Bedrock (22 page)

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Authors: Britney King

BOOK: Bedrock
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Addie stroked William’s hair as she stared at his head
lying in her lap. She memorized every detail, knowing that she was about to
break his heart.

William looked up at her suddenly, as though he sensed something
was wrong. He searched her face as the shade of his piercing blue eyes burned
into her memory. As long as she lived, she would never forget that moment, the
way that he looked at her.

“I hear you’re going home tomorrow. What am I going to do when I
can’t just sneak down the hall and see your face? I was thinking about all of
the ways I would miss you, and I was wondering . . . I was thinking that maybe
you should come home with me. That way I can kiss you whenever I want to. I
could get a place where you could rest, where the boys could run and play, where
I could protect you. We could be happy, Addison.”

Addie took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving his. “I love you,
William. I need you to know that. Tell me that you know that.”

William grinned, flashing the smile she adored so much. “I know

She wrapped his hair around her little finger. “I can’t . . . We
can’t be together right now. I need you to trust me on this.”

“Why not?”

Addie exhaled. “I need to focus on my marriage right now. Let’s
just leave it at that.”

William stood, yanking his head from her grasp. “Are you fucking
kidding me? He doesn't give a shit about you, Addison.”

“No, I’m not kidding you.”

“I let you go once. I don’t intend on doing it again.”

Addie sat up, trying to close the distance she was creating. “I
just need some time, ok, William? That’s all.”

William paused, rubbing his chin. Addie knew this was what he did
when he was thinking, questioning himself. “He’s having an affair, Addison.”

“I know.”

William turned on his heel and glared at her, confused. “What do
you mean, you know. Goddamn, Addison, I never had you pegged as one who would
put up with that shit.”

“Just what I said—I know. I received an anonymous envelope weeks
ago. I guess I should be asking you why you knew and kept it from me.”

Carl. It had to be Carl.
William hesitated. “I didn’t want
to be the reason you left him. I mean . . . I did, but I wanted to be the right
reason. Not the runner up. Guess not much has changed.”

She considered telling him the truth, that Patrick was
blackmailing her, threating to take the kids, but changed directions instead,
knowing that if William knew the truth he’d put up a fight. “Once Scott Hammons’
case goes to trial, everything is going to come out. I’m going to be painted as
a philandering whore, every mistake I’ve ever made exposed for the entire world
to see. I can’t let this destroy my family, William. If I leave now, our lives
will be irrevocably altered. I need to ride this out. I need time, William.”

“Fuck time. What’s going to come out will come out. Which reminds
me . . . You and I have a lot to discuss. But I’ve hired the best legal team
money can buy. They know what they’re dealing with, and they’re perfectly
capable of handling this. This is bullshit, Addison, and you and I both know

Addie tried a different method. “They’re freeing Scott on bond,
William. If you and I are together, who knows what . . .”

William sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed. “How much time are
you asking for, Addison?”

“Just until the trial’s over.”

“And what then?”

“Then I’ll leave.”

William curled up in the bed next to Addie and kissed her face.
“But that could be months.”

“I just need you to trust me on this. Please. It’s not that long.
If you love me, William, you either wait or let me go. It’s your choice, but I
want you to at least consider my point of view. I have children to think about.
I have to protect them, William. They are, and always will be, my number one
priority. If we’re going to be together, you have to understand that and be
willing to accept it.”

“Ok. What is it you’re asking exactly?”

“I’m asking that we cease contact until the trial is complete. In
light of all that is about to come out about us and about Seven and my role
there, it’s just too risky.”

William intertwined his fingers with hers. “I’m just not sure I
can do it.”

“You have to, William. Please? Do it for me. Do it for us.”

Addie and William said their tearful goodbyes early the
next morning, standing in her hospital room, each of them promising the other
that they’d be together again once the trial was over and Scott Hammons had
been convicted of kidnapping and attempted murder. No matter what happened in

As the weeks went by, life slowly returned to a new normal. At
first, William had consumed Addie’s mind nearly every waking moment. Eventually
though, as the weeks gave way to months and although the pain never quite
subsided, Addie was finally able to get through the day without crying.

Thanksgiving came and went as Addie immersed herself in her
children. Patrick returned to the office after a few weeks, although he mostly
chose to work at home. Over time, the two of them began speaking, as Addie
tried to put on a happy front for the children.

In keeping with the facade, Addie agreed to accompany Patrick and
the boys to pick out their Christmas tree. Maybe it was the spirit of the
season, or the fact that Addie knew that it was likely their final Christmas
together, but when Connor pulled the two of them together and Patrick reached
for her hand, intertwining their fingers, she didn’t pull away. Seeing her
children happy reminded her to be happy. She owed them that much.

Lost in her mind, it was Patrick who brought her back to reality.
“Look, boys, it’s Mommy’s friend, Mr. Hartman.” Patrick said, gripping Addie's
hand tighter as she tried to pull away.

Just up ahead, Addie noticed William, the two of them locking
eyes for a brief second before his gaze fell to her hand still inside of
Patrick’s. Addie could see the pain twisted on William’s face as he registered
what he was seeing.

Patrick extended his hand and William hesitantly shook it, not
taking his eyes off of Addie. “William, what a pleasure it is running into you
here. I’m sure you remember my wife, Addison. These are our children: Connor,
Parker and James.”

William smiled at the boys, shaking their hands one by one. “Well,
I’d better be going.” Glaring at Addie, he continued. “It’s so nice to have
finally met you guys.”

Addie watched, speechless, as everything around her happened in
slow motion.

“Once this trial business is said and done, my wife and I and
these little guys you see here are heading back to China. I think we’re all
looking forward to getting away.”

Addie’s mouth gaped as she spoke. “I don't think . . .”

William put his hands up to stop her, his expression pained. “Like
I said, I’ve got to run. Merry Christmas.”

William turned on his heel and walked in the other direction.
Addie watched him until he was just a tiny speck blended in among the crowd.
And just as Addie thought she’d lost sight of him, William turned, their eyes
locking for a briefest of seconds, until she was being led in the opposite
direction. Addie’s eyes welled up; the tears spilled over as it took every
ounce of willpower she had in her not to turn and run to him. Although she
couldn’t say for sure, Addie swore she saw the slightest hint of a smile form
upon his lips. Wiping her eyes, she searched the crowd again. But just as fast
as William had appeared, he was gone.




I would especially like to thank my husband and children for
supporting my dream to write (and complete—I have to add that) this novel. For
not complaining (too much) about the messy house or the times my eyes glazed
over when you were talking to me because I was “thinking about my book, again.”
But most of all, for your continued tolerance with each new endeavor I choose
to pursue. One of them is going to pay off. I just know it.

Thank you to Theresa Wegand for being so easy and efficient
during every step of the copyediting and formatting process. You have been a
joy to work with. Thank you.

With extreme gratitude, I would like to acknowledge my first
readers: Monica, Denise (Hi, Mom!), Polly, Jordan, Liz and Dara. Thank you for
your input each step of the way and thank you for “nudging” me to send you the
next chapter (already!) Thank you for believing in me.

Last but certainly not least; I would like to thank each and
every one of you for taking the time to read my work and for loving the
characters as I do.




About the Author


Writer. Wife. Mama. Expert juggler. Britney lives with her
husband, five children, two dogs, and a cat in Austin, Texas. Bedrock is her
debut novel. You can find her blogging on her website and she would love it if
you’d connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


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