Behind a Closed Door (The Estate, Book 2) (38 page)

BOOK: Behind a Closed Door (The Estate, Book 2)
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They heard a car horn beep to announce Jay’s arrival.

Josie drained her glass and got to her feet. ‘Are you going to give him the grand tour or let him wait until tomorrow?’

‘Tomorrow will do,’ said Kelly, anxious to get home now that he was here.

‘Come on, then, let’s lock up and go.’ Josie smiled. ‘I suppose neither of us will get much sleep tonight.’

In the middle of the room, Kelly and Josie hugged each other. There was no need for words. Both women realised how far they had come.


Once back at the flat, Kelly couldn’t stop thinking about Josie’s advice. They’d dropped Emily off at her mum’s so that they could go out for something to eat. She was staying overnight.  

‘I fancy a red hot curry to celebrate the opening of Office Options. What do you reckon?’ Jay asked as he walked into the living room behind her.

Kelly turned to face him, reached for his hand and drew him close. ‘I thought we could stay in and celebrate, seeing as we have the place to ourselves.’ Smiling shyly, she slipped her hand inside his jumper and ran it over the length of his back, nervous at the feel of his skin for the first time.

Jay grinned, his eyes darkening with lust. ‘And what did you have in mind to get the party started?’

Kelly held up her other hand. In it was a DVD.

‘It’s a girlie flick,’ she said. Then she threw it onto the settee. ‘But first, there’s something we need to clear up.’

Before she could say anything else, Jay cupped her face and kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘Kelly Winterton, I don’t give a flying fuck about anything right now. I just want to get inside your knickers.’

Kelly giggled. ‘You don’t understand, do you? That’s exactly what I want to clear up. Now get your kit off, Jay Kirkwell.’

Jay’s jumper was over his head in a flash.



Subj: Good Luck

Date: 05/07/2013 02:05

[email protected]

To: [email protected]


Hi Josie, I just wanted to say all the very best for your big day. I’m sorry I can’t be with you. I would have loved to have seen everything as you’ve planned it.

I’ll be thinking of you when I get up (only because you’ll be getting ready to open the doors when I am eating my breakfast..!)

Tata for now,

James x


Josie was awake earlier than the birds the following morning. She’d been mentally going over her to-do list all night. There was so much to think about if the day was going to go as planned.

She propped up her head with a pillow in order to see her clothes laid out on the chair: plum-coloured jacket and matching pencil skirt, black sling-backs that instantly seemed to lengthen her legs, cream short-sleeved blouse with a low neck line. On the chest of drawers, a beaded necklace that Livvy had brought as a good luck present and a bottle of new perfume that she’d treated herself to.

She hoped today was going to be a new beginning for her. She had so much to be thankful for recently. Despite everything that had happened with Stewart, she’d found a good friend in Kelly and hooked up with Livvy again, so she wouldn’t be lonely – and maybe, in time, she’d get to know James better. That might be nice.

She stretched out every muscle in her body. Then she threw back the covers. Today was going to be so special that she didn’t want to waste a moment of it. Within forty minutes, she was heading out of the door.


‘Wake up, sleepyhead,’ Jay whispered into Kelly’s ear. He slid a tray towards her. On it was a bowl of cereal, a boiled egg complete with toast soldiers, and a mug of coffee. A pink flower Kelly recognised from her garden stood proud in a half pint glass of water.

Kelly’s smile widened. Jay gave her a lingering kiss before pulling back the duvet and climbing in beside her. Once he’d settled, Kelly picked up her mug – then put it down again.

‘God, I’m so excited, Jay.’ She clapped her hands like a toddler. ‘Today I am going to open my own business.’

Jay’s torso disappeared down the side of the bed. From underneath it, he pulled out a large pink envelope and sat up straight again.

‘I hadn’t realised Em wouldn’t be here, this morning – not that I’m complaining after last night.’ He raised his eyebrows lasciviously. ‘So I’d better give you this anyway.’

The envelope contained a handmade card. The words good luck had been outlined and filled with silver glitter.

‘We made it yesterday,’ Jay explained as she opened it.

To Mummy
, it read inside.
Good luck tomorrow. Love from Emily and Jay.
Hearts and flowers had been drawn everywhere and a shape which Kelly later found out to be a horseshoe. A lump came to her throat.

 ‘It’s lovely.’ Kelly put it down on the bedside table. Then she moved aside the tray. ‘And so are you.’

Jay drew her into his arms, where she now understood she truly belonged. She kissed him long and hard. Thank God he’d waited for her.


At ten thirty, on a fairly dull, yet extremely dry day at the beginning of July, The Workshop was officially opened by The Lord Mayoress, her consort,
and two local businessmen. Rapturous applause and short speeches were followed by a surge of people through the doors.

Josie posed for numerous photographs, dragging Kelly and some of the other unit holders into most of them with her. Kelly became Josie’s unofficial deputy, showing everyone around the building, remarking when appropriate on what a massive team effort it had all been. Josie worried that they’d cope: Kelly told her she worried too much.

By lunch time, the place resembled one of Josie’s garden complaints. Discarded leaflets were scattered over table tops and chairs, at least four helium balloons had floated up to the ceiling, and people young and old stood around in groups. Some of the dignitaries were hanging around, waiting for the buffet to be unwrapped.

Kay, the office manager who was never there to manage the office, stopped by with Ray and a new girl who had yet to learn the joys of housing. Andy rushed in and out, due to a call coming through just as he was about to sample a cake that Dot had made for Kelly to bring along.

Livvy showed up around two thirty, closely followed by James. Josie’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. He looked relaxed, if a little jetlagged, in jeans and designer T-shirt. His hair had lightened slightly: his skin had tanned dramatically.

‘Hi,’ he waved.

‘Hi! You were the last person I expected to turn up,’ Josie said. ‘I thought you weren’t back until next week.’

‘I thought I’d surprise you,’ he smiled warmly.

‘But the email…’

‘I asked someone to send it for me this morning.’

‘Oh, I…’ Consciously, she ran a hand through her hair, remembering her tumble in the bouncy castle earlier with Emily.

After introductions, Livvy went to grab a cup of tea.

‘This place looks great,’ James enthused as he skimmed the room before quickly tuning to her.

‘Yes, it’s been a lot of work but well worth the effort.’

‘Maybe… maybe I could take you out for something to eat this evening and celebrate your success?’

Josie smiled shyly. ‘Yes, I’d like that very much.’

She heard a giggle behind her and realised that Kelly and Livvy had obviously been listening. As James wandered off to fetch coffee and Livvy moved to talk to one of the councillors, Kelly whispered to her.

‘He’s a nice dude. Where have you been hiding him?’

‘Nowhere,’ said Josie in her own defence. She watched as James added milk to her drink and chatted to everyone around him. ‘He’s my neighbour’s brother and has just come back from America.’

Josie smiled, then turned abruptly. Kelly had gone. She realised she’d been left on her own again as James walked back to her. Nerves fizzled up in her stomach – or was it a tiny bit of excitement?

James moved closer and spoke to her in a whisper. ‘So, tell me, Ms Josie, how do you like your eggs in the morning?’

‘In the words of Dean Martin,’ she replied cheekily, ‘I like mine with a kiss.’

‘Hmm, Ms Josie,’ he wagged a finger at her and grinned. ‘Now you’re definitely flirting with me.’


Once everyone had helped themselves to lunch, Josie moved over to where Kelly was sitting with Jay. James and Livvy had left half an hour earlier. Emily had gone back onto the bouncy castle with some of the other children.

‘I’ve got something to show you.’ Josie handed an envelope to Kelly. ‘It’s yours if you want it.’

Kelly flicked through the photographs of a semi-detached house. Her hand rose to her mouth and she gasped. It looked a bit tatty, but it was huge. And the living room was big too, not to mention the kitchen that looked onto the garden. She knew she could do so much to improve it.

From the last shot, she recognised where it was.

‘It’s in Norman Street!’ She handed the photos to Jay.

Josie nodded. ‘That’s right. You won’t be ‘living on the hell’ anymore. You’ll be on The Mitch, the
half of the estate, and around the corner from Jay. I take it that won’t be a problem?’

Kelly looked at the photographs again. ‘Why didn’t you tell me last night?’

‘I wanted to wait until today, make it more special. And I can certainly vouch for you in saying that you’ve been a model tenant.’

‘I’m hoping that the tenancy might become a joint one soon,’ Jay broke in. He slung an arm around Kelly’s shoulders.

‘Oh my god!’ Josie’s eyes widened as she looked from one to the other and back again. ‘Don’t tell me that you two have finally got it together?’

Kelly smiled and nodded.

Josie clapped her hands in glee. ‘Wow, I can finally say, ‘case closed’.’

Jay grinned. ‘I couldn’t let this one get away now, could I? You’re a right pair of clever broads. And this place is amazing. But if you’re looking after it, won’t you miss working on the streets, Josie? All that crime and grime?’

 ‘Oh, I’m sure I’ll get to hear about everything, one way or another.’ Josie smiled. ‘Besides, I’ve got loads of unfinished cases to keep an eye on. You know as much as I do that there’s never a dull moment on the Mitchell Estate.’


Word of mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed reading Behind a Closed Door, please could I ask for a moment of your time to leave a review before you close the book? It would make all the difference and would be very much appreciated. Thank you so much.


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Fighting for Survival

The Estate, Book Three



When Caren Williams finds herself back on the estate she fought so hard to get away from, little does she realise she’ll be living opposite her arch-enemy, Gina Bradley. Gina thinks she and her family rule Stanley Avenue so when Caren starts to become popular, she decides to hit her where it will hurt the most – she wants her husband.

Lonely and depressed, Ruth Millington turns to drinking and self-harm to get her through the dark times but finds it’s a constant struggle. Spiralling out of control, maybe she should let Gina’s husband help her out when he comes calling.

Twins, Rachel and Claire Bradley, took control of the girl-gang, the Mitchell Mob, when their leader was sent to juvie for assault. But Stacey Hunter is out now and wants to hold the position again. No one will back down – let battle commence.

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