Being a Girl (8 page)

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Authors: Chloë Thurlow

BOOK: Being a Girl
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A year ago during the last summer hols when I had gone one clammy hot day to look for something in the greenhouse, I found Mummy perched on the potting table with her knickers around the heel of a red Manolo Blahnik shoe, her legs spread and the Polish gardener with his tongue inserted in her like a key in a lock. Her back was arched and her head was thrown back, but what shocked me was that her pubic hair had been shorn like some porn star and the dome of her mount was as smooth and white as a porcelain vase.

My mother shaves her pubes!
It was hard to believe, to comprehend, to appreciate.

I watched through the crack in the door, my hand over my mouth, my cheeks burning red with shame and embarrassment. I had still been a virgin then, of course, and was both repelled and drawn to this bizarre scene, this movie clip: my mother with her skirt rolled up around her waist, the gardener slurping over her wet parts like a dog lapping from a puddle, Mummy puffing away like a steam engine straining on a steep hill as she thrust her shiny mount into the gardener's mouth.

The gardener was about twenty, a sullen boy who spoke English without recourse to vowels. Neither Binky nor I had found him remotely fit with his stained teeth and overgrown Adam's apple, but he
must have had a robust and energetic tongue. I watched it, long and pink and healthy as it moved in and out of Mother like the feeler of some enormous insect stabbing at ants or dipping for sap in the hollow of a tree. They kept going for ages, sighing and slurping, their bodies moving mechanically like a primitive machine. I was frozen like a statue in the park, my eyes glued to this terrible, extraordinary thing I was seeing.

The boy sank to his knees and pushed Mummy's thighs wider apart, his sweaty hands leaving muddy streaks on her ivory skin. Her bottom lifted from the potting table and when the red shoe clinging to her toes fell and clattered with a bang to the floor I involuntarily let out the breath I'd been holding in an anxious gasp. I'm quite certain Mummy heard me, but she was too far gone by this time and starting shrieking. It was the first time I'd heard a grown woman having an orgasm and it sounded like she was having a baby.

I crept away and never mentioned this shameful episode to my mother, although it came often into my mind. It was hard to believe I had seen her pristine white bottom on the dirty potting table surface, her £200-a-pair silk knickers hooked in the heel of her shoe, her pubic mount perfectly shaved and gaping over a thirsting mouth. I still find it hard to believe that she truly wanted to have sex with the gardener with the hot sun blazing through the greenhouse roof. What Mummy craved was the gardener, a boy of twenty, wanting to have sex with her. For Mother, being a great beauty was her
raison d'être
, an end in itself, and I suppose as she turned forty she would require a revolving door of East European handymen to confirm this axiom.

I glanced at Mummy across the table. Behind her was a tall graceful palm in a black ceramic pot, its fronds gently shadowing the side of her face. The waiter was still looming over Binky, peering through the cigarette smoke at the pale moons of her girlish breasts like an inquisitor analysing evidence of witchcraft. He was dressed as a bishop in a long white cassock and stood on a white square like a chameleon in camouflage. The Jewel Royale had a chequered floor and the staff were attired as chessmen, bishops, knights, the Maître D, an old queen, dressed as a king. Binky was enjoying the attention and as I studied her studying the menu I realised that my sister was just like Mummy. She wanted every man she met to fancy the pants off her but, in spite of our adventures on the Isle of Skye, she really wanted to keep her pants on.

I was different.

I was . . .?

A complete tart, according to Binky.

A ‘good girl' the Laird had said, as I had stood there absurdly proud with a tanned bottom and his sperm oozing from me.

Since my return from Scotland there had been a certain spring in my step, a twinkle in my eye, a vague new confidence. I had been a tourist. Now I had taken the journey. I felt serene, contented, in what the nuns at school would have called a state of grace. The world was my oyster. I was still waiting to hear whether I had got a place at Cambridge but, if I didn't, I would take this small failure philosophically. I would have a gap year and go and stay with Daddy so I could work on my French and ruin his love life.

It was so much easier being a grown-up. I had come to see that virginity wasn't so much a precious commodity, a prize a Geisha sells in order to pay for
her education, but a terrible burden, a responsibility thrust on women, unasked for and unwanted, and one we are challenged to guard at risk of becoming outcasts of the clan. It was all so mediaeval. Virginity is like having a faint shadowy moustache, sort of sexy on certain Spanish women, but better not there at all. Virginity is for girls in storybooks, secret adventures and pony club.

I was a woman now.

I liked saying this to myself. I am a woman. I am the figurehead on my own ship. The master of my own destiny and desires. I am going to do

They say you always remember your first and I know I certainly will! How could anyone forget the Laird of the Black Watch? When Hamish popped into my mind, as he often did, I had this terrible fear that I would never again meet anyone quite like him. That the first time would be the best time and my life would become an eternal quest in search of the next great orgasm. The next thorough spanking!

Spanking. It was still an absolute mystery to me. Two men had inveigled me into taking off my clothes and three men had spanked me until my bottom was a roaring fire and my pussy leaked liquid ecstasy. Spanking and orgasm. It was a surreal combination. What did this mean? What did it say about me? About men? Were all men obsessed by bottoms? Did they all want to put you over their knee and tan your buttocks? We had learned in Classics at school about Aristotle and he said the way to happiness is to be your ‘authentic natural self'. It seems to me that it was perfectly natural that men would want to spank girls and,
ipso facto
, girls must all secretly dream of being spanked. They did and they just never got the opportunity to realise it. I was lucky.

When the girls had talked late at night in the dorms about their
first time
, no one ever mentioned spanking, corporal punishment, discipline, humiliation, sado-masochism, role play, words that whirled around my head like little birds on currents of air, flying for the chaste pleasure of flying. I had left school to take a journey with my sister. But the real journey I was taking without maps, without a route, with no sense of a destination. Confucius, or somebody else who was just as clever, said a journey of one thousand miles starts with the first step, and I thought a journey of one thousand orgasms would obviously start in the Isle of Skye. I was a wanderer in the dreamy dark realms of the senses and if being an explorer is my destiny, I suppose the best thing to do is pursue it with all the energy and conviction in my soul. Or in my knickers, anyway.

There, you see, I have become philosophical. I am the butterfly easing my wings from the prison of the chrysalis. I am a girl growing into the woman. When I lie in the bath running my palms over my nipples, they are a woman's hands enjoying the springy erectness of a woman's nipples. When I spread cream over my thighs, the dewy dampness around my natal cleft is the arousal of a woman who knows what it is to be a woman. I had enjoyed doing all the things that girls do, all that studying and gym and bitching and thinking about boys, but I had arrived back from Scotland with an intuition that the next bit of life is going to be much more fun.

When I was growing up, I had always thought of virginity as something sacred, mystical, a soap bubble, perfect and impermanent. When you reach the age of fourteen, you saunter along the high street on Saturday, the only time we were allowed out of the
convent, and you are aware that men are analysing you, ogling you, sizing you up. When they catch your eye, you understand that what they are looking for is some outward revelation that the treasured little membrane stretched invisibly up there is still up there, and what they desire more than anything in the world, and would give ten years inside the walls of the chrysalis to bring that desire to fruition, is to go crashing through that cherished and ephemeral maidenhead.

It's heady stuff. Your little tits are exploding from your chest like anarchist bombs, your bum is growing pert and round, your hip bones are jutting out like scaffolding around the wall of a castle, a barricade you raise up to protect the prize while, conversely, and at the same time, you long for an errant knight to slash away your clothes and pierce the heart of your being with his comely sword. Like the butterfly stretching its wings and taking to the air for the first time, you are conscious quite suddenly of your girl power and you keep that power until your virginity has gone.

But then what happens? Do you become powerless? Or do you acquire a different sort of power?

I still wasn't entirely sure. Most girls lose their virginity at fifteen or sixteen in the summer holidays with the best friend of their brother in the garden, or on the living room sofa while parents are out at the theatre or at one of those irksome dinner parties my parents attend with dreary regularity and inflict on our own dining room when Daddy's home from his important work in Brussels.

That was the usual scenario with girls at Saint Sebastian's and those girls would appear in September with the braces removed from their teeth and a
look of inner knowledge in their glossy eyes. They gazed dreamily out of the window, tossing their hair like startled ponies when the nuns in the classroom raised their voices to demand attention. I always had mixed feelings towards those girls, envy and superiority, and tried to imagine what it is like
doing it
, something, of course, you can't imagine, as baby birds can't imagine what it is to fly until they are shoved from the nest.

They say that girls at state schools are losing their virginities at thirteen and fourteen and half of them are pregnant before they even do their GCSEs. We loved reading about the underclass chavs in the tabloids left behind by the maintenance staff and gasped with wonder at the wayward morals the journalists described.
New Council Flat Given To 14 Year Old Girl With Twins!
Who's Going To Pay? Disgusting!!! Bring Back The Birch!!!

Yes please.

But it's true, though. I have seen with my own eyes girls pushing buggies who surely remember having been pushed in buggies just a few years before. From childhood to motherhood without passing
. Mummy blames television and the fashion industry, television for its overt sex (and that's something she does know about!) and the fashion industry for dressing little girls still sucking dummies as starlets and models. Instead of ribbons and bows now it's chains and leather. By the time they take the dummies out of their mouths they are ready for the first cigarette and, as we were warned at Old Basher's, one thing leads to another.

If you were caught creeping into another girl's bed in the dorm for a kiss and a cuddle the nuns would turn a blind eye, unless they were perverts, but God
help the girl caught puffing on a fag; one hundred laps of the top field, letters home to parents, an interview with Father McMurphy, the parish priest, with his slobbering lips and strange eyes: blue eyes that seemed to hover in a red sunset, the result, I imagine, of too much communion wine. Still, he didn't smoke, and the girls caught smoking redeemed themselves returning from their marathon wet with sweat and chanting a few Hail Mary's while Father McMurphy stroked their skinny knees.

Now here's something that I have been thinking about for a long time: back in Jesus's day, cigarettes hadn't been invented. There is absolutely no reference to tobacco in the Bible. So who decided smoking was a sin?

Anyway, I was not one of those girls with the new haircut and a twinkle in the 4th form and can only attribute this to the fact that I have no brothers, no male cousins and the Polish gardener clearly prefers older women. Perhaps being far from home he misses his mother?

During the long drought in my sexual growth, I had developed a romantic, 18th-century attitude to virginity. I was Emily Brontë drooling over Heath-cliff; a Capulet chained to a Montague; Isolde burning with desire for Tristan; Honey Bunny with big eyes for Pumpkin in
Pulp Fiction
. Virginity was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the Holy Grail, the answer to the riddle in
The Da Vinci Code
, something you wanted to share with the man you loved and, like most girls who managed to save their little pearl in the oyster until they were eighteen, I had grandiose dreams of sharing it with a knight in shining armour, some dashing Sir Lancelot who would whisk me away on his big white stallion to the
world of make-believe. Instead I got naked, spanked and spangled by Hamish the Laird of the Black Watch and that was going to be a hard act to follow.

Since arriving back from Scotland, Binky and I had seen hardly anything of each other. The experience had woken me like Snow White from a dream, but Binky didn't want to talk about what had happened and was spending all her time with the mechanic boyfriend with dirty nails who had sold her the VW beetle with violet trim. I glanced at her across the table in the Jewel Royale. ‘How's your boyfriend?' I asked, breaking the silence, and she shook her mop of yellow curls as if to shake away a migraine.

‘Ready for the sack,' she said.

Mummy took a cigarette from Binky's packet, slipped it between her lips, sucked the startled flame from the lighter and looked like Lauren Bacall as she blew smoke over her shoulder.

‘Now that you're back from wherever you've been, don't you think you should find some work?' she said.

‘Work?' said Binky.

‘I don't think you know the meaning of the word.'

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