BegMe (3 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Sanderson

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She closed her patient journal and stood, offering a
professional hand to Neil. “Until next week. Please confirm your appointment
with my secretary out front.”

His sweaty palm slid against hers. He squeezed and pumped
her hand with an annoying vigor. She wanted to rub the heel of her hand over
her skirt, removing the excess fluid left behind.

“Thank you, Dr. Connolly. I’ll definitely be back to see you
next week.” Once again, his gaze moved down to her breasts, his tongue licked
his lower lip.

Tessa saw a lot of clients. It was very rare one gave her
the creeps. Neil sparked all her feminine defense receptors. She made a mental
note never to be completely alone when he was booked for a session.

She gave him a forced smile. “Good afternoon, Neil.”

The door closed behind him, and Tessa sank into her chair.
Removing her glasses, she leaned her head back, closed her eyes and pinched the
bridge of her nose. The pressure relieved some of the tension headache
jackhammering in her skull.

She couldn’t get last night out of her mind. The look,
taste, feel and scent of the stranger haunted her dreams. The images made her
body ache with a desire so strong, not even frantic masturbation sessions could
quell it. Just thinking about him sent her body into orgasmic overdrive.
Underneath the demure suit, her nipples plumped, beaded. Her pussy became slick
as she fantasized about what could have happened…

The stranger led her to one of the private playrooms. He
shackled her wrists, forced her ankles apart and bound them with a spreader
bar. He blindfolded her, attached a ball gag to her mouth. The thought of being
immobilized, of being unable to control the exchange, ripped through her body.

Her clit throbbed.

The fronds of a flogger cracked against her ass. He
whipped her repeatedly, trailed the horsehair over her aching nipples. She was
completely at his mercy. He could do anything to her body and she was powerless
to stop him.

Ah, if only she’d had the courage to continue. She didn’t
doubt she would be purring with satisfaction right now instead of sitting here,
imagining what could have been.

The buzz of her secretary’s intercom broke the erotic
reverie. “Dr. Connolly, your next patient is waiting. Should I send him in?”

Replacing her spectacles, she turned the journal to a fresh
page and checked her date planner for a name. Jared Campbell was a new client.
He’d called earlier for an urgent appointment, and as luck would have it, they
had one free. He hadn’t elaborated on the word urgent, and it wasn’t her
secretary’s place to discuss confidential matters outside a session.

She wrote his name on the top of a new page and answered the
intercom call. “Yes, please send him in, Cally.”

The door opened and the gentleman closed it behind him. She
could only see his back, broad and muscular beneath what appeared to be an
expensive black Armani suit.

Sophisticated. Money. Those were the two impressions she

Tessa stood and held her hand out to her latest client as he
turned. Her breath hitched. Startling green eyes connected with hers. She’d
seen those eyes not twenty-four hours ago at Inferno.

Her gaze moved to those erotic, sensual lips—lips now curled
into a smile. Oh yes, those same lips set a fire burning in her loins.

He walked toward her. His strides were long, confident. He
slipped a warm hand in hers. No sweaty palms for this guy. Instead his grip was
firm, soothing and arousing at the same time. The zings were back. Only this
time they were like great big clanging cymbals. Mr. Jared Campbell played havoc
with her libido.

“Dr. Connolly. Thank you for seeing me on such short

His voice still held a slight Southern drawl. His voice gave
him away. In the suit, he could be mistaken for a Wall Street trader, a banker
and a slick, sophisticated man who enjoyed fine wine and cheese boards. The
packaging might scream
but his voice and eyes held a rawness of
character. Jared Campbell would always be a little rough around the edges.

The observation only excited her more. On the outside he was
respectable, but the rough edge meant he wouldn’t be afraid to mark her skin.

Quelling erotic thoughts of ripping off his suit and taking
a bite, she smiled. Releasing his hand, she gestured to a chair. “We had a free
appointment. It’s not a problem. Please, sit.”

If she didn’t sit, her knees would give way. What could the
man from the BDSM club want? More importantly, how had he found her? Chance?
Coincidence? Or something more sinister? She’d heard stories of other
therapists acquiring stalkers in the form of ex-patients.

She picked up a pen, her hand shaking. Tessa prayed she
appeared professional. “Now, Mr. Campbell, what can I do for you?”

“Please, call me Jared.” He settled back. His gaze twinkled
with a confidence that mesmerized her.

She raised an eyebrow and scowled. Whatever game he was
playing, she refused to take the bait. “Jared it is. So, Jared, what can I do
for you?”

She waited. He tilted his head to the side and steepled his
fingers under his chin. Still, she waited. The silence lengthened. The only
sound in the room a ticking clock. His gaze roamed every inch of her face then
lower, caressing her breasts before settling back on her face. The intensity
electrified her. Heat licked across her skin. She refused to blush at his

“I met a woman. She fascinates me.”

A woman? Tessa’s heart skipped a beat. Did he mean her? She
waited for him to continue. When he didn’t, she swallowed and moistened her dry
throat. “How does this woman fascinate you?”

Jared raked a hand through his hair, a gesture she’d found
inherently sexy last night. She watched his hand move through the strands, the
veins flexing across the skin, his fingers graceful. Oh yeah, the gesture was still

“She’s beautiful and intelligent. Vulnerable yet
passionate.” He turned his hands over and studied them a heartbeat before
meeting her gaze. “I touched her and she came alive. I could sense her need.
Feel her desire. Taste her arousal. It was like the most expensive champagne
bursting on my tongue. I wanted to swallow it, roll it around, devour it.”

Tessa blinked. His passionate words made her cunt pulse. Who
knew such simple words could sound so erotic?

Licking her suddenly dry lips, Tessa managed to ask, “And
who is this woman?”

If he spoke another woman’s name, she would hunt the bitch
down and scratch out her eyes. Sexual tension became palpable in the room as
they stared at each other.


Zings pinged, blood pounded and all manner of physical
fireworks exploded in her body. Her nipples hardened to pebbled peaks. Her sex
swelled, cream soaked her panties and she clenched her thighs to ease the heavy
ache pounding in her clit. He neither spoke nor moved, just stared at her with
those intense green eyes.

Lost for words and painfully aroused, she made a playful
doodle on her notepad, stalling for time, trying to construct a sophisticated
and intelligent response. Even though her mind asked numerous silent questions,
her body was intensely aware of his commanding, masculine presence.

What was a gal to do?

“Mr. Campbell…Jared…” She dropped her pen and clasped her
hands. “What happened last night at Inferno… I don’t usually…it was…”

None of the sophisticated responses or reasons for her
behavior came out of her mouth.

Slick, Tessa, real slick.

Jared Campbell probably thought her a blithering idiot
rather than an intelligent professional. No matter how hard she tried, Tessa
couldn’t find an excuse for kissing him. There was only one reason she’d molded
herself against him like a limpet, and that reason was pure animal attraction.
She’d been drawn to his dominance.

His smile was almost smug. “I know what it was, Tessa. I
know why you came there.”

Annoyed at his presumptions, Tessa raised an eyebrow. “Do,
please, enlighten me to any revelations you may have.”

“I can give you what you need.” He shifted in his seat and
curled his hands over the edge of the arms. “You need to have your pretty
little butt spanked. You need to be tied down. I saw it in your eyes at the
club, you enjoyed what Karl did. Underneath all the panic, you enjoyed the feel
of the paddle on your skin. I can give that to you. You have a submissive
tendency and you’re in need of a Dominant. I have a dominant streak and I need
a willing submissive. I’m offering my services. Call it a contract if you want,
a business arrangement.”

She widened her eyes with a mixture of fascination and
disbelief. “A business arrangement? And how would this ‘arrangement’ work?
Would you expect me to pay you?”

Jared let out a rich laugh. “You think I’m some sort of

Tessa shrugged. “The thought crossed my mind. Especially
when you talk of ‘business arrangements’.”

Her comment only made him laugh louder and with more gusto.

Cheeks burning, Tessa managed to put on her
don’t-mess-with-me scowl. Something she reserved for overzealous clients and
unwanted advances in BDSM clubs.

“I’m so glad you find my comments amusing, Mr. Campbell.
But, forgive me if I misunderstood, you came in here offering me…sex…and then
you mentioned contracts. So in essence, you want payment for having sex with
me?” She couldn’t keep the dripping sarcasm out of her tone. “I really don’t
see the humor in that.”

There. She’d said it. Got it all off her chest.

“Money is the last thing on my mind right now, Dr.

Tessa frowned at his casual amusement. “Then what exactly is
on your mind, Mr. Campbell?”

He removed a speck of lint from his pants. Tessa tapped her
foot with impatience as she waited for him to say something. She had a full
schedule the next few days and if Jared was here just to play games, he’d
picked the wrong female.

“Sex is on my mind, Tessa. Specifically, sex with you. As
I’ve already said, I’m a guy who likes to play dominant. I’m in need of a
partner. You, to be precise. You bewitched me last night at the club, with your
soft little moans and your defiance.”

He laughed softly. “The conflict on your face drove me
insane. Panic and desire and need. Beneath the fear, the thought of
what if
I saw it when you looked at me. I felt it when you kissed me. I haven’t been
able to get your taste off my tongue. Your scent is inside me.

“You know what I’ve thought about since last night? I’ve
thought about you on your knees, kneeling for me. Offering yourself. I thought
about the fire in your gorgeous blue eyes. I thought about what it would be
like to take all that fire, all that passion and have it directed at me. I
thought about running my hands over your skin. Tasting you. I thought about
having you over my knee, your ass bare, ready for the slap of my hand. Do you
know how it feels to be spanked properly, Tessa?”

She shook her head.

“I know you want to. I want to give that to you.”

He placed his palms on the desk and stood, leaning into her.
She swallowed the lump of desire in her throat. Her heart rate hitched, beat
rapidly. He invaded her space, crowded her senses. She could smell his breath,
minty fresh mixed with a hint of coffee and cigarettes. Her aching nipples
strained against the confines of her bra, begging to be plucked.

“I want you.”

Her jaw dropped at his outrageous words. No man had ever
been bold enough to give her such a command. By the look in his eyes, she knew
he was an alpha male. One who always got what he wanted, no matter what.

“And how are you going to get what you want?” Her heart
pounded, banged against her rib cage. Surely, he could hear it.

His body, his scent and his presence played havoc with her
hormones. Her body, ripe for the taking, begged silently for him to take and

The predatory grin returned, curling his lips upward into a
coy smile. “I’m offering you a deal, Tessa. A deal of sexual mastery. Give me
one month of your time to teach you, train you and show you exactly what a
Dominant/submissive relationship involves. Give me one month and I’ll show you
just how good sexual submission can be.”

Her mind reeled. He offered her everything she desired on a
platter, gift-wrapped in a pretty package. From his spiky dark hair to his
toned legs, from his sexy Southern accent to his commanding presence, she found
everything about him appealing on a base level. Her body responded to his in a
way it had never responded to her previous lovers.

Could she really sleep with a total stranger?

Tessa frowned. “What would you get from this arrangement,
apart from the obvious, of course?”

He shrugged. “I get a willing submissive. A partner. Someone
to share the experience with.” He grinned. “I’m all about the experience.”

It was Tessa’s turn to laugh. “You must want something more
than that.”

He returned her smile. “I’m going to be getting great sex.
What more could any guy want?”

A blush darkened her cheeks. She’d been fighting the desire
to experiment in this area for years, fighting the will to give into her needs.
After college, wanting someone to dominate her hadn’t been high on her list of

Until recently, until her last sexual partner failed time
and time again to bring her to orgasm. He left, claiming she was frigid. An ice
queen. He failed to realize he couldn’t fulfill her needs.

She began thinking about her repressed desires. She knew her
guilt was irrational but she couldn’t find a way to disassociate herself from
the humiliating experience. In the darkest corners of her mind, she wondered if
maybe her college boyfriend had been right. All her years as a sex therapist,
advising other people to embrace their desires, and she still hadn’t been able
to confront her personal hang-ups about BDSM. It was time to practice what she

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