Beginnings (23 page)

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Authors: J.M. Sevilla

BOOK: Beginnings
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The desserts lived up to the rest of the meal. Annie happily ate from plate to plate, taking a different bite every time. I couldn't stop staring at her.
I can't believe I'm actually here with her on a date.
I wanted to remember every detail.

I finally let out a sigh. My stomach was stuffed, but it was worth it. Annie had eaten as much of the desserts as I had.

“I'm glad you could keep up with me,” I told her. It wouldn't have been nearly as much fun if she was like most girls.

“That was delicious. Thank you,” she was glowing from the inside out, taking her beauty to another level.
Definitely the most gorgeous woman ever.

“It was my pleasure. I have to tell you how sexy you look tonight. I can't take my eyes off you.”

She blushed at my words and I wanted to lean over and kiss her. It was time to go, I needed to feel her, no more waiting.

As we started back to her place I became scared, the time I had been waiting for all day was coming. I couldn't look at her or even speak. The moisture on my palms was making it hard to grip the wheel. I was aware of every muscle in my body as they tightened up with fear.
I should have ordered more food, extended the evening longer.
Once we got to her apartment she would know, and I could finally hold her and kiss her. The thought of feeling her skin was overwhelming for me. It wasn't the first time we would touch, but it felt like it to me. Before didn't seem to matter to my body or my mind.

“Everything alright?” Her voice sounded distant, the pounding in my ears was making it hard to hear.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” my mouth responded for me, and I was relieved.

When I parked outside her building my body wouldn’t move. I stared out the window in panic. Annie said something but I didn't hear her. She got out and my mind screamed at me to follow and call out to her. The door slammed and it pulled me out of my trance.

“I just had one of the best nights of my life, and you're sitting here ignoring me.” I could hear the disappointment in her voice but I still couldn't look at her. I laid my forehead on the steering wheel and took some deep breaths.

“I'm sorry. I've never been so nervous in my life. My heart's racing, my palms are sweating, I'm freaking out. I didn't think I could be this nervous around you. It's you.” I looked over to her and my stomach flipped over, so I closed my eyes to make it easier to finish. “It's killing me being this close to you and not touching you. I can't believe I'm here with you.” My last statement hit me hard. I was there with Annie and I was blowing it. I opened my eyes to see her, “I love you, Annie.”

Her eyes filled up with tears at the mention of my name for her, “You remember?”

My nerves vanished and I became focused, “Yes.”

“When?” Her face had gone pale, and she reached for the door handle and stumbled out. She started making her way up to the apartment and I followed. Once inside I closed the door. It was dark, but I could see her silhouette by the couch.

“Annie,” I spoke to her clearly, wanting to be sure she heard me. It felt like eternity before she finally turned around. It wasn't how I had pictured the moment. I was supposed to say her name, my name for her, and she'd come running. Instead, she looked unsure of me, of us.

“When?” The words breathed out of her mouth, barely above a whisper.

“Last night,” I answered her, staying completely still, afraid of what she might be thinking.

“At the party?”

“No, after I brought you home. I was watching you sleep and I noticed the picture you had when you were a kid next to a sand castle. I went over to your nightstand to get a better look. It stirred something inside of me. I picked it up and ran my hands over your face wondering why you had a picture of yourself and then I remembered. Just like that.”

“And you didn't wake me?” The hurt in her voice traveled all the way to her eyes.

“I didn't want our first encounter together to be with you drunk. I stayed all night watching you sleep. I missed you so much. I reached over a hundred times to touch you, but I couldn't. I knew once I started I would never stop. I wanted to tell you this morning, but I was scared. So then I asked you to dinner to prepare myself. Do you have any idea what seeing you in that dress has done to me?” I ran my fingers down my face before circling them around my neck. I took in a deep breath and blew it all out. “I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Feeling your lips on my cheek in the car burned my skin and sent fire through my entire body. Before I could touch you I wanted to have dinner with you. I know that doesn't make sense.”

“I should have known it was you at dinner. The way you enjoyed your meal. That's how I always pictured you to react to food.” She was smiling at me. A true smile, one that radiated from her. I had her, I knew it.

“It's just you and me again, Annie.” She ran and lept into my arms, which I wrapped around her waist. She clung to my neck and I buried my face into her hair and inhaled her scent.

“Annie,” I breathed, overcome with the love I had for her. We held each other tightly, I'm not sure how much time passed. Minutes? Hours? It didn't really matter.

A shiver ran down her body so I held her closer to me, then another one shot down and that's when I realized she was crying. I moved my hands up her sides to bring them to her face.

“Don't cry, Annie.”

I wiped them away with my fingers.
Annie, my beautiful Annie
We are finally here in this moment together
. My thumb traced her lips, they were moist from her crying. How many hours had I stared at those lips? As soon as my eyes met hers again the atmosphere changed. The joy of being together was replaced with desire. Tired of holding back, I kissed her. She moved her hands so they were in my hair, pulling my mouth closer to deepen the kiss as her lips parted and our tongues could meet. My fingers roamed her body, memorizing every curve. I needed to be closer to her.  I slowly started leading her backwards into the hall.

Her lips trailed kisses along my jaw and my whole body trembled. Her warm breath was on my ear, “I need you, all of you.”

I tried to stay steady but her words aroused me. My hand grazed up her skin and the softness was too much for me. I went to caress her bottom and felt skin. A load groan escaped from the back of my throat. She was so unbelievably sexy. She pulled me closer as I trailed my other hand up her leg and cupped both her cheeks. I had to tell my body to remain clam as I lifted her up and she wrapped both legs around my waist.

I was finding it hard to breathe; I had never felt desire like this before. I buried my head in her neck again hoping her smell would calm me, but it had the opposite effect as my lips accidentally brushed her skin. They took over and started licking and sucking her skin. It tasted even better than she smelled.

“I want you so bad, Annie.” And I did, I wanted every little part of her. My hungry lips found hers again. My body was on fire with my need for her. I needed to get closer to her so I backed her against the wall, but a little harder than I had planned. When she moaned my lower half responded by grinding against her. Her hands formed fists in my hair and whimpered when I caressed her breasts. Before I could think my hand opened the door to her bedroom, leading us in and closing the door behind us.

I lowered her in a way that our bodies could stay together; I couldn't stand the thought of losing contact. Goosebumps covered my body as her hands pulled off my shirt. She reached for the zipper to my pants while my fingers undid her dress. I lifted her up onto the bed and stared down at her.

“You're so beautiful.”
I can't believe I'm here with her, touching her.
I rested my forearms next to her head to better look in her eyes. “I want you Annie, but I need to make sure you're ready.” I knew things were moving fast but I couldn't hold back once I started touching her. I'd been wanting this since I was fifteen. I'd wanted to know what she felt like since I was eight.

“Yes, I'm sure, Adam,” she spoke softly but I could see it in her eyes, her need to be close to me too in every way possible. We clung tight to each other as I entered her and a cry escaped her lips.

“Are you okay?” This wasn't worth it if I was causing her pain. She didn't respond, just closed her eyes tighter and raised her hips up. I took my time until I felt her body relax underneath me.

My hands were now knotted in her hair and I had to keep myself from crushing her body underneath me. “I can't get close enough to you,” I whispered as I buried my face into her neck once again. Our bodies started to move faster.

“Adam!” She cried, pulling my shoulders down and letting me go deeper inside, “Oh, Adam!” This time her cry was a moan of passion as her hips sunk into rhythm with mine. Her back arched as she let out her release. Feeling her come undone sent me over the edge and I joined her.

I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I just lied there letting my breathing return to normal. I rested my forehead on hers, thinking nothing would ever feel as good as that moment.

“I love you, Annie.”

I loved her so much. I rolled onto my back moving her body with mine so her head rested on my chest. She moved her arm and leg so they draped over my body. I stroked her back, relishing in the way it felt. She kept pulling me tighter to her, as if afraid I wasn't really there with her.

“I'm not going anywhere, Annie. I'm here. Now. Always.”

She lifted her head and there were tears in her eyes.

“I love you so much,” the tears dropped down her cheeks. I moved so she was underneath me again as tears formed in my eyes.

“I never thought I could feel this happy, this alive.” Wanting to make love to her again I entered her, to connect with her in this new unbelievable way.
This woman is my everything






She stirred in my arms causing me to wake up from a deep sleep.

“Good morning, Annie.” Her whole body was wrapped around mine, holding me tight to her. “I don't think I have ever slept so good.”

She giggled and my body lit up with happiness, “But we only slept for a couple hours.”

My mind flashed to the night we had had, causing my lower half to tingle, “Yeah, but I got to sleep with you in my arms.” Almost every inch of her skin was in contact with mine and I wondered how long this would last, not being able to get over the fact we could finally touch and feel one another. A part of me didn't think I would ever stop craving her touch.

She started sitting up and I pulled her back down, “Where do you think you're going?”

“To the bathroom,” she said kissing my lips. I pouted to show her my disapproval of being apart. A huge smile spread across her face and she kissed me again, “I'll only be gone a moment.”

I watched her get up and put her robe on, my eyes lingering over every curve.
I wish she wasn't so irresistible.
She shut the door behind her and I let out a huge puff of air. I needed to learn to think straight again.

The euphoria I felt was starting to jolt my body awake.
Love is amazing, the way it makes you feel so alive.

I heard voices in the hallway, but they were muffled so I got up. On the floor were my pants.
It's probably a good idea to put those on.
y body wanted to be naked in bed with Annie for the rest of our lives.

Haley's voice was the first I recognized, “I bet you're glad I made you wear the thong.”

Oh Haley, how I've missed your bluntness.

“Haley!” Annie barked. If they were teasing Annie I wanted in on it. I swung open the door.

“Hey guys,” I was beaming at them. It was weird how excited I was to see Jeremy and Haley standing there. I wrapped my arms around Annie and kissed the curve of her neck. “I for one am very glad you made her wear the thong.” I winked at them and Annie jabbed her elbow in my ribs. “Ow Annie, that hurt.” I twirled her around so I could kiss her on the lips.

“You sure are less up tight when you get laid,” Jeremy said, clearly amused with my behavior.
I guess compared to the Adam he knows I would seem more relaxed.
Although I felt completely comfortable with Haley and Jeremy, I was still somewhat of a stranger to them.

I realized Haley had been quiet the whole time, which never happened. When I looked at her she had her hand covering her mouth and her eyes were wide; she knew. I straightened up and smiled at her.

“You remember!”

Jeremy's eyebrows shot up, “Do you?” I grinned. “Wow, that must have been some night you two had!”

“Jeremy!” Haley pushed him but was slightly laughing.

“Although she did rock my world.” Annie turned so red with embarrassment, I loved it, “I remembered way before that.”

“Yeah, he's known since Friday night,” Annie explained, looking like she was still a little bitter about it.

“What? Tell me everything!” Haley squealed, beginning to bounce.

“We haven't really gotten the chance to talk about it yet.” I could tell Annie wasn't ready to go over details. I assumed it was because she wanted to lay into me first about waiting so long to tell her. I wasn’t too concerned, she might get angry later but Annie had never stayed mad at me for longer than five minutes.

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