Read Beg for It Online

Authors: Megan Hart

Tags: #office romance, #femdom, #D/s, #erotic romance, #contemporary

Beg for It (25 page)

BOOK: Beg for It
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She looked at him, taking in the jeans, the button-down with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, the athletic shoes. The baseball cap. He looked so different than the all-black-wearing club kid he’d been, and different, too, from the high-powered business mogul he’d turned into. The frat-boy look made him seem younger.

“Don’t worry, puppy,” she promised. “You’ll like it.”

“I’m gonna go upstairs and look around.”

“Okay,” she answered absently, already consumed in her discovery of everything laid out on the shelves and wall hooks in front of her. “Text me if you need me.”

“Help you find anything?” This helpful question came from a pretty young man wearing a black T-shirt that said HERS on the front in swirly white letters.

That, along with the thin leather collar at his throat, gave Corinne a small pause. She’d had only briefest foray into the world of real-life kink. Reese had the one-up on her in that department. The things they’d done in the past had grown out of fantasy and simply pursuing whatever it was she thought they’d both like, but somehow now, with all this information available to her, it seemed more important to educate herself.

Or something.

“I’m looking for some things for…umm…my boy.” She cleared her throat, watching the clerk’s face for any hint of surprise or distaste or anything that would make her want to turn around and flee the store.

He only nodded, looking thoughtful. “Yes, miss. What sorts of things are you interested in? We have really great new chastity devices that came in, people have had some great things to say about them.”


He smiled. “Yeah, so, they’re cages you lock up his cock in, so he can’t get hard or come without your permission.”

“Oh, wow.” Corinne pressed her lips together, thinking about that. As much as she loved teasing and denying him, she wasn’t sure locking up Reese’s cock was exactly what she was going for. Not yet, anyway, though the idea had…potential. “I’m actually looking more for a harness and strap-on.”

“Oh, sure. We have a really great selection over here, let me show you.” He gestured, but allowed her to go first, staying a deferential distance behind her. “So, you’ve had a setup in the past and you’re looking to replace?”

She nodded. “Yeah, but it was a long, long time ago. Like, over ten years.”

“I was only twelve back then, so I can’t tell you I know anything about what they were like, but I’m going to bet they’ve improved,” the clerk said with a grin. “Let’s get you fitted out. Do you want to start with the harness first, or the cock? What size are you going for? If your boy can take a lot of girth, we can start here.”

Corinne, eyes wide, looked up at the racks of hanging dildos, some as long as her arm and twice as thick. “Something a little less intimidating to start, I think.”

“Sure. Would you like a natural looking penis, with balls? We have some that can squirt, like ejaculation. I don’t care for those, myself, they’re hard to clean.” He pointed. “Or do you want something that’s not anatomically correct?”

“I guess the question is, do I want to look like I have a real penis or not?” She moved closer to the selection, considering. The one she’d had back then had been rigid, smooth, ill-fitting.

“Yes. It’s really up to you, miss.” The young man lifted a box off the wall. “Something like this is nice for beginners, or if your boy hasn’t had anything for a while. It’s curved here, for prostate stimulation. Three colors. Made of high quality materials, easily cleanable. Comes with a storage pouch, and you can fit it to any one of these harnesses over here, using an O-ring system, so if you find a harness you really like, you can switch out the cocks.”

“This is so different than before.” She laughed, self-conscious, and shook her head. “I ordered from a website with autoplay music. There were only a few choices, and you had to really hunt for them. Like nobody else in the world ever wanted to use one.”

“Trust me, miss, there are lots and lots of people who want to use these.” He grinned again. “Thank God, right?”

“Yes. Right.” She laughed with him, then turned her attention back to the wall. “Let’s find something really perfect.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

She had not told Reese everything she’d bought, though she had ordered him to pick out a nice ass plug for himself from the shop’s vast variety. She’d also allowed him to choose a set of truly frightening lingerie for her, something with a lot of complicated straps she was sure that once she was in, she’d be unable to get out of. It would make him happy, though, so she would find a way to wear it for him, because none of this was ever solely about her. It had been a good day, a really good one, full of laughter and good food and some great glasses of wine and actual conversation.

“Did we ever talk this way?” she asked him, her head in his lap on the couch.

He’d lit a fire, and the orange flames cast shadows on the wall. He leaned to pour another inch or two of wine into her glass. “We didn’t have a fireplace.”

“Smart-ass. You know what I meant.”

“I don’t think so,” Reese said. “I don’t think I’d have been able to. I’d never been anywhere or seen anything but the farm, pretty much. You were the one who always kept an eye on the news and stuff.”

She sipped the wine, then set the glass on the table and wriggled in his lap. She loved the way he shifted a little at the pressure of her against his crotch. She’d had him put the plug in as soon as they got home, and she knew it had to be making him at least a tiny bit crazy.

“You had opinions,” she remembered.

He laughed and stroked her hair off her forehead. “Of course I did. But they weren’t very informed, I don’t think.”

“No, you liked to talk about philosophy and stuff like that.”

“I did?” He looked surprised. “No way. I don’t remember that at all. Me?”

“Yep. You. You’d argue with me about the existence of God, life on other planets, that sort of thing.”

He frowned. “And you put up with that?”

She sat up. “I liked it, at the time. I don’t think I’d mind it, now. I love that we can discuss current events and financial planning, don’t get me wrong…”

“You make it sound so sexy when you put it that way,” Reese interrupted drolly, with a roll of his eyes. “So I went from freaky goth kid to boring old numbers cruncher, is that what you’re saying?”

Corinne laughed. “No! Not at all. I like that we can have real conversations.”

He kissed her, then said into her ear, “Even if we’re talking about the ramifications of current political policy while I have something inside my butt?”

“It speaks to your powers of concentration.” She turned her head slightly. “How does it feel?”

“Good. It reminds me every time I move that I’m doing what you asked me to do.”

Arousal flooded her, peaking her nipples. “Ah.”

Reese moved a little, tugging at the front of his jeans. “I’m half-hard from the pressure.”

“Mmm,” she breathed.

Just like that, she wanted him iron-hard, throbbing, and begging for release. She wanted him on his knees for her. She wanted his ass in the air while he opened himself for her…she wanted every piece of Reese Ebersole.

“Stand up,” she told him.

He did at once, his instant obedience a burst of fuel on the already smoldering fire of her desire.

“I want you naked, but in the bedroom. Go take a shower and get on the bed for me and wait. I want you facedown, ass up.”

Reese blinked rapidly as a soft hiss of breath escaped him. “Umm…yes, Ma’am. Okay.”

The wine had given her a lovely warm glow, but watching his reaction intoxicated her even more. She waited until he’d disappeared down the hall and then went to the kitchen to put together a platter of cheese, grapes, and crackers. Some chocolate truffles they’d picked up this afternoon went on a small glass plate she realized with a start had come from her old apartment—she’d never known he’d taken it with him when he moved out and would perhaps have been angry about it at the time if she had, but seeing it now only moved her to an emotion so tangled and twisted she couldn’t have put a name to it.

Nostalgia, melancholy for what might’ve been if they hadn’t both been so stubborn and stupid. Bittersweet longing. Affection.

Love, she thought. Yes. Okay, so this was love, or at least the beginnings of it. And that was okay.

All of this was going to be all right.

Putting the food, along with the wineglasses and bottle, on a tray, she carried it carefully down the hall. She’d dallied to be sure Reese had ample time in the shower and to be waiting for her. She had anticipated he would be.

She hadn’t been expecting this.

He’d lit candles. A dozen or more, some small votives and some pillars, placed carefully on all the flat surfaces of the room. In the middle of them, on the bed with the comforter and sheets already pulled down, he waited for her, exactly as she’d told him to. Head turned away from her, his arms spread, knees wide, ass up. She could see the rounded ring of the plug she hadn’t told him to remove.

He had done what she’d asked of him, and it was beautiful.

Setting the tray on the table next to a few of the candles, Corinne crossed to the bed. “Good boy.”

He smiled, but said nothing. His fingers twitched, though. He breathed deep, his body moving. His cock was long, thick, and totally hard, the tip just barely brushing the crisp white sheets.

“I’m going to fuck you,” she said.

He let out a small sigh, but said nothing.

From the bag she’d tucked inside the guest closet he’d shown her, otherwise empty except for the dress she’d hung there, she took out what she’d bought earlier. The clerk had made sure she knew precisely how to put it together, so she didn’t have to fuss with securing the dildo to the harness. She’d also picked up a bottle of special lube.

She had everything she needed, but she was far from ready. How had she managed this, before? Had they both simply been so young and lust-crazed that everything had seemed easy? Facing Reese on the bed, Corinne tried to focus on how turned on she was at the sight of him presented for her, but she was letting herself get distracted at how she was going to look once she donned the strap-on.

It helped that he wasn’t looking at her. She slipped her legs through the spaces in the harness, adjusting it at her waist so the artificial cock pressed just right against her clit. The curve of the dildo was meant to press his prostate, which it wouldn’t do in the position he was in, but she would worry about that in a minute or so. For now, she got on her knees behind him, the bed dipping as she did.

Her hands smoothed over his ass cheeks. “Tell me how it feels to wait for me like this.”

“Exposed. Excited.” Reese’s voice was a little slurred, though not, she thought, from too much wine. “I’m remembering how it was before, but thinking it will be different now.”

She ran her hands down his thighs, then up again, stroking his skin. She tugged the ring of the plug gently. “And this?”

He groaned at the motion of the plug. “Good. It’s good…”

“What’s it feel like?”

“Pressure. Fullness. It was almost too much at first; it’s been a long time. But the longer I wore it, the more I could feel it, pressing me inside. My cock is dripping, Ma’am.”

She looked. “There’s a nice little wet spot there on the bed.”

He thrust forward a bit. “I want to…I want to fuck against it… If I bear down, it’s even better. Or worse. I’m going crazy for you, Ma’am. Please fuck me.”

“Not yet.” She toyed with the plug again, not pulling it out, easing off when she felt the toy begin to move.

Reese groaned and shook a little bit. “Fuck, it feels so fucking good.”

Corinne smiled. “I’m glad. I want you to feel good for me.”

She’d never had a lover who hadn’t tried to get into her ass, but Reese had been the only man who’d ever responded positively to her getting into his. What had happened naturally for them had become weird with other lovers, and after the first time she’d been soundly and embarrassingly rejected, she’d never really tried to play that way with anyone else. So many things, she thought as she tugged again on the toy, had been special to only him.

“I’m gonna come,” he muttered.

“No, you’re not.” She tugged the toy again, then let it settle back inside him.

“Please, Ma’am, I want to taste your pussy, I want to make you come first, please, or else I’m going to, and you won’t…”

“I will, don’t worry.”

He quieted. “I want to make sure you’re happy.”

“I know, puppy.” She kissed his butt cheeks one at a time, laughing.

He laughed, too, moving. “Ffffuck…”

Carefully, she eased the toy out of him, pleased to see that in addition to the candles, he’d also thought ahead to putting down a towel. She set the toy on it as Reese moaned, hips thrusting again a couple times before he stilled himself. She let her hand move between his legs to stroke him, feeling the slickness there.

“On your back.”

He moved, rolling onto his back as she positioned herself between his legs. He was already pulling his knees back. Staring down at him, Corinne ran her hands over his skin—knees, thighs, belly. She gave his cock another couple strokes but stopped when it throbbed in her fist.

BOOK: Beg for It
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