Before Amelia (48 page)

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Authors: Eileen F. Lebow

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Quoted and background material also came from the following sources:


Akron Sunday Times

Alameda Times Star

American Examiner


Bay of Plenty Times
(New Zealand)

Berliner Tageblatt

Boston Herald

(Brownwood, Texas)

Chicago Daily News

Chicago Examiner

Chicago Herald

Chicago Tribune

Christian Science Monitor

Cleveland News

Cleveland Plain Dealer

Daily Colonist
(Victoria, British Columbia)

Daily Mail

Dallas Dispatch

Dallas Morning News

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Luftschiffahrt

El Imparcial
(Mexico City)

El Mañana
(Mexico City)

Evening Bulletin

Evening Star
(Washington, D.C.)

Evening World
(New York)

Journal du Dimanche

Kansas City Star

Le Figaro

Le Matin

Le Monde

Le Petit Journal

Leslie's Illustrated Weekly

Le Temps

Los Angeles Times

Mexican Herald

Mobile Register

Morning Telegraph
(New York)

New Mexican

New York American

New York Herald

New York Herald

New York

New York Times

New York World Telegram

Public Ledger

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

Sandusky Register

San Antonio Express

San Antonio Light

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Examiner

Seattle Daily Times

South Bend Tribune


(New Orleans)

Tucson Citizen

Washington Post

Wichita Falls Daily Times

Yakima Daily Republic


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