. I lift my legs while he unbuttons my jeans. I say nothing as he tugs them down and throws them to the side as if they’re a pile of rubbish, an intrusion that irritates him. Then as he stands back up, he sighs while he takes in the sight of my naked body. His eyes remain focused on my body as he removes his clothes in what feels like a millisecond. He drops them on the tiled floor with no hesitation.

Gently he holds my hand, like a dancing partner ready to take me onto the dance floor. As I step into the bath he places me sitting down on one side and moves to the other side of the bath never taking his eyes from mine. The bath’s so deep, it’s almost the same size as a private Jacuzzi at the gym.

I glide towards him with my elbows resting on his shoulders and my fingers running through his hair. He holds onto me and smiles.

“That’s nice?” he asks while he smirks then I kiss him gently on his lips. I need the comfort that he’s giving me. I desire someone to want me and even if it’s not real to him, it’s so real to me. I’ve been thrown out of my family home because they thought that they’d get no money out of me.

That was all I ever was to my mum. I believed that she missed me, but she just wanted the money she could get out of me. First, she wanted my dad back and used me to get to him, now it was money. What next?

Why do people have children? If they have no intention of caring for them.

From day one, she’s treated me like a bad smell. I don’t get it. She lost her job and had nowhere to stay. So my question is how come, if she was getting money from him all along? It doesn’t make sense to me.

“So, when you said to my grandma that we were together and I wasn’t returning—”

“Shhh,” he places his finger to my lips then he reaches out to the side and takes a sponge. He uses the sponge to clean around my breasts keeping his eyes on mine. He’s bathing me, cleansing my troubles away and I close my eyes and let him. He releases some of the water and my breasts ease and relax as the water drips down them. He changes position and I sit on the bench at the edge of the bath. He kneels in front of me and opens my legs and then he moves the sponge gently over my exposed body.

He starts circling the sponge across my neck, whilst giving extra care and attention as I tilt my head from side-to-side. I keep my eyes closed. If I open them then I’ll be tempted to kiss him or for him to put his length inside of me. No, I want to enjoy this moment. No man has ever bathed me. No man has even tried. He moves the sponge between my legs whilst gently caressing my pussy making sure not to deeply penetrate it, but just brushing it with the strands.

I groan as my wetness takes over, my pussy starts to throb harder while he moves gently in and out of me. Then, he stands up and glides it around my leg until he gets to my foot. As he holds onto my foot, he rubs the back of the sole of my foot and sucks on my big toe. He bites it lightly and I frown and open my eyes and he whispers, “Relax.”

With his soft but demanding tone, I forget all of my worries. I relax my head back and release my hair with my arms hanging down to the side and I let him guide my sexual thoughts and movements. I let him continue to bathe my naked body and I love it.

“Better?” he asks while he continues to lift my legs simultaneously brushing the sponge against them, making my pussy walls scream for him to push his length against them. He holds both of my legs and I wrap my arms around his neck. I know where we’re going and I can feel his cock in between them getting more erect by the second as he’s moving up and down teasing me.

“Put it in,” I demand with confidence. He’s changed this innocent virgin from Tulse Hill into a sex fiend and he knows it.

Is it him or the way he pleases me?

He moves away and says, “Come.”

Holding on to my hand, he leads me to the walk-in shower at the corner of the bathroom. We’re both dripping with bubbles covering most of our bodies and making a complete mess. I try and make sure I don’t slip, not only do I not have my contacts in, but my legs feel weak after the sensations he’s been giving me for the last few minutes.

As we enter, he puts the water on lukewarm and it sprinkles all over our bodies. I lift my arms and flick my hair to the back of me. It forms a line to the arch of my back. He presses my back into the glass wall and then lifts me up. I’m elevated against the wall with only one thing left for him to do. He pushes his length inside me with one long slide.

No caution.

No warning.

He just thrusts himself inside of me. His big, fat cock enters me and my pussy walls cover it like their all prayers have been answered.

I yell out, “Yes, Yes, Yes!” Water is running down my throat. My nipples are crushed against his chest, and my sex is crying out for him to fuck me. Shit, this man knows how to fuck a girl. I welcome it with open arms.

“That’s my girl. You feel that?”

I hold on to his shoulders and don’t respond. I pant as he thrusts into me harder. My nipples turn into pebbles as the water bursts over my body removing the sweat from our intensity. Every thrust feels like a release of his frustration. Every dig in his back is the depth of my anxiety. Every scream for him giving me the fuck of a lifetime. I hold on to him for dear life as he pushes my back harder against the glass wall.

I can’t believe that he’s making me feel this way. The sensations running through me are driving me mad. He cries out in ecstasy as I dig harder into his back.

“I want you to want me,” he says as he withdraws his dick and I slump down after I climax so hard around him. I’m still shaking like a withering leaf in the wind and my legs drop like jelly. My cunt walls cry like an injured child as he looks me in the eye and I try to focus with the water splattering all over my hair and my balance in his control.

Is the great and powerful Roy Sparks, succumbing to actually feeling for me?

“I want you to want me,” he chants again forcefully as his length decreases after jetting his cum inside me. I want to deny him the pleasure, so I avoid looking into his eyes, but wipe the water splattering into my eyes.

You’re up to your old tricks! I know what you really want.

We stand next to each other like two lost souls. He’s demanding me to look him in the eyes. Feeling defective about my lack of response and trying to figure out what’s going on inside my head, he moves my hand and then he turns my head toward him. He’s ignoring the water which is separating us and I can’t resist any longer and I say what is actually going on inside my brain.

“I want you,” I reply shakily and almost whispering as I surrender to him. His cock reacts to my words like a magnet because it’s erect and shoots up back inside of me with force. This time, he wants to hurt me. He’s more vigorous and with his tongue moving fervently in my mouth. I hold on to his head as if for dear life and with the same urgency. I need him to love me. I don’t want to be used. Please Roy, don’t let this be a trick, I scream inside my mind

“I fucking want you,” I scream out even louder, through the glass walls. I feel the shake with him pounding in and out of me like a basketball on a court. In and out it rubs against my cunt walls as I shout it louder each and every time he penetrates me.

“I. Fucking. Want. You!”

He cries out as I dig harder into his back, but not as much as the desire for him to finish. He needs to make me finish. I’m so close to the edge.

He grunts so loudly while his movements are faster and I know him well,
he’s about to cum
.  He then pushes the button to turn off the water.

Panting and exhausted from our episode in the shower, he asks, “Did you mean it?”

I nod and then gently press my lips against his. “I mean every word.”

He carries me to the bed with water dripping down our bodies. His limp dick bounces up and down against my pussy. He delicately places me on the bed and then he goes back to the bathroom and he gets towels, and with the same gentleness he dries my hair. I admire his softness and smile as he moves on and dries rest of my body.

I’m unable to speak while he dries himself and then pulls back the covers for us to crawl inside. I lay on top of him, with his arms wrapped around me. I squeeze him so tight and he kisses the top of my head and says, “Deborah Withers, just remember you’re mine. No one else’s but mine.”

Chapter Five

e’re woken by a rude awakening which turns out to be Betty thumping on our door like her life depends on it. Roy crawls slowly out of bed and grabs a robe. He answers the door and all I can hear are whispers. Then he shuts the door and comes over to me.

“You haven’t eaten all day.” I nod. I feel weak and it’s true I haven’t eaten all day. “It’s three. Get dressed, let’s eat.”

I don’t have the strength to argue. My stomach says it all for me when it grumbles loudly and we laugh while he kisses my forehead. I sit up on the bed and watch him get ready for a brief moment and say, “Mr Sparks if you keep kissing me like that then people will talk.”

I go to the wardrobe which has all my clothes already set-up in there.

Looks like he really has moved me in.

I put on my green summer dress and knickers quickly. I rush into the bathroom to get a brush to tidy my hair.

When he shouts back, “Let them talk. See you upstairs.” I hear his words and before I can respond, I feel a change. Maybe it’s my imagination, but Roy was showing me something he never did before and I liked it... love.

I am just about to respond when I move back into the room and he has already left. That was quick. I take in my surroundings once more. The large airy room feels like something I could definitely get used to. I shut the door and make my way up the stairs.


s I open the dining room door I hear them having a heated discussion. I wish I’d eavesdropped on the conversation before opening the door. I sigh as I think how childish that would be and should just come out straight and ask what the issue is.

As I sit down. Betty straightens out her dress and I stare in Roy’s direction.

“You look pretty in that dress, definitely brings out the colour in your eyes.”

I smile. Mmm... compliments too?

“Why, thank you.” I smile as Carla brings out my soup. I’ve never been a fan of soup, but I can't control my hunger and I dive straight in. I ignore the small talk buzzing around my ears as I drink the soup from my spoon and in between that dip my bread. Gosh, it tastes good. She should have brought the baguette over to the table and that’s exactly what I demand of her as soon as my bowl’s dry.

“All that sex, makes you hungry!” Betty blurts out with a smile on her face.

“So it does,” Roy and I reply in unison. We laugh and he asks Carla to bring a baguette for him too. We look at each other with love in our eyes and all the signs are there that things are changing between us.

We sit in silence as we wait for Carla to bring our main course and then she leaves.

“I told Betty that you aren’t going to do it,” Roy says in between mouthfuls.

“Did I say that?” I question and he stops eating as if he’s shocked by my response.

“So, what are you saying?” Betty asks, intrigued by the change in my tone.

“You wanted me to find your secrets. After I do then I want to be left in peace.”

No one speaks. Roy just has his mouth wide open, staring at me with disappointment in his eyes. “You would sleep with him to find out the secrets, but—”

“No, Roy I never said that.”

“Ah!” exclaims Betty. “This girl’s smarter than I thought. She thinks with her brains and not her dick.”

“That’s because, I don’t have a dick.”

Roy sniggers relieved that I’m not going to be sleeping with anyone but him.

“No, we need to fix you up, Deborah Withers. Make you a proper lady.”

“She’s fine the way she is,” Roy replies like a lovesick teenager.

I gaze at him and wonder if this is some sort of trick, until he says, “I’m not comfortable with this.”

“I am,” sighs Betty.

“I am,” I confirm and I can see the tension in his shoulders, which means he’s not happy with it at all. We need to talk as the realisation of why they were having a heated discussion, dawns on me. The miserable Betty I encountered when I came into the room has now been replaced with an excited version of her. She starts talking about her plans and her excitement about me joining their team.

Can I trust them? Are they really showing their true feelings now?

I tuck into my beef casserole and chocolate cake desert with everything circulating in my mind. Betty starts to drink too much white wine as we eat and before I know it she’s light headed and ready to leave the table. She is singing and dancing by the time she leaves the room. She blows kisses in the air as she closes the door and makes her exit. I’m too busy laughing at her behaviour. Her deep voice turns high-pitched the more she drinks and she’s a bit too open about her desires for Henry.

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