Believer: My Forty Years in Politics (69 page)

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Del Cecato, John, 167, 199, 228, 263

Demers, Jim, 288

Democratic National Convention:

(1968), 20, 22, 24, 28, 33, 107, 322, 480

(1984), 64–65, 160

(1996), 107

(2004), 155–60, 443

(2008), 300–302

(2012), 460–62

Democratic state convention, Florida (2005), 171–72

Des Moines Register,
218, 240, 246–47

Despres, Leon M., 31, 32, 34

Dillard, Kirk, 228

Dixon, Alan, 101–4

Doak, David, 75, 79, 83, 104

Dodd, Chris, 182, 241, 250

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010), 365–68, 420

Dole, Robert, 109

Donilon, Tom, 309

Donovan, John, 48

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, 350, 428, 430, 483

Dornfeld, A. A., 40

Douglas, Paul, 32

Dowd, Maureen, 294

Doyle, Patti Solis, 288

DREAM Act, 428, 430, 446, 457

Dukakis, Michael, 425, 453

Dunn, Anita, 278

Durbin, Dick, 159, 168, 180–81, 212, 328

Edgar, Jim, 160

Edley, Chris, 225

education reform, 372

Edwards, Elizabeth, 149–53, 264

Edwards, John:

and Florida convention, 172

and health care reform, 222

as potential candidate and client, 148–53, 154, 197, 201, 206, 246

and presidential primaries (2008), 182, 183–84, 192, 197, 226, 231, 232, 237, 241, 245, 246, 248, 250, 256–57

and war in Iraq, 152

Egypt, Obama’s travel to, 405–9

Emanuel, Rahm, 165

and Afghanistan, 394–95

background of, 125

and Chicago mayoralty race, 423, 430

as chief of staff, 325, 328–29, 331–32, 343, 344–46, 356, 385

and Clinton, 96, 109, 125–27

and congressional race, 125, 126–27

and DCCC, 178–79, 180

and financial crisis, 334, 353–54, 358–59

and health care, 371, 374–75, 376, 377, 381–82, 384, 385–86

and inauguration, 338–39

and midterm elections (2006), 189; (2010), 421, 422

and oil spill, 418

and Simon’s Senate campaign, 62–63

Epton, Bernard, 57, 78

Eskew, Carter, 66, 67

Europe, debt crisis in, 416

Evans, Lane, 322

Fairchild, Mark, 77

Fairey, Shepard, 316

Falwell, Jerry, 197

Favreau, Jon “Favs”:

and Clinton’s convention speech, 461

and debate script, 468

and Election Day speech, 281, 283

and Florida speech, 172

and JJ speech, 236, 237

as Kerry’s speechwriter, 158, 166

and New Hampshire primary, 253

and Obama’s acceptance speech, 300, 302

and Obama’s formal announcement, 209

as Obama speechwriter, 166

and Obama’s speech on race, 272–73

and Obama’s speech to Congress on the economy, 441

and Wordsmiths, 346–47

Federal Reserve, 309, 332, 333, 368

Feinstein, Dianne, 287

Ferrer, Fernando, 93–94, 167

Field, Marshall III, 15

financial crisis (2008–2009), 307–12, 332–35, 351–61

and AIG, 309, 359–60

and auto industry, 361–64

and banking crisis, 356–60, 365–66

and debates, 309–12

and Dodd-Frank reform act, 365–68, 420

and federal bailouts, 309–10, 312, 316, 352, 359–60, 363, 365–66

and Federal Reserve, 309, 332, 333

and global recession, 403, 416

and Lehman failure, 307–8, 312, 313

and lending, 360–61

lingering effects of, 416

and McCain, 308–9, 310–11, 312

and midterm election, 327

and mortgages, 316, 366

and Obama’s reelection, 449

and other programs, 377

and recovery, 364–66, 451, 483–84

and stimulus plan, 334–35, 337, 345, 353–55;
see also
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

and Summers, 309, 331–32, 333, 334, 356–60, 366, 368

and system meltdown, 308, 311, 316, 324, 333

and “too big to fail,” 365

and transition period, 330, 332

and Volcker Rule, 368

Wall Street excesses, 443

Finkelstein, Jerry, 22

Fitzgerald, Peter, 123, 135, 136

Fitzsimmons, Frank, 41

Florida, 282

Florida state Democratic convention (2005), 171–72

Forbes, George, 91, 92

Ford, Gerald R., 25

Founding Fathers, 382

Fournier, Ron, 258

Fourteenth Amendment, 421

Fox News network, 424–25

Franken, Al, 384–85

Gabrieli, Chris, 176

gas tax, 279–80

Gates, Robert, 295–96, 330, 391, 394–95, 420

gay marriage, 446–47, 452–53

Geisel, Theodor (Dr. Seuss), 16

Geithner, Tim, 331–32, 333, 356–60, 361, 366–67, 368, 429

Gelb, Leslie, 385

General Motors (GM), 361–64

Gephardt, Dick, 82–83, 152


Berlin Airlift, 292, 293

Obama’s travels to, 292–94, 409–10

Giangreco, Pete, 129–30, 146, 148, 157, 206

Gibbs, Robert, 210, 227, 242, 318

and Bill Clinton, 257–58, 429

as communications director, 157, 207–8, 363, 398, 412, 425–26, 430

and Democratic National Convention (2004), 157, 158–60

and election issues, 229

and Florida keynote speech, 171–72

and JJ speech, 240

and Kerry campaign, 157, 200

and military actions, 395

and move to White House, 326, 336, 347

and news media, 207–8, 218

and Nobel Prize, 401

and Obama as U.S. Senator, 166, 168

and Obama campaign/communications team, 157, 175, 191, 192, 193, 200, 247, 316, 422, 445, 476

and Obama’s candidacy, 187–88

and overseas travel, 182, 291, 292

and stimulus bill, 345, 363

and Supreme Court, 170

and TV appearances, 157–58, 159, 169, 185, 316

Gillespie, Ed, 336

Gingrich, Newt, 107, 112, 454, 482, 483

Giuliani, Rudy, 93–94

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 330

Goolsbee, Austan, 332

Gore, Al, 113, 115, 191, 201


bipartisanship in, 385, 475, 483

factionalism in, 380, 382–83, 384, 426, 442, 482–83, 487

intrigue stirred up in, 386

intrusive, 375

patronage in, 481

public disdain for, 375, 487–88

runaway spending by, 378

Grassley, Chuck, 376

Great Recession, 352;
see also
financial crisis

Greenfield, Jeff, 160

Grisolano, Larry, 206, 207, 233, 263, 349, 442

Gross, Doug, 128

Grunwald, Mandy, 115

Guantánamo Bay prison camp, 399–400, 407, 446

Gulf of Mexico, oil spill in, 416–19

Gutiérrez, Luis, 78

H1N1 virus, 412

Halperin, Mark, 447–48

Hanhardt, William, 53

Harkin, Tom, Steak Fry of, 183

Harpootlian, Dick, 258

Harstad, Paul, 129, 183, 206, 227, 240, 245, 280–81, 295

Hart, Gary, 58–59, 76, 82, 100

Hartigan, David, 76

Hartigan, Neil, 75–77

Hastert, Dennis, 73–74

Hastings, Michael, 419–20

health care, 369–89, 416, 426, 446

and abortion, 388

Blair House summit on, 388

and budget reconciliation, 384

costs of, 370–71, 373, 377, 378

health insurance exchanges, 376

industry lobbying, 371, 374

mandate, 371, 372, 373, 376

media focus on, 375, 379

Obama’s bill [Affordable Health Care Act], 3, 216, 388–89, 457–58, 485

Obama’s plan as election issue, 264, 266, 372, 377

opposition to, 371, 374–78

public forum, 221–22

resurrection of, 384, 387–88

and Supreme Court, 457–58

and taxes, 371, 372

and trade-offs, 374–75

and uninsured, 373, 375

universal coverage, 371, 377

vote on, 388–89, 397, 415

Hecht, Ben, 16

Heilemann, John, 448

Helms, Jesse, 108

Hersh, Seymour, 40

Hickman, Harrison, 150, 151, 153

Hildebrand, Steve, 191, 192–93, 226, 258, 262

Hofeld, Al, 102–3, 124

Holder, Eric, 295, 348–49

Holewinski, Mike, 48, 81

Hollings, Fritz, 166

Holocaust, 409–10


American public wanting to believe in, 84, 137, 216–17, 476, 483

audacity of, 184, 270, 274

as campaign vision, 195, 204, 239, 255, 316, 483

for change, 137, 476, 483

and economic recovery, 451, 483

Obama as symbol of, 217, 245, 274, 316, 321, 403, 405, 476

Hoppner, Bill, 100–101

Horwitz, Erwin “Izzy,” 32, 90

House Republican Caucus, 353–54

Huffington Post,

Hughes, Harold, 82

Hu Jintao, 414

Hull, Blair, 124, 144–45, 155, 180

Humphrey, Hubert H., 21, 23

Hurricane Katrina, 169–70, 171

Hurricane Sandy, 475

Hussein, Saddam, 174, 405

Hyde Park Herald,
29–31, 33

Hynes, Dan, 124, 137, 144–45, 146, 180

Hynes, Thomas, 78, 124

Ickes, Harold, 108

Idaho, 263

Ide, Reed, 28–29

Igoe, Mike, 34

Illinois, state legislature, 139–41

immigration reform, 373, 424, 427, 428, 446, 457, 486

Indiana, 272, 278–79, 280–81, 320

Internet, and political campaigns, 152, 451


Jefferson-Jackson Day in, 234, 236–40, 245, 443

Obama’s campaigns in (2008), 3, 6-7, 8-9, 219, 220-22, 227, 229-31, 232-34, 235-49; (2012), 475–76

polls in, 183–84, 231, 232, 233, 240, 245, 246–47, 248

presidential campaigns in (1984), 58-59; (1988), 82–83

senatorial campaigns in, 111–12

Iowa State Fair, 231

Iran, nuclear ambitions of, 404, 406, 411, 483


bringing the troops home from, 451, 487

Obama’s travel to, 291, 292

transition in, 330, 391–92

war in, 3, 129–30, 141, 152, 157, 171, 174, 181, 186, 201, 214, 216, 217, 218, 230, 244, 311, 330, 396, 403, 405, 407, 416, 483

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 396–97


and Egypt, 406

Obama’s travels to, 291

and Palestine, 63, 404, 405, 406, 446

right to exist, 408

Jackson, Rev. Jesse, 80–81, 259, 322

Jackson, Jesse Jr., 120, 135–36

Janowitz, Morris, 26

Jarrett, Valerie, 280, 349

and campaign direction, 224, 225, 232

and Chicago government, 190–91

and Michelle, 191, 232, 277

and move to White House, 328, 329

and personnel, 200, 357

and public relations, 425–26

and Senate appointment, 328–29

Jasculca Terman and Associates, 68

Jefferson-Jackson Day (Iowa), 234, 236–40, 245, 443

Jobs, Steve, 220–21

John Birch Society, 425

Johnson, Lyndon B., 6, 19, 21, 106, 320, 483

Jones, Emil, 121, 137, 180

Jones, Jim, 419

Jordan, Michael, 239

Joyce, Jeremiah, 48

Judge, Bernie, 40, 42, 43, 51, 52

Kagan, Elena, 420

Kaine, Tim, 295, 296, 298–99

Kantor, Mickey, 97

Karzai, Hamid, 392, 396

Kaszak, Nancy, 126

Katz, David, 137–38

Kearns, Mary Lou, 74

Kennedy, Caroline, 260–61, 295, 296

Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 75, 178, 306, 381

and Biden, 296

and Byrne, 47–48

and Clintons, 244, 260

death of, 383

endorsement of Obama by, 259–61

filling the seat of, 383–84

Kennedy, John F., 18–21, 317

assassination of, 18–19, 21, 260

author’s early memory of, 1–2, 18, 20, 488

Berlin speech of, 292, 293

and Cold War, 229, 410

and Daley, 24, 27, 47, 481

press conferences of, 444

Kennedy, Patrick, 106, 260

Kennedy, Robert F., 160, 194

assassination of, 20, 22, 282

campaign (1968), 20, 21–22, 23, 205

as crusader, 23

and U.S. Senate, 19, 164

Kennedy, Vicki, 382

Keppra (anti-epilepsy drug), 115

Kerrey, Bob, 101

Kerry, John, 212

and campaign team, 166, 200, 290

and debates, 464, 465, 470, 471–72, 473

and Democratic National Convention (2004), 155, 157, 158

Obama endorsed by, 246–47, 256

and presidential campaign (2004), 148, 152, 153, 155, 183–84, 236, 290, 296, 320, 453

and Ted Kennedy, 296

Keyes, Alan, 160–61, 198

Khrushchev, Nikita, 410

Kim Jong-Il, 412

King, Don, 80

King, Martin Luther Jr., 21, 33, 212, 301, 322, 401

Klain, Ron, 309, 464, 465–66, 467, 469, 473

Klein, Joe, 187

Koch, Ed, 65

Kohl, Herb, 189

Korshak, Marshall, 31–33, 34

Korshak, Sidney, 32

Kroft, Steve, 210

Kucinich, Dennis, 92, 93, 250

Kupper, John, 111, 167, 191

Kushnir, Joan, 19

LaBolt, Ben, 462

Lambrew, Jeanne, 372

Landau, Susan,
Axelrod, Susan Landau

Larkin, William, 22

LaRouche, Lyndon, 77

Last Campaign of Lady Jane, The
(documentary), 56

Lathrop, Ross, 34–35

Lauer, Matt, 355

Lazio, Rick, 116

Lehman Brothers, 307–8, 312, 313

Lehrer, Jim, 311, 312

Leibovich, Mark, 387

Leno, Jay, 348

Letterman, David, 348

Levi, Edward, 25

Levi, Primo, 409–10

Lew, Jack, 470

Lewinsky, Monica, 100

Lewis, Ben, 32

Lewis, Michael, 366

Lieberman, Joe, 303–4

Lightfoot, Jim Ross, 112

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 350, 483, 487

Limbaugh, Rush, 306

Lincoln, Abraham, 208, 213, 330, 379

Lindsay, John V., 19–20, 29

Lingle, Jake, 53

Lippert, Mark, 171, 182

Locke, Gary, 413

Love, Reggie, 235

Lugar, Dick, 167, 168

Luntz, Frank, 375

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