Bearly Begun (BBW/Bearshifter Romance) (Bachelor Bears of Yakima Ridge Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Bearly Begun (BBW/Bearshifter Romance) (Bachelor Bears of Yakima Ridge Book 1)
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Her little bear seemed especially heated tonight. She was growing fonder and fonder of the tiny charm. It seemed to belong near her. She kissed it hoping it would bring her luck and tucked it under her pillow, hoping to dream again of her passionate, nocturnal lumberjack.

* * *

“I’m going to Caitlyn’s,” Joe told his brother.

“Oh.” Len was rolling up his sleeping bag and not looking at Joe. “How come?”

“None. Of. Your. Business.” Which probably meant Joe was finally getting lucky.

“Watch your back, brother.”

“You too. And not just because you think Blow may come calling. Hunter is more than a little put out that you moved Erin in,” Joe informed his twin.

“Yeah, I did notice. I thought he and I were getting along pretty good. But he doesn’t seem to cotton to the idea of me marrying his sister,” Len said.

“You going to let that hamstring you?” Joe asked.

“Hell, no. Erin is my mate. She’s worth walking through fire for. What the heck is a couple of kids in comparison?”

“That’s the spirit. Well, wish me luck.” Joe finished stuffing his clothes into his duffel and slung it over his shoulder. “Be seeing you.”

* * *

“Where’s Mr. Joe gone?” Cord asked as he spooned cereal into his mouth.

“He’s got something to take care of,” Len said. He looked at the two boys hard, ignoring Hunter’s scowl. “That means it’s up to the three of us to look out for your sister. If you catch sight of Blow anywhere at all, let me know.”

“Blow wouldn’t do anything to Erin,” objected Hunter.

“Well the man does seem to be a model citizen, dealing drugs out of his house like he does. And trying to turn you guys into thieves.” Len drank coffee.

“But let’s play it safe, shall we? If you see Blow, assume he means no good to you boys, or to Erin, or to me.” Len looked straight into Hunter’s eyes, and turned to look just as hard at Cord. “Understood?”

Both boys nodded.

“Well then, I’ll drop you guys at school. I’ll make sure Erin gets to her car to go to work. And I’ll pick you up at three thirty. Deal? You got your lunches made?”

“Yeah,” said Cord. “I made ’em last night.”









Len was washing up for a late lunch at the kitchen sink when he heard Erin on the stairs. He had heard her wake up and go into the master bath for her shower. He smiled at her as she came into the kitchen followed by Tracker.

“Hey, beautiful,” he said crossing the room to kiss her. He pulled her against his body and enjoyed the feel of her softness against his hardness. “Want some lunch?” He had a fine love sausage that was purely ready for her to eat.

“Yeah.” She looked around the kitchen. “It looks pretty great in here.”

“Boys did a great job with the cabinets. Hunter pretty much did the tile work by himself.” Len pulled cold cuts and last night’s cold veggies out of the fridge. He started making sandwiches.

“They’ve learned a lot. And they’re proud of their skills. Thank you.”

The tips of Len’s ears glowed red. He looked pleased. But all he said was, “Mustard or mayo?”

“Both, please.”

He made his move after lunch when Erin was washing up their plates and wiping the counters. He put his hands on either side of her waist, and kissed the back of her neck through the curls that covered it.

“Want to play?” he growled.

She turned around and he gave her space to move so they could look at each other. His heart sank when he saw doubt in her face. “Too soon?” he said and swallowed. He could be strong.

She shook her head. “The boys.” It was a question.

“Not home for hours. And we don’t do this before them, or while they’re in the house.” Len laid out his ground rules.

“Okay.” Her cheeks were rosy.

Len pulled her into his arms for a proper kiss. At last he had time and opportunity to love his mate right. He let his tongue play with hers, chasing it back into her mouth, and coaxing hers to follow his. He learned the taste and texture of her mouth and let her learn his. They were breathing hard when he picked her up and carried her upstairs to the master bedroom.

Erin felt as though she would explode with love and longing as Len took the stairs two at a time. He was so strong. He tasted like the ultimate male. Musky, sweet and salty. But she had to remember her responsibilities.

“Do you have condoms?” she asked, blushing a little when he set her on the floor beside the mattress. So sue her, she hadn’t discussed birth control with a man ever. The last time she had done this, she had been on the pill and had kept a box of condoms by the bed. She had thrown them away shortly after the twins had moved in with her.

“Big box in the linen closet,” he said tenderly. He went into the master bathroom and doors opened and closed. Water ran. He took a long time while she stood waiting self-consciously in the room. But when he came back, Len’s face was smooth and shiny. He had removed his shirt and he held a carton of condoms in one big fist.

She had known he was a big, burly man, but the sight of that barrel chest and the lush mat of curling hair that grew on it made her skin prickle. His biceps bulged and his back muscles rippled as he tossed the condoms on the sheets and sat down to unlace his boots. He glanced up at her uncertain face and kicking off his socks he stood up with easy athletic grace.

His arms embraced her. He kissed her cheek softly and scooped her hair behind her ears. “Cold feet?” he asked huskily. “It’s okay, if you want to wait.” His gulp was loud in her ear, but his voice was sincere. “Has to be right for you.”

“It’s been a while,” she confessed, grateful for his attitude.

“Hmm. Me too. Well we can fumble around together,” he said. His deep voice had a bit of a laugh in it.

He pulled her tee-shirt up to her waist and over her head. His brown eyes widened when he saw her breasts. She was wearing one of her ancient, saggy bras but he didn’t seem to notice. His big hands reverently cupped her abundant and pendant breasts and plumped them together. He kissed the cleavage he had created and let go. He found the catch of her bra and undid it. Then he slipped the bra off and tossed it on top of her tee-shirt.

“Perfect,” he said worshipfully. “Perfect.”

She so wasn’t, but he made her believe she was beautiful.

Lenny repeated his hefting of her boobies, letting them spill over his hands. He put his mouth to the pink tips and kissed each one in turn. His kisses turned to nibbling and then to sucking.

Erin moaned and put her hands on his broad shoulders to stop her quivering legs from landing her at his feet. Delight shot like lightning from nipples to pussy.
That was new.
That had never happened with any of her exes.

Len unsnapped her jeans and rolled them down her legs taking her socks with them. She felt a moment of embarrassment for her dingy panties, but he was removing them so fast she barely had time to feel shame before his hands were grasping her buttocks hard and using them to lift her against his bulging jeans.

Even thorough the denim, she could feel her firefighter had a big piece of hose in his pants. She added her hands to his and pulled down his zipper. He groaned.

“Let me,” he begged. Gingerly he peeled briefs and jeans off his erection. He felt like he would explode any minute and they had barely begun. Her wide eyes and gasp of pleasure were almost enough to push him right over the edge.

Erin had never seen such a cock. It was engorged a dull purple, except for the crimson mushroom cap. Veins bulged and pulsed along it long length. She could barely hold its breadth in her hand. When she tried, it twitched and spasmed and oozed. She bent over and licked up the drops of semen while Lenny drew in a deep breath and every bulging muscle in his body hardened.

He picked her up again by the waist as though she were thistledown instead of a tall, sturdy female with considerable muscle of her own. His face was a mask of strain, but he chortled as he laid her down. He put on long forefinger into her soaking sheath and probed a little. He flicked her bud once and grinned.

“We’re well matched, sweetheart,” he crooned. “I can’t wait.” His agonized expression begged permission.

“Condom,” she reminded him.

“Great golly.” He rolled to the side and ripped the package open. He took out a little plastic pouch and opened it. He handed the condom to her and she carefully unrolled it over his twitching column. She pulled his hips down and guided his missile to her silo.

He sighed with relief and braced his huge body above hers with his forearms. He pounded into her without finesse. Erin wound her legs around her lover’s narrow hips and dug her heels into his tight buns.

Her passage had begun to ripple as soon as his cock had entered it. Now as the ridge of his cap scoured the sensitive walls of her sheath, she felt waves of fierce contractions begin. Her clitoris tingled and an electric charge speared from it deep into her buttocks. Her vagina gripped Len’s cock as if her life depended on its presence.

Len shouted triumphantly into her ear as her contractions shot him into climax. He moved off of her and withdrew carefully. He lay beside her sweaty and musky, his massive chest rising and falling as if he could not take in enough air to replenish his lungs.

He disappeared into the bathroom. Water ran. He returned with damp hands and a big smile. His cock was already half-erect. His eyes twinkled at her. “We got us some more time,” he said licking his lips.

The afternoon passed. Erin woke to find she was being carried again. “Time to shower before those boys come home,” Len told her. The water was running, and the spray he put her under was warm.

He soaped her body with those big, masculine hands that so entranced her. His fingers tugged her soapy nipples and pinched lightly. He lathered her buttocks, lifting and squeezing and using them as love handles to press her sudsy mound into his pubes.

Erin moaned softly and raised up on her toes to align herself a little better with the hard ridge of his cock. Len jumped back.

“None of that,” he said and moved her away from his loaded baby maker. “We gotta be careful.”

He rinsed her and knelt before her and raised one leg over his shoulder. “Hold on to my shoulders,” he whispered.

His fingers parted her soaking bush to expose her stiff and longing clitoris. His tongue laved it and his lips covered his teeth so he could nibble with just enough pressure to send her into orbit once again. She nearly fell over from the force of her orgasm.

“I’ve got you,” he said, holding her by the waist until the convulsions in her passage were over. He was still tumescent but he turned the water off and lifted her out of the tub to dry her carefully. She has never thought being toweled off could be titillating, but Len showed her she was wrong.

She felt recharged, relaxed and reassured all at once. He had to have feelings for her, to make love to her so energetically and so often. To be so concerned with her pleasure. To be so careful that she didn’t get pregnant. Didn’t he?

Erin felt even more intensely in love with this big, kind giant than she had before. Surely Maddie and Hannah were correct: Len Benoit was wooing her, marriage was his goal? He hadn’t said anything about love or marriage, but she could wait. Not like she had done much talking herself.

Note to self: Get. On. The. Pill. Yesterday.

* * *

Living at Lenny’s place had its advantages, Erin thought. And not just that she was getting her rocks off regularly, although for sure she was. It was just plain nice to come home to a guy who was waiting up to see you safely indoors. It was great to find lunch waiting for her when she rolled out of bed at one p.m.

It was even better to sit at the dinner table with Len and her brothers while they wolfed down the dinner she had made. The ruffians who had eaten her food and snarled for more, or denigrated its quality in filthy language, had metamorphosed into gentlemen who thanked her politely for making dinner and complimented her cooking before asking for seconds.

They didn’t even squabble with each other or put their elbows on the table. And they did the dishes without more than a reminder. Bliss indeed. Len listened to the boys talk about their day with interest. He also silenced them with one look when they tried to interrupt her. Who were these charmers? Not her juvenile delinquents.

Erin tried to thank Len, but he wouldn’t be thanked. Unless his lovemaking was his reward. It didn’t seem to take much to get him interested. Every afternoon after lunch he would shave and lead her upstairs to an hour or so of ecstasy before the boys got home. Only he never said anything about the future, so she fretted that he would eventually leave her. Surely a man so direct would speak if he wanted a future?

She was a little shy still. His big, hairy body seemed so male it made her bashful to explore it. But she had steeled herself today to make the overture. She wanted to pleasure him as he had pleasured her. Lenny was delighted to be told to lie still while she examined him from collarbones to toes.

She kissed her way down Len’s torso. She sought out the flat brown nipples buried in the thick curling black hair. She rejoiced in his furriness as much as he did in her lavish curves. She kissed her way down his broad happy trail to the bramble bush his cock nested in. By the time she got that far he was ready for her.

A single kiss on his little head, and he began to dribble semen. She had to stop and get that puppy dressed. She left his love rod smashed against his flat belly while she fondled his tight balls and ran loving hands over his massive thighs and calves.

“For the love of Mike,” he panted. “Have mercy, sweetheart.”

“I’ve hardly started,” Erin murmured in a sultry voice she hadn’t known she had.

He groaned. She patted the soles of his feet and got down to business fulfilling a fantasy. She did what she had dreamed of doing and sat down on his stiff spear and let him fill her. The pressure was amazing, perfect. This man was made to satisfy her. She was made to satisfy him.

It was a little harder to find the right rhythm to ride him than it had been in her dream. She rose and fell slowly while he bucked and grabbed her ass with frantic hands. He clutched the twin globes and helped her find the pace and angle that had the pressure just right. When she had found the speed and posture that worked best, he pushed his thumb between their bodies and pressed her bud. This was better than her dream.

BOOK: Bearly Begun (BBW/Bearshifter Romance) (Bachelor Bears of Yakima Ridge Book 1)
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