Read Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) Online

Authors: Alicia Rae

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series) (42 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)
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Back at our house, our reception was flowing wonderfully as all our guests danced outside to the music the DJ was playing. After making our rounds to greet our family and friends, I walked out onto Kyle’s back patio to take in the full effect of the decorations.

Centerpieces of wildflowers in clear vases with three floating waterproof lights inside of each were displayed on every round table. Kyle arranged for the outer perimeter of the yard to have posts with clear light bulbs strung across them. It had the most stunning effect.

The portable wooden dance floor and DJ were the farthest from the house. However, with all of the speakers, I could still hear the music very clearly.

Kyle and I had already cut our cake. I had given him a serious warning what would happen if he smeared cake on my face. Of course, he took it as a challenge and rubbed a slight amount across my upper lip. Just as I was about to cream him with a good amount in return, he swooped in and kissed me senseless, making me forget about the frosting altogether.

The DJ announced that it was time for our first dance, and I looked across the room for my husband. As I spotted him, Kyle tipped his head up at me. The look he gave me took my breath away for the hundredth time today. I had no idea how my heart was going to survive seventy-five years of this man’s handsome looks.

He made his way to the steps of the patio while I did the same. As the distance between us lessened, the lights radiated around his face, and I could not help but feel like he was an angel sent to me.

On the third step from the bottom, Kyle outstretched his arm. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Madison?”

“Yes, you may, Mr. Madison,” I answered.

I placed my hand in his before he led me between the tables and all the way to the dance floor.

He twirled me once before pulling me tightly against him. My arms lifted to his shoulders, and my fingertips caressed his nape while I gazed up at him.

“How is your night going, beautiful?” he asked, full of love and happiness.

Nuzzling my neck, he started to move us to our song that we had chosen together. I cherished this moment as Christina Perri and Steve Kazee
sang “A Thousand Years.”

“More perfect than I ever dreamed,” I answered truthfully while letting him lead me around the floor.

“Mine, too,” he said while staring down at me with those luminous green over brown eyes that I loved endlessly.

As he continued to sway me around the dance floor with such grace, I wished I could freeze time and stay in this moment forever. I lowered my head and let him lead the way while thinking that I was truly living my happily ever after.

Our reception was still in full swing by ten o’clock in the evening. Our families and friends were all laughing and enjoying each other’s company. It was a sight to behold.

Kyle and I were dancing to another slow song as my attention caught on Jason. He was casually leaning against a table while his eyes zoned in across the room. I followed his gaze to see who he was staring at.

I gasped when I saw it was Abbey.

“What are you looking at there, Mrs. Madison?” Kyle asked while drawing me nearer.

“Shh! I’m spying,” I answered to Kyle while holding on to his bicep. I peeked my head around his ridiculously wide arm that was blocking my view without being noticeable.

Kyle chuckled. “Who in the world are you spying on…at our wedding?” he asked in wonder while I tried to get another look.

John twirled Brooke around and shifted her enough just in time for me to see Abbey and Jason make eye contact. I sucked in a sharp breath, feeling the attraction between the two of them. I felt like I was eavesdropping on an extremely intimate moment as their eyes scorched into one another’s.

Nearly blushing, I answered, “Abbey and Jason.” My gaze was still locked on the two of them across the room.

“What?” Kyle said. He pivoted me, so he could scope them out. “No way. They are complete polar opposites.”

I shook my head in denial. “Sometimes opposites attract,” I said, feeling the palpable energy brewing between Abbey and Jason.

As the evening came to an end at nearly midnight, Kyle and I hugged and thanked each of our guests for attending. It meant so much to me that everyone important to us had been able to witness the beginning of our marriage.

Kyle and I were outside in the backyard with only the hanging lights glowing around us. It felt so quiet compared to the last several hours, and the evening air was much cooler now.

Kyle took my hand in his, pulling me into him. He nuzzled his head along the side of mine. “Will you dance with me one last time tonight?” he asked quietly while starting to move us from side to side.

I chuckled softly, lifting my arms to hold him close as I followed his lead. “But there’s no music.”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t need any music. I just need you in my arms, like this.”

I smiled and rested my cheek on his chest. “M’kay,” I breathed in response, reveling in the feeling of being in my husband’s embrace.

“Was today everything you dreamed of?” Kyle asked after a few moments.

I nodded, lifting my head to see his eyes. “Yes, and so much more. Thank you for making this day so special.” I smiled.

He tightened his hold on me while leading us around. “Lily, we made this day special together.”

I gazed into the depths of those brownish-green eyes I loved so much, letting fond memories fill my mind—the first time I’d seen him staring at me from across the beach, the way my insides had filled with butterflies during our first kiss, the first time he’d told me he loved me, and when he had known I loved him, too. I thought of when he’d asked me to marry him and the way I’d felt when
flashed across the screen of the test. Those were moments when I’d known we were building a life and family together.

And it all led the way to our wedding today filled with love and happiness from our family and friends. I remembered how I’d felt seeing Kyle waiting for me at the altar as he was ready to make me his wife, so we could begin the rest of our lives together. I planned to treasure the meaningful vows we had spoken to each other in my heart forever. The way he’d held me in his arms for our first dance was the same way he was holding me now, tightly, with adoration displayed across the beautiful features of his face.

With all the heartache and loss that had consumed my thoughts over the last few years, I felt like I had finally found my place in life. With Kyle by my side and our unborn baby growing inside of me at this very moment, I knew my life was full and complete.

He was mine, and I was his…forever.

“I love you,” I breathed, my heart nearly overflowing with it.

“And I love you,” he whispered. “Forever.”

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read my book. I hope you enjoyed Kyle and Lily’s story as much as I loved writing it. I look forward to each one of your comments and reviews, and I thank you in advance for sharing your feedback with me.

For the most up-to-date information, please follow me on Facebook at and Twitter @AliciaRaeAuthor.

I have so many wonderful people to thank. Each person has truly been a blessing throughout this new chapter in my life.

First and foremost, I cannot express enough thanks to my remarkably talented editor, Jovana Shirley, at Unforeseen Editing. She was the first person I met when I started this journey of writing, and I’m forever grateful for her friendship, advice, and the endless late nights she shared with me while perfecting every single word of this series. She took my original manuscripts and made them shine. Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work!

To my husband, Travis, my three boys, and family, who have always supported me with unconditional love, even during the past year when I practically lived in my writing cave—Thank you, and I love you all more than words can ever express. *Hugs*

To Colin Wayne, fitness model and athlete—Thank you for serving our country and for sharing one of your personal stories from serving in Afghanistan. Kyle’s experience described in Chapter Five is factual, except for the date, which actually occurred on May 3, 2012.

To Colin, his wife, Megan Erwin, and photographer, Golden Czermak, at Furious Fotog—Thank you for working together with me on the cover photo shoot and for creating such amazing photographs. You all did an amazing job!

BOOK: Beautiful Dreams (The Beautiful Series)
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