Beach Boys (12 page)

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The End of the Earth

by Jen Bluekissed


“I can’t just leave you here,” I said to Rodolfo as I caressed his muscled abs while he bent over. His straight black hair draped the side of his face as he positioned himself. “If you’re not feeling well enough to sail, then I’ll nurse you back to health,” I said. He lay on his back on our hostel’s bed, his hand knotted in a fist over his stomach.

“No. You’re going. I know you want to help me, Carlos, but we paid a lot of money for our spots on the sailboat. Enjoy it. Staying here won’t help my stomachache.” Rodolfo turned away from me. As he moved his eyes to his new wedding ring, he fidgeted with it, slowly spinning it on the ring finger of his right hand. “I know you want to be a good husband, but I insist you have some fun. Listening to me retch isn’t how you should have to spend the first full day of our honeymoon.”

I cuddled up beside him. With one hand on his chest, I kissed his tanned shoulder. The white tank top revealed the perfect place for a tender kiss. “And you shouldn’t spend the first full day of our honeymoon alone, either.” Rodolfo’s body wasn’t as warm as I had expected. Any time he normally fell ill, my long time partner-now-husband ran a fever. “It was the
pulpo gallego
, wasn’t it?” I said as I repeated the kiss over his shoulder blade.

Sí, mi marido
,” he said while adjusting his body into the fetal position. “Leave me alone. Really, you won’t be able to help.”

Rodolfo’s parents were originally from Santiago de Compostela, Spain, but they immigrated to the U.S. before he was born. Because I was a Spanish citizen, we were allowed to marry with full rights under Spanish law. The civil ceremony was performed in the autonomous
region of Galicia in the coastal city of A Coruña the day before, and during our reception, we all partook in the regional dish of octopus cooked in the traditional Galician manner: with skin and suckers intact. All my family,
by birth, and most of Rodolfo’s family ate the
without thinking twice. Rodolfo pretended to enjoy it, but the rubbery texture of the octopus didn’t sit well with his digestive system. After the festivities all our family left the city for us to enjoy A Coruña’s summer beaches alone as newlyweds. I left the hostel alone, still second-guessing my decision to heed my husband’s insistence on suffering the stomach ailment alone while I sunbathed in the hot July sun.

* * * *

As a gay man, I paid little attention to the topless women soaking up solar rays on the beach. I smiled as I spread out a large towel over the sand. Whenever it wasn’t raining, the people flocked to A Coruña’s beaches before the next rain would ruin the otherwise nice day. I watched the Atlantic Ocean as I remembered Carlos’s brother, now my brother-in-law, gawk at the women the first time he visited the autonomous region of Spain while they rubbed suntan lotion over their bare breasts. My interest at the beach was always the tanned, muscular men.

As soon as I oiled up my chest and legs with coconut-scented tanning lotion, I lay on the towel and closed my eyes. My mind drifted as I wondered if Rodolfo was okay back at the hostel. I almost returned to check on him, but when the time for the scheduled sailing trip approached, I packed my belongings back into the beach bag and walked toward the boat dock. The crisp ocean air called me as I boarded the sailboat with seven other passengers. All of them were straight couples except a lone dark-haired, dark-skinned man in his mid-twenties. He seemed out of place, just as I was out of place. A romantic sailing expedition was a couples’ activity. We quickly introduced ourselves, and I learned that the other solo boat passenger’s
name was Jorge. Before he introduced himself, Jorge regarded me with the sly smile and interested eyes of a single man.

I held my right hand with my wedding ring in front of my chest; the midday son glinted off it just as the sailboat’s
untied the rope holding the boat to the dock. Jorge shrugged but his face reddened with embarrassment. “
Lo siento. No sabía que Ud. está casado
.” His words said he was sorry, but his tone expressed confusion. I knew he wondered about the location of my husband.

“That’s okay,” I said. “Rodolfo wasn’t able to join me today.” I watched the stranger shrug. Jorge’s healthy, dark shoulders finally relaxed when he edged away from me to the other side of the sailboat. After he distanced himself from me, I kept to myself and enjoyed the misty sound and spray of the ocean over the other couples’ chatter.

* * * *

I failed to pay attention to the fast-cruising, motorized vessel quickly approaching the sailboat. Images of my recent wedding and the joy Rodolfo and I shared with our family preoccupied me up until the moment the first pirate held his machete up to Jorge’s throat.

The pirate was dressed with a bandanna draped over his eyes, nose, and hair. Two eye holes were cut out of the cloth. Only his mouth and ill-shaven beard were visible. My first instinct when I heard him declare his desire for two hostages was that he must be joking. The seriousness of his threat only occurred to me when I beheld the other pirates on the ship. Each man was shirtless. A tall, fuzzy bear of a man pushed through the small crowd of outlaws on the pirate ship and pointed toward me with his machete. “
Lo quiero al mariposa. Uds. tienen cinco horas para obtener cinco millones de euros para nosotros
,” he said with an especially thick
Castillian accent. His lisp was more pronounced than the typical Spaniard’s, and the first C in
was spoken with a TH rather than the Latin S sound.

I shivered as the pirates bound my hands with itchy twine and manhandled Jorge and me onto the pirate ship. My mind raced as I pondered our predicament. How would the remaining passengers on the sailboat obtain five thousand euros in under five hours for our ransom? How would they know where to find the pirate vessel? Already we were zipping away at a pace of three or four times that of the sailboat. Most importantly, what did the pirates intend for us? They were obviously also gay men to have picked Jorge and me out of the group and to identify me by the Spanish slang term of
. I was a butterfly, and I was damn proud of it, but why had they singled us out of the group?

Jorge’s dark eyes flashed as they caught the light reflecting off the bear’s machete. “
Oso, que quieres
?” he said through a broad smile.

“So you recognize I’m a bear,” said as he approached Jorge. The large, hairy pirate flexed his biceps as he stroked Jorge’s bald chest with his open palm. I watched Bear pinch Jorge’s nipple between his ragged seaman’s fingernails. “I’m here to punish you.”

Jorge’s eyes watered as Bear pinched his other nipple. The overly outward grin on Jorge’s face caused me to smile as well. Either Jorge knew beforehand he would be taken hostage as part of a role play, or he was a pure masochist. The stupid grin didn’t falter as Bear ordered the other pirates to strip Jorge’s bathing suit from his body. As soon as Jorge was naked, I couldn’t help but stare at his erect cock. Bear fondled Jorge’s erection as he announced a message loudly to the rest of the pirates. “This hostage is already too aroused. Who wants to help me punish him?”

The pirate nearest me wore a thin strip of bandanna over his eyes with cutouts for him to see. His beard was the red of the Galician Celts who played the
, a smaller version of bagpipe, along the streets of Santiago. In my mind, I named him Alto because he was especially tall and muscular. Alto’s eyes met mine as he led me to a large set of Inquisition-style wooden stocks. He opened the stocks and pushed my head into the hole, then untied my wrists and assured their immobility by closing and locking the stocks. I felt like I was suddenly transposed into the middle ages. My body was half bent over in an awkward position, but I could still see that Alto was the volunteer to help Bear punish Jorge. I think he wanted freedom from guarding me. The wooden stocks seemed unusually convenient. My opinion shifted; Jorge wasn’t necessarily a masochist. He was consenting to role play.

I wanted to stroke my penis as I watched the BDSM scene unfold, but I wasn’t allowed that luxury. Instead, I stood hunched over and frustrated as Alto and Bear, the two sadists in the group, squeezed Jorge’s engorged cock beneath its head until it was limp enough to wear the cock-and-ball torture device. I found myself moaning as the pirates turned Jorge’s body so I could see him better. His cock grew slightly but shrunk within the cage they forced onto his genitals.

I had only tried that type of CBT once. The little metal pricks on the inside were enough for me to remember how badly I had wanted an erection when I wore the device. Jorge continued grinning as Bear tickled the flesh of his balls through the CBT contraption.

Alto licked Jorge’s left nipple while pinching Jorge’s right nipple with sadistic force. That was when I heard the familiar voice behind me while yet another pirate signaled for me to open my mouth for an O gag. Rodolfo smacked my ass through my bathing suit. “You ought to
be punished also. Don’t ever leave me alone when I’m sick again, even if I tell you I’m fine.” His voice held a twinge of pain as he admitted I had failed him.

Before I allowed the other pirate to subject me to the open-mouthed gag, I wiggled my ass. “Punish me then. I deserve it,” I said. Rodolfo stroked my cock through my bathing suit as his assistant inserted the O-shaped gag behind my teeth, ensuring my mouth would stay open. I immediately began drooling uncontrollably from the object in my mouth. I wished I could have seen Rodolfo, but he remained behind me.

Rodolfo whispered into my ear as I watched Bear and Alto take turns pinching Jorge’s taut body and asking that he open his mouth to suck on their cocks. Jorge knelt at the pirate’s feet and sucked vigorously on Bear’s thick dick. My husband continued whispering into my ear as he stroked my cock through my swimming trunks. “You like watching them, don’t you?”

I answered in an unintelligible grunt through the gag. Trying to say, “Remove my trunks,” I moaned as Rodolfo whispered continuously. His breath puffed against my neck.

“You like watching the pirates as they take advantage of him, don’t you?” He began pinching my nipples until I wanted to cry out, but I remained silent. “And I know how badly you want me to smack your ass as you’re bound by this heavy, wooden set of stocks that we rented from the Inquisition Store. You’re entirely predictable.”

My cock pressed against the netting of my swim trunks as Rodolfo hooked his fingers inside the waistband and exposed my needy ass. He left the front of the bathing suit hanging onto my cock as if it were a peg used solely for hanging a garment to the front of my body. Gravity hastened my excessive drooling from the gag as he lightly tickled my butt with his fingertips. “Watch what the pirates are asking of Jorge. You’re going to pleasure me that way before the day is over.”

Rodolfo spanked my nude ass with his open hand over and over again as I watched Jorge suck Bear’s thick cock. The longer Jorge sucked, the slicker Bear’s cock was each time he removed it from Jorge’s mouth. Each time Bear pushed into Jorge’s throat, the bound man gagged. Bear pressed his pelvis so that his belly hair was surrounding Jorge’s nose. He held his cock all the way into my fellow hostage’s throat for what seemed like a long time. When he withdrew, Jorge’s breaths were quick and frantic as he caught his breath.

Rodolfo stopped spanking me to announce to the entire ship full of pirates a message that was for my benefit. “How many of you think that both these hostages should take not only a full cock, but also both balls into their mouths?”

A unison of baritone voices spoke in agreement as they answered the question. A short, freckled pirate knelt behind Jorge. After removing the CBT device, he rubbed some lubricant onto Jorge’s cock until it grew hard and straight again. My husband began spanking me harder as I watched the freckled pirate continue to slowly tease Jorge by slowly massaging his genitals while Bear motioned for Jorge to open his mouth again. Just as my husband had suggested, Bear lifted his balls to Jorge’s lips after pressing his entire cock into Jorge’s mouth. As soon as Jorge stopped gagging, he took Bear’s balls inside his mouth also.

Rodolfo finally curled his fingers around the waistband of my swim trunks and lowered them to my ankles. He gave my cock a hard squeeze as he said, “You’re not leaving this ship until you learn how to take both my cock and my balls into your mouth like Jorge is doing for his husband. That’s the least you can do to make it up to me that you left me at the hostel when you thought I was ill.” Then he walked around to my front so I could see he was already naked.

I wanted to tell him there was no way I could take his balls into my mouth with the open-mouthed gag behind my teeth. “Lick my balls,” Rodolfo said as he pressed his cool testicles into
my face. He tasted like sunscreen and sweat, but I obeyed, hoping my ass wouldn’t wind up sunburned in the end. Rodolfo blocked my view of Jorge’s sucking skills as Rodolfo reached behind my head and loosened the straps holding the gag in place.

I clenched my jaw and repositioned it a few times, relieving the ache that set in from the gag. Then I repented of my transgression and said, “I’m sorry. Of course I’ll try pleasuring you in the way you’re suggesting.”

Rodolfo tenderly stroked my black, sweat-soaked hair. My scalp tingled when he said, “I forgive you.”

Alto, the pirate who until recently continued pinching Jorge’s nipples, approached Rodolfo and me. He helped Rodolfo release the lock that held the wooden stocks around my neck and wrists. “If this is your first time, there’s no need to have an accident,” he said. “Relax and enjoy yourselves.” Alto winked at me, his blue eyes glittering with a smile he hid from the rest of his face.

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