Beauty (Fated Encounters) (7 page)

BOOK: Beauty (Fated Encounters)
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Nico frown at that, but when Turner
filled Nico in on what had happened during their meal, his expression of
concern eased and he shook his head in exasperation. “I think they’re perfect
for one another, but they’re both too stubborn to admit it.”

“I don’t know about that,” Turner
countered. “Drake plays things close to his chest, but he’s planning something.
You know he always is.”

“True, but I don’t think he even
knows how he feels about her. She’s...what does he always say? An unknown
variable to him he wants to figure out.” He paused before saying, “He stayed
over at her place when she had the flu last week.”

“He what? He told me he’d had the

“Yeah, he caught it after he
stayed there...taking care of her.”

“Well, shit.” A slow grin spread
across Turner’s face. “So, how long do you think it will take him to realize
he’s in love with her?”




The day after the tasting, Tessa
was in her office trying to concentrate on her work, but she was having a very
difficult time getting her mind to settle. It was a good thing they didn’t have
any parties planned for this week. The downtime had allowed her to catch up on work
for upcoming events, but she was too tired to feel any real satisfaction. Last
night, she had tossed and turned in bed, her thoughts filled with Drake.

Loving him definitely wasn’t

It was as if there was some imaginary
boundary between them she didn’t know how to cross. She knew he was interested
in her, or at least she thought he was. Maybe it was just sexual attraction,
but there was something there. That didn’t mean she knew what to do about it.

Tomorrow was Valentine’s Day, and
she wanted to spend it with Drake, but she didn’t know how to make that happen.
She was edgy and irritable, and damn it all, she needed chocolate. Lots of it.
Breaking down, Tessa pulled out the lower drawer of her desk and took out a bag
of candy. She was just about to open the bag when Jamie stomped into the room
and flung herself on the couch.

“Well,” Tessa drawled out. “That
was quick.”

“Yes, it was. Shoot me if I ever
give in to my mother again.”

Tessa winced after seeing the
irritation on her friend’s face. Jamie came from a wealthy family, but that
didn’t mean she had it easy. Her father was rarely around, and when he was, he
barely said two words to his daughter. On the other hand, her mother was always
calling and nagging Jamie. She was obsessed with being a socialite, and wanted
the same for her daughter.

“Uh oh, what did she do this

“She asked me to meet her for lunch
because she said we had things to discuss, but when I got there, I saw she’d
set up another one of her insane blind dates. She introduced me to the guy,
then conveniently saw a few of her friends at another table she just had to
speak with, and she left.”

“Was the guy cute at least?”

“He was, but that doesn’t matter.
He was a jerk. No, more than a jerk...he was a total asshat.” Jamie sat up and
leaned forward so her elbows rested on her knees. “I’d just ordered an Arnold
Palmer when the idiot tells me that I should really watch my sugar intake.
Apparently, the woman he eventually marries will need to sign a prenup with a
clause stating she has to maintain a certain weight throughout their marriage.”

Tessa gasped, “No!”

“Oh, yes. And then he told me I’d
need to drop a few pounds for us to even date. Who does that?”

“Someone totally controlling who
needs to get punched in the face? Good God, I hope you told him off.”

Jamie laughed. “I did. And I
might have spilled my drink in his lap on my way out the door. Clumsy of me,
wasn’t it? But I don’t want to talk about my sad, nonexistent love life anymore.
Tell me, are you still sitting here pinning for
The Beast

“He’s not a beast,” Tessa snapped
before she could think. She was protective of him, and couldn’t bear hearing
that awful nickname anymore.

Jamie held up her hands in a
conciliatory gesture. “Sorry. It’s just he has that dark, dangerous vibe down
so well and everyone calls him that.”

Tessa sighed. “Drake isn’t what
everyone thinks. Once you get to know him...well, I wouldn’t call him sweet,
but he’s smart and caring and thoughtful—”

“And sexy as hell,” Jamie added.
“So...I have to ask, why haven’t you had sex with him yet?”


“What? I think it’s a fair

“It’s not like that. We’re
working together, you know that.”

Jamie rolled her eyes. “Working,
right. Honestly, you’ve been spending so much time together it’s like you guys
are practically attached at the hip. When you’re not with him, you talk about
him constantly. Obviously, there is more to this than you’re admitting.”

“It can’t happen. Let’s just
leave it at that.” Appetite gone, Tessa put the bag of candy back in her desk

“Oh, my God! You’ve gone and done
it, haven’t you? You’re in love with him.”

Panic surged through Tessa. She
looked up and shook her head vigorously. “What? That’s crazy! I’ve only known
him a few months. Less than that, actually.”

“That doesn’t matter.” Jamie said
with wide eyes. “I can see it all over your face.”

“I...Oh, God, Jamie. I am,” Tessa
said with a moan. “I think I’m in love with Drake.”

“That’s great!”

“No it’s not! It’s horrible. I’ve
fallen for one of the most unavailable men in Chicago. There is nothing great
about that!”

“Come on, Tessa. It can’t be that
bad. He obviously likes spending time with you.”

“But that doesn’t mean he wants a
real relationship with me. Jesus, he dates supermodels, Jamie. I’m”

“Hey, now. You’re a beautiful,
intelligent woman. Don’t sell yourself short, Tessa.”

“What am I going to do, Jamie?
He’s going to break my heart. I just know it.” Tessa sighed again. “I just have
to make it to the ball, then everything can go back to normal.”

Jamie looked thoughtful for a
moment before she said, “You know...maybe you just need to get him out of your
system. You know, just do it...or him to be more exact. Don’t you want to know
what sex with him would be like?”

“Of course I do! What sane woman
wouldn’t want to sleep with Drake? But he doesn’t want me—”

The sound of a throat clearing
from the doorway had Tessa stiffening in her chair. Jamie’s expression of
shocked horror told her all she needed to know. “Oh, God, oh, God. He’s
standing there, isn’t he?” At Jamie’s silent nod, Tessa slowly lowered her head
to her desk with a low moan of distress. “Just kill me now.”

There was the whisper of
movement, then Jamie said, “I’m just going to...go.”

A few minutes passed, but it
seemed like an eternity. The silence was unbearable. He made no sound, but she
felt Drake’s presence looming over her. Like the angel of doom, she thought sullenly.
Tessa raised her head and slowly looked up at Drake, who was indeed standing
right in front of her desk. His strong, handsome face was a mask of
impassivity, but his eyes—holy God, those bright blue eyes—were blazing with

“Drake, I...”

“Come with me.”

She blinked. “Wh...what?”

He must have been impatient with
her response, because he came around her desk and jerked her out of her chair
instead. Her legs felt weak, but he gave her no time to get her bearings as he
pulled her to the doorway. Shock had her at a loss for words as he shoved her
into her coat and dragged her out of her office. She recovered just as Drake
stabbed a finger on the call button for the elevator.

“Hey, wait a minute—”


Jamie peaked out of her doorway
and called out, “Our schedule is clear this weekend. Take some time off, and
have fun!”

Tessa turned to glare at her, but
she was yanked into the elevator before she could respond. The doors began to
close with them inside as she snapped, “Damn it, Drake! Stop doing that!”

She gasped when Drake shoved her
against the wall of the elevator and his mouth slammed down on hers in a heated
kiss. The passion was brutal, like a fist to her stomach. Her mind went
completely blank as pleasure erupted inside her.

His hands moved up to grip her
head, tilting her so he could take the kiss deeper. She let out a low moan of
need, and he took advantage, pushing his tongue inside her mouth so it caressed
hers. Finally feeling his lips pressed against hers was like a dream. It felt
like a touching a flame, so hot it burned, and the heat seared straight to her

But for him, she would gladly
face the fire.

Suddenly, it was over just as
quickly as it had begun.

Drake left her panting as he
snarled down at her. His hands moved down to her arms, gripping so tight she
wondered if he’d leave bruises behind. “You don’t think I want you? I want you
so damn much I can barely function with this need for you choking me.”


“Don’t. Don’t say another word or
I swear to God I’ll take you right here, right now. I don’t care if it’s in an
elevator, in the car or the goddamn street. Say another word, and I will push
you up against the closest flat surface and fuck you like we both need.”

Damn, the man was so stubborn it
had her teeth clenching, but his words made her hot. So hot she could feel her
body softening, wanting him to follow through with his threat despite her
annoyance. She felt her blood surging through her veins, and her legs trembled
so much she was glad his hard body was pressed against her, or she feared she
would collapse into a heap at his feet.

Since they were in public, she
wisely remained silent, not willing to see if he’d be true to his word. When
the elevator doors opened, he wrapped one strong arm around her waist and
practically carried her out to his car that was waiting at the curb. Gus’ smile
of greeting faded as he got a good look at the two of them, and he was quiet as
he held the back door open. Drake pushed her inside, then followed her into the
car so she had to scramble across the seat.

“My apartment. Now,” Drake
ordered harshly.

Tessa wanted to blast him as Gus
surged into traffic. She wanted to yell at Drake for being so damn arrogant,
but she bit her tongue. The conversation they needed to have was private. A
short ride later, they were pulling up in front of one of the old stone
buildings on inner Lake Shore Drive. She’d never been to Drake’s condo, but it
didn’t surprise her to see that he resided at one of the most prime locations
in the city overlooking Lake Michigan.

She slapped his hand away when he
reached out to help her from the car after he got out. Gathering her pride
around her, she sailed past him, entering the building when a doorman held the
door open. She heard him greet Drake in a reverent tone, and she had the
overwhelming urge to start shouting right then and there. Embarrassing the hell
out of him sounded like a damn good idea, but she had a feeling he would
retaliate in kind...and probably do a better job at it.

Damn him to hell.

As Drake pushed the button to
call the elevator, he had to force himself not to reach for her.  What in the
world was he doing? He knew he was acting crazy, but there was absolutely
nothing he could do to stop himself. The only excuse for his behavior was that he
was so damn desperate to have her that he’d lost his fucking mind.

Earlier, he’d simply gone to
Tessa’s office to ask her to join him for dinner. Her receptionist hadn’t been
at his desk, so he’d followed the sound of voices to Tessa’s office. Then he’d
frozen in place when he heard the words he’d been longing to hear for so long.

Tessa loved him.

It amazed him, but he wasn’t
willing to wait until she realized she could do better. She had sealed her fate
with her declaration, even if she hadn’t meant for him to hear it. No, she
loved him, and he was going to claim her before she changed her mind. He was a
man who always got what he wanted, and what he wanted was Tessa. Desperately.

When the elevator doors opened,
he followed her inside, knowing full well she was all but bristling with anger.
Through the mirrors on the elevator, Drake watched Tessa with the patience of a
jungle cat as he entered his key into the slot next to the button for his
penthouse. His building was exclusive, with each floor belonging to a single
tenant, so the elevator only stopped on a floor if the corresponding key was
used. He turned the key and pressed the button, then waited as the elevator
began to rise. She was exactly where he wanted her.

Now, it was just a matter of taking
the next step.





When they reached the top floor
of the building, Tessa blinked in surprised when she stepped out into the small
entrance foyer of Drake’s penthouse suite. She’d remained silent while they’d
been in public, but now that they were in private, she would have her say.
“Listen, you overbearing jackass—”

That was as far as she got before
she found her back pressed against the wall next to the elevator door that had
just slammed shut. His mouth was on hers, hot and seeking. Need burst through
her at the taste of him on her lips, but she couldn’t let herself be swayed by
lust. Pushing at his chest, Tessa tried to slow her rapidly beating heart. But
as she saw the passion burning in his blue gaze, she wanted nothing more than
to lose herself in another kiss.

“This is crazy.”

“You’re right. This is fucking
crazy, waiting for you when you want me just as much as I want you.”

She shook her head, barely
comprehending what he was saying. “You’ve never said—”

“That you’ve been driving me out
of my mind with the need to have you? That I couldn’t be around you without
wanting my hands on you? Without wanting to take you over and over again until
we both can’t move?”

 Drake’s deep voice had lowered
to a rough growl. The sound made her shiver with desire, and she uttered a low curse
when his sharp eyes seemed to catch the telling movement. An arrogant smile
appeared on his perfect lips, but she was distracted by the intensity in his
bright, blue eyes. He seemed to be able to see straight into her soul, and that
terrified her.

 “Drake, I can’t just jump into
bed with you. This means more to me than mean more to me.”

“Do you think this is just about
lust, Tessa?” His eyes burned like twin blue frames as he stared down at her. She
saw the hunger simmering there, but there was something more.

Something elusive.

“I—I don’t know…”

“Then let me explain it to you,” Drake
snarled before he pressed against her, letting her feel the proof of his desire.
“This isn’t just lust. Perhaps it was in the beginning, but now it’s more. I
want to feel you tremble beneath me as I take you. I want to hear you scream my
name as you come, over and over again. This won’t be over with one quick fuck.
This—what we have between us—will never be over. You belong to me. You have
since I met you.”

He took her lips in a brutal kiss,
then drank down her gasp of surprise as his tongue plunged deep. Passion made
her weak, but it also filled her with a strength she’d never known. She wanted
this man, more than she’d ever wanted anything in her entire life...and he
wanted her right back. It was a thrilling feeling to be wanted by a man like
Drake Vidal. Giving in to the pleasure, she met his passion with her own.

She was done holding back.

They tore at each other’s coats,
hands and arms getting in the way as they pulled the heavy material out of the
way until it dropped onto the floor. She moaned as his large hands cupped her
breasts and she arched into him, only to be pushed back against the wall when
he pressed his hard body against her. He gripped the front of her blouse by the
collar and ripped the barrier away with one strong jerk.

Letting out a breathless laugh,
she said, “You’ll have to pay for that.”


“Better yet...” she said with an
impish grin. Reaching up, she grabbed hold of his dress shirt and tore it open
with both hands. Buttons scattered, and she laughed again at the startled look
on his face. “Now, we’re even.”

His grin was slow and sinfully wicked.
“Oh, not even close, sweetheart.”

Lifting her with his hands
cupping her ass, he strode through the apartment as she wrapped her legs around
his waist. She felt herself melting against his strong, muscular body, but she
wanted to be closer, wanted to feel him inside her.

Peppering his face with kisses, she
teased him until he growled in frustration as he sought her mouth with his own.
Power surged through her as she felt his desperation, and when she settled her
lips over his again, he groaned with satisfaction.

The taste of him made her want much more.

Drake carried her into his
bedroom and flung her down on to the center of his king-sized bed. She laughed
as she bounced. She wanted to look around, but she couldn’t focus on her surroundings
while he was standing in front of her looking like a warrior ready to conquer
an enemy. No, not an enemy. He was ready to conquer her.

Before she could move, he made
quick work of pulling off her boots and striping off the rest of her clothing until
she lay bare before him. She wanted him too much to feel embarrassed, not when
she could see the hunger in his penetrating gaze. He made her feel
beautiful...and wanted. Tessa had never felt so connected to a man like she did
with Drake, and it made the moment even more special.

“Damn, you’re absolutely

Drake looked down at the
perfection of her splayed out before him and could hardly believe that Tessa
was really there in his bed. He’d imagined her there so many times that it
almost didn’t seem real. Tessa was his to take…to pleasure. He’d never taken a
lover to his bed and had it be such a mixture of intensity and fun. Her
laughter was his light, and he knew he could never go back to the darkness his
life had been before her.

He ran his hands over her
beautiful legs, loving the feeling of her soft skin. Drake felt like a wild
beast, ready to take what was his. Lust rode him so hard that he felt as if his
erection were trying to rip through the zipper of his pants with his need for

He’d wanted her for so long and couldn’t
wait anymore. He removed his shoes, then shrugged off his tattered shirt and unbuckled
his pants. Impatiently, he shove them down with his boxers, freeing himself,
then stood so she could see him...all of him, hard and wanting her. He took pride
in his body, but the look of awe she sent him made him feel like an absolute god.

Sharp, sexual need had him lowering
his large body on her, needing to feel her against him skin-to-skin. Her legs
immediately parted, welcoming his large body between her thighs. He pulled them
wider as he rubbed against her core, wanting her to need him as much as he
needed her, but first, there was something else he needed.

“Tell me, Tessa.”

Blinking up at him, Tessa knew
what he was asking, but she was afraid. If she told him she loved him, what happened
if he didn’t feel the same? Stalling for time, she said, “You...”

“Want to hear the words,” he
finished for her in a hard, commanding voice. “Now, tell me.”

The way he’d barked out the order
sparked her anger. “You’re so bossy and arrogant—”

“And you’re stubborn and
irritating, but I love you, Tessa. I love you,” he repeated firmly, “and I’m
not letting you go.”

It took a moment for his words to
register, but when they did, her smile was as bright as the sun even as tears
came into her eyes. Hearing him tell her he loved her was like catching a

“I love you, too, Drake,” she
whispered. “So much. I never thought I could love like this.”

He blew out a breath and closed
his eyes as if savoring the words she’d just spoken. Silence filled the room
for several heartbeats. She was just about to speak again when his eyes snapped
open, and the intensity there made her heart jump in her chest.

It was like looking at pure need.

Drake wanted to give her romance
and slow, soft kisses, but all of that would have to wait until he had more
control. His blood was thick with lust, making it almost impossible to think.
His mouth savaged hers as his hands moved to cup her full breasts. He pinched
her nipples lightly, then moved one hand lower. Damn, she was so responsive to
his touch, and it drove him crazy. Hearing her say she loved him made him
desperate to take her, but he needed to make sure she was ready for him first.

Raw satisfaction swept through
him when he found she was wet, his finger sliding easily through the proof of
her desire for him. He could feel the pleasure building inside her, her body
tensing with her impending release as he stroked his fingers deep into her
tight, hot hole. Her body quivered beneath him, and he rubbed her clit with his
thumb to give her that final push over the edge. Watching her face as she came was
the most glorious sight he had ever seen.

But it wasn’t enough.

He needed more.

“I want to taste you,” he

“Not now,” she panted. “I can’t
wait. Drake, I need—”

“Me inside you. I need it to,

Pulling his fingers from her, he
shifted until his cock was positioned at her slick entrance. He crushed his
mouth against hers, then surged deep, filling her completely. She was so hot
and tight, felt so good he thought he would go mad with the pleasure. He
started out slow, thrusting deeper each time he pushed back inside her. Unable
to hold back, he began to pump his hips, harder, faster.

Tessa wound her arms around
Drake, holding on to him as he moved inside her. He was so big she had to force
her body to relax so she could take all of him. He wasn’t gentle, but she
didn’t need him to be...didn’t want him to be. The rough edge of passion had
flames coursing over her skin, burning her with the sheer pleasure he was
giving her. She loved the feel of his corded muscles straining beneath her
hands as she ran them over his back, and her nails dug into his shoulders as
the intensity of their lovemaking grew.

They moved together as if they
had been made for one another, a perfect match. Lips touched as hands caressed,
taking and giving pleasure in equal measure.

“Drake,” she whispered
breathlessly. “I can’t—”

“Yes, you can. Let go, baby.”

“I’m going to—”

“Come for me, Tessa,” he growled.
“Give it to me, baby. Give me your pleasure.”

“Oh, God!” Tessa cried out as her
body clamped down around him. Lost in the pleasure, Tessa felt the world
dissolve as she came apart in his arms. She screamed out his name, chanting it
over and over again until his mouth fused over hers, muffling the sound of her

Drake’s thrusts went wild. He
pounded himself into her, giving himself over to the satisfaction of having her
beneath him. He felt his own release building, and feeling her squeezing him
tight made it impossible for him to hold on. He lunged once, twice more, then
growled out her name as he exploded, joining her in ecstasy.

Passion spent, he lay over her,
careful not to put his full weight on her in fear of crushing her smaller body
beneath him as he tried to catch his breath. Long moments passed before he tried
to shift off of her, but she held fast, keeping him in place.

“No,” she murmured. “Don’t leave
me yet.”

“I don’t want to crush you.”

“You won’t. I’ve imagined this so
many times...I like feeling you on me.”

He levered up to his elbow so he
could look down at her. Her eyes were closed and a small, contented smile
graced her lips. Unable to stop himself, he lowered his head to softly stroke
his lips against hers, then he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip that was
swollen from his kisses. Her feathery lashes fluttered before her eyes opened.
He could see the love in her gaze, but he also needed the words.

“Tell me again.”

“I love you, Drake.”

Turning them both, he positioned
her so she was sprawled out over him with her head resting on his chest. She
waited a few beats, and when he remained silent, she pinched him, making him chuckle.
“I love you, too, baby.”

They lay in the quiet together,
but Tessa found she couldn’t sleep. “Drake?”


“We...ah...we didn’t use—”

“Protection? I know. I’m sorry
about that. I’d planned to protect you, but I needed you too much to think
clearly. I’m clean, I swear it.”

“I am, too. I got tested after my
ex...well, I haven’t been with anyone since. I’m also on the pill, just so you
know.” She paused before saying, “I’ve never—”

“Felt so good? Give me a few
minutes, and I’ll show you it can be even better.”

She slapped his bare shoulder.
“No, I was going to say...I’ve never had sex without using something before.”

Drake arms tightened around her.
He really liked hearing that. “Good.”

The arrogant satisfaction in his
voice had Tessa rolling her eyes. “You are so full of yourself.”

“I’d rather you be full of me.”
He grunted when she smacked him again, and he forced her head back down on his
shoulder. “Relax. You trust me, Tessa. You know I would never do anything to
put you in jeopardy.”

“That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t
be cautious.” When he remained silent, she snuggled into his side. He was
right, she did trust him. “Can I ask you a question? It’s about

He sighed. “Who told you? Was it
Gus or Turner?”

“Both, sort of, but they didn’t
tell me how.”

Drake’s first reaction was to say
it was none of her damn business, but that would have been a lie. He told her
she trusted him, so he had to show her that he trusted her as well. “I told you
I was in foster care when I was young. Some of the places...hell can’t begin to
describe them. I was placed with a couple that collected kids for the paycheck
the state gave them, but they didn’t really take care of us. It was where I met
Gus, Turner and Nico. Anyways, I got an ear infection, but they didn’t want to
spend money on a doctor, so it just got worse. It got so bad that the guys
snuck me to the hospital, but by that time, it was too late. The damage was

“That couple should be shot,” she
whispered furiously.

He made a noncommittal sound
before saying, “The good thing was the hospital reported the situation and all
the kids were pulled from their home. The guys and I were split up, but we
figured out ways to keep in touch over the years.”

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