bedeviled & beyond 06 - bedeviled & befouled (25 page)

Read bedeviled & beyond 06 - bedeviled & befouled Online

Authors: sam cheever

Tags: #fantasy & futuristic romance, #Demons & Devils urban fantasy, #books romance angels & devils, #science fiction romance angels & devils, #books futuristic romance, #Romantic Comedy, #humorous paranormal romance

BOOK: bedeviled & beyond 06 - bedeviled & befouled
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Still, I got points for trying, right?

After a full minute of lip wobbling I gave up. “Frunk me. See you later, Darma.” I pictured the welcome center at the court and shifted the troll there. I got Venus settled in and got the hades out of there as soon as I could, but as I hurried toward our rooms, I realized I hadn’t escaped nearly fast enough. I had troll stench all over me.

I’d definitely need to clean up before seducing Dialle.

I was glad to see he wasn’t in our rooms when I entered. If he smelled me in my current condition it would undeniably kill the mood. Hurrying into the personal hygiene room, I pulled my clothes off quickly, dumping them into the laundry cylinder before stepping into the shower tube. “One hundred degrees. Forty-percent soap.”

The hot, soapy tentacles of water felt wonderful pounding against my skin. I just stood there for a moment, letting it smooth the rough edges of the day away, and wash the troll stink from my skin. Gradually I began to feel overheated so I backed the heat of the water down. Still I felt too warm, stiflingly so. “Seventy degrees, and clear,” I instructed the tube. I rinsed quickly under the cooler, soap-free water. My skin still felt hot, despite the much cooler water pinging against it, and my sexual core was coiling with its own kind of heat. With a start, I realized what I was experiencing was both familiar and devilish.

A dark shape shimmered into view on the other side of the glass tube. My lips curved upward on a delightful sense of déjà vu. “Water off.”

As I stepped out of the tube, Dialle raised one silky, black eyebrow and let his gaze slide down my dripping flesh. “Very lovely. I shall enjoy this very much.”

My grin widened, remembering all too well when he’d last said that to me. “Why do I feel like we’ve been here before?”

Dialle lifted a small square of cloth and wiggled it enticingly. I let my gaze slide to the towel he was holding for me, just out of reach of course. “I do not know what you refer to, my love. Every moment with you is a revelation for me. When we’re apart I think of nothing but you.”

I snorted. “You’re so full of shit, Dialle.” I reached for the towel and he yanked it just out of my reach.

“I know you feel the same way, my queen. Why don’t you just admit it?”

My devilish side couldn’t resist the chance to tease him. Besides, his ego didn’t need a boost. It was already so big there was barely space enough for all three of us in the personal hygiene room. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, bud. I’m just going about my business here. I haven’t even thought about you in at least an hour.”

His yummy lips parted in a wide smile, showing just the very tips of his teeth. “Did you know that royals can smell lust, little halfling?”

I blinked, trying to keep from smiling at the remembered taunt. “Just give me the towel, Dialle.”

As he’d done the first time we’d acted out the same scenario, he let his gaze slide slowly down my wet, naked form, and then held the towel out, keeping it just far enough away that I would have to take a step closer. Knowing exactly where we were headed, I took a step and tugged on the towel. He yanked me close, wrapping a strong arm around my waist, and before I could object the world dropped away and we were locked in a space shift.



My eyes shot open and I sucked in a breath.

The kitchen at Phelps castle was filled with people. Each one of them was holding a glass of something alcoholic and wearing a happy smile. The place looked a lot better than the last time I’d been there.

Instead of bodies and wounded strewn around the floors and table, colorful air bubbles drifted around the space and a veritable bounty of food covered the long, wooden table.

I suddenly thought about where I’d just been and gave a little shriek, looking down. Thank Him! Dialle had dressed me before dumping me at my father’s house among all my friends. The long, form-fitting black dress was very pretty, in fact. And it looked kickin’ with the tall, leather boots. “Nice job, bud.”

“I much preferred you the other way.”

I tapped him on the end of his perfect nose. “Hold that thought.”

Aunt Myra handed me a glass of champagne. “Happy Birthday, Astra.”

I looked into her happy blue gaze and then to the man standing with his arm around her shoulders. Aubrey reached for me, pulling me into a one-armed hug. “Happy twenty-fifth Astra. You made it.”

I blinked. He was right. I had made it. I’d been so busy I hadn’t even had time to think about my Settling. “I did, didn’t I?”

“And you did it with style, boss.” Emo wrapped me in a tight embrace and kissed my cheek. When he pulled away, tears filled my eyes. “Thanks, partner.”

Gerch was standing behind Emo. We shared a look and he lifted his glass, his wide, red face soft with emotion.

“Astra Q Phelps.” I glanced around and laughed. Gus stood with his arms out, silently demanding a hug. He was dressed in a white suit with a white tie and white shoes. His shirt and hair were purple.

I walked over and hugged him tight. “Thank you for giving me my life back.”

He shrugged, looking embarrassed. “I didn’t do anything really. You just needed time to heal.”

I knew that wasn’t true but I couldn’t argue with him as, one after another, I found myself being greeted by friends and family.

Merriam and Flick were there. They couldn’t stay long. Merriam explained they were on their way to a war in the sixth dimension. I chatted with them for a few minutes and, before they left, Merriam tucked a card in my hand. “In case you ever want a tat like mine. I think a cheeky devil would be fun.” She grinned. “I’ve seen you admiring my angel.”

I couldn’t help laughing. She was right. I had been admiring her angel. “Thanks. I might just do that. Take care in the wars.”

She squeezed my hand. “I have Flick to protect me.”

That caught me by surprise. In the time Flick and I had worked together I’d never given him any credit for protecting me. In fact I’d often felt as if I’d had to protect him. But then I realized I really hadn’t given him much of a chance to do his job.

My bad.

“Astra!” I turned to see Ralph and Bob smiling at me. They were standing with two spectacularly beautiful women.

“Hey.” I embraced them and shook hands with their dates. “I can’t believe you guys didn’t warn me about this.”

Bob laughed. “Not a chance. Your sister would have killed us.”

“Speaking of my sister...” I looked around.

Ralph leaned close, whispering. “I think I saw her and Slayer disappearing a few minutes ago...before you arrived.”

Bleurgh. My sister was officially tagging my friend and partner. But I realized the thought no longer alarmed me. I was happy for them.

Now if only I could get Emo attached. I glanced around, searching for my old friend, and found him standing on the other side of the room. He was talking to someone but I couldn’t see who it was.

“Mx. Phelps?”

I turned and gave a squeal. “Dr. Lee!” The tall, attractive Venusian accepted my hug with a smile. “It’s so nice to see you again. And you brought Mr. Lee too.”

The seven-foot-tall, white-haired man with pale, triangular eyes frowned. “That’s Captain Lee to you Phelps.”

I laughed. “Do you always come to a party fully armed?” Captain Lee was dressed in his ugly brown uniform, the front crisscrossed with sheathed knives.

“I’ve spent time around you Phelps. I know how this usually goes.”

He had me there. “I think those days are behind me. At least I hope they are.”

Captain Lee just snorted, highly amused.

“There she is.” Slayer grabbed me into a hug, lifting me off the floor and swinging me around. “I never thought you’d make it. But I have to say, you found one hell of a way to survive your Settling.”

Only Slayer could make fun of the most painful time in my life and survive it. I stuck my tongue out at him. “You’re an ass.”

He waggled his brows. “Don’t stick that thing out there unless you plan to use it.”

I had to laugh at him. He was just so stupid.

Darma gave me a hug while glaring at her new boyfriend. “Congratulations, Astra. I have to admit I wasn’t sure any of us were going to survive your Settling. But somehow we did.”

“Yeah.” A sudden wave of sadness washed over me as I thought about our mother. Darma had taken that bit of news better than I’d thought she would. Apparently she was tougher than I’d ever guessed. “It’s been a mess, but I think everything turned out, okay.”

It was a couple of hours later and I was well into my sixth or seventh glass of bubbly when Dialle dropped a heavy, warm arm over my shoulders and pulled me close for a kiss. “Are you having fun, my love?”

“I am. But it isn’t quite the fun I had in mind.”

“We’ll get to that fun shortly. Have you seen Brina? I need to talk to her about the renovations to the throne room.”

I shook my head. “No business. She deserves a night off just like we do.”

He frowned past me. “It’s just as well. It appears she and your incredibly annoying ex-partner have their own business to discuss.”

I turned my head to follow his line of sight. Emo and Brina had their heads together in a seemingly intimate moment of conversation.

A brief jolt of jealously sliced through me but then I realized it was good. I loved Emo, but not in the way I loved Dialle. I wanted him to be happy. As I watched him smile and drop his head closer to Brina’s, one hand wrapping possessively around her arm, I realized he was finding his own happiness.

And that was a good thing.

“Are you ready to go, my love?”

I sighed. “Yeah. I am.” I looked up into his face. “But don’t think I won’t get you back for keeping this from me.”

“I did not work alone. Gerch and your sister were charged with keeping you busy today while we prepared your party.”

I shook my head. “I’ll get them too.”

I said my goodbyes and then Dialle touched my arm and we shifted away.


The world returned in a spray of silver lights sparkling in the night sky. A soft, sweet breeze drifted over my skin and I smiled. I turned in his arms to take in my favorite sight. In the distance, the Angel City skyline glowed a soft gold, blocking out the stars. Dialle had shifted me to the roof of the huge warehouse building that served as the Royal Devil Court. It was my favorite place to get away from it all.

Over the last weeks, Dialle and I had gotten in the habit of spending a few hours there every night to de-stress after the challenges of pulling our kingdom back together.

Sparkling snow suddenly fell from the sky and I turned my face upward, laughing as Glynus and Spence did a fly-by, dropping the icy sparkles from buckets strapped to their bellies.
Happy Birthday, mother halfling.

Thanks, Tadpole. I’m glad you came by, I’ve been thinking about you.

Snoopy and I wouldn’t have missed this day for anything. Did you eat some cake for me?

I did. And some for Snoopy too.
I wasn’t really kidding. I’d eaten enough cake to last me a lifetime.

They didn’t stay long. As future king and queen of the white dragons, they had a lot of duties to attend to. I was just pleased they’d stopped by to see me. I waved goodbye and blew Glynus a kiss. Watching the two love-dragons gliding gracefully away, I sighed. The tension of the day evaporated as strong arms wrapped around me from behind and I leaned back, against a delightfully warm, deliciously firm chest.

“I missed you today, my love.”

I covered his arms with my own, enjoying the feeling of soft, black hairs covering golden skin underscored by firm muscle. “I’ve missed you too.” I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling up at him.

He arched a dark eyebrow. “Truly?”

I rubbed a thumb over the soft fullness of his bottom lip. “Yep. I’ve been thinking about seducing you for hours.”

He pressed his hips closer and I realized he was no longer clothed. “I love you, my queen.”

Though his words sent joy skittering through me, I feigned displeasure, frowning. “You know, all talk and no action makes for a very unhappy queen.”

His frown was no more real than mine. “Then we must remedy that.” He grabbed me and leapt into the air. I squealed, clinging tightly to his neck as we flew backward and down, landing in a cloud of softness.

I laughed, realizing he’d brought our bed to the roof. Dialle kissed my laughing lips and humor converted quickly to heat. Searing heat that pulled the breath from my lungs in a gasp and sent tiny spikes of awareness spearing through me. My arms and legs encircled him as his kiss deepened, his tongue tangling with mine.

My body was drawn to his like a bidgie bug to an air vehicle viewport and I suddenly couldn’t get close enough. I ran my hands over the firm, silky muscles of his back, then moved lower, to enclose the pert roundness of a truly delectable ass. I caressed his softly furred calves with my legs, grinding myself against him as the fire between us grew.

Dialle’s breath fanned my face. His soft lips pressed a delicious trail across my cheeks, over my jaw, and along my throat. He pressed the long, hard length of his shaft against my belly as his hands slipped over my hips and caressed my thighs.

My channel clenched and moistened with lust. I’d been thinking about making love to my own personal devil all day, but the reality was so much more powerful than my anticipation. His scent wrapped around me like a blanket, turning lust to agonizing need. The feel of his skin against mine created an answering rush of blood that made each touch a revelation.

Dialle kissed his way over my collarbone and lower, to encompass each painfully rigid nipple in heat, tugging them gently with his teeth. I came off the mattress as bliss stabbed my belly, twisting more tightly with every pull on the sensitive nubs.

He moved lower, bathing the skin over my ribs in heated kisses and lower still, to nip at my quivering belly. My hands found the silken strands of his midnight hair and twined there, urging him to drop even lower as my sex pulsed with expectation.

Dialle didn’t disappoint.

When he covered the throbbing nub of my clit with his hot mouth I cried out, my back bowing under a jolt of sheer pleasure. Dialle nursed gently on the sensitive nub, drawing my pleasure to the surface with exquisite care. The coil of need in my lower belly tightened impossibly, creating an almost painful tension that his ministrations only enhanced.

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