Because I'm Watching (20 page)

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Authors: Christina Dodd

BOOK: Because I'm Watching
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Then a cab—
Virtue Falls cab—screeched around the corner onto the street and parked in front of Mrs. Butenschoen's. There was a pause while the cabbie collected his fee. Then he leaped out as if his pants were on fire, opened the passenger door, and out stepped Mrs. Butenschoen, looking plump, sweet-faced, and well dressed. The cabbie handed her a small bag, leaped into the driver's seat, and roared away like all the hounds of hell were chasing him.

Poor guy. Mrs. Butenschoen had probably been telling him how to drive. And to clean up his cab. And—

Mrs. Butenschoen stood on the sidewalk across the street and looked across at her. “How are you, Madeline?”

Maddie froze. Mrs. Butenschoen never spoke to her except to complain or accuse. “I'm … fine?”

“That's good. I hope you have a pleasant evening.”

“Yes. Thank you.” Belatedly she said, “I hope you had a nice day.”

“Thank you. It was interesting.” Mrs. Butenschoen opened her gate, walked up to her front door, and went inside.

Huh. An agreeable Mrs. Butenschoen. That was different.

Maddie sat down on the curb, ate a cookie, sipped the coffee, and wondered—where had Mrs. Butenschoen gone all dressed up? And why hadn't she driven herself?


You hired me to do this. Stop trying to back out.


You're weak.



At five, on her way out of the police station, Kateri endured catcalls, well wishes, and a chant of
Kateri and Luis sittin' in a tree.

So apparently Mona had returned with the vase in time to hear the juicy part.

“You guys are sooo mature,” she told them. “Has Bergen checked in yet?”

“Haven't heard a word.” Norm Knowles scowled.

“That's not like him.” Kateri hesitated.

“He's probably in the mountains and can't make a call,” Ernie Fitzwater said. “You've got your cell phone. You're in contact. Go on your date.”

He was right. It wasn't like she was going to sleep with Luis … tonight. “Okay,” she said. “Let me know if anyone really needs me. Otherwise … behave. All of you.”

She got grins in return and a loud kissing sound from Moen.

Kateri supposed it didn't matter what they said or thought. The damage had been done. Truth to tell, she was looking forward to tonight's … get-together. She didn't want to call it a date. That made it official. She wasn't ready for official. But eating with a friend at Virtue Falls Resort was always a treat.

She gathered Lacey from Mrs. Golobovitch, took the dog for a long walk, then went home and dressed in record time in a long black sheath dress with gold buttons and a slit up each side. She consulted Lacey about how much makeup, then realized the ridiculousness of asking a stylish blond prom queen cocker spaniel about a grooming matter. Lacey's answer would always be
So Kateri used foundation to mute her scars, blush to give color to her stark cheekbones, and mascara and eye shadow to create deep, dark, smoky eyes. When she put down her brushes, she surveyed herself in the mirror. “I look pretty good.”

Lacey clearly agreed.

Luis arrived promptly at six thirty, looking pretty good himself in pressed black jeans, a nice tight T-shirt that proved he had worked out, and a black sport coat. At the sight of her he did a double take. He knelt to pet her dog, looked up, and said, “You're beautiful!”

Lacey barked and wagged her tail.

He cupped the dog's chin. “Yes, you, too.” He stood, brushed Lacey's blond hair off his knees, and opened the door for Kateri.

She grabbed her red silk wrap.

He took it from her and placed it around her shoulders.

Her walking stick leaned against the wall by her front door. As she exited, she grasped it; somehow, tonight it seemed to fit in her hand.

It felt odd to be in the car with him. Not that he hadn't driven her back and forth to Seattle for her checkups. But this was different. No matter what she wanted to call it, it
a date, her first in four years.

He led the conversation with, “Your men are proud of you.”

She thought back on the catcalls as she left, and asked, “How did you reach that conclusion?”

“They told me.”

“Did they? I assume this was when you came in with the roses?”

“Yep, and they warned me to take care of you.” He glanced at her, then back at the road. “Like I don't know how to do that.”

“You've been such a good friend to me, Luis. I truly appreciate it.”

He pulled into a viewpoint overlooking the ocean, turned to her, and placed his hand on her seat. “I don't want your appreciation. I want more. I want your hand in mine, your body against mine, your trust, your love.”

Ack. “It's only a first … date.”

“We've known each other for a long time. Why do we need to go through the formalities? I have half a mind to turn the car around, go to your place, and spend the night making love.”

He was moving too fast. “Luis. I want the formalities.”

He stroked the scar on her cheek. “You shall have them. But don't make me wait too long, please?”

“Those things you want … they take time.”

He began again. “We've known each other—”

“Not in that way, we have not.” She was right about this. She knew she was. “Formalities, Luis. That will allow us to be sure.”

He looked sulky. Then he smiled, that flashing white smile he utilized with such success. “Let's go eat.”

Virtue Falls Resort hadn't changed for more than a hundred years. At the turn of the nineteenth century, logs had been stacked four stories on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific and now, despite earthquakes and tsunamis, the hotel held old-fashioned charm. The guest rooms were above. The ground floor hosted the reception area, the grand room, and the exclusive dining room. The staff knew Luis and Kateri by their names, their jobs, and their reputations. The hostess took Kateri's wrap and her walking stick. In the restaurant, the two were escorted to a table by the big glass windows. There Kateri found another bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne chilling. “Luis, did you order this?”

He flashed a smile. “The staff were happy to arrange it.”

She hated to, but she had to remind him, “I don't drink.”

“A drop,” he coaxed.

“Not even that.” Never. Not with the ghost of her mother haunting her. “But thank you for the thought. It is generous of you.”

He sent the champagne away and ordered a glass of red wine for himself and, for her, her usual sparkling water with lime. When they had their drinks in hand, he leaned forward. “I propose a toast.”

She lifted her glass to his.

“To Kateri Kwinault, the future elected sheriff of Virtue Falls.”

“From your mouth to God's ears.”

When she would have clinked, he held up one finger. “And to me, who is at last commander of Virtue Falls station.”

“Luis, such good news! And well deserved.” She clinked glasses with him, then offered her hand across the table.

He took it and kissed her fingers.

“When did it become official?”

“This afternoon.”

So he had invited her to dinner knowing full well he had good news, too. But that was all right. “By tomorrow morning the gossip will be in full bloom all over town.”

His eyes glittered with high spirits. “Shall I call back the champagne?”

“Not even for you.” She had to confess to disappointment that he had not remembered or believed in her no-alcohol rule.

He didn't press her again, and the dinner proved truly a celebration for them both. With excellent food before them, they easily fell back into the old camaraderie, exchanging stories of the Coast Guard and gossip from town, and they conducted a serious discussion about Kateri's chances for election. She told their waiter about Luis's promotion, which led to an announcement to the diners, who applauded and offered their congratulations.

Luis had never looked so handsome, and Kateri felt a fleeting pity for his girlfriend, Sienna. Her demands had made Luis flee; she must be crying every night.

The desserts had been served when Margaret Smith made her nightly appearance. At ninety-six, Margaret was tiny and frail, and in the past year, her walker had become her constant companion. But as the flesh failed, Kateri saw the spark of her soul burning ever brighter.

Luis and Kateri stood as she came to their table, and she kissed them both. “I heard the grand news about both of you! It is good to see you celebrating together.” In the quavering voice, Kateri could hear a faint Irish brogue.

“We have a history,” Luis said.

“So you do.” Margaret looked into Kateri's face and with fragile fingers stroked Kateri's cheek. “You're looking well, child.” When her maître d' tried to set a chair for her, she waved him away. “No, Harold, these children want to enjoy their celebration in peace.” As she made her way through the dining room, men and women stood to speak to her. Of the people who dined there tonight she knew almost every one by name; once she met you, she never forgot.

“She's an extraordinary woman,” Luis said.

“She directed my rescue from the ocean. Her people brought me to shore and notified Coast Guard rescue.”

He took her hand in his. “I remember.”

Their waiter arrived bearing a phone. “Sheriff Kwinault, apparently you're not answering your cell.”

She pulled out her cell and looked. “No signal.”

“It's the police. It's urgent.” He handed her the receiver.

“Sheriff, it's Norm Knowles.” The officer sounded grim—and excited. “We found the girl. The girl Cordelia's texts referenced. The kid is the Milhollands' foster child, held in the family room … in a dog crate.”

“The Milhollands … the

“Yes, ma'am.”

“You are kidding.” They were both, husband and wife, upstanding members of the community and parents of a popular son who played high school football. And they had been keeping their foster child in a
? “Why?”

“They said she needed discipline.”

Kateri waited for more. “That's it?”

“They seemed to think that explained everything. Bergen asked if they didn't think she needed to go to school, to get an education, to play in the sun, and they said no, she was already spoiled enough and—” Officer Knowles choked.

“Okay, Knowles. Sorry. I should have known that there wasn't a…” No explanation ever made sense. Not when this happened. Never in these circumstances. “How did you find her?”

“Bergen remembered they had had a foster child, wondered what happened to her, checked, and found out Social Services had lost track of her. He watched the house. Watched Mrs. Milholland shop and wondered why she bought dog food when they had no dog. Finally he stopped by to ask about the child. The girl heard him and screamed and screamed. He called for backup and went in.” Officer Knowles's tone changed to one of helpless anger. “She's seven. She was filthy. Starving. We've arrested the Milhollands.”

“I would hope to hell!”

“She won't come out of the crate. There's a belt there—every time when we try to get her to come out, she looks at it and shakes her head.”

“They beat her.”

“She's scared and cowering, and we don't know what to do with her.”

Officer Knowles sounded as panicked as any man facing an emotional crisis of this magnitude. “Did you call Child Protection Services?”

“Yes, but it will take a couple of hours before anyone can get here.”

“Right.” Virtue Falls held little in the way of local human resources. “I'm at Virtue Falls Resort. Can someone come and get me?”

“Moen is already on his way.”

“Good. Send someone to my house to pick up my dog.”


“Her name is Lacey. Bring her to the Milhollands. She'll do us more good than anything.”

He got it now. “Right.”

She hung up, stood, and looked at Luis. “I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to go.”

Luis sighed and tapped impatient fingers on his glass. “Can't they take care of anything by themselves?”

“In every other circumstance, yes. Not in this case. I'm the one who can help.” Because Kateri knew what it was to be taken from the place she loved, from the parent who loved her, and given into the hands of indifference and contempt.

Luis didn't know. Her past was her past, and she made no confessions. So he made his second mistake of the evening (the first being the champagne). “If you are going to be sheriff, you can't go every time the men think they need a woman's touch. They'll be calling you for every little thing.”

She smiled at him, a fake smile that should have warned him how much his advice irritated her. She wanted to point out that she had been
commander, that she had helped train him to hold the exalted position he now held. But he was possibly a little drunk and tonight was his triumph, so she said only, “Thank you. I'll keep that in mind in the future.”

“But not now?” He looked into her eyes. “I had plans for later this evening.”

“We already discussed this.”

“Kateri, this is our time, our chance. Don't you see? We're both celebrating our successes. Our lives are running on parallel lines.”

“Yet a frightened girl needs help and I will provide it. Surely you understand compassion.”

He visibly struggled, then leaned back in his chair and relaxed. “Of course. I know you. You must follow your conscience.”

Leaning down, she pressed a kiss on his cheek. “You can have my dessert.”

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