Read Being Chased Online

Authors: Harper Bentley

Being Chased (17 page)

BOOK: Being Chased
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And now
Chase was pissed. "Oh, yeah, it's fucking hilarious, isn't it? You come at me with all your bullshit about my messing with you trying to 'get my rocks off.'" His voice was getting louder. "What about you? You're all about the 'don't stay away from me, Chase' and next thing I know you're shoving your tongue down another guy's throat!"

was angry now too, and she yelled right back at him. "I didn't have my tongue shoved down his throat! He was helping me get my hair out of my necklace!"

He laughed. "Likely story."

"Well, what about you and Emma? Huh?" She was fuming now. "You looked awfully cozy with her tonight! Got to play the knight in shining armor and everything! Then you give me that ‘Stay the fuck away from us’ look when I was only trying to help! What the hell was 

She turned and stomped to her room not realizing Chase was right on her heels. She went in and reached back to slam the door but he caught her arm spinning her around to face him.

"You know what I've figured out about you? You're nothing but a little cock tease." Her arm was immediately in motion to slap him, but he caught it before it made contact. "Not this time, 

They stood glaring at each other, their breath coming hard. Then she started crying.
Oh, God, not now. She was so mad at herself for breaking down but she couldn't keep up the show any longer.

"I hate you. I hate
that you're here now," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "I hate that seeing you with Emma tonight ripped me to shreds. I mean, seriously. I can’t even explain that." She took a deep breath as Chase just stared at her. "I hate that everything with you is so taboo. I hate that this job means more to you than I do." She was literally sobbing now. "But most of all, I hate the fact that I'm falling for you."

Chapter 13


"C'mon, Fish. Whaddya gonna do?" The man with sideburns laughed at the kid to his left. Sideburns knew he was on tilt but would go ahead and stay in. The Kid was a fucking maniac.

The Kid knew he was in trouble, knew he had a bad hand but he just couldn't fold. Wasn't hard-wired to give in. No, he'd rather take it up the ass instead. Stupid Kid. And this was 
 not the kind of personnel to be around while having any moronic moments.

The guy with the goatee to
the Kid's left smirked. He'd been around long enough to know the Kid never folded. He could have a high-card hand and he'd still stick it out. Dumbass. Goatee raised, throwing in a couple more chips, even though his hand was barely decent; he just wanted to see the Kid sweat.

Sideburns won the hand w
ith a pair of threes. Damn! The Kid was now down a cool ten grand and his balls were swimming in sweat. He knew he was in deep shit, but he just couldn't stop. The next two hands dealt resulted in pretty much the same outcome. He was in way over his head... something to the tune of thirty grand now, so he decided to take a break, sit out the next hand, get some of his mojo back, even though he knew he'd lose the table. Didn't matter anyway since he was pretty much screwed all the way around.

the Kid was in the bathroom splashing water on his face, a huge guy came in looking at him like he was filet mignon and Gargantua hadn't eaten in days.

"I can help,"
Jumbo told him.

Kid looked at the guy skeptically. "Yeah? And how do you propose to do that?"

"You're down for thirty grand in there, correct?"

"Uh, yeah. How'd you know?"

"I got my ways. I also know your total de
bt... something akin to 500 K. Am I right?"

Kid's eyes got huge. Shit. Who 
 this guy and what the hell did he want? The Kid tried to be slick, not letting Behemoth Guy know he was right on target. He put on his poker face... which, if he’d been smart, he'd know from his damned IOU's that said face didn't do a lot of good. "So what if you are? What can 
 do about it?"

slammed the Kid into the wall, holding his fist against his throat. "Don't pull this shit with me, Captain Dipshit. I know you're up to your dome in debt and if something's not done soon, your body parts will be scattered all over New England. I got a way out for you. You in?"

"It depends."

Mammoth Man grabbed the Kid's crotch then, twisting his sac until tears streamed down his face. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Call this number tomorrow and they'll tell you where to go. Otherwise, I ain't responsible for what happens to you." The mountain of a man let him go, threw a business card at the Kid's feet, then walked to the mirror, straightened his coat and left the washroom.

Kid bent over at the waist, gasping for air, dry heaving. Fuck. He picked up the business card and stuck it in his pocket. Guess he'd be making that call tomorrow.


's eyes got great big as she looked at Chase realizing what had just slipped out of her mouth. Uh. Yeah.

Did I just practically declare my love for him amidst a bitching session? Go. Me.

She started crying harder. And that just made things 
 much better, didn't it?

stood in shock staring at her, his fight or flight response in overdrive at hearing her say she was falling for him. Well, actually just the flight side of it because God knew he wanted to jet out of the room immediately. They'd made a left out of Flirtsville and had taken a detour through Serioustown and he really didn't want to relocate at this time.

"Um, I didn't mean to say that… any of it.
Just forget it all." She wished she had a remote control and could back things up, erase what she'd just said, then fast forward to her punching his damned lights out for being such a prick. She was so mad at herself for always blurting shit and for crying at the most inopportune moments. And she was also having a tough time dealing with the fact that he was just standing there, his mouth agape not saying anything, not even one word of his having feelings for her, too. Ass. She was so humiliated. Well, she'd show him. "But you know what? Why don't we just go ahead and fuck each other and get this over with? The tension is driving both of us crazy, so why don’t we just do it so we can finally move on!"

That snapped him out of his stupor.
And now he was really pissed. Fucking furious. First, she says she's falling for him then she turns around and dismisses all of it. Well, two could play this shitty game. He narrowed his eyes at her. "Maybe you're right. If we finally screw each other, things 
be better. We could forget about each other and move the fuck on." He grabbed her fiercely, smashing his mouth to hers. She wanted to get it over with? He could do that. He’d teach her to play with fucking fire.

His hands roughly sought out a zipper, something that would get her out of her gown. There was a tearing sound as he groped and
Julia gasped into his mouth at the frenzied way his hands were moving over her body. She reached back behind herself, finding the zipper then his hand found hers and took over as he guided it down her back. He stepped away from her as the dress fell to the floor around her, pooling at her feet and a low growl came from deep inside him as he looked at her standing before him, his jaw clenching tightly.

fuck. She had on the sapphire blue panties he'd seen her in at the lingerie store, but what really made his dick stand at attention was the matching bustier she wore to which her silk stockings were attached. Holy mother of hell.

His eyes met hers and she felt a thrill rush through her at how dark they were, filled with want for her.
Desire. She stepped out and away from the dress, still wearing her stilettos, diamonds sparkling at her ears, neck and wrist, and moved toward him. She placed her palms on his abs and ran them up over his pecs. Chase turned her around in a flash, pulling her flush against him, his hand spanning across her flat stomach the other on the front of her neck holding her against him. If he tightened his hand a little, he'd almost be choking her. Yeah, this wasn’t going to be some nice little session of lovemaking. She’d told him what she wanted. He was going to deliver.

"Let's get this over with
then, yeah?" he hissed, his lips at her ear. "You want to be fucked? You sure you can handle it?" He pressed his erection hard into her back.

winced at his repeating her harsh words and her breath caught when she felt him against her. "I-I didn't mean it like that, Chase."

"No?" His
right hand slowly moved down her stomach then over, reaching the right front clip on her garter, releasing her stocking. "Then how 
 you mean it?" His hand moved to the back of her garter, unclipping it then resumed its place on her belly as the one that was on her neck moved down, keeping the same slow pace, brushing over her breast, then went to the left front clip.

"I meant that…" her breath hitched as his ha
nd moved over her breast. This was so intense and sexy. She knew he was still mad, but, damn, he was getting her so hot. She closed her eyes as she savored the feel of his hands on her. "I meant that we're driving each other crazy… the tension… it's…"

His l
ips were on her neck, her shoulder, biting, kissing, sucking, nipping, sending chills through her body. She leaned her head to the side exposing more skin to him and she lay back against his hard chest as a low moan came from deep in her throat.

"The tension's too much, is
it?" She felt his hot breath against her ear. His hand released the last clip then he moved his hand around to grip the inside of her thigh hard, jerking it to the side, spreading her legs, then moving his fingers to her center, he brushed against her panties. She cried out, her back arching against him making her ass grind into his hard cock. He hissed, his hand tightening across her midsection, holding her tighter to his body. "So, if I fuck you, the tension will go away… "

"I meant that it's almost torture,
Chase…" His hand had run down her thigh and he languidly dragged it back up, finding her wetness again, lingering there, his fingers faintly skimming against her making her hold her breath as the anticipation of what he was going to do drove her wild. "It's… torture…"

His lips brushed over her shoulder then back to her neck. "Well, don't worry… we can move
the fuck on after we're done…"

's heart was beating crazily. She wanted him so badly she almost wanted to cry again. "Please, Chase…"

His fingers slipped inside her panties and he felt how slick and wet she was for him. Christ, he wanted her. He closed his eyes as he s
lid a finger inside her, clenching his jaw as she bucked her ass against his cock again. Another finger went in, both now pressing into her wall as he moved them in and out of her.

"Oh, God,"
she moaned. Her arms went behind her, her hands grasping his thighs to her as she thrust back into him.

He nipped at her shoulder then
gripped her face at the jaw with his other hand, pressing his stubbled cheek against hers and rasped, "What's wrong? Is this affecting you? But we should just get this over with, right? That's what you want? For me to fuck you…"

Chase… you're going to make me… God…"

oing to make you what?" he murmured, moving his fingers harder against her softness inside as his thumb rubbed against her clit making her breathing speed up. "Hm? Going to make you what?" He released her face and jerked the top of her bustier down, her breasts popping free. He clamped a hand around one breast, rolling her nipple between his thumb and finger making her breath catch.

Holy shit. This
had to be the single most exasperating yet sexiest thing that'd ever happened to her. He was filling her senses. His cologne that she loved clouded her head; she felt his mouth on her, fingers inside her, thumb rubbing against her, his fingers on her nipple and the way he was talking to her… it was so frustrating… and… so… hot. She sensed her body moving toward a climax that was going to be more intense than any other she'd ever had.

"I'm going to… oh, God
!" Julia knew she was right there, that Chase was taking her somewhere she'd never been, going so high, but this time she wasn't scared. This time she needed it. Craved it.

She writhed against
his arm, breathing hard, pushing into him as he moved his fingers faster, pressing into that spot that was driving her insane. The sounds coming out of her were turning him on, making him hard as rock, making him want to bury his cock deep inside her.

Julia," he said lazily. "Let's get it over with and move on. Just fuck each other and go. Isn't that what you want?" he mocked.

Yes! No! Oh, God! I'm there… Chase!" Every nerve ending in her body fired to life as her orgasm slammed through her. Her back arched and her hips thrust back into him as her fingernails dug into his thighs. He kept her climax going by pulsing his fingers inside her every several seconds. She'd never come this hard until now. Wow.

After that intense experience, she hung limply in his arms and he picked her up laying her on her bed. He took his tux
jacket off, throwing it over a chair. He was watching her watching him, seeing that she looked extremely relaxed and sated. He couldn't help but feel smug, knowing he'd done this to her. He smirked when her eyes widened as he removed the shoulder holster that housed his Glock.
Yeah, little girl, this shit’s serious. You figuring it out now?

He kicked off his shoes, pulling off his socks then undid his bowtie, taking off his shirt and undershirt. He climbed on the bed, hovering over her.

"You okay?" he asked

She was
so blissed out as she looked up at him, she couldn't help the smile on her face.

"I'm perfect. Absolutely perfect." She reached a hand up to cup his face, pulling him to her. "Kiss me."

His anger faded at seeing the dreamy look on her face, but he leaned down, whispering in her ear, “Are you ready to be fucked?”

Dear God, if being fucked was anything
like what he’d just done to her, bring it on.

“Yes,” she murmur
ed, her arms going around him.

He pulled back and
looked down at her then covered her lips with his, kissing her deeply, roughly. He wanted her so badly. And here she was, primed and ready for him, willing to trust him with her body. Jesus.

"I want you,
Chase. Please. I want to feel you inside."

pulled away from her then and stood at the foot of the bed, taking her heels off one at a time, his eyes still holding hers, the look of lust in his making her shiver. He slipped each of her delicate stockings off then drew her panties down her legs. After taking his pants and boxer briefs off, he crawled back on the bed over her, capturing her lips with his in an almost possessive manner. She sighed deeply into his mouth as she felt him naked against her for the first time. He kissed her harder, more insistently, and she responded in kind to him, her arms wrapping around him, her hands running over his back.

BOOK: Being Chased
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